
    About this Episode


    You Gotta Know The Rules!

    In this episode of #theAmericanCREAM Hyacinth Henderson covers the common rules that govern retirement vehicles such as the 401K, IRA & 403B, and then she enlightens the audience on rule 7702, a lesser-known rule that covers another wealth-building vehicle- life insurance!

    The American CREAM is all about you & your money!
    We teach you how to redefine "The American Dream" on YOUR terms in a way that actually works for you!
    CREAM stands for Credit Realestate Entrepreneurship Assets & Mindset

    Watch this video and other financial education and empowerment videos on Hyacinth’s YouTube channel

    Join #theCREAMtribe a community of people committed to stepping up their money game through resources, education, and support.
    FB: The CREAM Tribe
    IG: The CREAM Tribe

    Visit our websites for more helpful information and resources:

    Feel free to call our office for a one-on-one 305-825-1444

    Educate x Empower x Elevate

    Recent Episodes from The Hyacinth Henderson Podcast

    We Are All Projecting

    We Are All Projecting

    The average person has to see it to believe it. Doing so will keep you a day late and a dollar short. You'll forever be behind the eight-ball.

    The key is to believe it before you see it happen. This is how you create your reality!

    Tune in to learn how to take control of what you project into your personal reality. 

    Hyacinth Henderson, Co-CEO at The Henderson Financial Group

    5 Tips For A Successful 2024

    5 Tips For A Successful 2024

    Ready to make 2024 your best year yet...no, really???!! If so, then this episode is for you! 

    Listen to it again and again as you navigate your new season.

    Warning: implementing these tips will lead to you becoming a new, more successful, happy, abundant, prosperous bad-as$ version of yourself.

    Proceed with caution! 


    Hyacinth Henderson, Co-CEO at The Henderson Financial Group