
    Roshun Patel on What Really Happened During the Crypto Market Crash

    enMay 31, 2021
    What role do institutional players have in the crypto market?
    How did the recent market crash affect crypto prices?
    What services does Genesis provide to its clients?
    What is the significance of the Bitcoin basis trade?
    What risks are associated with trading Bitcoin futures?

    Podcast Summary

    • Institutions and Market Structures in CryptoInstitutions and market structures, including derivatives, significantly influence crypto prices. Understanding these players and mechanisms is vital for investors.

      The crypto market is no longer just a decentralized, individual investor-driven space, but a complex ecosystem with institutional players, exchanges, and derivatives markets playing significant roles in its price movements. This was highlighted during the recent market crash, where the impact of these institutional players and market structures became evident. On this episode of Odd Lots, Tracy and Joe discuss this topic in depth with Roshan Patel, the VP of Institutional Lending at Genesys, a crypto prime brokerage. Roshan provides valuable insights into the role institutions are playing in the crypto market, the impact of derivatives contracts, and the recent market volatility. As the crypto market continues to evolve, understanding these market structures and institutional players is crucial for investors.

    • Genesis's roots in bridging the gap between West Coast tech and East Coast investorsGenesis, a crypto powerhouse, grew from facilitating trading of illiquid company stocks to offering trading, lending, borrowing, and derivatives services for a diverse range of clients, from hobbyists to pension funds.

      Genesis, a key player in the crypto ecosystem, functions as a sell-side desk, offering clients trading, lending, borrowing, and derivatives services. Its origins can be traced back to Second Market, a company that facilitated trading of illiquid company stocks in the mid-2000s. The connection between the private market and crypto came from bridging the gap between West Coast tech early adopters and East Coast investors. Genesis's success in crypto markets stems from these early relationships with crypto holders, which have evolved to include a diverse range of clients, from crypto-focused to those with strategic allocations. The client base now encompasses hobbyists, pension funds, and everyone in between.

    • The importance of stablecoins in the crypto market during volatilityDuring market volatility, stablecoins play a crucial role in efficient settlement and quick asset transfers, enabling arbitrage opportunities. Their importance was highlighted during the recent crypto sell-off when the market saw a significant decrease in outstanding futures contracts and exchanges experienced disruptions.

      Our client base is predominantly crypto-focused, with a significant portion seeking opportunities in the nascent, inefficient crypto market for arbitrage and yield extraction. Our services cater to this trading-oriented clientele, providing prime brokerage, including lending crypto and stablecoins against Bitcoin collateral. The stablecoin market's importance lies in its role in efficient settlement and quick asset transfers, enabling arbitrage opportunities. During the recent crypto sell-off, there was a significant decrease in outstanding futures contracts, from around $28 billion in April to approximately $13 billion. Exchanges, such as Coinbase and Kraken, experienced disruptions. From our perspective, the crypto market has seen similar crashes in the past, but the recent event highlighted the importance of stablecoins and their role in efficient settlement and quick asset transfers, especially during market volatility.

    • Brutal crypto market sell-off with heavy leverage and sudden sentiment shiftDespite heavy leverage and sudden sentiment shift, no major defaults or failures occurred in crypto markets, reminding investors of risks and importance of effective risk management.

      Last week's crypto market sell-off was particularly brutal due to the high leverage in the derivatives market and the sudden shift in market sentiment. The futures and swaps markets were heavily long on altcoins, expecting a rotation from Bitcoin, but when Bitcoin started selling off significantly, there was a scramble for collateral and a cascade of liquidations in the altcoin market. The spot market also saw selling pressure, leading to a rotation back into Bitcoin. Unlike previous market sell-offs, this one felt relentless, with no clear floor in sight. However, despite the significant drawdown, no major defaults or failures occurred, and the market has since recovered. While some firms may have had a better week than others, the overall experience was a reminder of the risks involved in crypto markets and the importance of managing risk effectively.

    • Volatility in Crypto Markets Brings Opportunities and RisksEffective risk management can help firms capitalize on crypto market volatility, despite potential negative price movements. Weekend volatility and competing user bases can add complexity, but proper positioning can mitigate risk.

      The crypto market's volatility can lead to opportunities for firms that are properly positioned, even during periods of negative price movement. However, those holding only spot positions with no cash and leveraged debt are at risk in this market. The texture of markets can vary depending on the hours and days of the week, with different user bases and risk-taking preferences in the western and Asian markets sometimes leading to competing price actions. Weekends can also see increased volatility due to the human-driven nature of the market. Overall, while the price movements in crypto can be scary, the underlying market is not as bad as it may seem for firms managing risk effectively.

    • Crypto market's unique challenges during volatile periodsDespite wider spreads and longer settlement times, smaller firms can capitalize on crypto market's volatility and price discrepancies between centralized and decentralized exchanges.

      The crypto market, particularly during volatile periods, experiences unique challenges compared to traditional financial markets. The human element, time zone differences between Asia and the West, and the complexities of blockchain technology make for wider spreads and longer settlement times. Algorithmic trading in crypto is present but less prevalent due to these nuances and the physical difficulties of moving assets on the blockchain. During market sell-offs, on-chain liquidations and high gas fees on decentralized exchanges can cause significant price discrepancies between centralized and decentralized platforms. Despite these challenges, smaller, nimble firms may find opportunities to capitalize on these spreads. Settlement times during the big sell-off were generally manageable for Genesys, but exchanges experienced delays, and the Ethereum mempool clogged, making it difficult to move assets and causing on-chain liquidations.

    • Opportunities for trading disappear during high volatility due to transaction fees, but retail buyers were active during market crashRetail buyers were active during market crash while institutions, hedge funds, trading firms, and ultra-high net worth individuals were net buyers in sub-2k ETH and sub-35k Bitcoin ranges. Unknown sellers caused selling pressure in spot markets, while yield is generated through DeFi using borrowed Ethereum for basis trade.

      During periods of high volatility in crypto markets, opportunities for trading can disappear due to soaring transaction fees. However, retail buyers were active during the market crash, and institutions, hedge funds, trading firms, and ultra-high net worth individuals were net buyers in the sub-2k ETH and sub-35k Bitcoin ranges. The selling pressure came from large spot selling on certain exchanges, but the identity of the seller remains unknown. Another topic discussed was the yield generation in crypto through DeFi, specifically the use of borrowed Ethereum to borrow stablecoins and use them for other purposes. The yield is generated through the basis trade, where retail and leverage traders bid up the market in futures.

    • Understanding Leverage and Interest Rates in Crypto MarketsLeverage and interest rates influence crypto market prices through borrowing and lending. High yields from protocols incentivize their use but require understanding and nimbleness. Market crashes can be caused by regulatory actions and miners selling crypto holdings.

      It's essential to understand the role of leverage and interest rates in the crypto market's price dynamics. When traders want the market value to be higher than the available cash for spot transactions, the difference is made up through borrowing and lending, leading to higher interest rates and derivative prices. Meanwhile, in the crypto ecosystem, protocols with native tokens offer high yields for those contributing to their liquidity, incentivizing their use. However, these yields are not for passive investors, as they require understanding and nimbleness. Regarding market crashes, there are various catalysts, including regulatory actions like China's crackdown on mining activities. Miners have fiat obligations and, when facing financial difficulties, may sell their crypto holdings, potentially contributing to market instability. Companies like Genesys Mining play a role in the ecosystem by providing mining services, contributing to the overall crypto landscape.

    • Miners' Role in Bitcoin Price Movements is OverstatedMiners use derivatives for hedging, but broader market dynamics and investor sentiment are the primary drivers of Bitcoin's price fluctuations. Miners' focus on renewable energy and efficiency reduces their need to sell during price drops.

      Miners, though often blamed for market volatility in Bitcoin, play a smaller role than perceived in causing price movements. Miners do use futures and options as hedging instruments, but the primary drivers of Bitcoin's price are broader market dynamics and investor sentiment. The mining industry's focus on renewable energy and operational efficiency has also reduced the urgency for miners to sell during price drops due to their lower breakeven points. Miners' elusive nature makes them an easy target for blame during market sell-offs, but their impact on pricing is relatively small.

    • Arbitrage Opportunity in Bitcoin Market: Bitcoin Basis TradeInvestors can profit from the price difference between Bitcoin on various exchanges and Bitcoin futures (Bitcoin basis trade), but it comes with risks and requires consideration of market conditions and costs.

      There is currently an intriguing arbitrage opportunity in the Bitcoin market, where the price of Bitcoin on various exchanges differs significantly from the price of Bitcoin futures. This gap, known as the basis, has attracted the attention of both crypto and non-crypto savvy investors, who are looking to profit from this spread. The prevailing theory is that this discrepancy is due to sophisticated participants, such as miners, hedging their crypto receivables using futures. However, as the market cap of Bitcoin and the perceived future value shift, the basis can narrow or widen, leading to potential profits or losses. It's important to note that this opportunity comes with risks, as the crypto market is highly volatile, and the basis rates can swing dramatically. Additionally, the cost of carrying, or the cost of holding the underlying asset versus the futures, should also be considered before entering such a trade. Overall, the Bitcoin basis trade is gaining popularity due to the significant gap between spot and futures prices, but it's essential to be aware of the risks and market conditions before attempting to profit from this opportunity.

    • Crypto Market's Volatility and Inefficiencies Present Opportunities for Arbitrage TradersThe crypto market's volatility and inefficiencies offer opportunities for arbitrage traders, but also come with risks such as managing margin and potential losses. As the market matures, inefficiencies may decrease, but the accessibility and emotional nature will continue to make it an attractive space for traders.

      The crypto market, particularly the spot and futures markets, can experience significant volatility and inefficiencies. These inefficiencies can create opportunities for arbitrage traders, but they also come with risks, such as the need to manage margin and potential losses if the underlying asset's price moves significantly. As the crypto market matures, these inefficiencies may decrease, but the market's accessibility and emotional nature may continue to make it an attractive and dynamic space for traders. The new asset class of crypto, with its low barriers to entry, is here to stay and will likely continue to evolve and present new opportunities for participants.

    • Decentralized crypto markets lead to inefficiencies and opportunities for arbitrageIn the decentralized crypto market, persistent inefficiencies and longer-lasting arbitrage opportunities exist due to the lack of a lender of last resort or designated market makers. Solutions like using spot as collateral or creating an ETF are being explored, but a more liquid point of access for arbitrage is needed for the market to fully mature.

      The decentralized nature of the crypto market and the lack of a lender of last resort or designated market makers can lead to persistent inefficiencies and longer-lasting opportunities for arbitrage in the market. The example given was the spread between spot and futures prices, where even profitable trades can result in the need to put up additional cash. Solutions like using spot as collateral or creating an ETF are being explored to make arbitrage easier, but in the current state of the market, these inefficiencies are expected to persist. Genesis Trading is one platform that allows traders to use spot Bitcoin as collateral for short futures positions, making it easier to manage the risk associated with arbitrage in crypto markets. However, for the market to fully mature and for arbitrage opportunities to align more closely with traditional financing rates, a more liquid point of access for arbitrage is needed.

    • Genesis manages risk through robust onboarding, client understanding, and open communicationGenesis minimizes counterparty risk by focusing on robust onboarding, understanding client businesses, and maintaining open lines of communication during market volatility

      Genesis, a crypto financial services firm, manages risk in a unique way by focusing on robust onboarding processes, understanding the nature of their clients' businesses, and maintaining open lines of communication during market volatility. Genesis, which is SEC and FINRA regulated, has a relatively small number of active borrowers, mostly consisting of top trading firms. Instead of liquidating collateral across thousands of retail accounts during market downturns, Genesis works with borrowers to close margin gaps and bring assets back into line with collateral levels. This approach helps minimize counterparty risk and maintain a clear picture of the firm's internal liquidity and duration. Additionally, Genesis has spent significant time developing an internal platform to help manage curve risk and maintain good reserves and balances.

    • Bitcoin's role as a dominant collateral asset in crypto marketsGenesis, as a digital asset lender, positions its reserves based on market demand and supply, recognizing Bitcoin's current significance as a collateral asset in crypto markets, but anticipates potential decreased reliance as liquidity in alternative cryptos improves.

      Crypto markets, particularly those of Bitcoin and Ethereum, are interconnected, with Bitcoin serving as a dominant collateral asset for margin calls and liquidations. The speaker emphasizes that Genesis, as a digital asset lender, positions its reserves accordingly based on market demand and supply, preparing for potential market shifts. While the market's rapid evolution and changing narratives may lessen Bitcoin's impact on the ecosystem over time, for now, its role as a collateral asset remains significant. As the market matures and liquidity in alternative cryptocurrencies improves, the reliance on Bitcoin as collateral may decrease.

    • The Role of Bitcoin in the Long TermTo remain viable, Bitcoin needs a robust market for block space, which could come from decentralized finance apps and on-chain services. The future of crypto may involve a mix of on-chain and off-chain transactions, with traditional financial institutions potentially playing a role.

      While Bitcoin may currently serve as the base layer denomination for the crypto market, its role could change as the crypto market grows and Bitcoin's block reward subsidy approaches zero. For Bitcoin to remain viable in the long term, a robust market for block space must develop, allowing miners to be compensated through transaction fees. This could involve the development of decentralized finance applications and on-chain services that people are willing to pay for. Additionally, there is a question of whether the future of crypto will be entirely on-chain, and if so, what role traditional financial institutions and middle-ground companies will play. The conversation suggests that these institutions may still have a role in handling wires and other off-chain transactions, but the future remains uncertain.

    • CeFi and DeFi will coexist and complement each otherDespite rapid growth, there's still room for both CeFi and DeFi to expand, with intermediaries like Genesis providing diversification and managing counterparty risk for market participants.

      Centralized finance (CeFi) and decentralized finance (DeFi) will coexist and complement each other in the future, rather than being in competition. While there will be more on-chain activity, there will still be a need for intermediaries like Genesis to provide diversification and manage counterparty risk for market participants. The market is growing rapidly, and there is plenty of room for both CeFi and DeFi to expand, with many people still not using DeFi. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding market structure, futures trading, arbitrage, hedge funds, and prime brokerages in the crypto space. The speaker expressed a greater comfort level discussing these topics compared to yield farming. Overall, the conversation provided valuable insights into the current state and future potential of the crypto market.

    • Crypto Mining Evolves: From Basements to Industrial Operations and Financialized EntitiesCrypto prime brokerages, stable coins, and faster settlement times are driving updates to traditional finance concepts like swaps markets and derivatives markets, transforming the crypto landscape.

      The crypto mining landscape has evolved significantly from its early days in basements and backyards to large-scale industrial operations and financialized entities. Roe's description of the ecosystem highlighted the existence of crypto prime brokerages, the popularity of stable coins, and the need for faster settlement times. These developments have led to a mental model update for traditional finance concepts like swaps markets, derivatives markets, and the size of the crypto market. Additionally, Roshan Patel's clear and insightful perspective on the crypto space was a treat for the Odd Lots hosts and their audience.

    • Access Money Stuff on your preferred podcast platformStay informed about personal finance and economics by listening to Money Stuff on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast provider

      There are various platforms where you can access the Money Stuff podcast. Whether you prefer using Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any other podcast provider, you have the flexibility to listen to this financial show at your convenience. This accessibility makes it easier for individuals who want to stay informed about personal finance and economics to do so, regardless of their preferred listening platform. By tuning in to Money Stuff, listeners can gain valuable insights and practical advice on managing their money and making informed financial decisions. So, don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your financial literacy – simply choose your preferred podcast platform and start listening to Money Stuff today.

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      Copyright 2023 Many Happy Returns

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