
    Podcast Summary

    • Patience and long-term perspective are key to building wealth in the stock marketSuccessful investing requires a long-term perspective and patience to buy great businesses at reasonable prices, as proven by Francois Rochon's 30-year track record of annual returns around 14%.

      Learning from this conversation with Francois Rochon is that patience and a long-term perspective are key to building wealth in the stock market. Rochon, who has an impressive track record of annual returns of around 14% over nearly 30 years, attributes his success to the principle that the price of a stock will eventually reflect a company's intrinsic value. He learned this principle from investing legends like Ben Graham and Warren Buffett, who emphasized the importance of being patient and buying great businesses at reasonable prices. Rochon's passion for investing started at a young age, but he initially viewed the stock market as a casino. However, after reading Peter Lynch's "1 Up on Wall Street," he discovered the concept of value investing and became fascinated by the idea of buying companies at prices below their intrinsic value. This passion led him on a successful 30-year journey as an investor, and he continues to apply this principle today.

    • From engineering to value investing: Arnold Van Den Berg's journeyArnold Van Den Berg's investment philosophy is rooted in a rational mindset, deep understanding, prudence, learning from masters, and maintaining a margin of safety.

      Arnold Van Den Berg's investment journey was inspired by his rational mindset and a desire to understand things deeply. This led him to discover the world of value investing through the works of Buffett, Graham, and Lynch. The concept of margin of safety, which resonated with his engineering background, became a guiding principle in his investment approach and extended to other areas of his life. Starting from his early days as an engineer and investor, Van Den Berg's dedication to prudence, learning from the great masters, and maintaining a margin of safety have been the cornerstones of his investment philosophy. The excitement of discovering undervalued companies and studying their histories fueled his passion for value investing, leading him to launch the Rochon Global Portfolio and dedicate his Sundays to research at the library.

    • The importance of a long-term perspective, humility, and understanding fair value in successful investingIdentifying great companies at reasonable valuations can lead to significant returns, but it takes patience and a long-term perspective. Accept that a third of your investments will underperform and the stock market will experience downturns. Humility and understanding fair value are essential for navigating the investing world.

      Successful long-term investing requires a long-term perspective, humility, and an understanding that the stock market reflects the fair value of companies over time. The speakers shared their experiences of discovering the importance of these principles through their own investing journeys. They emphasized that identifying great companies at reasonable valuations can lead to significant returns, but it takes patience and a long-term perspective. Additionally, they highlighted the importance of accepting that a third of your investments will underperform and that the stock market will experience downturns. Lastly, they emphasized the importance of humility and a deep understanding that the stock market reflects the fair value of companies over the long term, which can help investors navigate the rough terrain of the investing world.

    • Understanding businesses and being patient is key to successful long-term investingFocus on understanding businesses, be patient, and measure yearly increase in owner earnings to achieve long-term investing success.

      The stock market can be unpredictable in the short term, but over the long term, the market will reflect the intrinsic value of a company. To be successful in investing, it's essential to understand the businesses you invest in and be patient. The key is to think of yourself as an owner of the shares of the companies you own and focus on the intrinsic value of your portfolio. By measuring the increase in owner earnings of your portfolio year over year, you can help yourself become more impervious to market fluctuations. The goal is to find outstanding companies with earnings growth that significantly outpaces the market average. It's not easy to find these companies at reasonable prices, but it's crucial to avoid overpaying. Mistakes in the past have often been due to failing to buy companies when they were slightly more expensive than desired. To acquire these outstanding companies, one must be disciplined and wait for the right opportunity.

    • Balancing price and growth potentialSuccessful long-term investing requires finding the right balance between paying a reasonable price for a great company with strong growth potential and maintaining a margin of safety.

      Finding the right balance between paying a reasonable price for a great company with strong growth potential and maintaining a margin of safety is crucial for successful long-term investing. Overpaying for a company, even if it's great, can lead to disappointment if the growth rate isn't as high as expected, causing a contraction in the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. On the other hand, missing out on outstanding companies due to a desire for a lower P/E ratio can result in missed opportunities for significant returns. It's essential to learn from past mistakes, but also to avoid learning the wrong lessons. Paying too much for a high-quality company during a bull market can be risky, but so is purchasing poor-quality companies with unsustainably high valuations. Ultimately, it's about finding the right balance and being willing to pay a premium for exceptional growth when necessary. Reflecting on past mistakes in an annual letter, as Mauricio Bartolomeo does, can help investors learn from their experiences and improve their decision-making process.

    • Finding the middle ground in investing: Growth and valuationInvest in companies with moderate growth (12-20%) and reasonable valuations to avoid overpaying and potential downfall.

      Successful investing involves finding companies with strong growth in intrinsic value, but also being prudent with valuation. The markets can be volatile, and it's important to stay patient and focus on the company's fundamentals, even during market corrections. The middle road approach, as described by Arnold Van Den Berg, involves looking for companies that grow their intrinsic value at a moderate pace (12-20% annually) and paying a reasonable multiple. This strategy can help investors avoid companies that grow too quickly and potentially create their own downfall, while also ensuring they don't overpay for stocks. Additionally, having a community of like-minded investors, like in the TIP Mastermind, can help accelerate learning and provide valuable insights.

    • Find great companies with a moat, growth, and reasonable valuationInvest in companies with a competitive advantage, growth potential, and a reasonable price. Maintain a diversified portfolio and stay fully invested for long-term success.

      Successful investing involves finding companies with a strong competitive advantage, a history of growth, and a reasonable valuation. Pablo Percoco suggests looking for companies with a market capitalization large enough to have a moat, but not so large that they lack growth prospects. He also recommends having a diversified portfolio with around 25 names to balance risk and potential for outperformance. Additionally, Percoco emphasizes the futility of trying to predict the market or economy, and instead focuses on finding great companies to own for the long term. Preston Pysh echoes this sentiment, sharing an observation of an investor who kept a large cash reserve, reducing his overall returns. Pysh's advice is to stay fully invested and focus on the fundamentals of the companies in your portfolio. Emotionally dealing with market downturns, Percoco suggests staying focused on the companies and looking for opportunities to improve the portfolio.

    • Investing during market correctionsSuccessful investors like Buffett and Rochon sell or reduce holdings with weaker fundamentals or overvalued stocks and buy or increase holdings in undervalued companies to improve their portfolios during market corrections.

      Successful investors like Warren Buffett and Francois Rochon continuously seek opportunities during market corrections to improve their portfolios. They sell or reduce holdings with weaker fundamentals or overvalued stocks and buy or increase holdings in undervalued companies. This strategy allows their portfolios to have better prospects when the market rebounds. Buffett mentioned making a few trades in the last couple of months, and Rochon gave examples of increasing holdings in 5 Below and CarMax. Both investors emphasized the importance of having great managers and unique business models in their long-term holdings. Rochon highlighted that some of his biggest holdings, like Berkshire Hathaway, Visa, Google Alphabet, Markel, and CarMax, have been in his portfolio for many years. By following this approach, they make the market work for them rather than being controlled by it.

    • Recognizing exceptional business leaders matters in investingIntelligent capital allocation, trust in CEOs, and finding rare, great managers can significantly impact investment returns

      Successful investing involves not only analyzing financial data, but also recognizing exceptional business leaders. The speaker emphasizes the importance of intelligent capital allocation and the long-term impact it can have on returns. He also highlights the significance of personal connections and trust in choosing CEOs to manage capital, using the analogy of being stranded on a desert island. The speaker shares his personal experience with Constellation Software and its CEO, Mark Leonard, whom he considers an extraordinary leader. He believes that great managers, like Tom Gayner of Markel and Stanley Ma of MTY Food, are rare and valuable partners in the world of investing.

    • Collecting art and investing in companies: A shared passionBoth art collecting and company investing require extensive knowledge, an appreciation for the best periods, and the ability to identify rare gems. Love the process and look for businesses with emotional appeal and excellence.

      Successful art collecting and investing in companies share similarities. Abigail's passion for art and investing led her to collect masterpieces and identify great companies. Both require extensive knowledge, understanding the best periods, and a deep appreciation for the subject matter. The process involves looking at a large number of options and enjoying the experience. Abigail emphasized the importance of loving the process and being able to identify rare masterpieces. Additionally, she shared her belief in the beauty of certain businesses, such as Starbucks and ISCAR, which evoke emotions and exhibit a level of excellence akin to great works of art.

    • Investing in simple, beautiful businessesSeek out companies with clear financials, minimal complexities, and high net free cash flow for successful investments.

      The speaker values the simplicity of businesses, both in terms of their financial statements and the ease of understanding their operations. He believes that the most beautiful companies have simple balance sheets, with minimal capitalized expenses and high net free cash flow. This transparency and straightforwardness appeals to him, as it allows for clear analysis and evaluation. However, he acknowledges that even the most beautiful companies can change over time, and the industry landscape may shift, making constant adaptation necessary. Overall, the speaker's investment philosophy is centered around seeking out simple, understandable businesses with a proven track record of success.

    • Lessons from Baseball for InvestingMaintain a disciplined and selective approach, focus on opportunities with high odds of success, and take a long-term perspective.

      Successful investing often comes down to maintaining a simple and focused approach. Pablo Fernandez, in his discussion, drew parallels between baseball and investing, emphasizing the importance of being disciplined and selective in identifying opportunities with high odds of success. He highlighted the luxury investors have in the stock market to wait for the perfect opportunity, unlike baseball where a missed opportunity results in a strike. Fernandez also mentioned that his firm tracks around 350 stocks closely, focusing on those with solid fundamentals and reasonable valuations. In the world of art collecting, he approaches acquisitions with a long-term perspective, investing in artists he believes will be considered important in the future. Overall, the key takeaway is that simplifying the complexities of investing and focusing on opportunities with a high probability of success can lead to great returns.

    • Selectivity, deep knowledge, and passion in art and investingSuccess in art and investing comes from carefully selecting, deeply understanding, and passionately pursuing rare gems

      Success in both art and investing comes from extreme selectivity, deep knowledge, and passion for the subject. The speakers admire artists and investors who have these qualities, such as James Dorel and Bill Viola in the art world, and Peter Lynch and Lou Simpson in the investing world. These individuals were known for their selectivity, obsession with learning, and ability to identify rare gems. In the art world, the collector Khan Panza is a prime example, having built a world-class collection by carefully selecting and purchasing works from unknown artists. Similarly, in investing, Peter Lynch and Lou Simpson were renowned for their ability to identify great companies and invest in them before they became widely recognized. The common thread between these individuals is their dedication to their craft and their willingness to put in the time and effort to find the best.

    • The importance of genuine interest and passion in a field or profession for successSuccess requires a strong connection to your field or profession, maintaining a rational approach, and possessing an independent mindset to make unconventional decisions

      Finding genuine interest and passion in a field or profession is crucial for success. This sentiment was echoed by Jason Brett, who, coming from a scientific background, felt a strong connection to the principles of investing and saw it as an immutable code to be cracked. He emphasized the importance of not letting emotions dictate actions and maintaining a rational approach. Brett also shared his theory of the "tribal gene," suggesting that great investors, artists, philosophers, and scientists possess an "absentee gene," allowing them to go against the crowd and make unconventional decisions. This independent mindset is a key characteristic of successful individuals in various fields.

    • Exploring uncharted territories leads to successSuccessful individuals possess creativity, non-conformity, a polymathic approach, passion, curiosity, and unwavering optimism.

      The most successful investors, artists, writers, and scientists possess the ability to think independently and explore uncharted territories. This creativity and non-conformity allow them to build something new and understand human nature. Having a polymathic approach to learning from various fields can increase one's understanding of the human race and provide valuable insights for investing. Ultimately, it's essential to be passionate and curious about learning, as this genuine interest will lead to the greatest benefits. Unwavering optimism is also a crucial trait for success, as it enables individuals to navigate through difficult times and find opportunities amidst challenges.

    • The Power of Human Optimism and IngenuityThroughout history, optimism and human ingenuity have driven progress and overcome challenges. Despite current crises like climate change and energy scarcity, solutions will come from ideas and human innovation.

      Optimism, driven by the human desire to improve and innovate, has been a powerful force in driving progress and overcoming challenges throughout history. Margaret Roussy emphasizes that pessimism and fear do not lead to wise decisions, and that the improvements we've made in technology and standard of living over the centuries are a testament to the power of the human mind. Despite the challenges we face, such as climate change and energy scarcity, Roussy is confident that solutions will come from ideas and human ingenuity. This optimistic outlook is not naive, but rather grounded in the historical evidence of progress and resilience in the face of crises. As William Green points out, there have been numerous instances of market downturns followed by significant rebounds, demonstrating that even in difficult times, the trend of progress continues.

    • The stock market doubles every 10 years due to fundamental forcesContinuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is key to unlocking potential. The stock market doubles in value every 10 years due to intrinsic value growth, productivity increases, and human ingenuity. Persist and be patient for great rewards.

      The stock market, specifically the S&P 500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average, tends to double in value every 10 years due to increasing earnings. This is a result of fundamental forces such as intrinsic value growth, productivity increases, and human ingenuity. Moreover, continuous effort and patience are essential for achieving great things, whether it's in art collecting, business building, or any other endeavor. Winston Churchill's quote, "Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential," highlights this idea. Despite setbacks and challenges, persistence and patience will ultimately lead to great rewards.

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    TIP637: Jeff Bezos Letters w/ Clay Finck

    TIP637: Jeff Bezos Letters w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay reviews Jeff Bezos’ shareholder letters and shares his biggest takeaways. Jeff Bezos is an exceptional capital allocator who has delivered unprecedented returns to shareholders. Since Amazon’s IPO, the stock is up 152,400%. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:58 - How Jeff Bezos thought about building Amazon.com in the early days. 04:51 - Why Bezos believed that focusing on the customer is in the best interest of shareholders. 15:55 - Why Amazon’s business model was more capital efficient than physical retail stores. 23:26 - Why Bezos is more terrified of his customers than his competition. 25:17 - Why Bezos largely ignored Amazon’s volatile stock price movements. 36:55 - Why Bezos encouraged an ownership mindset. 57:12 - The three business units that created the majority of shareholder value for Amazon shareholders. 59:30 - Our favorite framework from Jeff Bezos. And so much more! Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Related Episode: TIP506: How Jeff Bezos Built Amazon | YouTube video. Follow Clay on Twitter.  Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota CI Financial Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way Industrious Briggs & Riley Range Rover Meyka iFlex Stretch Studios Vacasa Public Simon & Schuster USPS American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    BTC186: Fiat Food & Bitcoin w/ Matthew Lysiak (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC186: Fiat Food & Bitcoin w/ Matthew Lysiak (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, investigative journalist Matthew Lysiak discusses his latest book on fiat food policies, influential figures like Ancel Keys, corporate interests, and the impact of inflation on health. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 02:22 - The history and impact of fiat food policies. 10:11 - The role of influential figures like Ancel Keys and John Harvey Kellogg. 25:11 - Insights into nutrient density and its importance. 26:21 - How to accurately measure the CPI bucket considering nutrient dense food prices. 29:02 - How corporate interests have shaped national food policies since 1884. 40:30 - The monetary and nutrition shifts of the 1970s. 52:03 - The real cost of inflation on financial, physical, and mental health. 56:21 - How Bitcoin can change the current food and health landscape. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Matthew’s Book: Fiat Food. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota CI Financial Sun Life AFR The Bitcoin Way Industrious Briggs & Riley Range Rover Meyka iFlex Stretch Studios Vacasa Public Simon & Schuster USPS American Express Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP636: Billionaire Investing Legend Li Lu w/ Clay Finck

    TIP636: Billionaire Investing Legend Li Lu w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay dives into the investment approach of billionaire value investor Li Lu. Li Lu is the Founder and Chairman of Himalaya Capital, a value investing firm where he has been managing its principal fund since 1997. Before his passing in 2023, Charlie Munger was an investor in the fund. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:27 - The back story of Li Lu’s early life. 06:46 - Li Lu’s investment philosophy. 08:28 - The four key investment principles he adheres to. 29:36 - Li Lu’s view on investing in China. 44:52 - An overview of Alphabet, one of Li Lu’s top holdings. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Li Lu’s book: Moving the Mountain. Check out: FT Magazine Article. Check out: Li Lu’s 2006 talk at Columbia. Related Episode: RWH008: Playing to Win w/ Mohnish Pabrai | YouTube video. Follow Clay on Twitter.  Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life Range Rover AFR The Bitcoin Way Meyka CI Financial Industrious Fidelity Long Angle Briggs & Riley AFR Fundrise iFlex Stretch Studios Public NDTCO American Express Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    BTC185: AI Compute with Bitcoin Mining w/ Andrew Edstrom and Jesse Myers (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC185: AI Compute with Bitcoin Mining w/ Andrew Edstrom and Jesse Myers (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode of the Bitcoin Fundamentals Podcast, Andy Edstrom and Jesse Myers discuss the recent shift in political attitudes towards Bitcoin, highlighting how being “anti-Bitcoin” has become an election-losing stance. They explore the merging of AI training and Bitcoin mining facilities, examining the potential synergies and future implications for the Bitcoin ecosystem. Join us for an insightful discussion on these pivotal developments. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 12:12 - How major political parties are shifting their stance on Bitcoin. 12:12 - Insights into the current political climate and its effect on Bitcoin. 17:45 - The implications of being “anti-Bitcoin” as an election-losing proposition. 36:38 - The merging of AI training and Bitcoin mining facilities. 39:30 - Potential synergies between AI and Bitcoin mining. 39:30 - The future impact of AI integration on Bitcoin mining efficiency. 39:30 - The potential economic and technological benefits of combining AI and Bitcoin. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Jesse Myer's Twitter. Andy Edstrom's Twitter. Onramp Twitter. Onramp's Website. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our Bitcoin Fundamentals Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Sun Life Range Rover AFR The Bitcoin Way Meyka CI Financial Industrious Fidelity Long Angle Briggs & Riley AFR Fundrise iFlex Stretch Studios Public NDTCO American Express Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    TIP551: Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholders Meeting 2023

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