
    Russian generals 'sacrificing own men' in eastern assault on Avdiivka & interview first Ukrainian-born Congresswoman

    enOctober 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping for special occasions onlineDesign custom rings at Blue Nile, get $50 off with 'listen', 1-800-Flowers offers Mother's Day deals with up to 40% off using 'acast'.

      When it comes to special occasions like proposing or celebrating Mother's Day, consider shopping online for unique and convenient solutions. At Blue Nile, you can design a custom ring with ease and get it delivered right to your door using the promo code "listen" for $50 off purchases over $500. For Mother's Day, 1-800-Flowers offers a wide range of handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and one-of-a-kind gifts, with up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers using the promo code "acast." Meanwhile, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine continues to intensify, with heavy losses reported on both sides in the battle for Avdiivka. The town, though not strategically significant, serves as a crucial buffer for Ukraine in its efforts to reclaim territory and push back against Russian advances. The fight for Avdiivka represents a symbolic victory for Russia, which has been desperate for a win in the war. Ultimately, whether it's in war or in life, holding on to what's important and making strategic decisions can lead to success.

    • Ukraine-Russia Conflict: A Significant Battleground with Potential International ImplicationsUkraine may suffer heavy casualties and resource loss to resist Russian forces, while Russia seeks military support from North Korea, potentially increasing the human toll and regional instability.

      The ongoing conflict in Avdivka, Ukraine, may be seen as a significant battleground due to its potential impact on the larger geopolitical situation. Ukraine may be willing to endure heavy casualties and resource loss to push against Russian forces and exploit fault lines. Meanwhile, Russia's search for military support from North Korea highlights the international community's growing concern over the escalating conflict. The recent drone attack on a Ukrainian nuclear power plant has further heightened tensions, with President Zelensky calling for stronger sanctions against Russia. The confirmed and suspected arms shipments from North Korea to Russia have the potential to significantly increase the human toll and destabilize the region. The international community, including South Korea, the US, and Japan, have condemned these actions and vowed to continue exposing and opposing them.

    • Russia's tank production capacity is a concern for UkraineRussia's tank production is limited, affecting Ukraine's ability to replace losses in their ongoing conflict, while US support remains uncertain with the new House Speaker's stance.

      The Russian military's capacity to produce new and refurbished tanks and artillery shells is limited, with estimates suggesting they might be able to produce only 500 tanks a year. This is concerning for Ukraine, which has lost thousands of tanks and is facing an ongoing conflict with Russia. Additionally, the election of Mike Johnson as the new US House Speaker brings uncertainty for Ukraine, as he has publicly opposed providing more funding for the war and is a staunch ally of former President Trump. These developments come as Ukrainian businesses prepare for another tough winter with fears of power outages and potential Russian air strikes on civilian infrastructure.

    • Ukraine's Power Grid and Corruption CrackdownUkraine faces power outages amidst bombardments, while billionaire Kolomoisky takes control of 1 plus 1 Media amidst corruption crackdown. EU considers financial support for Ukraine.

      The situation in Ukraine, particularly in regards to preventing power outages in cities like Kyiv amidst bombardments, is a significant test of progress and a potential life-saver. Meanwhile, the transfer of control over 1 plus 1 Media to its general director by billionaire tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky, currently in custody on suspicion of fraud, is a notable development in Ukraine's crackdown on corruption. At the EU Council meeting, the focus is on the war between Israel and Hamas, but Ukraine remains on the agenda, with discussions on providing financial support to Ukraine through a €500 million package and a longer-term €20 billion package. Despite the attention on Israel, there is a strong desire to continue supporting Ukraine.

    • EU's Ukraine Aid Plan Faces ChallengesEU's plan to aid Ukraine's defense and reconstruction encounters hurdles due to disagreements over weapon sources and ethical concerns.

      The European Union's plan to provide financial aid for Ukraine's defense and reconstruction faces significant challenges. France pushes for the fund to be used only for European-made weapons, while other countries argue for the inclusion of US, UK, and Turkish weapons. The EU also considers using profits from frozen Russian funds for reconstruction projects, but ethical concerns and opposition from countries like Hungary and Slovakia pose hurdles. Additionally, the EU's own efforts to deliver artillery shells to Ukraine have fallen behind schedule, with only a third of the promised 1,000,000 rounds delivered so far. These challenges will require diplomatic negotiations and potential compromises to overcome.

    • Ukraine's Military Aid Delayed, EU Summit Focuses on Ukraine and Israeli CeasefireUkraine's military aid delivery is lagging, EU summit to discuss continued support for Ukraine and potential intervention in Israeli ceasefire, Ukraine's military needs exceed current pledges, and increased commitment is needed.

      The delivery of military aid to Ukraine is significantly behind schedule, with only 300,000 rounds delivered out of a planned 1,000,000 over a 12-month period. This delay could fuel concerns that the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas might divert attention and resources away from Ukraine's plight. At the ongoing EU summit, President Zelensky is expected to emphasize the need for continued support for Ukraine as long as the war with Russia continues. Meanwhile, the summit is also expected to focus on the Israeli ceasefire and potential EU intervention in seizing profits from frozen Russian assets for reconstruction projects. The EU's response to these issues will be closely watched for signs of increased support for Ukraine and potential shifts in rhetoric towards a ceasefire. Overall, the summit could yield more promises for Ukraine, but the country's military needs far exceed current pledges and require a more consistent and substantial commitment.

    • Conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza seen differentlySome view conflicts as connected struggles, while others argue against simplification due to differences in scale and circumstances. National Day of the Deployed recognized, honoring sacrifices of deployed military personnel and their families.

      The ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza are viewed differently by various perspectives, with some seeing them as part of a broader struggle for values against barbarism, while others see the connection as having military implications. However, there are voices that argue against simplifying the two conflicts under one banner, as they see the wars as distinct and the comparison as potentially insulting due to the significant differences in scale and circumstances. Additionally, the National Day of the Deployed was recognized, and the sacrifices made by deployed service members and their families were acknowledged.

    • A Congresswoman's Perspective on Ukraine and PutinCongresswoman Victoria Spaatz emphasizes the importance of Western politicians reflecting on their support for Ukraine and helping both Ukraine and Israel in their conflicts, while also offering emotional support to those with loved ones deployed.

      The situation in Ukraine, particularly for those with loved ones deployed, is a complex and challenging emotional experience. While the West is making efforts to support Ukraine with artillery shells and other supplies, Russia currently holds the upper hand in the artillery battle due to its steady supply. Ukrainian Congresswoman Victoria Spaatz, born in Ukraine and serving in the House of Representatives since 2011, shares her unique perspective on Putin and the West's role in enabling him. She believes Putin is an opportunist who couldn't forgive the US for winning the Cold War. It's crucial for Western politicians to reflect on their support for Ukraine and find ways to help both Ukraine and Israel in their respective conflicts. Additionally, for those with loved ones deployed, it's essential to reach out and offer support. We're all in this together.

    • Underestimating Putin's aggression led to the Russian invasion of UkraineThe West must take Putin's actions seriously to prevent future conflicts and human suffering, as diplomacy and sanctions alone are not enough to deter Russian aggression.

      The Russian invasion of Ukraine was a result of the West underestimating Putin's aggression and failure to show real consequences for his actions. The speaker, who grew up in the affected region, shares his personal connection and shock at the atrocities committed during the war. He emphasizes that Putin and Russia respond only to strength and that diplomacy and sanctions must be taken seriously to deter future aggression. The speaker also highlights the complex connections between Ukrainian and Russian people, making the conflict even more challenging to resolve. Overall, the speaker's message is that the West must be more assertive in dealing with Putin and Russia to prevent further conflicts and human suffering.

    • People's resilience during Bahirism conflictDespite Russian activities, people showed resilience, but Western officials hesitated to label them as war crimes due to guilt and geopolitical complexities. Russia's hybrid warfare tactics make addressing war crimes challenging, requiring collective action and acknowledgment.

      During the conflict in Bahirism, the people showed incredible resilience and heroism despite the constant shelling, hiding of churches, and personal connections to Russian and Belarusian communities. However, there was hesitancy among many Western officials, including the US, to label Russian activities as war crimes due to feelings of guilt and the complexity of geopolitical situations. Russia's expertise in hybrid warfare, including propaganda and manipulation, has made it challenging for the international community to effectively address such crimes. Despite the devastating consequences, there is a need for collective action and acknowledgment that such atrocities should not be tolerated. Russia's influence extends beyond political connections, with significant investments in propaganda and manipulation through social media, making it a formidable opponent in the information warfare landscape.

    • The danger of information control and distrustLeaders must be held accountable and questioned, especially during times of crisis. Failure to prepare adequately can lead to dangerous consequences.

      The ability to target and manipulate information through digital channels has created a serious issue of information control and distrust, especially when the electorate is not well-informed or critical-thinking. This can lead to a dangerous monopoly of power. Regarding Ukraine, a key critique before the invasion was that the government, led by President Zelensky, did not take the threat seriously enough and failed to prepare the country adequately for war. Despite the challenges, it's important for leaders to be held accountable and questioned, and Zelensky has been making efforts to address the situation. However, the situation in Ukraine remains complex and requires ongoing attention and support.

    • Ukraine's Political Challenges and US InvolvementThe speaker expresses concern about Ukraine's corruption and calls for consequences for wrongdoing, emphasizes bipartisan support, warns against Russian propaganda, acknowledges differing Republican attitudes, and stresses the importance of US presence to support democracy and counter Russian influence.

      The political situation in Ukraine is complex and influenced by both internal and external factors. The speaker expresses concern about the challenges faced by the current administration, particularly in regards to corruption and the need for consequences for wrongdoing. They also emphasize the importance of bipartisan support for Ukraine and the dangers of Russian propaganda. The speaker acknowledges that there are differing attitudes towards Ukraine within the Republican party, but believes that education and communication are key to addressing these concerns. They also acknowledge being a lone voice on the issue in Congress but remain committed to bringing unique value and perspective to the table. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong and consistent US presence in Ukraine to support its democratic aspirations and counter Russian influence.

    • Understanding the Complex Political Situation in UkraineThe political situation in Ukraine is complex and requires more information for Americans to understand the stakes. Diplomacy and threats are necessary to address Russian aggression, while Congress holds the balance of power in the US. Global issues like resource exploitation and instability in Africa and the Middle East also demand attention.

      The political situation surrounding Ukraine and its relationship with the United States and Russia is complex and can have significant implications for the region and the world. The speaker expresses disappointment that the situation has become politicized and believes that more information is needed to help Americans understand the stakes. While there are concerns about the potential impact of a Republican victory in the presidential election next year, the speaker emphasizes that the balance of power in the United States lies with Congress and that diplomacy and threats are necessary to address Russian aggression. The speaker also highlights the importance of addressing global issues such as resource exploitation and instability in Africa and the Middle East, which can have far-reaching consequences. Ultimately, the speaker urges a stronger international response to these challenges and a renewed commitment to diplomacy and peaceful resolution of conflicts.

    • The Importance of Freedom and VigilanceFreedom is crucial for individual success and a country's prosperity, but it requires constant vigilance and advocacy to maintain.

      The value and importance of freedom should never be taken for granted, whether in new or established democracies. We must remain vigilant and remember the sacrifices made to obtain and maintain it. Freedom allows individuals to excel and succeed, and it's essential for a country's prosperity and innovation. Unfortunately, we sometimes forget this, even in mature democracies. It's crucial to teach younger generations the significance of freedom and the challenges that come with preserving it. The speaker's personal experiences, from growing up in a socialist country to observing the erosion of freedom in Europe and America, emphasize the importance of staying engaged and advocating for individual liberties. The speaker's passion for freedom and the desire to strengthen their country stem from the understanding that America's strength is vital not only internationally but also in preventing adversaries from weakening it from within.

    • Leading through adversity and promoting the American dreamStay focused on the bigger picture, remember sacrifices for freedom, believe in ability to make a difference, and communicate ideals and values to the world.

      Despite the challenges and complexities of leading, particularly in times of crisis, the American dream is still alive, and the power lies in the hands of the people. As a leader, one must be willing to get up, fight the righteous fight, and communicate the ideals and values of the country to the world. The speaker, a congresswoman, shares her experiences of facing adversity and the importance of staying focused on the bigger picture. Despite the media noise and personal attacks, she emphasizes the importance of remembering the sacrifices of those who have fought for freedom and the value of hard work and determination. Ultimately, she encourages listeners to believe in their ability to make a difference and to promote the ideals of their country to the world.

    • Insights on current events in Ukraine and sponsor promotionsListen to 'Ukraine, the latest' for updates on Ukraine and save on travel essentials and Mother's Day gifts with Quince and 1-800-Flowers promotions.

      If you want to stay updated with the latest news from Ukraine, consider following the podcast "Ukraine, the latest" on your preferred podcast app. The team behind the podcast encourages listeners to leave reviews and get in touch via email or Twitter for questions and comments. Quince, a brand offering jet setting essentials at affordable prices, is also mentioned as a sponsor, along with a Mother's Day promotion from 1-800-Flowers. Listeners are invited to celebrate their moms with discounted gifts from 1-800-Flowers using the code "acast." Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into current events in Ukraine and encourages engagement from its audience, while also offering opportunities to save on travel essentials and Mother's Day gifts.

    Recent Episodes from Ukraine: The Latest

    Belarus threatens nuclear use as Russia blamed for jamming GPS signals to British military jets

    Belarus threatens nuclear use as Russia blamed for jamming GPS signals to British military jets

    Day 860.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine, look at how Russia has been blamed for jamming GPS signals on British military jets and ask quite why Belarus - a country hosting Russian nuclear missiles - is rattling the nuclear sabre once more.


    Dominic Nicholls (Host). @DomNicholls on X.

    Gareth Corfield (Transport Correspondent). @GazTheJourno on X.

    Ben Butcher (Data Editor). @bienbutcher on X.

    Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (Former Tank Commander, Chemical and Biological Weapons Expert). @HamishDBG on X.

    Articles referenced:

    London Ukrainian Review


    Pre-order for Victoria Amelina’s book:


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJuly 01, 2024

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Saving lives on the frontline: from D-Day to Ukraine with an ambulance convoy

    Day 857.

    Today, we bring you the latest news from Ukraine and have a special report from Francis Dearnley’s recent trip across Europe from the D-Day commemorations with the charity Ukraine Focus.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles22 on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Ukraine Focus (Ambulances):

    To learn more about their work, visit:


    Or you can email: info@ukrainefocus.org

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 28, 2024

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    North Korea to send engineering troops to help Russia in Ukraine

    Day 856.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battle front, analyse North Korea’s reported decision to send engineering and construction troops to Ukraine, and discuss the Voldymyr Zelensky’s visit to Brussels to sign a Security Pact with the European Union.


    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent, Host). @RolandOliphant on X

    James Rothwell (Berlin Correspondent). @JamesERothwell on X.

    David Knowles (Journalist). @djknowles22 on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles referenced:




    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 27, 2024

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Biden ‘to allow Pentagon contractors to deploy to Ukraine’ & Mark Rutte appointed new head of NATO

    Day 855.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse the appointment of former Dutch PM Mark Rutte as the new head of Nato, and discuss reports that the Biden administration is moving toward lifting a de facto ban on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Articles Referenced:

    'US could halt weapons deliveries if Ukraine refuses peace talks' (The Telegraph)


    'Biden administration moves toward allowing American military contractors to deploy to Ukraine' (CNN)


    'A Methodology for Degrading the Arms of the Russian Federation' (RUSI report)


    'IT Army attacks Russian banking system, disabling Mir payment system' (Ukrainian Pravda)


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 26, 2024

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    War crimes warrant issued for top Russian generals & how Chinese trade is underwriting the Russian military effort

    Day 854.

    Today, we bring you updates from Ukraine as Zelensky again changes his top team, we analyse a deadly fire at a Russian research institute and discuss the impact that trade from China is having on the Russian war effort. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on X.

    With thanks to Joe Webster, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington DC. @Joe_Webster_CRR on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 25, 2024

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Ukraine suspected of ATACMS strike on Russian space control centre in Crimea

    Day 853.

    Today, we bring you updates from the battlefront, analyse suspected Ukrainian ATACMS strike on a Russian space control centre in Crimea, and discuss this weekend’s terrorist violence in Russia’s Dagestan region.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival (27th June): 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Article Referenced:

    'The West’s errors in Ukraine have been catastrophic' (Nigel Farage in The Telegraph) -


    'Why it’s too late to stop World War 3 – according to one of Britain’s greatest military historians' (Richard Overy in The Telegraph) -


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 24, 2024

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Ukraine reinforces Chasiv Yar amid fierce fighting & rage, love and memory with Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed

    Day 850.

    Today, we bring you updates from the front lines, discuss Ukraine’s ongoing bid for NATO membership and we interview Ukrainian writer and soldier Oleksandr Mykhed.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    With thanks to Ukrainian author Oleksandr Mykhed. @mykhed_o on X.


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 


    Article Referenced:

    Exclusive Olena Zelenska interview (The Telegraph)


    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jY2UD11kbmE

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 21, 2024

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    US to redirect key Patriot air defence orders to Ukraine & analysing Russian diplomacy in Vietnam and South Korea

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, analyse Vladimir Putin’s diplomacy in Vietnam and North Korea, and we speak to Ukrainian teenagers in Warsaw on studying abroad and adapting into Polish society more than two years since the start of the war.


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on X.

    Gabriella Jozwiak (Freelance Journalist). @GabriellaJ on X.

    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 20, 2024

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Russia accused of beheading Ukrainian soldiers & Kim Jong Un signs ‘groundbreaking’ security pact with Vladimir Putin

    Day 848.

    Today, we bring you the news from Ukraine, continue analysing Putin’s state visit to North Korea, and talk to Security Analyst Jimmy Rushton in Kyiv on the situation on the front line and Ukrainian strategy for the year ahead. 


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Jimmy Rushton (Security Analyst). @JimmySecUK on X.

    You can read Jimmy's Substack here:


    Articles Referenced:

    The haunting pictures of emaciated Ukrainian prisoners of war (The Telegraph)


    ‘This country gave me a lot’: the Vietnamese people staying in Ukraine (The Guardian):


    Niall Ferguson: 'We’re All Soviets Now' (The Free Press)


    To hear Francis on The Daily T, listen here:


    Upcoming events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair 29th 



    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 19, 2024

    Ukraine pushes Russia back in Kharkiv & Vladimir Putin meets Kim Jong Un in North Korea

    Ukraine pushes Russia back in Kharkiv & Vladimir Putin meets Kim Jong Un in North Korea

    Day 847.

    Today, we bring you the latest updates from across Ukraine, analyse Putin’s visit to North Korea, and go to Germany to hear about the tricky start Ukraine have had at the European football championships  


    David Knowles (Host). @DJKnowles on X

    Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on X.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on X.

    Andrew Todos from Zorya Londonsk, Ukrainian football expert. @zoryalondonsk on Twitter.

    To hear Francis on The Daily T, listen here:


    Ukrainian Football video:


    Telegraph report on Romania 3:0 Ukraine


    Upcoming Events:

    Chalke Valley History Festival: 


    Scarborough Fair (29th June): 


    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Ukraine: The Latest
    enJune 18, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Moscow's moon mission ends in disaster, interview with NASA astronaut & podcast team sanctioned by Russia

    Moscow's moon mission ends in disaster, interview with NASA astronaut & podcast team sanctioned by Russia

    Day 543.

    Today, we bring you the latest updates from the battlefront, analyse the vital decision over the weekend to send fighter planes to Ukraine, and interview Former NASA Astronaut and test fighter pilot, Terry Virts. He speaks about his experience working with Russian cosmonauts, the moment he saw the 2014 war break out from space, and the West’s strategic thinking regarding Ukraine. Plus, we update listeners on our plans for the US trip, and how the podcast team has been sanctioned by the Kremlin.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    With thanks to Terry Virts. @AstroTerry on Twitter.

    Tickets to "Ukraine: The Latest, Live" will be available from www.telegraph.co.uk/washingtonticket from 8am EDT on Tuesday 22nd August. Please note: if you click on the link before this time you will see a '404' error message. You must be a Telegraph subscriber to claim a ticket.

    Subscribe to The Telegraphtelegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    You can vote for Ukraine: the Latest in the 'Listener's Choice' category of this year's British Podcast Awards: https://www.britishpodcastawards.com/voting

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Reaction to Israel War | Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore | PBD Podcast | Ep. 312

    Reaction to Israel War | Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore | PBD Podcast | Ep. 312

    Today on the PBD Podcast, Tim Pool and Jimmy Dore join Patrick Bet-David, Adam Sosnick, and Vincent Oshana. They will discuss a wide variety of political and economic current events. Protect yourself against Central Bank control with - American Hartford Gold https://bit.ly/3ZJ2pTl Text PBD to 65532 or call 866-939-6984 Follow Jimmy Dore on Twitter: https://bit.ly/3k6e5it Follow Jimmy Dore on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3IwhMav Subscribe to Jimmy Dore's YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/3YZqEeh Go to JimmyDore.com: http://bit.ly/3YFWwEU See Jimmy on tour in a city near you: https://bit.ly/3tsZaDe Subscribe to TimcastIRL: https://bit.ly/3LYOMZR Subscribe to Timcast: https://bit.ly/3pkPtVi Subscribe to TimcastNews: https://bit.ly/41e0PI9 Vault to the top. Be your best. Feel your best. Achieve your best. Vault Brain drinks will unlock your brain to help you be your best you. Try the new Vault Drink today! www.vaultdrinks.com Connect With Experts On Minnect: https://app.minnect.com/ Visit our website: https://valuetainment.com/ Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2aPEwD4 Subscribe to: Adam Sosnick -  @ValuetainmentMoney  Vincent Oshana -  @ValuetainmentComedy  Tom Ellsworth -  @bizdocpodcast  Want to get clear on your next 5 business moves? https://valuetainment.com/academy/ Join the channel to get exclusive access to perks: https://bit.ly/3Q9rSQL Download the podcasts on all your favorite platforms https://bit.ly/3sFAW4N Text: PODCAST to 310.340.1132 to get the latest updates in real-time! Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

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    Russia 'beheads Ukrainian soldier' & Kyiv's conscription problem

    Russia 'beheads Ukrainian soldier' & Kyiv's conscription problem

    Day 412. 

    Today, we examine the defences Russia is building on the southern front, analyse partisan activity in Melitopol and look at the blurred lines between patriotism and war profiteering with Spectator journalist Svitlana Morenets.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter

    Joe Barnes (Brussels Correspondent). @Barnes_Joe on Twitter.

    Svitlana Morenets (Spectator Journalist). @Svitmore on Twitter.

    To support our work, subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Heart of Darkness

    Heart of Darkness
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    The Intelligence: Ready, Aid, Fire

    At a time when Russia has been making significant gains, an allocated $61bn of aid for Ukraine will be felt on the battlefield almost instantly. Will it help turn the course of the war? In a world of endless supply chain disruptions, how can businesses shore up against the costs (11:26)? And the appeal of two-month-old stew (18:37).

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