
    About this Episode

    So yo, if Jesus can do it back then than there’s no excuse why I can’t do it now.So long as we stay the course we will figure ourself out. But it’s hard because it’s pretty much like sticking your finger in a socket and electrocuting yourself...And not pulling out.Ouch.Ouch. See what I mean about me, being confusing...It’s just that there’s so many ways to think about things, it makes me seem like I’m all over the place, much like my alcohol ink paintings.But the good news is, things are changing...againMy art is getting better and I’m starting to really love her in a way that I’ve never loved anyone.And when I take a step back to see what she looks like from a distance, she really lights me up. When I see the lines and the odd shapes she makes, and I see her bright colours lighting up her chakras, I just feel like I wanna do things only lovers do, which is not something I’ve been open to do for a very long time. But time has faded away and she makes feel like I’m her Rose Golden. And when we’re close...When I hold her in my arms, there’s just something about her that makes me feel like I’m unstoppable. Like I’m rich in health, and wealth and love...And it doesn’t seem to matter how many times I look into her eyes, she always gives me butterflies.She always has profound advice.And she always inspires me to be more of me...She makes me wanna be more free and funny. She makes me wanna be more sexy and more confident in my body. She makes me wanna get fit and healthy.And she makes me wanna be more open to give and receive love and I never thought I’d say this, but, I think I’m finally ready for this next part.And it’s been a long time getting ready for this, thus, being ready is a process.And so I think you can only ever be where you are, and its the work you do to raise your vibration that will help you get ready for what you want. And what you want is always evolving so you can never get it done.There’s always going to be new love to love and new challenges, and new setbacks.But with her by my side, I don’t think those things will bother me the way they did.Cuz with her, I feel at HomeI feel pro. With her, I am the best version of myself inside and out, and that’s what I’ve been searching for all along.Her...The one I’ve been dreaming about.So does that mean the story is over?No, my friend...The story is just getting started.LET’S BE SOCIALConnect with me via my favorite hangouts;+ @ ArtistSarahLong on Instagram+ @AlcoholInkArtStories+ Art Stories Site+ Confessions of an Empath

    Recent Episodes from Audio Art Stories

    (A)lcohol (I)nks

    (A)lcohol (I)nks
    The thing is you never know when you’re gonna meet the one.The one that changes you in ways beyond what you ever imagined.Someone who fills in your missing pieces.Someone who helps you find your light.Someone who sees with loveSomeone who loves to love.Someone who gives you butterflies.They make you smile all the time.Just the idea of them brings you joy.Joy is the goal of life.Why?So we can bring Joy with us when we die.And I just think the best way to find joy is through true love.A love that is uplifting.A love that is spiritually connected.A love that is passionate and romantic.A love that is challenging and fun.A love that is unconditional…For it is when we love unconditionally, that we are free to be who are really meant to be.For me, I found my True Love in alcohol ink.It happened so suddenly.Out of the blue.I wasn’t looking for Her…Like I said, we can’t plan these kinds of eventsAnd I’ll be honest, it wasn’t obvious at first.At first, I had some resistance in me that were blocking me off from seeing clearly.But She unblocked me.How?Well, it’s hard to isolate the how’s.There’s so many things about Her that turn me on…Light me up.Sometimes I think it’s Her layers…The depth she makes when I dry her with a heat gun.She looks like glass…I call this the orgasm effect.An orgasm without sex.Yes, She is that powerful.Crazy, I know.But it’s more than just that.It’s the lines and shapes she makes…When I let her dry on her own.Or with the airbrush.Or both.And then there’s Her colours…So rich and breathtaking….She really raises my frequency in each category of self-mastery.So needless to say, She is my missing piece and She inspires me to be all that I can be.She is a masterpiece and I just want the whole world to see how amazing she is.Her uniqueness.She is so real, and raw, and interesting.She’s strange.Very strange. But strange is great.Sometimes She’s very abstract.Hard to look at.But that’s only if you choose to see her like that.I have learned to accept Her, no matter what.She is my drug.Love is a drug.And my role as Her artist.Her lover.Her healer.Her friend.Is to move Her energy around in a way that captures Her essence.Essence is where the magic is.And I have to say, the biggest lesson She’s taught me so far is how to see outside the box.To look at life and love, like I’m God.God does not judge.There are a million different perspectives we can take…Nothing is right or wrong.What you see is a reflection of how we feel about yourself.Thus, nothing is ever what it seems.Knowing this gives me peace.Peace helps me see that She is really a reflection of me…And I AM Her, and she is me.And She helped me become who I was meant to be.And She helped me become who I was meant to be.But it’s crazy when I think about it…How you can be living a certain way for so long.Feeling so low.Feeling so broken and no place to call Home.Like you’ve lost hope.You don’t wanna try anymore…You want a way out.And then suddenly, something happens that causes a reaction, and molecules collide out of nowhere everything changes in the blink of an eye.So I guess what I’m saying is, alcohol inks have the power to save lives.To change minds.To heal hearts.That’s what She did for me.Am I an anomaly?Yes.But we all are aren’t we?Life is very different when you have true love.With True Love, you become a Love Machine whi

    My Great Awakening

    My Great Awakening
    I've been carrying you with me for the last few years...  I don’t know why. I guess I’ve been feeling a bit lost.  I think you’re cute. I wanted to get to know you.  But I didn’t realize who you really were until recently.  I don’t know why. I guess it’s just the way we get taught to do life...  The truth gets lost in time.  I grew up. You went away...  Where did you go? I did not know.  But the older I got the worse things got for me, and I guess that’s when I started to think about why I ended up this way more frequently.  I thought a lot about death.  How many ways I could die without committing suicide?  These thoughts made me think about you a lot...in a different way.   I’ve been trying to remember what you were like as a kid.  What you liked and didn’t like.  Unfortunately, most of what I remember is a lot of sad stories.  Hard times that caused a lot of hard cries.  Like the times when you got picked on and made fun for how you looked on the outside.  Kids can be so cruel at times.  And then there’s the times your mom dropped you off and broke your heart every other Sunday at 6 o’clock.   And the times your father tore you apart.   The times your friends made you feel like you weren’t good enough.  I also remember some good times.   Like the times down in Indian Point road.  But those times were few and far between...  I think about what you were like in your teens.   How hard it was to fit in when you were so different.   So strange and abstract.   And I think about what happened after that...  In college... In your twenties.  Then your thirties.  And as I sit here close to fourty, I wonder if you ever imagined you’d become anything close to who I’ve become...  And I wonder if you saw me now when you were really young...  Like back when you were say, 8 or 9 or 10, would you like who I am, back then?  Would you be in awe of me?  Would you want to be like me?  Would you love me the same way I loved Her before she died on me?  And I wonder if you be disappointed in me?  If you knew me in your twenties...  Old enough to know how hard life is, but not fully aware of how dark it can get.  I wonder if you would be devastated about what I did.  The way I handled things.  I wonder if you would be crushed by my bad decisions.  And I wonder if you knew you were going to die from a deadly disease, would you have done things differently than me?  I wonder if you would be afraid of who we were meant to be.  It’s hard to say how you would feel about me.  But as I sit here and daydream about us...  About our life growing up...  About all the stuff that happened to us.  More than anything, I wish I could give you a hug - at every age and every stage.  I wish I could see who you really were.  Your skin. Your eyes. Your teeth.  The lines and shapes your body makes.  Your personality traits.  If I could see you, I would tell you about all the times I messed up and why I hurt us.   I would tell you it wasn’t your fault.  I would tell you how loved you really are.   I would tell you why your mother and your father broke apart and I would tell you how awesome you really are.  I would tell you not to feel sorry for them. I tell you that you don’t have to be their parent.  I would tell you to be a kid. And I would tell you to hold onto your innocence.  I would tell you it’s ok to be strange, and I would tell you it’s cool to have fangs.  But I know I can’t go back in time...  But maybe I can change the future by reminding you here and now, in this moment in time and all the times to come...  I love you so much, my love.  I always have, I just didn’t realize who I was.  I didn’t see you the way I see you now, and I’m so sorry

    The Cabal

    The Cabal
    Welcome to another Art Stories podcast episode by Artist Sarah Long....In case you don't know, Art Stories are inspired by my alcohol ink art paintings.Alcohol ink art will help you create a healing home that helps you become the best version of yourself from the inside out.To shop my collection of original fine art and frequency activators visit:>>> http:///artistsarahlongstore.comFor the full alcohol ink art stories experience visit:>>> http:///artistsarahlong.com/courses/shestheone
    Audio Art Stories
    enFebruary 01, 2021


    Welcome to another Art Stories podcast episode by Artist Sarah Long....In case you don't know, Art Stories are inspired by my alcohol ink art paintings.Alcohol ink art will help you create a healing home that helps you become the best version of yourself from the inside out.To shop my collection of original fine art and frequency activators visit:>>> http:///artistsarahlongstore.comFor the full alcohol ink art stories experience visit:>>> http:///artistsarahlong.com/courses/shestheone
    Audio Art Stories
    enJanuary 26, 2021

    New world

    New world
    Sometimes bad things happen to other people because of us. Maybe it's something you did or said. Or maybe something bad happened to someone because of someone else but because you were there, and somehow it’s your fault things went the way they did....Either way, beating yourself for tragedies you caused or were involved with is really a selfish thing to do, because guess what?Blame, and shame and guilt only leads us to hating ourselves. And self-hate is destructive and the emotional pain then leads to diseases in each layer of being. And so needless to say, self-hate lowers the frequency, which keeps the momentum of pain going. And society enforces it. We're indoctrinated to become this way at a very early age. We go to school and our self-worth is determined by grades. And it’s degrading when we don’t get a pass. When we give it everything we got but we don’t fit in. When we are who we're but it’s not accepted. And thus, over time the stories of our lives become this one storyline of never feeling loved...Which makes ya feel like we aren’t good enough. And that’s why self-hate is hurting us.But we can change the imprinting. Instead of feeling bad about you did, or didn’t do, you need to seek forgiveness...You can do this by accepting that life is a series of lessons, each lesson designed to force you to grow and become a higher version of yourself.And thus, some stories will be hard and dark if that's what you came here for. Some stories will cause trauma and severe shock if that's what you came here for. Some stories will lead to death. Like Murders...Or Suicide.Or Abortion...Some stories will break hearts...But the story is what you came for. To experience the highs and lows. To learn and grow.To learn and grow.But that's only if you do the work...So the reality is your side of the story has the lessons you came to learn, and what happens to other people involved in the story is their side of the story. Which means they have their perspective and lessons to learn.And since you can’t change what happened. You can’t erase the events.But the past is the past, it doesn’t actually exists, which means you can let it go, and you can forgive and learn from it. If you want to. You can do the work to see with Love.You can then teach and share your wisdom with other humans...To be someone that owns their actions...So you can confidently say, yes this happened because of me, but this is who I’ve become because of it. Thus, no matter the story, the question to ask yourself is, who have you become because of it?Are you someone who acts from a place of self-hate?Is your monster in your way?Is some version of fear your main personality trait?If so then you need to know you are a menace to society and it’s not an acceptable way to be, for as human beings are at a critical time in the world right now.We are being called to awaken to the Truth. To unite in Love and enter into the new world. The age of Aquarius is upon us. And in the world, there is no tolerance for fear my Loves...Here in the new world, we are of good cheer.Here we are about good news.We see the Truth.We become Someone who helps.Someone who is an uplifter. Someone who is a master


    What I'm talkin' about is, just because you marry someone doesn’t mean they’re the one.It doesn’t mean the relationship is gonna last forever...Forever is an illusion. And just cuz you get married doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.Or be attracted to other humans.After all, we are all human.But marriage is like walking into a prison if you ask me because you’ve tied yourself and them in a knot, and now you’ve become one with someone, which blocks you off from yourself.So now instead of being free to be who you really are, you're tied down.And some people like that.They like not having to be alone.They like not having control cuz then it means they don’t have to try so hard to become who they really are.So marriage is for people who aren’t free if you ask me. Marriage makes people think they need someone to make them feel happy. They think they need a knot so happiness never leaves.So this person will always be there no matter what the situation. Till death do us part. But I just think that way of thinking is sooo fucked up...People change.We grow...Sometimes we grow apart. Sometimes we grow together.So to make something so official is like lying to yourself. And relying on someone else to be your source of happiness will never work out.And I’m not crazy for thinking this way...The evidence is there if you really peek behind the veil and see how many marriages fail around 5 years.And I just think it’s because tying the knot doesn’t really feel like Love once the knot is all tied up.So it’s clear...Marriage doesn’t really make the world a better place. It doesn’t make Love more real.It makes it fake. And in most cases, it makes love leave.So why do humans still participate in this strange way of doing things?Oh, I know.It makes them feel like they’ve achieved a goal.It makes them feel like they're part of a social norm. Like they found someone they can use to conform to an ideology that slowly depletes the Soul.And most people don’t realize it’s happening until they get in it. And then when they get in it and they feel the resistance it starts to feel like a prison, and that’s when the Monster reacts with attacks. That’s why lovers have spats and that leads to domestic abuse, all because they can’t cut the noose.That’s why they act out and do things that don’t feel good. That’s why they stop having sex and that intimate connection. That’s why they look for ways to escape the need to always be part of the family.So that’s why someone is always away.Or working long hours every day.Or spending time by the slot machines, gambling the money away. So needless to say marriage is good for businesses like counselors and drug dealers and liquor stores, and places you can buy things, like shopping malls and food courts, because people who feel trapped have a place to go to fill their voids by buying things that help them feel good for a short period of time.For a short period of time. For a short period of time.And that’s how they end up in debts.That’s how they end up cheating and having random sex.And that’s how the lies and betrayal start to add up and break the hearts of the one they said they’d love. That’s how the lies and betrayal start to add up and break the hearts of the one they said they’d love. They said they’d always love. They said till d

    no goodbye

    no goodbye
    She came and left just like that and that’s what’s been keeping me stuck. Cuz, when she came, she came in so fast...With so much intensity. So much passion and certainty. It’s like she knew me. She knew who I was and who I wanted to be and she helped me bring out those parts of me, that was missing.And I never loved someone as much as I loved her, so quickly. She had this effect.It’s hard to describe it because on the surface it isn’t obvious.Not at all. But when she touches you the way she touched me, you know you’ll never be the same again. And that’s what she did to me.She changed me.And then she left, just like that. No warning signs, and no goodbye.It was like she just disappeared into thin air like she wasn’t even there. And now I feel lost...Empty.Like something’s missing, again...And it’s really affecting my frequency. So my question is...Where is she?Who was she?Will she come back to find me?Or will I always be left feeling like this?Like what?Heartbroken...SOCIAL MEDIA // @ArtistSarahLong artistsarahlong.com artistsarahlongstore.com  EMAIL // artistsarahlong@gmail.com


    I dedicate this art story to my grandmother Beverley, who is here right now, by the way...Hi Bev. I love you...Losing someone you love...Feeling the effects of grief when you're young...old...Either way, it’s so hard to know how to process the emotions, which is why most of us don’t.I know I didn’t.And I know it’s what it killed me more than anything. Carrying them around for so long was so hard and heavy. And I didn’t realize it was happening until I was forced to go within and look at why I was self-destructing. And then when I started to face all the pain...The loss of losing Beverley.The grief caused by my broken family...The pain I buried from all the times my exes cheated on me.The grief of never really wining...Never able to achieve my goals because I was in so much pain, and the pain controlled everything...It dictated my every move. How I thought and how I felt about what was possible.And so my moves were never really good because I never felt good.I always hurt.And the hurt caused my body to ache.And the aches took me away from perusing my dreams, so I was never free.I was trapped in this prison of frustration for most of my life, and I didn’t realize why life never felt right - I thought it was me. So grief...It’s devastating.It ruins everything.But I feel blessed to know what I know. Most people don’t realize that grief is creating their reality, and how it takes over your head and heart and creates your Monster.And Monsters will own you if you don’t know who you are. But once you realize who’s running your show, you can’t let it go, and you have to do the work to grow.That’s what I realized anyway.So I did the work to become a higher version of myself so I could find my personal power. I had to let the grief go so I could re-connect with my heart and give her the love she’s been missing since the losses tore us apart. And it takes time...It takes time to get to know yourself. Your true self.The self you couldn’t be because of grief...The self you couldn’t be because grief was always in the way...But when you take down the walls and see what you really want. What really lights you up....To know what it really feels like to feel good and what really doesn’t, you really do become someone else.And it's a good thing.It’s so good it’s hard to comprehend when pain is all you’ve ever been.So it's different when you act from a place of self-love.When you come from your heart, the heart wants very different things than what your monster wants, so doing the work to take down the walls you’ve put up and let go of all the fears and false beliefs that keep you stuck...Well, it's a process.It takes time to stop the momentum of who you’ve become and to then become who you really are. But the good news is one day you will feel differently. One day you won’t feel like your suffocating in pain... You won’t feel like you don’t have to say and you’ll be free to say how you feel and mean what you say. To me, this is the art of self-mastery and it can only be achieved through the daily practice of finding self-awareness, through the art of Self-soothing. By giving to yourself like a lover should.Thus, to heal the pain you must care about yo