
    About this Episode

    As RTM’s Beyond Engineering closes another year’s run of episodes, this special miniseries reviews advice we shared with students preparing to attend college or university career fairs. Who from RTM could you meet there? What’s the best way to get to know our firm’s culture? Maybe even land an RTM internship? Current and past interns talk about preparing for a fair, investigating cultural fit, building a professional network and learning to excel as engineers throughout their careers.

    Recent Episodes from Beyond Engineering

    How Respect and Trust Create Meaningful Mentorships at RTM

    How Respect and Trust Create Meaningful Mentorships at RTM

    When is an engineer ready to pass their wisdom down to the next up-and-comer? It may be sooner than they think. In this episode, we listen across four conversations as RTM engineers at all phases of their careers discuss their roles as both mentors and mentees and the way RTM’s conscious culture of mentorship fosters the respect and trust needed for engineers to grow.


    RTM Reflections: How We Recruit at Career Fairs

    RTM Reflections: How We Recruit at Career Fairs

    As RTM’s Beyond Engineering closes another year’s run of episodes, this special miniseries reviews advice we shared with students preparing to attend college or university career fairs. Who from RTM could you meet there? What’s the best way to get to know our firm’s culture? Maybe even land an RTM internship? Current and past interns talk about preparing for a fair, investigating cultural fit, building a professional network and learning to excel as engineers throughout their careers.

    RTM Reflections: Exploring Our Collaborative Professional Partnerships

    RTM Reflections: Exploring Our Collaborative Professional Partnerships

    As another year of RTM’s Beyond Engineering rolls to a close, we’re reflecting on the professional services partnerships that help RTM engineers make both local and global impacts. In this special miniseries, we’ve compiled features with our partners Legat Architects and Ware Malcomb, delving into the shared values that underpin our successful collaborations that help buildings, businesses and the people working inside them, work better.

    What Does the Future Look Like for RTM Interns?

    What Does the Future Look Like for RTM Interns?

    Without a time machine, it’s impossible to predict any one engineer’s career path, but we may be able to preview RTM Intern’s futures by looking to the past. In this episode, RTM Principal Tim Hedrick sits down with former Intern--and current Project Engineer--Ryan Krohne to discuss what influenced Ryan’s decision to pursue electrical engineering, why he chose to pursue it at RTM, and how career-fair candidates can set themselves up for similar success.

    What Can RTM Engineers Learn from Design Partnerships?

    What Can RTM Engineers Learn from Design Partnerships?

    The best partner is one who is dedicated to learning alongside you. In this episode, Kate Lyle, Director of Industrial Cold & Food at design services firm Ware Malcomb, chats with RTM Principal Mike Best about the hidden intricacies of industrial cold storage and the ways RTM & Ware Malcomb support each other in continual learning.


    How Does RTM Help Interns Grow Their Networks?

    How Does RTM Help Interns Grow Their Networks?

    Grow your network” is standard advice to university students, but what exactly does that mean? In this episode, Tim Hedrick sits down with two RTM interns to discuss the way their networks have contributed to their career journeys. Hope Huenecke and Madison Huschak share the ways they each discovered RTM, how their mentors, friends and professional organizations have helped them develop, and what they hope to learn during their time at RTM.   

    How Do You Know if RTM is the Right Fit For You?

    How Do You Know if RTM is the Right Fit For You?

    It’s just as important that a company be a great fit for the candidate as that the candidate be a great fit for the company. In this episode, Karissa Shaner and Tim Hedrick examine how student job-seekers can prepare for career fairs and evaluate potential employers by charting Karissa’s experience on both sides of the recruiting table.


    RTM Website - https://rtmec.com/