
    S10 Ep 380 Where's Joe Now ? It's Cold, Wet and Wavy.

    enMarch 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Shopping at Kroger: Wide selection and savingsKroger offers over 30,000 meal options at everyday low prices, plus digital coupons and fuel points for extra savings

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 delicious options for meals, along with everyday low prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. Shopping at Kroger not only provides a wide range of inspiring flavors but also valuable savings. The conversation between Joel and an unknown person in the podcast seemed unrelated to the topic, involving a guessing game about a location and a potential lab pig. It appears to be part of a larger story they've discussed before. Joel is planning to have a surf lesson at The Wave in Bristol, which is an outdoor wave machine, despite the cold weather in February.

    • Overcoming Fear to Join a New CommunityDespite feeling unprepared and overwhelmed, the speaker committed to joining a new community and overcame his fears through determination and excitement.

      The speaker was about to attempt surfing in large, powerful waves despite feeling overwhelmed and underprepared. The locals, who were all experienced surfers, reassured him that he could handle it, but the speaker was hesitant due to the cold weather and his own inexperience. The speaker's friend, Petra, had organized the lesson, and he felt committed to going through with it despite his reservations. The waves were described as being at least 6 feet high and fast, with everyone present being experienced surfers. The speaker was the only beginner and felt out of his depth, both literally and figuratively. The cold weather was also a concern, as was the potential for making his existing cold even worse. Despite these fears, the speaker ultimately decided to go through with the lesson, feeling a sense of commitment and excitement at the prospect of joining the local surfing community.

    • Speaker's concerns about cold temperature during surfing lessonDespite feeling unwell and disliking the cold, the speaker feels obligated to complete his surfing lesson, revealing his reluctance and negative attitude towards the experience.

      The speaker in this conversation is expressing his concerns about the cold temperature during a surfing lesson he is about to take. He has a cold already and is worried about wearing a wet suit, which he believes will make him even colder. He also expresses frustration with the large number of people at the beach and the length of the lesson. Despite his discomfort, he feels obligated to complete the lesson and meet his instructor. The conversation also reveals his negative attitude towards people who endure the cold weather, and his desire for warmth and comfort. Overall, the speaker's words reflect his apprehension and reluctance towards the upcoming experience.

    • Joe's Surfing Lesson Anxieties Eased by InstructorJoe overcomes his fears and attends surfing lesson with reassurance from instructor David, who provides necessary gear and answers questions, ultimately helping Joe feel more comfortable in the cold weather.

      The speaker, Joe, is feeling intimidated and unsure about attending a surfing lesson due to the cold weather and rain. He's meeting the instructor, David, in the reception area of the surf school. Joe is also apologizing for his cold and expressing concern about getting pneumonia. Throughout the conversation, David is reassuring Joe and helping him prepare for the lesson by providing him with necessary gear and answering his questions. The speaker seems to be feeling more at ease as the conversation progresses, but he's still struggling with getting changed into his wetsuit in the cold and damp changing room. Despite his initial hesitation, Joe ultimately decides to go through with the lesson. The conversation also reveals that the surf school is run by a man named Nick, who made the place.

    • Facing Harsh Weather Conditions: Anxiety and ExcitementOvercoming discomfort and embarrassment, embrace new adventures in harsh weather conditions for a unique and exciting experience

      Experiencing the extremes of weather, whether it's freezing cold or scorching hot, can be an overwhelming and nerve-wracking experience. This was evident in the conversation between two individuals preparing for a windsurfing lesson in harsh weather conditions. They shared stories of feeling anxious and vulnerable in new environments, such as school events or cricket trials, and how the experience of putting on a wetsuit and facing the cold water added to their apprehension. Despite the discomfort and embarrassment, they acknowledged the excitement and uniqueness of the experience, comparing it to watching apps from the comfort of home. Ultimately, they acknowledged the importance of pushing through the challenges and embracing new adventures, even if they come with logistical difficulties and moments of self-consciousness.

    • A surfing lesson and self-consciousnessDespite feeling self-conscious, individuals find joy and support in trying new experiences with others. Encouragement and positivity from coaches and peers can help overcome fears and improve confidence.

      The conversation between two individuals revolves around their experience at a surfing lesson, with one of them feeling self-conscious about his appearance in the cold weather and unusual attire. The conversation also reveals their interaction with the coach and other participants, as well as their concerns about the cold weather and the man's ability to handle the waves. The tone of the conversation is light-hearted and humorous, with the speakers making observations and jokes about each other and their surroundings. Overall, the conversation highlights the shared experience of trying something new and the importance of having a supportive and encouraging attitude towards oneself and others.

    • Surfing Lesson: Awe and StruggleDespite the speaker's admiration for surfers, they share their own discomfort and struggle during a surfing lesson, highlighting the challenges of balance, cold weather, and lengthy sessions.

      The speaker is describing a popular and busy surfing lesson they attended, which includes a campsite with accommodations for visitors. The speaker expresses admiration for those who can surf but shares their own inability and discomfort with the cold and balance required. They also mention the frustration of watching someone else struggle during the lesson, and the lengthy duration of the session. The speaker also shares their personal experience of difficulty getting up from the floor and relates it to the challenge of surfing. They also mention the instructor's patience and the harsh weather conditions. The speaker expresses their amusement at the persistence of the struggling student, nicknamed "Gimpy," and their concern for his well-being in the cold water. Overall, the speaker expresses awe and respect for surfers but acknowledges their own limitations and the challenges of the sport.

    • The deception of easy tasksAppearances can be deceiving, and what seems simple may require significant effort and determination to accomplish.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and the ease that something looks from a distance may not translate to the reality of the situation. The conversation revolves around a friend's experience trying to learn to paddleboard, which seemed simple and enjoyable from afar. However, the friend discovered the challenge and effort required firsthand. This experience was captured on video, and the group anticipated humorous reactions from their friend. Despite the cold and rainy conditions, their friend persevered and eventually succeeded, surprising everyone with his determination and resilience. This incident served as a reminder that things may not always be as easy as they seem, and that pushing through challenges can lead to unexpected rewards.

    • A Life-Changing Experience at The WaveThe Wave offers an unforgettable community experience and fun atmosphere for water sports enthusiasts of all ages.

      The speaker had an incredible experience at The Wave, a water sports facility, and strongly recommends it to others. He was initially hesitant to try it, but after going multiple times, he declared it as the best thing he's ever done. The community and fun atmosphere were major factors in his positive experience. The speaker also met someone named David who impressed him with his surfing skills and was encouraged to start a tournament for older surfers. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for The Wave is contagious and he strongly suggests giving it a try.

    • Embracing new experiences brings joy and personal growthEven after past miseries and fears, new experiences can lead to joy and personal growth, as shown by a friend's excitement for a surfing event and new surfboard, despite initial doubts and past accidents.

      Despite past miseries and fears, embracing new experiences can lead to joy and personal growth. This was evident in a conversation between two friends discussing a surfing event in Bristol. One friend, who had previously been miserable before an accident, was now excited to attend and had even received a new surfboard as a gift. Although initially hesitant, the friend expressed gratitude for the experience and the wind of opportunity under their wings. The conversation also touched upon the friend's newfound confidence in using their own surfboard, despite initial doubts about its durability. The exchange ended with positive sentiments and well-wishes, highlighting the transformative power of new experiences and the importance of embracing them, even when faced with uncertainty.

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    0:01:03 - The Transformational Power of Firewalking

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    0:20:16 - The Power of Firewalking

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    0:37:29 - Life Is a Journey


    “Don’t change a thing. Just hang in there, because this too will pass.”




    I am Agi Keramidas, a podcaster, mentor, and knowledge broker. My mission is simple - to inspire you to take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life. Visit my website: AgiKeramidas.com




    In this podcast episode, we explore the incredible transformational journey of Dave Albin, the number one fire walk instructor in America, who has worked with Tony Robbins for almost twenty years as his fire walk captain. Dave's story begins with a challenging childhood, adoption, and early involvement with drinking and hard drugs, culminating in a harrowing moment in 1988 when he put a gun to his head. Dave's journey toward personal growth and development began after seeking help through Alcoholics Anonymous, where he embraced sobriety one day at a time.


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    In this part of the conversation, we delve into how Tony Robbins' Personal Power program served as a catalyst for Dave Albin's personal development journey. As Dave shares, the combination of AA's twelve-step program and Tony Robbins' teachings helped him discover his greater purpose in life. Dave recalls attending a Tony Robbins event in 1995 with a friend, where they were instructed to participate in a fire walk. Despite initially refusing to do the fire walk, Dave found himself at the front of the line and ultimately walked across the hot coals, marking a transformational moment in his life.


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