
    S2E1 #同理漲潮中 睽違半年!第二季全新回歸!這段時間我們都做了什麼?!

    zh-HantJune 24, 2022

    About this Episode

    (English below) 這次第二季我們將與10+組嘉賓訪談為5個議題帶來不同面向和聲音。我們會在這一集中揭曉更多第二季的規劃和細節和為什麼我們到現在才回歸的原因。 有什麼想讓我們關注的議題嗎?歡迎在Facebook或Instagram私訊跟我們分享! We will bring different perspectives and voices to 5 topics with 10+ guest interviews in our 2nd season. We will also reveal the details of why our return has been delayed until now in this episode. Welcome to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to let us know which topic you're interested in. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    Recent Episodes from Empathy Matters 同理心高潮

    S2E11 [全英文特輯] How to cultivate kindness in children through education? ft. Afrikindness

    S2E11 [全英文特輯] How to cultivate kindness in children through education? ft. Afrikindness
    (此集為全英文訪談 This episode was hosted in English) 哈囉!我們最近與 Afrikindness 的創始人進行了一次精彩的對話,這是一家總部位於英國的非營利組織,致力於通過教育培養兒童的善良。在我們的採訪中,我們了解了 Afrikindness 在幫助孩子培養同理心、同情心和了解尊重他人方面所做的努力。 通過教導善良的重要性,來讓孩子們能充滿正向能量並更具有社會責任。如果你有興趣了解更多關於善良教育的重要性,以及如何參與支持,請務必收聽我們最新的一集的節目。 讓我們一起傳播善意! Hey, friends! We recently had an amazing conversation with the founder of Afrikindness, a UK-based non-profit organization that is dedicated to cultivating kindness in children through education. During our interview, we learned about the incredible work that Afrikindness is doing to help children develop empathy, compassion, and respect for others. By teaching kindness through education, they're creating a generation of socially responsible individuals who prioritize kindness above all else. If you're interested in learning more about the importance of kindness education and how you can get involved in supporting this amazing cause, be sure to tune in to our latest podcast episode. Let's spread kindness together! 受訪團體:Afrikindness Facebook/ Instagram: @afrikindness Website: https://afrikindness.org/ 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM KKBOX: https://kkbox.fm/0b0f6n Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E10 心理健康主題總總理!對我們在日常生活中的幫助有多少?

    S2E10 心理健康主題總總理!對我們在日常生活中的幫助有多少?
    你曾經有在職場上遇過溝通問題嗎?還是常常因為壓力壓得你喘不過氣?不知道有什麼方式能夠調適及排解嗎?上面的幾個問題在我們這次的心理健康主題都有提及!這一集我們將分享從前三集訪談中學到的事以及後續如何在日常生活中運用這些技巧,一起來聽聽兩位主持人的分享吧! Have you ever encountered communication problems in the workplace? Or are you often out of breath due to stress? Do you know of any way to adjust and resolve it? Several of the above issues are mentioned in our mental health topic this time! In this episode, we will share what we have learned from the first three interviews and how to apply these skills in our daily life. *We update 1 episode every 3 to 4 weeks. 我們每三到四週更新一集! 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E9 那些學校沒教的情緒課?如何在各種生活情境覺察自己的心理狀態?ft. Vidamore

    S2E9 那些學校沒教的情緒課?如何在各種生活情境覺察自己的心理狀態?ft. Vidamore
    情緒能幫助我們了解,今天的你是開心的嗎?為什麼?又是為什麼今天的你不快樂呢?每一次的了解都可以是情緒覺察的過程,這次邀請到了Vidamore的Maureen來和我們分享背後的創立過程以及怎麼透過情緒覺察來幫助梳理我們的心理狀態,一起來聽聽這次的分享吧! Are you happy today, according to your emotions? Why? And why are you down today? Every comprehension is a process of emotional awareness. This time, Maureen from Vidamore was invited to tell us about the brand's origins and how we can use emotional awareness to improve our mental health. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪人:Maureen (Vidamore) Facebook/Instagram: Vidamore @vidamore.co 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E8 最近常常情緒低落?到底是想太多還是心理生病的警訊?ft. 點點心理學

    S2E8 最近常常情緒低落?到底是想太多還是心理生病的警訊?ft. 點點心理學
    每個人在同一個生活階段,都需要同時扮演著許多不同的角色。要安排好工作上的每個代辦事項、要成為父母心目中的好孩子、成為孩子的好榜樣、要成為值得依賴的朋友,伴侶,這一切常常會形成我們壓力來源,因而讓我們的心理健康出現異狀。今天我們很開心的邀請到了點點心理學,來跟我們分享我們可以如何檢視我們的心理狀況, Everyone at the same stage of life must simultaneously play multiple roles. Organising every task at work, being a good child in the eyes of parents, and setting a good example for children are all common sources of stress that negatively impact our mental health. Today, we are delighted to welcome Winnie to discuss how we can assess our mental health and how we can discern and improve when indicators of sadness or manic depression appear *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪人:點點心理學創辦人Winnie Facebook/Instagram: 點點心理學 @bitsofpsychology.zh 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E7 運用心理學,展開職場新思維!職場中的溝通及換位思考 ft. 陳永儀 心理學家/博士

    S2E7 運用心理學,展開職場新思維!職場中的溝通及換位思考 ft. 陳永儀 心理學家/博士
    疫情以來你生活有多少改變呢?遠端工作的生活還習慣嗎?在面對生活及工作型態突如其來的改變,有時壓力也隨之而來,該如何面對及排解這樣的壓力也因此成為了一道新的課題。這次我們很榮幸的邀請到了陳永儀教授來與我們分享,如何調適職場環境中產生的壓力與練習職場同理心。 When we are verbally attacked and doubt ourselves afterward, “we can practice separating emotions from facts to see which are the areas where we can improve, and remove the inner drama we added.” *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪人:陳永儀 心理學家/博士 Facebook/Instagram: 心理不用學 陳永儀 Spotify/Apple podcast/Google podcast: 心理不用學 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E6 利用蚯蚓轉化農業廢棄物?!如何從地方實踐到永續農業?ft. 拾蚯樂 Circular

    S2E6 利用蚯蚓轉化農業廢棄物?!如何從地方實踐到永續農業?ft. 拾蚯樂 Circular
    (English below) 雞糞、豬糞這些名詞總是容易讓人聯想到惡臭及髒亂的環境,但你知道嗎?透過這些及其它堆肥等,當它們經過蚯蚓的循環系統,變成蚯蚓糞之後,居然可以成為養分極高的有機肥料!而且是無臭無味像是培養土般的質地。這次我們邀請到了拾蚯樂的創辦人智凱來和我們分享,如何透過蚯蚓糞來達成循環農業!讓我們一起來聽聽他的分享吧! Chicken droppings, pig effluent, these nouns are always associated with the unsanitary environment. Do you know that when this compost is digested by the earthworm, what it produces could be valuable fertiliser? In this episode, we invited the founder of Circular to share with us how he started this business to help local communities become more prosperous and achieve the purpose of circular farming. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪團體:拾蚯樂 Circular Facebook/ Instagram: 拾蚯樂 Circular 永續社企 Email: taiwanwormfarmer@gmail.com 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E5 [全英文特輯] How did we start sharing foods to reduce waste?ft. Food Sharing Taiwan

    S2E5 [全英文特輯] How did we start sharing foods to reduce waste?ft. Food Sharing Taiwan
    (此集為全英文訪談 This episode was hosted in English) 你有過將不需要的食物分享給其他人的經驗嗎?當人與人的關係不再像以往務農時期緊密,這種分享似乎也慢慢的減少了。但這又有什麼重要的呢?其實當我們將食物分享出去而不是因為有效時間到期將他丟棄,這也能幫助我們減少資源的浪費。這次我們邀請到了享食台灣FoodSharing來和我們分享,如何透過共享冰箱來達成永續環保! Have you ever given anyone food that you didn't need?When our bond is no longer as close as it once was, this kind of sharing is not common any more. Why is this important? When we give food to others rather than discarding it after it has expired. This could actually reduce the waste.In this episode, we invited the founder of FoodSharing to share how to use sharing fridge to accomplish environmentally friendly goals with us. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪團體:Collective Green/Food Sharing Facebook/ Instagram: @collectivegreen @foodsharingtaiwan Website: https://www.collectivegreen.de/ 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E4 流浪動物的終點是什麼?在台灣的動物領養和棄養的現狀 ft.中華民國保護動物協會

    S2E4 流浪動物的終點是什麼?在台灣的動物領養和棄養的現狀 ft.中華民國保護動物協會
    (English below) 我們雖聽到大家常常在說“領養代替購買”,但是社會大眾真的有付諸實行?還是只是淪為一個口號?這次我們請到在台灣規模最大的動保團體:中華民國保護動物協會的理事長來跟我們分享台灣動保的現況的以及未來的走向。 Although we hear people often say "adopting instead of purchasing", but the general public really put it into practice? Or is it just a slogan? This time, we invited the largest animal protection group in Taiwan: Animal Protection Association of ROC to share with us the current situation and future directions of animal protection in Taiwan. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪團體:中華民國保護動物協會 Facebook/ Instagram: @APATW Website: https://www.apatw.org/ 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E3 蜜蜂真的正在消失嗎?這對我們的生活有什麼影響? ft.城市養蜂

    S2E3 蜜蜂真的正在消失嗎?這對我們的生活有什麼影響? ft.城市養蜂
    (English below) 這幾年我們常常聽到蜜蜂正在世界上消失,許多聳動的標題常常讓我們懷疑是否真實發生? 這次我們請到城市養蜂的蔡老師來幫我們闢謠和解釋為什麼我們需要開始關注生活周遭的動植物,特別是蜜蜂! In recent years, we have often heard that bees are disappearing in the world, and many buzz headlines often make us wonder if it is really happening? This time, we have invited Mr. Tsai, who is the founder of Urban Beekeeping, to help us dispel rumors and explain why we need to start paying attention to the animals and plants around us, especially bees! *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪團體:城市養蜂 Facebook/ Instagram: @urbanbeekeeping.tw Website: https://urbanbeekeepingtw.weebly.com/ 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020

    S2E2 蘭嶼是世界的縮影?為什麽蘭嶼和我們的生活息息相關?ft. 台灣說蘭嶼環境教育協會

    S2E2 蘭嶼是世界的縮影?為什麽蘭嶼和我們的生活息息相關?ft. 台灣說蘭嶼環境教育協會
    (English below) 你有去過蘭嶼旅遊嗎?美麗的海灘和豐富的文化往往是台灣人旅遊的首選,但你有想過這些旅客帶去的垃圾最後到哪了嗎?因為當地沒有垃圾焚化廠以及不完整的回收機制,遊客帶來的垃圾量早已超出負荷!這次我們邀請到一個特別的團體來跟我們分享他們如何向台灣來的旅客和當地居民蘭嶼推廣永續生活和環保旅遊的重要性。 Have you ever traveled to Lanyu? Beautiful beaches and rich culture are often the first choice for Taiwanese to travel, but have you ever thought about where the garbage brought by these travelers ends up? Because there is no local waste incineration plant and an incomplete recycling system, the amount of waste brought by tourists has already exceeded the load! This time we invited a special group to share with us how they promote the importance of sustainable living and eco-friendly tourism to Taiwanese tourists and local residents of Lanyu. *We update 1 episode every 3 weeks. 我們每三週更新一集! 受訪團體: 台灣說蘭嶼環境教育協會(咖西部灣) Facebook/ Instagram: @kasiboan Website: https://kasiboan.imweb.me/index 你可以在以下平台聽到我們的最新單集: Spotify: https://reurl.cc/8oAkp4 Apple podcast: https://reurl.cc/7DAapy Google podcast: https://reurl.cc/55LmpM Sound On: https://sndn.link/em2020