
    S10 Ep 435 Back Catalogue Guest: Lee Mack Part 2

    enJuly 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Lee Mack's perspective on plansLee Mack values the present moment and doesn't always have specific plans, but he's open to trying new things and collaborating with others, like in their potential project 'Pyramind'.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Lee Mack is his unique perspective on having plans and the importance of trying new things. Lee shared that he often doesn't have any specific plans, and instead, he embraces the present moment. He also mentioned his experience with technology, specifically an app for a quiz show, which he finds addictive. The conversation also touched on their collaboration on a potential project called "Pyramind," which they discussed at length. Despite the challenges, they were determined to make it work. Another interesting topic that came up was the difference between performing for an audience versus performing for cameras in a sitcom setting. Lee mentioned that they always test their material in front of a live audience before recording in the studio to gauge what works and what doesn't. Overall, this conversation with Lee Mack was filled with humor, insight, and a reminder to embrace the unexpected and enjoy the journey.

    • Live audience feedbackLive audience feedback during television show recordings can significantly impact a show's success by providing valuable insights for the creative team on which jokes and moments resonate with viewers, helping to attract and retain audiences.

      The importance of live audience feedback in the development and success of a television show cannot be overstated. Though the number of people attending live recordings is small, their reactions and laughter can significantly impact the show's overall success. Early series often struggle to attract viewers, and live audience feedback can help identify which jokes and moments resonate, providing valuable insights for the creative team. However, an overly enthusiastic audience can sometimes make it difficult to gauge genuine laughs and applause, requiring careful consideration during post-production. Ultimately, the combination of live audience feedback and careful editing is crucial in creating a successful and engaging television show.

    • Live performancesDisruptions during live performances can ruin the experience for everyone involved, requiring full attention and respect from the audience. Writing an hour of stand-up material takes significant time and effort, and comedians value the learning experience of trying out new material in front of audiences.

      Live performances, whether it's a play or stand-up comedy, require full attention and respect from the audience. A disruption, like a phone ringing, can ruin the experience for everyone involved. Lee Mack shared his embarrassing experience of this happening during a play, and how it made him feel when the person was revealed to be in the audience watching his own life being portrayed on stage. Another key takeaway from the conversation was Lee Mack's perspective on stand-up comedy and writing. He mentioned that writing an hour of stand-up material takes a significant amount of time and effort, and that he wouldn't feel ready to perform again after a seven-year hiatus. He also shared memories of his early comedy days, and how trying out new material in front of an audience was a valuable learning experience. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of preparation, respect, and the evolution of comedy as an art form.

    • 1990s UK comedy sceneComedians in the 1990s UK comedy scene performed for love and craft, with minimal financial rewards and a diverse range of acts, creating an exciting and challenging experience

      The comedy scene in the UK during the 1990s was vastly different from what it is today. Comedians of that era, including the speaker, started performing stand-up comedy primarily for the love of it and to hone their craft on the circuit. The standard of television comedy was not as high, and the financial rewards were minimal. As a result, the circuit was a melting pot of various acts, from good ones to terrible ones and even some eccentric ones. The speaker recalls a time when comedians would perform at multiple gigs in one night for relatively low pay, making it an exciting and challenging experience. The scene was less polished and more unpredictable, with comedians like Jimbo, who virtually didn't speak on stage, becoming cult figures. Overall, the 1990s comedy scene was a unique and formative time for many comedians who were in it for the passion and the thrill of performing live.

    • Career setbacksEven successful people face rejection and nervous experiences, but resilience and support from colleagues help them bounce back and continue pursuing their passion.

      Even the most successful people, like a comedian who won a competition, have faced rejection and nervous experiences in their careers. During an audition, the comedian delivered a line and was let go from a show, feeling unprepared and unsatisfied with their performance. Despite this setback, they continued to pursue their passion and eventually found success. Another key point is the importance of resilience and support from colleagues, as the comedian expressed they would have dealt differently with various types of wobbles or nervous moments. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of persistence and the ability to bounce back from setbacks in order to achieve success.

    • Entertainment industry experiencesSpeakers shared stories of unique situations, challenges, and freedoms in the entertainment industry, emphasizing the importance of passion and camaraderie in overcoming negativity and hardships.

      The conversation between the speakers revolved around their experiences in the entertainment industry, sharing stories of unique situations and their approaches to comedy. They discussed the challenges and freedoms of their work, with one speaker revealing an anecdote about a fellow comedian who wore his own clothes on set instead of using provided costumes. Another topic touched upon was their love for comedy and the joy of performing, despite the hardships and negativity sometimes encountered. They also shared memories of past projects, such as a non-broadcast puppet show pilot they did together. Overall, the conversation showcased the camaraderie and passion of individuals in the entertainment industry.

    • TV industry decision-makingDisappointing cancellation experiences and anecdotes don't deter industry professionals from pursuing their careers, and understanding audience desires can help secure collaborations.

      The decision-making process in the TV industry can be unclear and unsatisfying, even involving broken glasses and discussions about past TV gigs. The speaker expresses disappointment about the cancellation of a project involving puppets, and shares some anecdotes about his own experiences, including laser eye surgery and the nostalgic feeling of receiving payment in a brown envelope. He also suggests that understanding what people truly want can be an effective way to persuade them to collaborate. Despite the lack of clarity regarding the current project, the speaker remains optimistic and continues to pursue his career in comedy.

    • Refining ideas and formatsInvesting time and effort into refining ideas and formats, through collaboration and openness to feedback, can lead to significant improvements in creative projects.

      The importance of refining ideas and formats, especially when it comes to creative projects like a television series. The speakers discuss the challenges they faced with the ending of a project called "Pyramind," expressing regret over not having spent more time perfecting it. They emphasize the value of persistence and collaboration, suggesting that involving a manufacturer or going back and forth through emails could lead to improvements. The conversation also touches on the importance of being open to feedback and being willing to adapt, even if it means making significant changes. Overall, the speakers highlight the importance of investing time and effort into creative projects to ensure they reach their full potential.

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