
    S10 Ep 358 Specialist Guests: New York Comedy Writer Big Wigs

    enJanuary 24, 2024
    What are the key themes discussed in the podcast?
    How does the writing process for SNL work?
    What role does storytelling play in the episode?
    How can anxiety impact confidence levels for creators?
    What strategies can help manage anxiety and improve well-being?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering Meaningful Connections in NYCThrough sharing experiences and admiring others, we can form meaningful connections in NYC. Storytelling, authenticity, and access to entertainment and food are essential components of these connections.

      The excitement of living in New York City and the desire to connect with others who share similar experiences can lead to meaningful interactions and conversations. During this podcast episode, the hosts expressed their admiration for two comedy writers living in New York, leading to a lively discussion about their experiences living in the city. The conversation also showcased the power of storytelling and the importance of being authentic, even if it means admitting embarrassing moments. Additionally, the mention of various brands like FX's The Veil and Kroger highlighted the importance of entertainment and access to affordable and diverse food options. Overall, the episode demonstrated the power of connection and the shared human experiences that bring people together.

    • Navigating Insecurities in the Creative WorldCreative individuals often struggle with feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, finding comfort in the experiences of their heroes and the raw, unfiltered insights of podcasts like 'Fly on the Wall'.

      The speakers in this conversation express feelings of insecurity and self-doubt, particularly when it comes to engaging with their creative heroes. They discuss how they have been influenced by the experiences of writers and artists who seem to thrive in stressful and chaotic environments. Doug shares that he currently works on a book and as a background extra on TV shows, including "The Penguin" with Colin Farrell. The speakers also mention their admiration for podcasts like "Fly on the Wall with David Carville and David Spade," where they enjoy listening to writers discuss their challenging creative processes. Overall, the conversation highlights the common experience of insecurity and self-doubt in the creative world and the appeal of delving into the messy, behind-the-scenes aspects of artistic endeavors.

    • From downtime to exciting moments in the entertainment industryPassion for comedy and willingness to work are keys to success in the entertainment industry, with diverse backgrounds including stand-up comedy, writing, and telemarketing.

      Working in the entertainment industry involves a mix of downtime and intense moments. During downtime, colleagues may chat or prepare for upcoming projects. However, the excitement comes when observing or working closely with talented actors, like Colin Farrell, who can deliver incredible performances. The path to working in this industry can be diverse, with some starting in stand-up comedy while others prefer to write behind the scenes. For instance, the speaker started as a telemarketer but eventually joined a sketch writing group, leading to opportunities to send jokes to Saturday Night Live (SNL) and eventually becoming a writer for The Daily Show. Despite the varying backgrounds, the common thread is a passion for comedy and a willingness to put in the work.

    • From studying Norm Macdonald to writing for The Daily ShowDedication and hard work, along with a bit of luck, can lead to opportunities in the entertainment industry. Be open to unexpected opportunities and demonstrate your abilities on the spot.

      Dedication and hard work, combined with a bit of luck, can lead to success in the entertainment industry. The speaker shared his experience of studying Norm Macdonald's comedy style and transcribing his jokes to capture his voice and sensibility. After submitting his work, he was thrilled when one of his jokes was used on the show. Later, he landed a job on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, but his career took an unexpected turn when he was recommended for a position on The Daily Show with Stephen Colbert. Despite being nervous and unsure of his future, he was given a chance to write for the show on the spot, demonstrating his ability to write on demand. Through hard work and determination, he was able to establish a successful career in comedy writing.

    • The unstable nature of working on late-night talk showsDespite financial instability and a competitive environment, writers find the constant grind and pressure of producing content for a live audience appealing.

      Working as a writer on a late-night talk show comes with financial instability and a competitive environment, despite the glamorous perception. Contracts typically last for only 13 weeks, and writers are unsure of their job security beyond that. There have been cases where some writers only lasted for a few weeks, while others stayed for years. There were even rumors of a secret spreadsheet to keep track of the number of jokes each writer got on the air. The need to prove one's value and put initials on scripts added to the stress. However, The Daily Show was known for being a collaborative and egoless place during the speaker's tenure. Despite the challenges, the constant grind and pressure of producing content for a live audience is what makes working on these shows so appealing to many. It's a cycle that keeps rolling, and the ticking clock adds to the infectious energy of the job.

    • The camaraderie and collective pressure of SNL and The Daily ShowThe shared experience of creating content under pressure fosters a sense of closeness and unity among the writers and performers of SNL and The Daily Show, contributing significantly to their creative output.

      The camaraderie and collective pressure experienced during the production process of shows like Saturday Night Live (SNL) and The Daily Show contribute significantly to the creative output and morale of the team. The grind of daily deadlines and the shared experience of creating content under pressure fosters a sense of closeness and unity among the writers and performers. After long production days, there are often after parties and even after-after parties for cast members to unwind. The weekly routine begins on Monday with a meeting led by SNL's executive creator, Lorne Michaels, where everyone gathers to discuss the upcoming show. The hours may be long, but the tradition remains, and the team continues to thrive in the collaborative environment. Some notable cast members during the speaker's tenure at SNL included Will Ferrell, Anna Gasta, Iert Frisketan, Will Parnell, and Tracy Morgan.

    • SNL Pitch Meetings: A High-Pressure Game of Wit and HumorDuring SNL pitch meetings, writers compete to create quick, funny pitches for the show. Real success comes during the weekly joke readings where the best jokes are chosen for the show.

      The Saturday Night Live (SNL) pitch meetings involve a high level of competition and strategy among writers. During these meetings, writers must come up with quick, funny pitches to impress the host and other writers, often using "fake pitches" that are amusing but not fully developed. The real goal is to have a successful table read on Wednesday, where the best jokes are selected for the show. The process is lengthy and involves the anchors reading through hundreds of jokes each week to choose the best ones. The meetings can be stressful and exhausting for those involved. Doug, as the writer for Weekend Update, didn't participate in the pitch meetings but knew which jokes were successful based on the response from Tina Fey and Seth Meyers during the weekly joke readings.

    • The pressures and challenges of writing for SNLDespite the intense pressures and frequent cuts, it's essential for SNL writers to remain resilient and adaptable to continue generating fresh, funny content for a long-lasting career.

      Writing for a comedy show like Saturday Night Live (SNL) involves intense pressure and constant evaluation. During the writing process, jokes are frequently cut based on audience reaction, leaving writers unsure of their worth and wondering if they've run out of ideas. The experience can be disheartening, but it's essential to remember that everyone goes through rough patches, and the importance of resilience and adaptability cannot be overstated. Writers must recognize that they're not alone in their struggles and that they cannot afford extended periods of unproductivity. The documentary about Albert Brooks serves as a reminder that even successful comedians have faced similar challenges. Ultimately, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and continue generating fresh, funny content is crucial for a long-lasting career in comedy writing.

    • SNL's grueling writing processSNL writers work tirelessly to produce high-quality content under extreme pressure, with a schedule that includes long hours and late nights.

      The writing process for Saturday Night Live (SNL) is intense and relentless. The sketch writers begin writing on Tuesday night, often working through the night and into Wednesday morning. The sketches then need to be turned in, and the cast gathers for a table read later that afternoon with the host. This grueling schedule is a testament to the dedication and creativity of the SNL team. Despite the long hours and late nights, the writers manage to produce high-quality content, often under extreme pressure. The process is not for the faint of heart, but those who thrive in the chaos seem to excel. The idea that inspiration strikes in the late hours may be a myth, but the rhythm of the show becomes a muscle that is learned and used. The SNL team's ability to produce fresh, funny content week after week is truly impressive.

    • Collaboration and chemistry fuel creativity in late-night writing teamsEffective collaboration and strong working relationships are essential for late-night writing teams to succeed in the fast-paced world of TV, allowing for a free flow of ideas and the development of unique partnerships.

      Collaboration and chemistry play a significant role in the success of a writing team, particularly in the fast-paced world of late-night television. At SNL and The Daily Show, writers often work in pairs or small groups, sharing offices with cast members or other writers to foster creativity and build strong working relationships. This setup allows for a free flow of ideas and the development of unique partnerships. While they may come to the table with some ideas, the real decisions and pitches are made in the morning meetings, ensuring a blank slate and a fresh approach each day. Despite the intense pressure and demanding schedules, the success of these shows relies on the ability to work together effectively and adapt to the ever-changing news cycle.

    • Collaborating with Executive Producer John to Improve Comedy SegmentsUnder tight deadlines, writers work together with executive producer to create high-quality comedy segments through respectful feedback and collaboration

      During the writing process for a late-night television show, writers were given a tight deadline to produce a 3-minute comedy segment within a 2.5 hour timeframe. The head writer would assign one or two writers to write the script, incorporating videotapes, graphics, and a narrative arc. After lunch, writers would receive notes from the executive producer, John, who would read the script silently before giving feedback. Despite the pressure and potential for criticism, writers were expected to agree with John's notes and make the script better, understanding that his reputation and success were on the line. This collaborative and respectful approach to producing comedy resulted in a high-quality product and a positive work environment.

    • Navigating Intimidating Writing RoomsQuieter writers can still contribute by engaging in room's culture and taking calculated risks, despite the pressure to perform and fear of judgment.

      Writing rooms can be intimidating environments, especially for new writers. The pressure to contribute and the fear of being judged can be paralyzing. However, even quieter writers can still make their mark by engaging in the organic laughter and shorthand language of comedy. Not every writing room is the same, and some may be more charitable to quieter writers. But, it's important to remember that writing rooms are not perfect for wallflowers, and there is often pressure to contribute. Ultimately, the best writers find a way to take risks and step out of their comfort zones, even in the face of intimidating environments and challenging personalities.

    • Bringing SNL Sketches to LifeCollaboration and effective communication between departments are crucial for the success of SNL's live comedy show, with writers, crew, and department heads working together to bring sketches to life through table reads, adjustments, and overnight preparations.

      The writing process for a live comedy show like Saturday Night Live involves a collaborative and well-oiled machine of various departments working together to bring sketches to life. Doug and Matt shared their experiences of writing for the show, where they were given the freedom to work in a dedicated space and focus on creating jokes without interruptions. After the table read and rewrites, writers would meet with department heads like hair and makeup, costume, and set design to discuss requirements and make adjustments. The crew, some of whom have been there since the show's inception, would work overnight to build sets and prepare for the following day's dress rehearsal. Not all sketches make it to the live version, and some material is cut based on audience reaction and the host's preferences. The process requires effective communication and collaboration between departments to ensure a successful show.

    • Bringing SNL to Life: Rehearsals, Cuts, and DeadlinesThe SNL production process involves intense rehearsals, cuts, and deadlines, requiring dedication and creativity from cast and crew.

      Creating a live television show like Saturday Night Live (SNL) involves a complex and simultaneous process of rehearsing scenes, blocking out camera angles, making cuts, and collaborating with cast members. The atmosphere can be both fun and tense, with long writing nights and the pressure of having your piece perform well. After the table read on Wednesday, sketches may be cut or revived in other forms, such as on Weekend Update. The show must end precisely on time, leading to moments of relief or panic depending on the success of your segment. Sketches that don't make it to air can sometimes be salvaged and given new life in other ways. The process is intense and requires dedication, but also offers opportunities for creativity and collaboration.

    • Behind the scenes of late-night talk shows: constant adjustments and collaborationLate-night talk shows require quick adaptation and teamwork during the show and intense rehearsals beforehand, with rewards in camaraderie.

      Working on a late-night talk or sketch show involves constant adjustments and collaboration under tight deadlines. Producers may ask for time cuts during the show itself, and everyone from the actors to the cue card person must adapt quickly. The after-party, while unofficial, can be notorious for debauchery. The organization of the after-party is usually handled by one of the cast members. The rehearsal process is intense, with writers and producers working together to develop and cut VTs (video segments) and refine the script. John Stewart, as a host, was known for his intelligence and relaxed demeanor during rehearsals. Despite the challenges, the experience was rewarding, and the camaraderie among the team was a highlight.

    • Jon Stewart's Confidence and Improvisation on The Daily ShowJon Stewart's unique ability to juggle the script and ad-lib made him a one-of-a-kind host, defining and establishing The Daily Show as the gold standard of satire.

      Jon Stewart, the former host of The Daily Show, was known for his comfortability and confidence on live television, which allowed him to improvise and make the show feel organic. During rehearsals, he would make last-minute changes to the script and memorize it well enough to deliver the punchlines without reading from the prompter. His ability to juggle the script and ad-lib was astounding, making him a one-of-a-kind host who defined and established The Daily Show as the gold standard of satire during his time. The show relied heavily on his unique style and improvisational skills, and when it went live, he felt relieved knowing he had done all he could to make it a success.

    • Creating graphics and segments on the fly for a daily news showQuick thinking and collaboration are essential for producing a daily news show, with constant pressure to come up with new ideas and respond to unexpected events.

      Working on a daily news show involves constant creativity and quick thinking under pressure. The speaker shared an anecdote from his experience working on a news program, where he had to come up with ideas for graphics and segments on the spot to meet tight deadlines. He compared this process to doing stand-up comedy, where performers must respond to audience interruptions in real-time. The speaker also touched on the importance of collaboration with writers and the postmortem sessions with the show's host to pitch new ideas for the following day. Despite the pressure and the need for constant creativity, the speaker expressed admiration for those who can perform live on demand every day. He also acknowledged the fear of being judged, which can be a daunting experience for those not used to being in the public eye.

    • Maintaining Confidence Amidst AnxietyBelieve in yourself, don't lie about importance, manage anxiety, focus on present, have support system

      Confidence is key when dealing with anxiety, but it can be challenging to maintain that confidence, especially when the stakes feel high. The more we talk about our fears, the harder it becomes to fool ourselves into feeling confident. Anxiety can manifest as a creeping door, and it's essential to keep the anxiety level from getting too high as that door opens. With experience, we can learn to deal with potential setbacks, even if they don't go as planned. However, it's crucial to believe in ourselves and not lie to ourselves about the importance of the situation. The stakes may not be as high as they seem, and we can't fake confidence if we don't truly believe it. Ultimately, we must find ways to manage our anxiety and maintain a realistic perspective. For some, it may be helpful to remind ourselves that the consequences of failure are not as dire as we think. Additionally, having a support system and focusing on the present moment can help reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being.

    • Effective communication in actionClear language and acknowledgement of others' contributions foster positive and productive conversations, leading to stronger relationships and success.

      The importance of clear and effective communication. Doug's use of phrases like "crunch crunch," "thank you so much," and "my pleasure" may seem trivial, but they actually serve an important function in maintaining a positive and productive conversation. By acknowledging the contributions of others and using clear language, we can ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards a common goal. Additionally, the conversation showcases the importance of being present and engaged in a discussion, as evidenced by Doug's attentiveness and responsiveness. Overall, effective communication is essential for building strong relationships and achieving success in both personal and professional contexts.

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    L.Vaughan Spencer has recently returned to his native Britain after a lengthy sojourn in Canada where he has built a huge following and massive reputation as a personal growth guru.

    L. Vaughan Spencer was named the 2004 Business Speaker of the Year for Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire and came 12th in the Northern Hemisphere Motivator of the Year (Under-40 Middleweight Section). He is Business Ambassador for the South East England Tree Fellowship, editor-at-large of Success & Succeediness and is the Kall-Kwik Visiting Professor of Succeedership at the University of the Isle of Wight. He is a member of the Board of Governors of Skybrook Primary School in Stevenage.

    He is the chief executive of the L. Vaughan Spencer Foundation, a not-for-much-profit organisation dedicated to its betterment and of Succeeder Solutions who provide "bespoke solutions to tricky problems". He is Chair of the Succeeder Institute, a think-tank on important things which is trying to advise the government. He is considered one of the world’s leading trendologists. Having looked at Generation X, then Generation Y, he is firmly focused on the prospects for Generation Z. What comes after that remains unclear.

    He is a global force and helped organise the famous Motiv-8 Event in July 2005, held near Wembley, and at locations across the world and Hertfordshire. Leading lights in the personal growth industry attended and so did someone from the European Union. In 2006, he was appointed a Senior Fellow at the Advanced Seminar on Succeederology (ASS). It is now offering a new course, The Two-Minute MBA.

    As one of the UK’s leading thinkers (he has been acknowledged as one of the top ten thousand influential people on management issues in the Home Counties), he does a lot of thinking, often about Leadership, and is in demand internationally as an inspiring speaker, renowned for his passion and dress sense. His insightful and skilful story-telling mean he can make the Big Picture seem even bigger. He sits on the European Cheese Council, and plays tennis. L. Vaughan Spencer was recently awarded the Gold Star Lifetime Achievement Award by the Personal Development Association of Newfoundland for his services to humanity and sales of his videos. He has been married and lives not from far from London Luton Airport.

    L. Vaughan Spencer's mantra is that if you don't aim the arrow right, it will never land where you want it. And you must pull the bow back.

    Recorded: 1st April 2019


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    SPOS #641 - Planet Funny With Ken Jennings

    SPOS #641 - Planet Funny With Ken Jennings

    Welcome to episode #641 of Six Pixels of Separation

    Here it is: Six Pixels of Separation - Episode #641 - Host: Mitch Joel. I’m a moron. I did not put two and two together. My buddy, Scott Stratten, let me know that a new book called, Planet Funny, had recently been published. I’m all-in on any non-fiction book that can bridge comedy, culture and things like that. Too many business professionals discount the value and merits of comedy in business, and how massive of a communications skill that comedy is (in short: study comedy if you want to get better at positioning, storytelling, communications skills, etc…). Plus, let’s face it, funny equals happy… and we can never have enough of that! The author of the book, Planet Funny, has written over a dozen other books like (Brainiac, Maphead, Because I Said So! and many more). He also happens to be the winningest contestant ever on the age show Jeopardy! (And even lost to IBM Watson’s artificial intelligence). That’s Ken Jennings. So, yes, we discuss the impact of what he calls “peak comedy,” but we also chat about his appearance on Jeopardy! and many other topics (as you can imagine, Ken is smaaaart). So, does your business need more funny? Yes… yes it does… and there’s never been a better time to make that happen than right now. Enjoy the conversation... 

    Going Commando S3 Special Episode 26 with The Professional Misfits

    Going Commando S3 Special Episode 26 with The Professional Misfits

    Join us for a special episode of Going Commando where the “ladies” of Commando, hoping to get a little taste of bro culture, throw down for a bit with The Professional Misfits, Christopher Sellers and Broedy Ipox. Connecting with one another from distant points on the globe, spanning from NY to Australia to Oregon to Florida, this motley crew shares one commonality—authenticity. Together, they open up about business relationships, the fate of the world, struggles with mental illness, and most importantly book plugs (that's BOOK plugs!). The foursome talks about everything and nothing at the same time. What's important to note, however, is that they're talking, and in doing so, they encourage you to do the same. And as always, true to form, Dana and Angela, now with their new best friends, crack jokes, make merry, and embrace their potty mouths as they drop all pretenses and go commando!

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    Professional Misfits: The b-sides of professional life.
    YouTube - www.youtube.com/@professionalmisfits
    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5MFzk6b96DDynsy2AzwpUW

    - - - - - - - - - - -

    BOOK plugs:

    Applied Creativity: Your Guide to Revolutionary Thinking and the Six Skills to Unlock Your Creative Potential by Christopher Sellers
    Learn more: https://www.cssellers.com/

    Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment by Dana Sardano
    Learn more: https://phenom-publishing.com/dana-sardano

    Uniquely U. Update #52: The Birth of a Bright-Eyed Entrepreneur by Angela DiMarco https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BRDH7WGB/
    Learn more: https://finduniquelyu.com/angela-dimarco/

    And follow Broedy, who's story is yet to be written:

    - - - - - - - - - - -


    Uniquely Phenom Collaboration—We provide tools & resources designed for creators by creators. Learn more at UniquelyPhenom.com.

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