
    RNC Mega Live Stream 2024 | The Trump Takeover Begins

    enJuly 19, 2024
    What does the speaker say about divisive issues?
    How does the speaker view censorship in big tech?
    What concerns does the speaker raise about immigration policies?
    Why is the RNC convention significant this year?
    What impact does the speaker believe Trump's family presence will have?

    Podcast Summary

    • Encouraging normal discourseEncouraging normal discourse is essential for addressing significant issues and preserving democracy, while standing up against divisive issues and censorship, and expressing opinions freely without harmful rhetoric or name-calling.

      The speaker emphasizes the importance of standing up against divisive issues and encouraging normal discourse in public, while also addressing censorship and the need for transparency in big tech and politics. The speaker also encourages individuals to express their opinions freely and challenge narratives, while urging for an end to harmful rhetoric and name-calling, particularly towards political figures. The speaker believes that this approach is crucial for addressing significant issues like foreign wars, debt, and social issues, and for preserving democracy and American values.

    • US Presidential Election 2020The US Presidential Election 2020 is being framed as a fight for freedom and independence against leftist tyranny, with a focus on unity and standing up for common interests to restore the nation's greatness. Rumors of Joe Biden dropping out and security concerns after an attempted assassination add to the importance and uncertainty of the election.

      The upcoming US Presidential election is being framed as a fight for freedom and independence against leftist tyranny, suppression of speech, cancel culture, and even attempted assassination. The speakers at the Republican National Convention (RNC) are expected to emphasize the importance of unity and standing up for common interests to restore the nation to its former greatness. The RNC is being live-streamed, and there will be fact-checking and drinking game rules for viewers. There are also rumors that Joe Biden might be dropping out of the race, and there have been security concerns after an attempted assassination of President Trump. The election is being described as the most important in history, and Americans are encouraged to stay informed and engaged.

    • Political tensions, unityDespite political tensions and controversies, the importance of unity in addressing complex issues was emphasized during the discussion, with both Biden and Trump expected to speak on the topic during their respective events.

      During the discussion, there were various topics touched upon, including the ongoing political divide in America, the role of different professions in addressing community issues, and the upcoming RNC event. Biden had a tough week, with allegations of tax evasion and forgetting to pay taxes on a side gig. The side gig was selling unauthenticated sports memorabilia online, which led to some confusion and misidentification of signed items. Despite this, the focus was on the importance of unity and addressing the complex issues facing the nation. Trump was expected to speak on unity during his RNC address, but it was predicted that the left would still label him as divisive. The CNN team reported on the likelihood of Biden stepping down, with sources suggesting that he may be more open to the idea. The conversation also touched upon some off-topic moments, such as misidentifications and jokes. Overall, the discussion highlighted the ongoing political tensions and the importance of addressing the nation's challenges.

    • Biden's leadership, election uncertaintySpeculation surrounds Biden's leadership and re-election bid, with concerns about government direction and economic challenges such as inflation, high energy prices, and affordability. Some Democrats are calling for Biden to step down, adding to the uncertainty.

      There is ongoing speculation about who is truly in control of the country, with some questioning Joe Biden's ability to lead and others raising concerns about the direction of the government. The speaker emphasized the uncertainty surrounding Biden's re-election bid and the potential for a "battle of ideas" in the upcoming election. They also highlighted the economic challenges Americans are facing under the current administration, including inflation, high energy prices, and unaffordability. Additionally, there are growing calls from some Democrats for Biden to step down, adding to the uncertainty and speculation.

    • RNC ConventionAmidst political tension and infrastructure challenges, the RNC convention features the Trump family's active involvement, potentially drawing in viewers while also turning off some voters with divisive language and ongoing political violence, all under unprecedented security measures.

      The RNC convention is taking place amidst political tension and infrastructure challenges, both domestically and internationally. Despite this, Donald Trump Jr is actively involved in the Republican Party, building a bench and delivering speeches. The presence of multiple Trump family members on stage might be seen as a dynasty and could potentially turn some voters off. However, the family's presence could also draw in viewers who are interested in the political climate and want to hear their perspective. The use of divisive language and the ongoing political violence are major concerns, with some calling for unity while others continue to escalate the situation. The assassination attempt on Donald Trump has added an unprecedented layer of security and attention to the event. Overall, the RNC convention is a significant moment in American history, with a large audience expected to tune in.

    • Rhetoric and Security FailuresRhetoric labeling individuals as threats to democracy and fascists may provoke violent actions. Effective security measures, including timely communication between law enforcement and authorities, are crucial to prevent violent incidents.

      The rhetoric from the left labeling individuals as threats to democracy and fascists may contribute to violent actions. The discussion also highlighted several failures in security leading up to a shooting at a political rally, specifically pointing to the Secret Service and local law enforcement. The shooter's parents had reported him missing hours before the shooting, and he was identified as a threat just 10 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage. Despite this critical information, there were multiple instances where authorities lost sight of him. The media's response to these events was criticized for dishonesty and bias, rather than providing essential information to make communities safer. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of responsible language and effective security measures to prevent such incidents.

    • Secret Service competenceDespite awareness of a threat, the Secret Service was unable to secure the roof of a building where the president was speaking due to a slope, leading to questions of competence and potential negligence, and fueling mistrust and speculation from the public

      The Secret Service's handling of the situation involving the man who fired shots at the president during a campaign rally raised serious questions about their competence and potential negligence. Despite being aware of the threat for over an hour, they were unable to secure the roof of the building where the president was speaking due to a slope. The Secret Service initially defended their actions, but their explanations have been met with skepticism and accusations of incompetence or even deliberate negligence. The lack of accountability and transparency from the Secret Service has fueled speculation and mistrust from the public, particularly in light of recent events and controversies involving other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Ultimately, the incident highlights the importance of thorough investigations and accountability in ensuring the safety and security of political figures and the public.

    • Belief in Inside JobSome individuals harbor suspicions that the Secret Service shooting incident was an inside job due to historical mistrust, perceived incompetence, and belief in hidden truths.

      There is a strong belief among some individuals that the shooting incident involving Secret Service agents and the alleged assassination attempt on President Biden was an inside job. This belief is based on historical mistrust towards certain figures, perceived incompetence in security measures, and the idea that the true story is being hidden from the public. This perspective was expressed passionately during a discussion, with calls for people to wake up and not accept official explanations without questioning them further. The tone was intense and emotional, with a sense of frustration and anger towards those in power.

    • Love for country, desire to save American dreamSpeaker believes Trump's re-election driven by love for country and saving American dream, criticizes 'public servants' and calls for private sector experience in politics, opposes high corporate taxes and big organizations, expresses confidence in Trump's leadership

      The speaker believes President Trump is running for re-election out of love for the country and a desire to save the American dream, despite his wealth and comfortable life. They criticize the notion of "public servants," arguing that many in politics are not serving the public but rather the political ruling class. The speaker calls for an end to the term "public servant" and instead encourages people who have experience in the private sector and understand budgeting and making payroll to enter politics. They also criticize high corporate taxes and the creation of organizations too big to fail, which they argue hurt American employees. The speaker expresses confidence in Trump's ability to lead and bring about safety, prosperity, and freedom for all Americans.

    • Campaign rally incidentFormer President Trump was saved by Secret Service during shooting at campaign rally, crowd remained calm, raising over $6M for victims, Trump encouraged unity and handled situation effectively

      During a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, former President Trump was shot and saved by his Secret Service agents. The crowd, which was tens of thousands strong, remained calm and pointed to the sniper, potentially saving many lives. Trump believes it was a providential moment and expressed gratitude for the love and support shown by the audience. Despite the violence, he encouraged them to "fight, fight, fight" for their country. The incident resulted in the raising of over $6 million for the families of those injured and killed in the attack. Despite criticism, Trump believes he handled the situation effectively and unified the crowd.

    • Love and unityLove and unity are crucial for overcoming adversity and achieving greatness. Trump's speech emphasized the importance of remembering shared values and avoiding criminalization of dissent.

      Love and unity are essential for overcoming adversity and achieving greatness, as exemplified by the resilience of George Foreman and the determination of the American people. Trump's speech aimed to inspire unity and prove naysayers wrong, emphasizing the importance of remembering our shared values as fellow citizens and avoiding the criminalization of dissent. The recent ruling in his favor in the Florida court was a significant victory, and he was grateful for the support of his family and friends, including unexpected help from Dana White and Kid Rock.

    • Utilizing Talents of Successful IndividualsThe speaker advocates for harnessing the skills and resources of successful individuals to improve the country and acknowledges the consequences of not utilizing them effectively, including missed opportunities and crises.

      The speaker emphasizes the importance of utilizing the talents and time of successful individuals for the betterment of the country. He also highlights the opportunity costs of not having these individuals serve in public office. The speaker expresses his admiration for J.D. Vance and his wife Usha, and their partnership in his political journey. He criticizes regulations and the need for change in leadership to address crises in inflation, illegal immigration, and international conflicts. The speaker promises to end inflation, lower energy costs, and pay off debt, among other actions, if elected.

    • US Challenges under Current AdministrationThe US under the current administration faces significant challenges including inflation, illegal immigration, international crises, financial losses for American businesses, and security risks due to weak leadership. A call to action is made to prioritize American interests and restore the country's strength and prosperity.

      During the speaker's tenure, the US had a strong economy and secure border, but under the current administration, the country has experienced significant challenges such as inflation, illegal immigration, and international crises. The speaker also claimed that foreign countries took advantage of weak US leadership, resulting in financial losses for American businesses and security risks. The speaker expressed determination to reverse these trends and restore America's strength and prosperity. Additionally, the speaker criticized the current administration for creating jobs that went to foreign-born workers instead of Americans, particularly disadvantaged communities. The speaker called for a moratorium on immigration to allow for assimilation and prioritizing American workers. Overall, the message was one of optimism for the future and a call to action to put American interests first.

    • Republican economic planThe Republican Party aims to reduce prices, bring back manufacturing jobs, and implement tax cuts for economic relief and growth, while criticizing current policies for high household costs and wasteful spending.

      The Republican Party is proposing a plan to bring down prices, reduce taxes, and make America energy dominant, aiming for economic relief and growth. They criticize the current administration for high household costs, ineffective policies, and wasteful spending. The Republicans also plan to bring back manufacturing jobs, particularly in the auto industry, and stand against foreign entities taking advantage of the US. They promise to create massive numbers of jobs and implement tax cuts for workers. The focus is on making America more affordable and competitive.

    • Immigration policiesThe speaker expresses frustration with the current administration's handling of immigration policies and believes significant progress was made under the previous administration in securing borders and reducing illegal immigration. Enforcing immigration laws and maintaining strong borders are crucial to protecting American jobs and resources.

      The speaker expresses frustration towards the government's handling of immigration policies and its impact on working-class Americans, particularly in relation to the IRS and border security. They believe that the current administration is not effectively addressing these issues and that under the previous administration, significant progress was made in securing the borders and reducing illegal immigration. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of enforcing immigration laws and maintaining strong borders to protect American jobs and resources. Additionally, they mention the importance of listening to the concerns of the people and following through on promises.

    • Impact of open borders on crime ratesDuring the previous administration, over 90 executive actions led to an unprecedented influx of people, including criminals and drug dealers, increasing crime rates and concerns for American safety

      During the previous administration, there were over 90 executive actions taken that opened the borders to the world, leading to an unprecedented influx of people from various regions, including criminals and drug dealers. The speaker expressed concern about the impact on crime rates and the safety of American citizens. He criticized certain world leaders for sending their criminals to the United States while presenting themselves as effective leaders. The speaker also emphasized the need for stricter immigration policies and deportations to ensure the safety of American families. He criticized the media for not addressing the issue of illegal immigration and for praising countries with high crime rates in the past. The speaker expressed frustration with the current administration's handling of the situation and called for accountability from the media and the Democratic party.

    • Leadership and DiplomacyEffective diplomacy and strong leadership can prevent conflicts and maintain peace, while incompetence and withdrawal can lead to chaos and war. Rebuilding the military and creating an Iron Dome missile defense system are crucial for protecting the country.

      Effective diplomacy and strong leadership can prevent conflicts and maintain peace, while incompetence and withdrawal can lead to chaos and war. The speaker emphasized his role in stopping North Korean missile launches and maintaining peace, while criticizing current leaders for their handling of crises in Israel, Ukraine, and Afghanistan. He also highlighted the importance of rebuilding the military and creating an Iron Dome missile defense system to protect the country. Additionally, he praised the importance of American manufacturing and keeping jobs in the country.

    • American innovation and unityThe speaker calls for unity and faith to harness American innovation, restore cities, produce energy, and find cures for diseases while maintaining individual freedoms.

      The speaker is promising to unleash American innovation to find cures for diseases, restore cities, and produce massive amounts of energy, while maintaining individual freedoms. He emphasizes the importance of unity and faith in each other, our country, and our God to overcome challenges and achieve greatness. The speaker encourages people to have high expectations for leadership and to come together to realize the country's potential. He acknowledges the sacrifices of American ancestors and asks for partnership, support, and votes to make the country great again.

    • Determination to save USSpeaker is determined to save US, believes Biden failed to connect with people, supports economic protectionism, and draws inspiration from historical figures who fought against adversity.

      The speaker expresses unwavering determination to save and restore the United States, despite facing challenges and obstacles. They believe that former President Biden has failed to connect with the American people and that the speaker's own perspective has been changed by the Trump administration, leading him to support economic protectionism for the benefit of the country. The speaker also highlights the contrast between Biden's long speech and the attempts to destroy his reputation, drawing a comparison to historical figures who continued to fight for their causes despite adversity.

    • Trump's impact on speaker's perspectiveThe speaker acknowledges Trump's influence in broadening his understanding of world economics and politics, encouraging individual opinion formation, and emphasizing the importance of staying informed and open to new perspectives.

      The speaker's perspective on world economics and politics has undergone a significant shift due to his personal observation of the international landscape under President Trump's leadership. He acknowledges that Trump is not perfect but credits him for shedding light on new information and changing his understanding of circumstances. The speaker encourages individuals to use their own minds to form opinions and values consistency with their principles, even when faced with new information. He also highlights Trump's ability to connect with various groups and unify the country, which he believes is a tectonic shift in political society. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying informed and being open to new perspectives.

    • Election ConfidenceIncrease poll worker and watcher presence, promote early voting, secure voting process with ID, signature verification, and paper trails to restore confidence in election results. Focus on key races in swing states and effective voting systems.

      Confidence in election results can be restored through increased poll worker and poll watcher presence in key locations, early voting, and securing the voting process with proper identification, signature verification, and paper trails. Republicans should focus on winning key races in swing states by ensuring friends and family members vote. States with problematic election laws can be influenced by implementing effective voting systems like those in Ohio and encouraging bipartisan poll workers. Gerald Morgan emphasized the importance of voter turnout and observing election processes in key states, particularly in Wisconsin, where concerns over drop boxes and recent Supreme Court changes persist. Trump's speech at the RNC focused on the economy and immigration, with some off-script moments addressing specific issues and quoting details. Overall, the RNC event was electric, with Trump starting to find his stride and addressing the attempted assassination attempt in a poised manner.

    • Trump's stance on immigrationTrump's stance on immigration has evolved from being against illegal immigration but not for mass deportation to being for closing down the borders and getting rid of everyone who is here illegally, citing reasons of unity and preserving Godly principles in America

      During the 2020 Republican National Convention, Donald Trump delivered an unusually long speech, reportedly longer than any recent history, which was aided by a teleprompter operator who skillfully kept up with Trump's off-script moments. The speech covered various topics, including immigration, where Trump's stance has evolved from being against illegal immigration but not for mass deportation to being for closing down the borders and getting rid of everyone who is here illegally. Trump's ability to bring people from different political corners together and his emphasis on preserving Godly principles in America were highlighted as reasons for his shift in stance. The overall impression was that Trump presented himself as a friendlier and more inclusive figure, but it remains to be seen whether this will convince undecided voters or those in the Never Trump camp.

    • Trump's appeal to diverse votersTrump's ability to connect with a broad audience, including undecided voters and those outside his party base, was a key factor in his 2016 election success and could impact the 2022 election outcome.

      According to Van Jones, former President Trump's ability to connect with a broad audience, even among those who didn't initially support him, was a major factor in his success in the 2016 election. This was evident in the RNC, where undecided voters, particularly in battleground states, were paying close attention to Trump's speech. Jones also noted that unlike Obama in 2008, Trump's popularity extended beyond his own party base. The implication is that Trump's ability to appeal to a diverse group of voters could be a significant factor in the outcome of the 2022 election.

    • Party DivideThe 2016 political conventions highlighted the clear divide between the views and expectations of the two major parties, with some believing Trump failed to unite and others seeing him as staying true to himself, while the media's role in shaping public opinion and election projections were also debated.

      Despite the lengthy and sometimes chaotic nature of the recent political convention speeches, there is a clear divide between the views and expectations of the two major parties. Some believe that the Republican Party, represented by Donald Trump, failed to meet the unity and change expectations set forth in his teleprompter-read speech. Others see Trump as staying true to himself and maintaining a strong lead in the election. The media's role in shaping public opinion and the validity of their projections were also topics of debate. Ultimately, the outcome of the election will depend on which candidate is perceived as the unifier and which party can effectively mobilize their base.

    • Media manipulationMedia outlets, such as CNN, can intentionally distort electoral data through the use of polls and electoral maps to shape public perception, rather than providing an accurate representation of American opinion.

      The use of polls and electoral maps by media outlets can manipulate public perception rather than reflecting American opinion. The speaker believes that certain networks, like CNN, intentionally distort information to shape how people think, rather than providing an accurate representation of electoral data. This discussion also touched upon the importance of ensuring the legitimacy of votes and the controversy surrounding voter identification laws. Additionally, the conversation addressed the comparison of certain political ideologies to historical authoritarian regimes, and the need for clear policy stances from political parties.

    • RNC convention, Trump's speechPresident Trump's off-script, statistics-filled speech during the RNC convention contrasted with Joe Biden's scripted speeches, resonated with voters, and shifted betting odds in Trump's favor. Media criticism of Trump's authenticity was met with backlash.

      During the RNC convention, President Trump delivered a lengthy, off-script speech filled with statistics and quotes that were not on the teleprompter, showcasing his mental acuity and ability to connect with the audience. This stark contrast with Joe Biden's scripted speeches was noted, and the audience's response was significant. The betting odds for the DNC nomination shifted during the convention, with Kamala Harris losing ground to Biden. The media's response to Trump's speech was criticized for trying to make him appear inauthentic, and the RNC's strategy of focusing on law and order and America's strength resonated with many voters. Overall, the RNC convention was seen as a successful event for the Trump campaign.

    • Personal vs. societal valuesSome individuals prioritize financial gain and opportunities while others focus on unity and authenticity, creating a tension between personal goals and societal issues.

      During the conversation, it became clear that some individuals were focused on making money and seizing opportunities, while others were more concerned with unity and authenticity. The comedian in question was willing to appear on various shows for financial gain, but others believed in the importance of staying true to their values and principles. The conversation also touched upon the complexity of balancing opposing viewpoints and the potential for underhanded tactics in politics. Overall, the discussion highlighted the challenges of navigating personal goals and larger societal issues.

    • 2024 election contestsThe speakers anticipate a contested 2024 election, plan to stay vigilant, criticize the left for desperation and dangerous tactics, accuse the media of inciting violence, express gratitude for supporters, and urge preparation for potential election challenges.

      The speakers believe that the 2024 election will be contested, and they plan to stay vigilant to prevent any attempts at stealing the election. They argue that the left is desperate and dangerous, and the only way they can win is by unfair means. They also criticize the media for their coverage and accuse them of inciting violence. The speakers express gratitude for their supporters and plan to continue their livestream coverage of the election. They believe that the division in the country is not due to Donald Trump, but rather the reaction to him, and that the media cannot win on a fair playing field. They urge their audience to stay informed and to be prepared for potential challenges to the election results.

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
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    DNC Mega Livestream Fact-Check | Round 1

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    Welcome to DNC Night 3 - The first of our two-night Mega Live Steam Event!

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    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-dnc-tim-walz

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 23, 2024

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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-20-2024

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    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 20, 2024

    Kamala’s Drunk Communist Economic Policies Explained | GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo

    Kamala’s Drunk Communist Economic Policies Explained | GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo

    What a weekend for Vice President Kamala Harris! The Democratic frontrunner went off script over the weekend, proving yet again she can’t be trusted to speak freely without jeopardizing her campaign, she revealed her economic policy platform including price controls, Elon Musk announced X is closing down in Brazil over takedown requests by a corrupt judge, Jake Paul and Mike Tyson held a wild press conference in anticipation of their upcoming bout, Brazilian journalist Paulo Figueiredo joins us, and more!

    GUEST: Paulo Figueiredo | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-19-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 19, 2024

    Why is “Conservative” Fox News Covering for Kamala?

    Why is “Conservative” Fox News Covering for Kamala?

    Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are in North Carolina this week to talk about the American economy, reports yesterday indicated United States officials gave Iran the names of the Mossad officials responsible for the death of Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, a shocking report now denied, Fox News is posting woke headlines highlighting underreported crime statistics, and more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    Go to www.cbdistillery.com and use promo code CROWDER for 20% off!

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-august-15-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

    NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/

    Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/

    FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial

    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enAugust 15, 2024