
    Ryan's Trip to Court, Evans Secret Lingo, & CboysTV being shown on TV

    en-usJanuary 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Effective communication and understanding are vital in resolving issuesClear and open communication prevents misunderstandings and delays in finding solutions to problems

      Communication and understanding are crucial in avoiding misunderstandings and resolving issues efficiently. The discussion revolves around a series of events involving a friend named Ken, who was dealing with various problems, including a falling out with an employee, COVID-19 concerns, and construction work at his house. The speakers shared their experiences and tried to provide solutions, but the lack of clear communication led to confusion and frustration. For instance, there was a misunderstanding about the reason for Ken's absence and his health condition. The speakers tried to avoid mentioning COVID-19 due to censorship concerns, leading to a roundabout conversation. Additionally, there were disagreements about the quality of blinds for Ken's new windows, which resulted in him being left without any privacy during the construction work. These incidents highlight the importance of effective communication and understanding in resolving issues. Misunderstandings and misinformation can lead to unnecessary complications and delays. By being clear and open about our intentions and concerns, we can work together to find solutions and maintain healthy relationships.

    • Feeling like a 'cricket on the wall' during unexpected intrusionsUnexpected intrusions into personal space can be uncomfortable, but maintaining a sense of humor while respecting boundaries is essential.

      Dealing with unexpected situations or intrusions into our personal space can be frustrating and uncomfortable. The speaker shares an experience of having workers in his house during renovations and how they would often find him still asleep when they arrived early. He compares this to feeling like a "cricket on the wall," listening in on their conversations. Despite the jabs and teasing, the speaker acknowledges that these workers have been in their lives for a long time and have earned a certain familiarity. The experience of being a "cricket on the wall" can be amusing, but repetition and lack of sensitivity to personal boundaries can become annoying. It's essential to find a balance between maintaining a sense of humor and respecting privacy.

    • Working in homeowners' presence can be uncomfortableHot tub and residential workers shared stories of the awkwardness of working in homeowners' homes, including closed-off rooms and differing music preferences. One worker even gained unexpected fame from a viral fall through the ice.

      Working in people's homes can be an awkward experience, with the homeowners present and potentially watching every move. Mark, who does hot tub maintenance, and Evan, who does residential jobs, both shared stories about the discomfort of working in such close quarters. Sometimes, homeowners would even close off the room where the work was being done, making the situation even more unusual. The group also reminisced about the difference in music preferences between homeowners who were present and those who were absent. They joked about the idea of spying on Mark while he worked, imagining homeowners watching him through binoculars or taking pictures. They also shared a story about an Evan's experience being featured on Fox News after a clip of him falling through the ice went viral. The group found it amusing that they had reached a level of mainstream recognition, even if it came from an unexpected source.

    • Understanding the depth behind the team's 'crazy' workThe team creates unique, entertaining content, some involving stunts, and values being recognized for their 'crazy awesome' work. They appreciate the support of a community, whether through friends, sponsors, or pets, to navigate life and work.

      While the team's work may be perceived as just "crazy" or "dumb" stunts by some, there is more depth and context to what they do. They create content that sometimes involves stunts but not always, and they've gained popularity through viral clips. However, they'd prefer to be known for their "crazy awesome" work rather than the "dumb" stuff. They've had their content featured on various networks, and while it can be challenging to explain who they are, they appreciate being recognized for their unique and entertaining content. Additionally, they mentioned the benefits of having a pet as a roommate, highlighting Apartments.com as a resource for finding pet-friendly rental listings. The team emphasized the importance of having a supportive community, whether it's through friends, sponsors like Angi, or a pet, to help navigate the ups and downs of life and work.

    • Finding the Right Professionals for Home ProjectsHiring experts for home projects ensures quality work and prevents unexpected disasters. Angie's List simplifies the process with their expertise and tools.

      Attempting home projects on your own can lead to unexpected disasters, making it essential to find skilled professionals for help. Whether it's everyday maintenance, repairs, or dream projects, Angie's List can connect you with the right people to ensure quality work. Angie's expertise and new tools simplify the process, allowing you to tackle any home project with ease. Remember, when it comes to getting the most out of your home, trust the experts to help you Angie that. The speaker shared personal experiences of home projects gone wrong and the importance of knowing where to start. They emphasized the benefits of hiring professionals, especially for complex projects. Angie's List, with its 20 years of home experience, offers a solution by handling projects from start to finish or helping compare quotes from multiple pros. The Angi app simplifies the process, allowing users to connect instantly and take care of any home project in just a few taps. The speaker also shared an entertaining story about a judge's unexpected reaction during a court proceeding. While seemingly unrelated, the story highlighted the importance of seeking expert advice and understanding that sometimes, things may not go as planned. In the context of home projects, this reminder emphasizes the value of trusting professionals to ensure the best possible outcome.

    • Man attacks judge during court hearing, faces multiple feloniesDisrupting a court hearing can result in severe consequences including multiple felony charges and significant fines or community service.

      Disrupting a court hearing by attacking a judge comes with severe consequences. The incident involved a man who tackled a judge during a hearing, leading to his arrest and numerous felony charges, including harming a protected person with bodily fluids. The man's actions gained attention on social media, with some expressing understanding for his actions due to the judge's previous behavior. However, the incident resulted in the man facing a significant number of felonies, highlighting the seriousness of disrupting a court proceeding. It's important to remember that courtrooms are not a place for violence or disruption, and any actions taken within their walls can have serious consequences. Additionally, the speaker shared their own experience of facing fines and community service for a college-related offense in a courtroom.

    • Experiences, no matter how small, can have a big impactEven seemingly insignificant experiences can teach valuable lessons and shape our perspectives

      Even seemingly insignificant experiences, like getting a ticket on a skateboard or serving community service, can have a profound impact on our lives. The speaker shared a story about his community service experience, which led to creating a shirt to pay for the fine. He also recalled getting a ticket on his skateboard in Holly, which left him feeling angry and embarrassed. These experiences, though frustrating at the time, ultimately taught him valuable lessons and created memories. The speaker also mentioned that he had never had to do community service for class and shared a story about his friend getting a ticket in a quiet neighborhood. He emphasized that these experiences, while seemingly minor, can shape our perspectives and leave lasting impressions.

    • Unexpected events bring challenges and opportunitiesAdaptability and openness to change are crucial during uncertain times as they can lead to finding opportunities amidst challenges

      Unexpected events, such as curfews or pandemics, can significantly impact our lives and routines. During these times, some people may struggle, while others may find opportunities to adapt and thrive. For instance, a friend of the speaker had to abide by a curfew and had to go home, leading to a discussion about the existence and reasons for curfews. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about similar challenges, forcing many to stay at home and pivot their businesses or personal projects. While some people faced hardships during these times, others, like Connor Price, found success by making music during the lockdown. Overall, it's essential to be adaptable and open to change, as unexpected events can bring both challenges and opportunities.

    • The Convenience and Pride of Carrying Practical ToolsSpeakers shared their experiences of the usefulness and sentimental value of carrying practical tools like pocket knives and multitools.

      Having practical tools on hand, such as pocket knives or multitools, can be useful and even essential in various situations. The speakers shared their experiences of the convenience and importance of carrying these tools, and how they have come in handy in unexpected moments. The conversation also touched upon the nostalgic aspect of receiving these tools as gifts from family members and the pride associated with them. The discussion ended with the speakers expressing their appreciation for the functionality and sentimental value of these tools.

    • Dangers of driving into waterAct quickly to break a window if driving into water to avoid being trapped. Don't wait too long or the car could fill with water.

      Driving a car into water is a dangerous situation that can lead to serious consequences, and it's important to act quickly to save yourself. The speaker shared an experience of having a car on the ice and being prepared with a hammer to break a window if necessary. He also warned against waiting too long to break the window, as the water can fill the car rapidly and make it difficult to escape. The speaker also shared a cautionary tale of a man who waited too long to break his window and ended up having to swim out of the car. It's essential to prioritize safety and act swiftly in such situations.

    • Rapping Over Previously Said LinesRapper Wiz Khalifa creates unique verses by rhyming with previously said lines, emphasizing the importance of having a hobby, and questioning the need to keep unnecessary items.

      Wiz Khalifa, a popular rapper, creates his verses by rhyming with something he's already said, making his lyrics sound more intriguing and unique. This technique, known as "writing over," involves listening to the beat and the previously rapped verses to find the right rhymes. The discussion also touched upon the idea of having a hobby, such as drumming, which can bring joy and annoyance to others depending on the situation. Additionally, the importance of having a reason to keep items, as opposed to accumulating clutter, was emphasized. Ben's father, who follows this principle, only keeps essentials in his garage. This mindset has been passed down to Ben, who questions the purpose of keeping unnecessary items.

    • Memories and emotions evoked by experiences or possessionsExperiencing complex emotions from memories or possessions is a common occurrence, and embracing these feelings can bring joy and fondness.

      Sometimes we find ourselves in situations or possess things that bring back memories or feelings that we associate with someone else, and this can evoke a complex mix of emotions. These feelings are not necessarily negative, but they can be uncomfortable or cringeworthy. In the conversation, the speakers discussed their experiences with this phenomenon, using the example of a pair of red shoes that reminded one of them of a friend. The shoes brought back fond memories, but also a sense of embarrassment or self-consciousness, as they were associated with the friend's quirky personality. The speakers also discussed the challenge of finding a unique name or domain for a project, and the importance of being adaptable when faced with obstacles. Overall, the conversation touched on the universal experience of having experiences or possessions that evoke complex emotions, and the importance of embracing these feelings and finding joy in the memories they bring back.

    • Exploring the Art of Skateboarding and RollerbladingProper techniques and positioning are crucial for learning new skills in skateboarding and rollerblading. Embrace individuality, but not too far from the core of the activity, for an authentic experience. Shared enjoyment and camaraderie add to the experience.

      The group was discussing the process of learning a new skill, specifically skateboarding or rollerblading, and how important it is to follow proper techniques and positioning for success. They also touched upon the idea of embracing one's individuality and straying from the norm, but not too far, as being "core" to the activity. Additionally, they shared some humor and nostalgia related to specific shoes and brand loyalty. Evan, a member of the group, was highlighted for his unique perspective and preferences, which often deviated from the standard or "cool" choices. The conversation also revealed their shared enjoyment of skateboarding and rollerblading, as well as their camaraderie and playful banter.

    • Evan's Quirks and Inside Jokes: Cheetos, Makeup Palettes, and Sexual ExpressionsThe speaker shared stories about their friend Evan's unique expressions, love for Cheetos, and habit of sending copies of plagiarized videos to him.

      The speaker was discussing various quirks and inside jokes from a friend named Evan, including his affinity for Cheetos and unique expressions like "don't let your meatloaf." The speaker also mentioned a Cheeto-themed makeup palette and joked about buying it for Evan, but ultimately decided against it. They also discussed Evan's habit of sending copies of their videos to him when others plagiarized their content. The term "Cheetos" was used as a humorous way to describe something not good or unfamiliar. The speaker also shared some of Evan's other quirks, such as his use of the term "trousers" for pants and "crispers" for coolers. The expression "don't let your meatloaf" was revealed to be a sexual expression used by Evan before leaving for work.

    • The Power of Unconventional PhrasesLanguage can have various meanings, and unique phrases can emerge from different backgrounds and experiences, adding color and depth to communication.

      Language and the words we use can have various meanings, some of which may be unconventional or even vulgar. This was illustrated in a conversation between two individuals where a phrase, "don't let your meatloaf," was discussed. While one person believed it to be a vulgar saying suggesting one has more sex, the other explained it as a simple reminder to keep things clean. The origin of the phrase was traced back to a friend named Evan, who grew up in a specific environment and used such phrases frequently. The conversation also touched upon other unique phrases used by Evan, such as "jammed up" and "drier than a popcorn fart." The conversation ended with a reflection on the importance of improving small talk and using alternative phrases for greetings and farewells. Overall, the conversation showcased the power of language and the unique expressions that can emerge from different backgrounds and experiences.

    • Using unexpected phrases and relatable experiences for better small talkMindfully use unexpected phrases and relatable experiences to make small talk enjoyable, avoid oversharing, and positively impact others.

      Small talk is an essential part of social interaction, but it can be challenging to find common ground. The inventor of "we'll be seeing you" shares how using unexpected phrases or sharing relatable experiences can help break down barriers and make conversations more enjoyable. He emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the impact of our words and avoiding oversharing, while still aiming to give a positive experience to everyone we meet. The inventor also shares a personal story about meeting a celebrity and the excitement and importance of such interactions. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of making connections through small talk and the potential impact it can have on both parties.

    • Misunderstandings in friend circlesPeople may not always recognize us, and clear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings.

      First impressions can be misleading, and sometimes people may not recognize others immediately. In the discussed situation, the speaker was left out of a group photo taken by a friend, not intentionally but due to space constraints. The speaker was initially heartbroken but later learned that the friend had mistaken him for someone else. The friend had even posted the photo on Instagram without tagging the speaker, as he needed a picture for a carousel post and didn't want to tag the wrong person. This experience served as a reminder that people may not always recognize us, and it's essential to communicate clearly to avoid misunderstandings. The speakers ended the conversation on a positive note, looking forward to creating more content for their audience and appreciating their growing subscriber base.

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    S01 EP42: "What's this really about?"

    S01 EP42: "What's this really about?"
    ROB BECKETT & JOSH WIDDICOMBE'S 'LOCKDOWN PARENTING HELL' - S01 EP42: "What's this really about?"More misadventures in parenting from Josh and Rob.Enjoy. Rate and Review. Thanks. xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how:EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.ukTWITTER: @lockdownparent INSTAGRAM: @lockdown_parentingA 'Keep It Light Media' Production Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep 198. Strip Search

    Ep 198. Strip Search

    The Ramey's are getting festive and in particular Chris shares the joys of Christmas Markets. Rosie enjoys part two of the Countries quiz and she also shares some Strictly moments!

    Beefs are gassy and Chris is still going strong with the protein bars. QFTP's involve some unusual icks, trading cards and a solitary tomato.

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    134. Cal & Chip Talk Vikkstar's WILD Ibiza STAG DO, KSI Kicks Off About Private Jet & Luke Bennett COMES OUT As Gay!

    134. Cal & Chip Talk Vikkstar's WILD Ibiza STAG DO, KSI Kicks Off About Private Jet & Luke Bennett COMES OUT As Gay!
    Freezy is back from Vikkstar's Ibiza Stag-Do with ALL the stories! KSI kicks off about the private jet, the boys SHUT DOWN Ocean Beach & much much more! Check out the Amsterdam Vlog: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miKsQbDfCGs⁠ Want to call into the podcast LIVE? Join the Discord: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://discord.gg/dZK7T58AmS⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join the discussion: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ All Links: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://linktr.ee/thefellaspod⁠⁠⁠⁠

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    These Relationship Hacks Will Help You Navigate Through Anything | Women of Impact

    These Relationship Hacks Will Help You Navigate Through Anything | Women of Impact
    On this episode of Women of Impact, host Lisa Bilyeu and her husband Tom Bilyeu discuss the tactics, strategies and rules of engagement they have used to keep their relationship strong and growing for 19 years and counting. They discuss how to avoid letting the small things frustrate you, how to lift each other up, and how to hopefully find a way to make this surprise quarantine fun and empowering.  SHOW NOTES:  How do you avoid getting annoyed with each other over small things? [3:39] How to view everything that happens as practice, and then make it fun [5:50] Don’t tell me I’ve done something wrong after I’ve done it [9:06] Why you have to take responsibility for yourself instead of matching negative energy [10:23] It’s OK to match your partner’s righteous indignation, but not their anxiety [12:42] Do not tell someone they are being irrational. Wait for emotional sobriety [16:31] How do you make space for yourself in a situation that seems impossible? [17:37] How do you deal with a partner who isn’t willing to do the work in a relationship? [21:26] Lisa talks about writing her “quarantine script” in real time [23:38] What would need to be true for this experience to be positive? [25:08] Why you shouldn’t let “dust settle” [27:06] You have to know exactly why things are bothering you [28:38] How to talk to someone who is agitated without getting them even more angry [31:55] What is one thing couples can do right now to get stronger? [34:35] Why you absolutely must take selfish time [37:13] Tom and Lisa used to do relationship theory, which you can still find on YouTube [39:21]  FOLLOW LISA: Instagram: https://bit.ly/2TIsoKh YouTube: https://bit.ly/2IAbTcH Podcast: https://spoti.fi/2IEajGW  FOLLOW TOM: WEBSITE: impacttheory.com INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/33XrFYV FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2xDM4Xa TWITTER: https://bit.ly/39slhdy  Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact? If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. Subscription Benefits: Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more New episodes delivered ad-free Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement Money Mindset: Business & Finance Relationship Theory: Relationships Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices