
    Robert Kiyosaki | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 128

    enJuly 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning from failures is the key to successEmbrace entrepreneurship, distinguish good from bad debt, and learn from past experiences to achieve financial abundance

      Success often comes from learning through failures. Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," emphasizes this idea, drawing parallels between his own experiences and those of successful figures like Tiger Woods. He argues that traditional sources of wealth, such as 401ks and the stock market, don't truly bring financial abundance. Instead, he encourages embracing entrepreneurship and the differences between good and bad debt. Kiyosaki's perspective, shaped by his upbringing with two contrasting father figures, continues to resonate in today's rapidly changing economic landscape. Despite current challenges, such as a new recession and a shifting education system, his philosophy remains relevant.

    • The speaker's experiences and observations during the 1970s shaped his distrust of institutionsThe speaker's skepticism towards institutions in education, finance, and beyond was fueled by his personal experiences and observations during the 1970s, leading him to question their motivations and encourage individual protection in the digital age.

      The speaker's distrust of institutions, particularly those in education and finance, was shaped by his experiences and observations during the 1970s. He saw the shift from traditional pensions to 401(k)s as a setup for individuals, leading him to question the motivations of those in positions of authority. The speaker also reflects on the inherent nature of risk-taking and whether it can be learned or if it's an inherent trait. He shares his own experiences, including reading The Communist Manifesto and serving in Vietnam, which fueled his cynicism and distrust of various institutions. Ultimately, he encourages questioning everything and protecting one's privacy in the digital age. The speaker's investment strategy is influenced by his experiences and skepticism, and he emphasizes the importance of safeguarding online activity from government surveillance using a VPN like ExpressVPN.

    • Examining Multiple Perspectives and Understanding SystemsSkeptically examine financial systems, invest in hard assets, prioritize education, and consider historical context to make informed decisions.

      It's essential to consider multiple perspectives and understand the limitations of various systems, such as the economy and financial systems. Buckminster Fuller's philosophy of examining all sides, including the good and bad, is a valuable approach. The speaker argues that the dollar is not a reliable source of value and recommends investing in hard assets that cannot be manipulated by the government, such as gold. He also emphasizes the importance of education and understanding historical context to make informed decisions. The speaker's distrust of the government's ability to control the value of the dollar stems from its transformation into a debt-based system in the 1970s. Overall, the takeaway is to be skeptical, informed, and open-minded when navigating financial systems and making investment decisions.

    • Debt, Federal Reserve, and Fiscal SustainabilityThe growing US debt and expanding Federal Reserve role raise concerns about fiscal sustainability and potential centralization, while the lack of financial education exacerbates the issue. Individuals and governments must be responsible with debt, but also recognize its importance for entrepreneurs and businesses.

      America's growing debt, coupled with the expanding role of the Federal Reserve, raises concerns about the country's fiscal sustainability and potential shift towards centralized control, which some argue is reminiscent of communist ideologies. The speaker expresses disappointment in the lack of financial education in schools and the perceived short-term thinking of those in power. He also shares his personal connection to former President Trump and their shared capitalist values, while acknowledging the controversy surrounding Trump's handling of debt. The speaker advocates for teaching capitalism at home and encourages individuals to be responsible with their own debts. However, he also acknowledges the importance of debt financing for entrepreneurs and businesses. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and debates surrounding the role of debt and government intervention in the economy.

    • Good debt vs Bad debt: Managing Finances WiselyGood debt can help build wealth and assets, while bad debt can lead to financial trouble. Consider long-term benefits and costs before taking on debt, and stay informed about economic policies.

      Understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt is crucial for entrepreneurs and individuals when managing their finances. Good debt, such as a mortgage or a business loan, can help build wealth and assets, while bad debt, like credit card debt, can lead to financial trouble. It's essential to consider the long-term benefits and costs before taking on debt. Additionally, being politically informed and aware of economic policies and their potential impacts on personal finances is becoming increasingly important. The speaker's background in military education and economics shaped his perspective, leading him to view certain political figures and their policies through a critical lens. The national debt, while necessary for funding government operations, can also pose significant risks if not managed responsibly.

    • Skepticism about US Government's Debt Repayment CapabilityInvest in assets that can't be printed like gold, silver, oil, cattle, and real estate due to US government's unsustainable debt levels and potential for future uncertainty.

      The exorbitant spending by the US government under both President Trump and President Biden has led to unsustainable debt levels. The speaker expresses skepticism about the government's ability to pay off this debt and instead suggests individuals invest in assets that cannot be printed, such as gold, silver, oil, cattle, and real estate. The speaker also criticizes the use of debt to finance social programs and the stock market bubble caused by loose credit. The speaker believes that the future of the country could be uncertain due to the growing distrust in institutions and the potential for society to bifurcate. The speaker advocates for financial education and being a capitalist to navigate the tax-free nation.

    • Balancing Individual Freedom and Institutional PowerEncourage self-sufficiency, proper economic education, and a curiosity for learning to raise successful entrepreneurs. Prioritize basic economic knowledge and personalized sleep for optimal functioning.

      There is a need for a balance between individual freedom and institutional power, as well as proper education in economics and financial decision-making. The speaker expresses concerns about the current state of power and education, with some advocating for more control and others for less. He references Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged" and the importance of being self-sufficient and prepared. Regarding education, he criticizes the lack of basic economic knowledge and the focus on fairness rather than production. For raising a successful entrepreneur, he suggests starting with simple financial concepts and encouraging a curiosity for learning. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of good sleep for optimal functioning and endorses Helix Sleep for providing personalized mattresses.

    • Parents as Financial EducatorsRobert Kiyosaki encourages parents to be their children's primary financial educators, using tools like board games and books. He questions the effectiveness of traditional education systems and emphasizes the importance of allowing children to learn from failures.

      Parents play a crucial role in teaching their children about money. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," emphasizes this point and encourages parents to be their children's most important financial educators. However, if a parent is broke or unable to manage their finances, they may inadvertently teach their children the wrong lessons. Kiyosaki suggests using tools like board games and books to supplement traditional education and help children learn financial literacy. He also questions the effectiveness of modern education systems, arguing that they often prioritize indoctrination over actual learning. Kiyosaki's experiences show that success in business doesn't necessarily require a college education, and he encourages parents to give their children the opportunity to take risks and learn from their failures. Ultimately, Kiyosaki urges parents to be vigilant about what they're teaching their children about money and to choose their financial educators wisely.

    • Learning about money and entrepreneurship from young age gamesEducation and financial literacy from an early age can lead to valuable insights and future wealth creation. Stay informed, buy low, sell high, and have a growth mindset.

      Education and financial literacy, even for young children, can lead to valuable insights and future wealth creation. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning about entrepreneurship and investing from a young age through games like Monopoly, which his academic father dismissed as a waste of time. However, these experiences shaped his future financial success. He also emphasizes the importance of teaching kids about money and finance, even if it requires more specificity and patience. Another topic that was touched upon was the potential of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The speaker expresses his interest and ownership of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but also acknowledges the volatility and speculative nature of the market. He advises buying low and selling high, but also recognizes the importance of staying informed and keeping an eye on market trends. Additionally, the speaker shares an anecdote about the importance of definitions and perspectives, as seen through his rich father's shift in perception from owning "slums" to being a "low income housing provider." This highlights the importance of reframing situations and having a growth mindset. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of education, financial literacy, and staying informed in order to create wealth and succeed in various aspects of life.

    • The Importance of Distinguishing Good Assets from Bad AssetsBitcoin's network effect keeps it from returning to 0, while unpredictable economy necessitates life insurance for financial security. Speakers suggest owning tangible assets as a hedge against economic instability.

      In the world of cryptocurrencies, not all coins are created equal. Some will succeed and maintain market buy-in, while others will not. This distinction between good assets and bad assets, or good debt and bad debt, is crucial. Bitcoin, for instance, is not going back to 0 due to its strong network effect. On a different note, in an unpredictable economy, having life insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security for your loved ones. Policygenius is an insurance comparison website that can help you find the best coverage at the lowest price. Regarding the economy, the speakers believe we're already in a recession, despite some arguing that we're not based on GDP growth. The Fed and government policies have contributed to this unexpected economic downturn. In a worst-case scenario, it's essential to consider how you would cope. The speaker advises owning tangible assets like oil wells, cattle, and gold mines as a hedge against potential economic instability.

    • Learning from the SuccessfulInstead of tearing down the successful, individuals should learn from them to promote societal prosperity. Celebrate and strive for wealth creation, and challenge the anti-capitalist sentiment in education and society.

      Individuals' attitudes towards wealth and success play a significant role in societal prosperity. The speaker emphasizes that people should learn from the successful instead of tearing them down, and that this mindset starts with the individual. He also criticizes the prevalent anti-capitalist sentiment in some circles, arguing that it hinders progress and misunderstands the nature of capitalism. The speaker's own experience of creating a financial education company, Rich Dad, is an example of this principle in action. He believes that our education system should teach capitalist values instead of communist ones, and that we should celebrate and strive for wealth creation rather than viewing it as a negative. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy of some proponents of free markets who advocate for the system but don't truly believe in it, leading to misunderstandings and blame when things go wrong.

    • The importance of evaluating diverse perspectivesCritically evaluate sources, value free speech, learn from past, focus on a better future, and recruit top talent.

      It's essential to critically evaluate the sources of our information and consider diverse perspectives. This was a lesson the speaker learned at a young age when her Sunday school teacher's beliefs clashed with her own. Today, she values the ability to access various viewpoints through platforms like YouTube, even if they challenge her beliefs. She also emphasized the importance of free speech and the dangers of censorship. Additionally, the speaker shared her personal experiences with discrimination and the importance of learning from the past while focusing on creating a better future. Lastly, she highlighted the significance of recruiting top talent for a successful business, which can be achieved through platforms like ZipRecruiter.

    • Effectively hiring with ZipRecruiter and the power of resilienceZipRecruiter is an efficient hiring tool with a high success rate for employers. Ben Shapiro emphasized the importance of resilience, education, and a positive mindset for personal growth and overcoming adversity.

      ZipRecruiter is an effective hiring tool that uses advanced technology to match employers with quality candidates. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive suite of tools, 80% of employers find a suitable candidate within the first day. Meanwhile, Ben Shapiro shared a personal story about overcoming adversity and the importance of resilience. He emphasized that education and a positive mindset are crucial for individuals to overcome challenges and succeed. Despite his family's experiences of being interned during World War II, Shapiro remained optimistic about the United States and saw their struggles as motivation to fight for their country. He encouraged the idea that every failure presents an opportunity to learn and grow, and that humans are designed to learn from mistakes. Overall, ZipRecruiter is a smart solution for hiring, and a positive mindset and resilience are essential for personal growth.

    • The importance of preparation and resilience in the face of setbacksSuccess often comes after numerous failures and setbacks. Prepare, stay resilient, and defend freedom.

      Failure is an essential part of success. As the speaker shares, some of the most successful people in history, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Michael Dell, dropped out of college and faced numerous setbacks before achieving greatness. This idea was reinforced by the marine corps, which taught the speaker that the more dangerous the mission, the more preparation is required. Applying this to the global economic landscape, the United States, with its freedom and strong economic foundation, remains a leading force. However, it's crucial to prepare and fight for this position. The speaker emphasizes the importance of freedom and the right to defend it, as demonstrated in his writing of a capitalist manifesto to counter the communist one. In the upcoming election, the speaker expresses optimism for a change in leadership due to the current president's perceived incompetence and detrimental policies. Overall, the speaker encourages preparation, resilience, and the defense of freedom.

    • Political Climate Favoring Republican PartyRobert Kiyosaki believes President Biden's handling of key issues has driven more voters towards the Republican Party, while emphasizing the importance of understanding capitalism's principles for individual liberty, free markets, and entrepreneurship.

      According to Robert Kiyosaki, the current political climate has been beneficial for the Republican Party due to President Biden's perceived mishandling of key issues. Kiyosaki believes that Biden's campaigning efforts have inadvertently driven more voters towards the Republican Party. Regarding the topic of capitalism, Kiyosaki expressed concern over the widespread ignorance of the subject among Americans. He emphasized the importance of understanding the fundamental principles of capitalism, such as individual liberty, free markets, and the role of entrepreneurs. For more insights from Kiyosaki, listeners can access the full conversation by becoming Daily Wire members and using the code "Ben" for a discount.

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    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    Spotlight: How To Fund The Coronavirus Stimulus Debt Without Crippling The Economy

    How Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s announcement that Washington will borrow a staggering $3 trillion this quarter to pay for COVID-19 rescue programs will create a future economic crisis—unless it is paid for the right way.

    Steve shares his What’s Ahead "Spotlights" each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday where he offers his insight around the day's most pressing issues.

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    #22 How To Handle A Sudden Job Loss

    #22 How To Handle A Sudden Job Loss

    Yikes! Joe got fired. Here’s an “IRL” episode about what to do when you experience a sudden job loss. 

    In this episode you’ll learn more about:

    • Steps Vee and Joe took after Joe was let go
    • Resources you can tap into if you’re in this situation 
    • How to protect yourself financially before crisis hits
    • What the “Oh Shit Shack” is, why you need to feel your feelings + more




    For Fox Sake is a personal finance podcast focused on helping you navigate late-stage capitalism through sustainable budgeting and realistic financial education. We actively deconstruct shame, share relatable finance stories, and discuss financial literacy in a way that makes sense for a 2024 world.

    HOST BIO: 

    Vee Weir is an award-winning, anti-capitalist personal finance content creator and business owner. Her main focus and mission is to challenge common money myths, dismantle barriers preventing access to financial information and examine how capitalism negatively impacts the working class. 

    In the past 8 years, Vee has amassed a following of over 30k+ online and has been featured in Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC, and more. 

    When she’s not online she spends her time hiking with her partner and three dogs in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 



    • This show may contain affiliate links or links from advertisers where we earn a commission, direct payment or products.
    • Information shared on this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.
    • The views and opinions expressed by guests on this platform are their own and do not reflect the views or opinions of the institutions with which they are affiliated. Any information provided by guests is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. It is important to note that individual perspectives may vary. 
    • The hosts and the platform do not endorse or validate the opinions expressed by guests regarding their respective institutions. Listeners are encouraged to independently verify any information provided and to form their own opinions based on a comprehensive consideration of various perspectives.
    • Opinions are our own.


    What Should Be The Biggest Difference Between You And Everyone Else In The Room? Excellence.

    What Should Be The Biggest Difference Between You And Everyone Else In The Room? Excellence.

    Dia Simms is the former President of Combs Wine and Spirits, where she oversaw the execution of all Cîroc Ultra Premium Vodka, DeLeón [DE LAY-ON] Tequila and spirits innovation projects for the company. Under Dia’s leadership - the company experienced over 1000% growth, going from obscurity to one of the most globally recognized vodka brands. She’s now a trailblazer in the cannabis industry as the CEO of BRN Group - catapulting new cannabis brands into market.

    How did she spin a career from the Department of Defense to Diddy to delivering new cannabis brands to market? She maintained excellence in everything she did and rose through the ranks like a supernova. Check out the episode to hear her story. It’ll inspire you - no doubt about it. Let us know what you think of the episode using #UnbossedPodcast!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Real Justice, Isaac Morehouse Talks Future of Entrepreneurship - A Neighbor's Choice

    Real Justice, Isaac Morehouse Talks Future of Entrepreneurship - A Neighbor's Choice

    "People settle for safe mediocrity, but we want to encourage risky excellence," David Gornoski says as he begins the episode. Whilst reacting to the MSNBC coverage of the Chauvin verdict, David highlights how the media pushes ideology for the powerful instead of uncovering the hidden victims of our justice system. Also in the show, Isaac Morehouse, the CEO of Crash and the founder of Praxis, calls in to talk about how we can defuse envy with free choice, personal interaction, and market-based solutions.

    Visit Isaac Morehouse's website at isaacmorehouse.com
    Visit A Neighbor's Choice website at aneighborschoice.com