
    S2 Ep 18: Halloween Rom & Pancake Problems

    enNovember 02, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger: Wide Variety, Everyday Low Prices, and Additional SavingsShopping at Kroger provides a wide range of meal options, consistent pricing, and extra savings through digital coupons and fuel points.

      Shopping at Kroger offers a wide variety of delicious options for every mealtime, along with everyday low prices and additional savings through digital coupons and fuel points. While discussing their podcast experience, the speakers shared a surprising incident where an airport electrician quickly fixed a dead phone using simple troubleshooting steps. The conversation also included some humor and a comparison of Apple AirPods and Samsung headphones. Despite some technical difficulties, they emphasized the importance of updating phones to prevent issues. Overall, the conversation showcased the convenience and savings available at Kroger, along with a lighthearted discussion about technology.

    • Friend's Support for Speaker's WorkFriend's enthusiasm and promotion leads to opportunities for speaker in Italy, highlighting the importance of supportive relationships in personal and professional growth.

      The speaker and his friend have a shared interest in music and have a history of attending events together, including a Halloween night where they dressed up as Mario and Luigi. The friend has been promoting the speaker's work to people he knows in Italy, and the speaker appreciates his friend's enthusiasm and support. The conversation also touches on the friend's past experiences with merchandise and Halloween costumes, with the speaker expressing admiration for those who put significant effort into their costumes and suggesting that they could excel at creating them themselves. The conversation is filled with banter and camaraderie, highlighting their strong friendship and shared experiences.

    • Mario costume presents practical challenge at eventsSpeaker enjoys music events despite occasional inconvenience of Mario costume's bathroom limitations

      The Mario costume, while fun, presents a practical challenge when it comes to using the restroom. The speaker prefers to use sit-down facilities when possible and has had to hold it in at events where suitable facilities weren't available. The Halloween party was a highlight, with impressive performances from Martin Toosmith, DJ Miss Candy, and Jaguar Skills. The speaker arrived drunk and had a memorable experience emceeing, but regrets not being able to see Insta stories of his performance due to being tagged in them. Despite the occasional inconvenience, the speaker looks forward to attending future events and enjoying the music and camaraderie.

    • Unexpected events and social pressures can lead to guilt over schedule deviationsClear communication and respecting others' time are essential to avoid guilt and inconvenience from schedule deviations

      Even small deviations from planned schedules can lead to significant inconvenience and guilt, especially when it comes to important social engagements. The speaker in this discussion shared an experience of attending an Arsenal game with friends and staying longer than intended, resulting in a late return home and an overcooked dinner for his wife. Despite his intentions to make it back on time, unexpected events and social pressures led him to extend his stay. This experience left him feeling guilty and hungover the next day, and he acknowledged that his behavior might not be considered "cute" anymore as he gets older. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of clear communication and respecting others' time, as well as the potential consequences of not adhering to planned schedules.

    • A customer's frustrating experience with a new crepe makerUnexpected changes can disrupt simple pleasures, but patience and understanding can help improve the situation.

      Even the simplest pleasures in life, like having a perfect crepe for breakfast, can be disrupted by unexpected changes. A long-time customer, who is particular about his crepes and toppings, had a frustrating experience when the regular crepe maker was replaced by a new person. Despite his patience and attempts to get a perfect crepe, the new person struggled, leading to a series of imperfect crepes. The customer, who puts a lot of pressure on himself, felt anxious and flustered, causing further tension. The situation was made worse by the fact that the customer had changed his order from his usual lemon and sugar topping to Nutella and banana, which caused the Nutella to seep out and ruin the crepe's shape. Ultimately, the customer left feeling disappointed and frustrated, but he also acknowledged that the crepe maker was doing her best and gave her a kind word and a smile before leaving. The experience served as a reminder that sometimes, things don't go as planned, and it's important to be patient and understanding, especially when dealing with people who are new to a situation.

    • The importance of queue etiquette in various situationsEmpathy, patience, and mindfulness are key to effective queue etiquette. Wait for less crowded times and consider the impact of extra requests on others.

      Effective queue etiquette and consideration for others can make a significant difference in various situations, including waiting in line for food. The speaker shares an experience of waiting in a queue for pancakes and reflects on the importance of choosing the right moment to approach the counter, to avoid unnecessary discomfort for both the server and other customers. He suggests waiting for a less crowded time and being mindful of the impact of demanding extra items on others' self-esteem. The conversation also touches upon the importance of building relationships with staff and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, the speaker's behavior, which involves ordering a large number of eggs daily, raises concerns about the potential health implications and the impact on the kitchen's resources. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of empathy, patience, and mindfulness in everyday interactions.

    • Disappointed about missing a boxing match and struggling with new showsConsider watching just the first episode of a new show to form an opinion and join conversations

      The speaker expresses disappointment about not being invited to a lads night out to watch a boxing match, particularly one featuring Katie Taylor, whom they admire. They also share their habit of starting to watch new shows but not following through with them, mentioning several examples like "The Watcher" and "White Lotus." The speaker suggests an approach of just watching the first episode and forming an opinion based on that, as well as the potential benefits of being able to join conversations about the shows. They also clarify that they don't double screen or use their phones while watching TV.

    • Comedy vs Drama: Engagement and ReactionsComedy requires active engagement and evaluation from viewers, making it a good indicator of success. Dramas keep audiences hooked by curiosity alone, without the need for active engagement.

      People's reactions to comedy and drama differ significantly. While some people can be passionate and angry about a comedy series that doesn't align with their sense of humor, dramas tend to keep audiences engaged just by wanting to know what happens next. The speaker believes that comedy serves as a barometer of success because it requires an active engagement from the audience, making them evaluate their own reaction to the content. However, in the case of dramas, viewers may continue watching out of curiosity without feeling the need to actively engage or evaluate their experience. The speaker also shared their personal experience of feeling let down after a drunken night spent in a virtual party room, highlighting the contrast between the anticipated enjoyment and the actual feeling of isolation and sadness.

    • A unique movie perspective through one character's faceThe film offers a fresh take on toxic masculinity and gladiators by focusing solely on one character's reactions, creating an intriguing and unconventional viewing experience.

      The movie being discussed is a unique concept focusing on toxic masculinity and gladiators, but told entirely through the perspective of one character's face during intense scenes. This approach creates an intriguing and unconventional viewing experience, as the audience is only shown the character's reactions to the violence and chaos unfolding around them. The filmmaker explained this as the opposite of a game like Doom, where the player sees the world from an external perspective. Despite the unconventional approach, the film may still be followable, and the use of close-ups and reflections could add depth to the storytelling. However, it's important to consider whether this approach adds value to the story or if it's being used solely for the sake of being different.

    • Perseverance and the power of positive thinkingBelieving in yourself and your work can lead to success, even when faced with doubt and criticism. Home is not just a physical place, but a feeling that resides within us, and finding comfort in new experiences and people can help us feel at home.

      Confidence and belief in one's work can lead to great success, even in the face of doubt and criticism. The man in the discussion showcased this trait as he continued to promote his avant-garde film, despite encountering skepticism and disbelief from others. He remained steadfast in his conviction that the film would eventually gain recognition, and it may very well do so. Another important point raised in the conversation was the idea that home is not just a physical place, but a feeling that resides within us. The speaker encouraged the listener to find comfort in new experiences and surroundings, and to focus on the people and things that bring joy and familiarity. Despite never having been to New York, he offered suggestions for the listener to find comfort in the city, such as seeking out the best American slice pizza and finding a new favorite hangout spot. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of perseverance, self-discovery, and the power of positive thinking.

    • Embrace new experiences instead of focusing on homesicknessInstead of dwelling on what we miss from home, throw ourselves into new experiences and make the most of the unique opportunities in our new surroundings.

      Instead of focusing on what we miss from home when we're in a new place, we should embrace the adventure and discover the wonders of where we are. Tom Davies shared his experience of feeling homesick during his time in Australia, but he regrets not fully embracing the experience and discovering all that the city had to offer. He encourages us to throw ourselves into new experiences and not dwell on what we've left behind. New York City, for example, offers incredible food, nightlife, culture, and opportunities that are unparalleled. So instead of longing for home, we should engage with our new surroundings and make the most of the unique experiences they offer. Just like Phoebe from Friends, we have the opportunity to become a part of something great in a new place.

    • Embracing new environments and long-distance relationshipsAdopting a touristy attitude can help you fall in love with a new place. Express gratitude and support in long-distance relationships.

      No matter how difficult adjusting to a new environment may be, embracing it and making yourself feel like an outsider can help you fall in love with that place. The speaker shares his experience of feeling homesick in Los Angeles despite living there for several months, but eventually growing to appreciate it by adopting a touristy attitude. Similarly, for those facing long-distance relationships, the speaker advises expressing gratitude and continuing to support each other despite the challenges. The speaker also shares his admiration for the podcast and its positive impact. A listener, the thoughtful grizzly bear, expresses his appreciation for the podcast and shares his own dilemma of being in a long-distance relationship, where his partner is traveling while he cannot join due to career commitments. He expresses his love and support for his partner and the challenges they have faced together.

    • Maintaining strong relationships during long absencesCommunication and trust are key to weathering long-distance relationships. Don't enforce constant contact, but maintain an open line of communication to navigate challenges.

      Strong relationships can weather long absences and challenges, but it's essential to maintain open communication and trust. The thoughtful grizzly bear, Tom Doak, shares his experience of a long-distance relationship with Catherine, where they faced awkward situations like sexting and long separations. Tom emphasizes that if a relationship has a strong bond, it's worth holding on to and letting each other live their lives freely. However, it's crucial not to enforce constant communication or specific contact times when a partner is traveling, as it can create unnecessary anxiety. Instead, maintaining an understanding and open line of communication can help navigate the challenges of long-distance relationships. Tom, being a romantic at heart, believes that Catherine and the grizzly bear will eventually reunite and build an incredible world together.

    • Traveling and Engaging in New ExperiencesWhile away, imagine and share exciting adventures to stay active and connected with loved ones.

      While traveling or when loved ones are away, it's essential to keep active and engage in new experiences. This advice is the opposite of the previous suggestion to "go you" in New York. Instead, "go you go traveling in your brain," imagining and sharing exciting adventures with others upon their return. The discussion also touched on the topic of toddlers peeing in public and the conflicting opinions on its appropriateness. Ultimately, the perspective was that parents are doing their best in such situations and should prioritize their child's comfort and well-being. The conversation also included a shared experience of dealing with a sick child during travel, emphasizing the challenges and concerns that come with being a parent.

    • Prioritizing children's needs during potty trainingParents should prioritize their child's needs during potty training, even if it means using a travel potty in public places. Be discreet and apologetic to minimize discomfort for others.

      Parents should prioritize their children's needs during potty training, even if it means using a travel potty in public places. While some people might find it uncomfortable or disgusting, most people would understand and be sympathetic. However, it's essential to be discreet and apologetic to minimize any potential discomfort for others. The experience of having children can change one's perspective on what is considered disgusting, and parents should be mindful of this when navigating public spaces with their little ones. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize the needs of the child while being considerate of others' sensitivities.

    • The Value of ContentmentAppreciate the comforts of familiar environments while also exploring new opportunities in moderation.

      Key takeaway from the story of Horace is that being content and capable in your current environment is just as important as seeking new experiences. Horace, who had the unique ability to always stay hydrated, found himself in the Arctic, a place unfamiliar to him, where he was terribly cold instead of thirsty. A polar bear offered him water, but Horace refused, reminding the bear that he wasn't thirsty, only cold. The polar bear then shared a valuable lesson: sometimes it's best to stick to what you know and be in the realms where you are safe and comfortable. This story serves as a reminder to appreciate the familiar and the comforts we have in our own environments while also encouraging us to try new things in moderation. It's essential to strike a balance between staying true to ourselves and exploring new opportunities.

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