
    About this Episode

    As we begin #womenhistorymonth in March 2022, Arthi speaks to guest Divya Parekh about the joy of impacting others.
    Divya shares about her career inflection point as a result of watching her colleagues being laid off and how this catalysed her thinking about the impact this on her own esteem and health, and what she could do to ensure next time it was not her being retrenched.
    After some reflection, and knowing her joy of working with people, she opted to undertake coaching certification and accreditation, and has not looked back.
    She shares personal stories of being shunned, of working with clients to be more authentic and how all of this creates her personal joy and purpose, as a servant leader.

    Some wise words from Divya:
    - "Be prepared to fail"
    - " Claim you stage, own it. It will be OK"
    - "Being confident does not mean that you cannot be assertive".

    Listen to the full episode to hear more from my remarkable guest.

    About Divya Parekh
    Divya Parekh, a 10-time #1 bestselling author, business growth strategist, and motivational speaker,  who partners with high achieving business owners, experts on the rise, Fortune 500 and Fortune 50 leaders who are ready to play full out, experience the joy of impacting others, and expand their reach, business, and revenue. 

    Connect with Divya at https://www.divyaparekh.com/

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    Recent Episodes from The 'Inspire your Life' Podcast with Arthi Rabikrisson

    S3 E13 Tasha Ten Spotlight: David McMurtry - Partnerships & Marriage

    S3 E13 Tasha Ten Spotlight: David McMurtry - Partnerships & Marriage

    In episode 13 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by fellow Tasha Ten member David McMurtry with a heart warming discussion about partnerships & marriage. David's greatest accomplishment in life is his marriage to his beautiful wife Allison.

    He shares how he and his wife met, started dating shortly thereafter, married, and have been living happily  since then.  David believes his wife is the foundation for which all of their goals are possible & is a true partner in making a difference in their community. 

    David has always had a passion & desire to work with children and highlights that since 80% to 90% of the hardwiring of the brain is completed by the age of 3, the earlier we can teach children about the world and how to interact skillfully therein, the better chance of success they have.

    David shares how coming to South Africa and teaching underprivileged children was a life-altering experience that enabled him to find his purpose, fueled too by his partnership and shared mission with Allison.  

    Some wise words from David:

    • “education is one of the great levelers we have on earth across all countries, ethnicities, race. With education, you have power, you can make choices”
    • “accept the person for who they are and don't expect them to change”
    • “what makes happy kids is happy parents"

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by this wonderful guest.

     About David McMurtry:

    David McMurtry’s mission is to elevate the Early Childhood Education (ECE) industry & improve access to quality ECE for all children through advocacy and legislation, in service of stronger communities and societies. In 2017, he and his wife opened a Goddard preschool, serving over 200 children (ages six weeks to six years old). They grew the organisation into one of the top 5% most successful Goddard schools in the country based on enrollment and revenue. In 2023, David and his wife were awarded out of over 650 Goddard schools the Humanitarian of the Year Award for their dedication to serving their community.

    While he is proud of the success of his family business, what is far more important to David is the opportunity it has given him to positively impact the lives of students and their families. David discovered that to change the world through education, you have to start with the youngest learners. 

    David is also a public speaker, coach, motivator, having trained tens of thousands across the country with the intention of empowering the adults that inspire our youth.

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    S3 E12 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Gifford Pinchot- Finding Your Mojo

    S3 E12 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Gifford Pinchot- Finding Your Mojo

    In episode 12 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by Gifford Pinchot III. Gifford was the obvious choice to discuss the topic " finding your mojo" because of the number of  times he has tried something, failed, pivoted, exited, yet still bounced back. Gifford  has had an extremely varied background through his different stages of life, from being a dairy farmer & blacksmith, to inventor, author, consultant, investor, academic & coach.

    Gifford tells us how his  writing career started after a failed business venture where he was in debt to the bank and was struggling to put food on the table. He explains how he was lucky enough to have a mentor who believed in him and hired him to write correspondence courses in entrepreneurship all of which led to the writing of his first book, which became a bestseller. 

    He also shares how desperation plays a role in  finding the courage and overcoming challenges in life. This led him to finding his mojo and passions. 

    Some wise words from Gifford:

    • “Find a purpose that is bigger than yourself”
    • “Ask for the thing that which is easiest to give, which is advice.”

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by this inspirational guest.

     About Gifford Pinchot:

    Gifford consults with & coaches leaders who are implementing innovation or innovation systems with a focus on sustainability & climate. He is passionate about supporting profitable innovations that address climate, the environment, health, and social issues.
    He is the author  3 books including the bestseller "Intrapreneuring: Why You Don't Have to Leave the Corporation to Become an Entrepreneur".

    Gifford is the President of Pinchot & Company, an online training company specializing in innovation, intrapreneurship, & environmental issues. He is the co-founder & President Emeritus of "The Bainbridge Graduate Institute,” which offered the world’s first MBA in Sustainable Business. 

    Gifford has co-founded & been the CEO of five ventures, sold four, and continues to run the fifth. He pioneered organizational and financial systems for liberating the talent & energy of ordinary employees within large organizations. 

    Gifford is currently coaching, consulting, and developing training for leaders who want to use innovation to address civilization’s major challenges.

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    S3 E11 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Al Dea - Speak Up For Yourself

    S3 E11 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Al Dea - Speak Up For Yourself

    In episode 11 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by Al Dea, one of the newest Tasha10 members. Arthi and Al discuss finding your voice and learning how to use it to speak up for yourself.

    Al shares how early in his career he received a surprisingly less-than-positive performance review, even though he thought he was excelling. It was only after sharing his thoughts with a manager that he learned that while working hard and doing your job was important, it's equally necessary to speak up and advocate for yourself. It was this experience that taught Al the building blocks of standing out and  advocating for yourself to be seen as a leader and to be even more effective inside your organisation. 

    Al elaborates on why it is so challenging for people to find their voice, one of the reasons being leaders who are not creating the space for people to feel secure and confident in sharing their voice. Al details how he started connection meetings with like-minded people which allowed him to meet colleagues but more importantly created an opportunity to be noticed and heard. 

    Al explains how when you first start using your voice it may seem that no one is listening but he encourages us all to not be fixate on this and push through this challenge, focus on the journey, and overcome the fear.

    Some wise words from Al:

    • “I really only think that authenticity is the way and doing it in a way that is unique to you”
    • “if you're going to think and catastrophize about what the worst thing that happens is you're also going to have to play out the scenario. Well, what if, what if it ends up being the best thing?”

     Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by this wonderful guest.

    About Al Dea:

    Al Dea is a talent & leadership development consultant, keynote speaker, and facilitator. He is passionate about helping develop and cultivate organizations where people can thrive, and developing a new generation of leaders in the workplace.

    Al researches, writes, and speaks on leadership development, workplace trends, and company culture,  and his thinking and insights have been published in outlets such as Fast Company, Business Insider, The World Economic Forum, Inc and Time Magazine. 

    Al is also the Host of The Edge of Work podcast, a podcast that helps leaders think differently about leading and growing organization’s in today’s world of work.

    Connect with Al Dea.  in the following ways:
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    S3 E10 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Susanne Mus - Developing Your Support Ecosystem

    S3 E10 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Susanne Mus - Developing Your Support Ecosystem

    In Season 3 episode 10, Arthi is joined by Susanne Mus, co-founder and CEO of Awareyess talking about developing support ecosystems. Susanne provides  brief insight into her childhood and tells us how the divorce of her parents and subsequently moving to a new neighbourhood was the start of who she became as an adult and the approach she has to life of not shying away from anything new or challenging even when it is out of her comfort zone.

    Susanne beautifully shares with us one of the more pivotal moments or moments of urgency as she likes to call it. Susanne details the start of her self-awareness journey was when she received particular feedback from her work team at the time, who informed Susanne that she needed to behave differently and learn more about herself and the way others saw her.  This change allowed Susanne to create her own support ecosystem. It was through this experience that Susanne realised that she could depend on others and she was not alone. 

    Susanne shares advice  she received about remaining in your discomfort and she encourages us all to learn to be comfortable when we are feeling uncomfortable. 

    Lastly Susanne enlightens us on her dream that everyone gets the opportunity to have their own self-awareness journey. 

    Some wise words from Susanne:

    • “Taking action is necessary to achieve something.”
    • “I don't need to be by myself anymore, and to do it on my own. It's more fun with others around me”
    • “hang in your discomfort, and see what what happens”

     Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Susanne Mus:

    Susanne Mus is the co-founder & CEO of awareyess, a groundbreaking startup focused on enhancing workplace happiness through self-awareness and the power of personal growth. Leveraging their innovative software platform, awareyess empowers knowledge workers on their individual journeys of self-discovery, providing the necessary tools & support to foster continuous personal growth for all.

    Hailing from the Netherlands, Susanne holds a master's degree in econometrics & operations research & a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Her professional journey includes valuable experiences in various roles, such as customer interaction manager, project lead, and head of product within prominent IT companies. Now, she is excited to leverage her accumulated expertise to drive her own business forward.

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    S3 E9 In conversation with Lara Augusta: Undoing Complicated Narratives

    S3 E9  In conversation with Lara Augusta: Undoing Complicated Narratives

    In Season 3 episode 9, Arthi is joined by fellow Forbes Coaches Council member Lara Augusta, founder of Embracing Potentiality, talking about undoing complicated narratives. 

    Lara opens  up about her family & childhood where experiences led her to create a  narrative in her mind of being an inconvenience and not belonging. This mindset stemmed from having to keep a massive family secret for her whole life and Lara goes into detail about how her family dynamic impacted her journey.

    Lara has always had a natural curiosity  in learning & connecting with people from different countries & cultures, so it is no surprise that her world travels began at the tender age of 15 when she had convinced her father to allow her to attend schooling in the UK for a year. This was the first time that Lara was able to simply be herself and make her own choices. However the narrative remained the same in her thoughts.

    Lara tells us how important it is to change the unproductive narrative that we carry with us and to have grace & patience with ourselves in undoing the narrative and allowing new choices to be made

    Some wise words from Lara:

    • “..surviving mode was not allowing me to thrive..
    • “Choose yourself”
    • “Honour the choices you have made”

     Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Lara Augusta:

    Lara is a coach, student and facilitator in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (D.E.I.), Core Energy Leadership Coaching, Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.), Social-Emotional Learning and Positive Intelligence (PQ).  She does corporate work in a number of sectors, since pivoting away from International relations, industries that include biotechnology, insurance, sports, food, hospitality, and entertainment, the Olympics even. Having lived in many countries such as south Korea, China, Russia, Switzerland, UK, US and of course her native country Brazil, plus having travelled to more than 57 counties as well, Lara brings this varied experience into her work with individuals where she helps them deepen their understanding of self towards greater personal and professional levels of joy and satisfaction. She does this through using neuroscience and psychology practices, with some key techniques grounded in energy shifting too.

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    S3 E8 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Stefaan van Hooydonk - Launching Your Curiosity Mindset

    S3 E8 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Stefaan van Hooydonk - Launching Your Curiosity Mindset

    On episode 8 of Season 3  Arthi is joined by Stefaan van Hooydonk, one of the newer members of the Tasha Ten and founder of the Global Curiosity Institute, based in Belgium, talking about launching your curiosity mindset.

    Stefaan gives us insight into his family and his world travels which include living in China, Finland, Saudi Arabia, UK and Holland, as well as the different episodes of his career, from investment consultant to now researching curiosity in companies and working with leaders. He defines curiosity for us, and thereafter explains the various dimensions of curiosity: world, others, and self.

    Stefaan shares that although people start off curious they quickly become comfortable and stop probing or being inquisitive. For him, working on a new project ensures he is always out of his comfort zone.

    You will have to listen in to find out more about Stefaan’s key advice, outlined as: Measure, Awareness and Intentionality (M-A-I).

    Some wise words from Stefaan:

    ●        “curiosity isn't one single thing”

    ●        “curiosity needs a good environment”

    ●        “is my rate of learning greater than the rate of change around me?

     Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Stefaan van Hooydonk:

    Stefaan van Hooydonk is founder of the Global Curiosity Institute and author of the bestselling book: The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto. Stefaan is deeply passionate about the  topic of curiosity, particularly in companies. He believes that curious individuals need curious environments to thrive and that especially in times of turmoil individuals and companies need to embrace intentional curiosity. With the help of a number of diagnostics he designed, he creates insights on what drives and what enables (or prevents) individuals and organisations to show up curiously. He consults global corporations and leadership teams towards building a stronger curiosity muscle. He is a regular speaker around the world on the power of curiosity to benefit professionals, leaders, teams, and organizations. Stefaan is the  author of the bestselling book: The Workplace Curiosity Manifesto.  Beyond all this Stefaan is a father of 4 and has started a permaculture foodforest!

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    S3 E7 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Nobantu Mpotulo - Humanizing Leadership Through Ubuntu

    S3 E7 Tasha Ten Spotlight:  Nobantu Mpotulo - Humanizing Leadership Through Ubuntu

    On Episode 7 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by Nobantu Mpotulo, a fellow South African and Tasha10 member. Nobantu is an extremely humble, patient and thoughtful person and this is evident in the quality of the coaching she provides in the space of Ubuntu coaching, where she coaches leaders and teams to, simply put, be better humans that lead with heart and backbone.

    Nobantu gives us insight into her upbringing  where she explains that she was brought up by her aunt who took her in when she was just a baby, so that her mother could continue working. It is therefore no wonder that the spirit of Ubuntu was truly embedded in Nobantu from a young age. 

    Nobantu explains how she has always been a protector and would stand up to bullies in the neighbourhood when she was a child. She still stands up against injustice with the aim to protect  and is a thrill seeker, pushing fear aside and challenges herself.

    Nobantu has carried that spirit throughout her whole life and explains  the concept of Ubuntu: I am human because of the humanity of others. We then go deeper into how Nobantu is utilising her ubuntu coaching in leaderships and organisations. She says that from her experiences  there is a lot of fear in most leaders and this fear comes from failure and not achieving the desired business results. SHe believes a great leader is not only focused on the results but truly invested in the goodness of the people that they are leading. 

    Later in the episode Nobantu provides insight into triggers from the body and outlines the importance of being mindful and developing your own body's intelligence. 

    Some wise words from Nobantu:

    • “curiosity skilled the cat…”
    • “the body is the truth teller”
    • “see through the eyes of your heart”

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Nobantu Mpotulo:

    Nobantu is an ICF MCC level coach and she has trained over 100 coaches globally  with her Ubuntu coach training programme. Nobantu has been able to humanise leadership through developing Ubuntu centred leadership programmes and Ubuntu Coaching. Her Ubuntu Coach Training Programme has trained more than 100 coaches globally and HR staff to be Ubuntu Coaches. Nobantu uses buddhist principles , along with all her other training and expertise in mindful, NLP, gestalt and enneagram, to augment her Ubuntu coaching philosophy. She developed the Ubuntu Coaching Mantra “See More, Hear More, Love More , Illuminate More, Be More and Do Less.” 

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    S3 E6 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Matt Stone - There Is No Such Thing As Win-Lose

    S3 E6  Tasha Ten Spotlight: Matt Stone -  There Is No Such Thing As Win-Lose

    On Episode 6 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by one of the newest Tasha Ten members, Matt Stone. Matt shares his perspectives on why the concept of win-lose is a fallacy. Matt shares this through his experiences as a family law attorney which led him to  understand that instead of  win-lose as the options we are familiar with in any situation,  in the long run it is typically either win-win or lose-lose. 

    Witnessing disruptive separations that were often highly adversarial brought to the fore  many of Matt’s own unhealed matters around loss and separation, which began the process of healing and making some key decisions as a result, which Matt shares such as career change, advice seeking, and forging your own path over time.

    Matt stresses the importance of intrapersonal self-awareness in order to assist ourselves and those around us towards a long term win-win for everyone and shares key insights on what internal and external self-awareness levers can be used.

    Some wise words from Matt:

    • “ if [you] continue in an activity that goes so against what [you] believe…eventually it is going to be a massive reckoning,  because you have to stay in a delusional state about yourself in order to cope for a while, in a situation where you're misaligned with who you really are”
    • “Just because you can, doesn't mean you should”
    • “we need a sustainable way of relating to each other if we're going to have a sustainable environment to live in”
    • “Life is progress not perfection”

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Matt Stone:

    Matt is the CEO of BehavioralOS®, a global agency that provides leaders with a proven method developed by an MIT behavioural scientist for proliferating the two most important ingredients for any company’s success: trust and respect. Matt draws on broad experience over twenty-five years as a business development professional, entrepreneur, and former practising attorney. He brings a global perspective to all of his engagements, having spent over fifteen years of his life living in Europe and Asia. He is an irrepressible optimist who believes strongly that in the business of life: we all either win together, or we all lose together.

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    S3 E5 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Dr Siraya Kongsompong - Developing Your Mindset Shift

    S3 E5  Tasha Ten Spotlight: Dr Siraya Kongsompong -  Developing Your Mindset Shift

    On Episode 5 of Season 3, Arthi is joined by fellow Tasha Ten member Dr Siraya Kongsompong, also known as Kay. 
    The duo have a beautiful conversation about developing your mindset and  the steps that one can take to make that shift happen. Kay explains how she is a lifelong learner and that being in a learner mindset can help one get out of the comfort zone and expand one's capabilities. 

    Kay describes how self reflection is  the first easy step to take when changing mindset and details how resilience is a key factor in this transformation journey. 

    She is  passionate about shifting mindsets and inspires people to learn about this transformation so that they can have a happier life of fulfilment and accomplishment,

    Some wise words from Dr Siraya Kongsompong:

    • “... start with, you know, the learner mindset or even the curiosity”
    • “...there's no mistake, there's no failure, only learning”
    • “...mindset or transformation is not the outside in”
    • “we are equal in the mindset, the ability to see ourselves.”
    • “leader is not the same as leadership.”

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by this wonderful guest.

     About Dr Siraya Kongsompong:

    Dr Siraya Kongsompong, a fellow Tasha Ten member who is a senior consultant, trainer and award-winning executive coach based in Thailand. She helps business leaders craft changes in their organisations as transformational and inspirational leaders. One can tell Siraya is a people’s person, and believes in peoples potential to grow and develop, as long they are empowered properly. Siraya is a learner. She completed her undergrad, did her MBA, then went on to do her Phd and have over the years continued to boost her skillset in coaching and education, from prestigious bodies such as the ICF, where she is a PCC credentialled coach, to Gallups certified to Exec Education from Stanford university.

    Connect with Dr Siraya Kongsompong here:

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    S3 E4 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Jamelle Lindo - Transformation Through Self Awareness.

    S3 E4 Tasha Ten Spotlight: Jamelle Lindo - Transformation Through Self Awareness.

    On Episode 4  of Season 3, Arthi is joined by fellow Tasha Ten member, Jamelle Lindo where he outlines why self-awareness can be so transformative.

    Jamelle shares beautiful insights into his upbringing and he tells us how despite growing up in a religious household he had so many unanswered questions. Jamelle explains how his own self awareness journey truly started, with a book recommendation  “A new earth" by Eckhart Tolle from a colleague. 

    Jamelle shares how paying attention to our thoughts is an intricate ability that aids in our transformation towards better self-awareness.  He details key steps to help motivate us to continue our own self-awareness journey, which include daily meditation, journaling  and taking the time to get to know yourself. 

    It is easy for us to be  inspired by Jamelle's patience as he waited 10 years before he had the opportunity to  implement his awareness and truly start sharing which transitioned his entrepreneurial journey of becoming an emotional intelligence coach.

    Some wise words from Jamelle:

    • “..How clearly do you see yourself and are you aware of how others see you?”
    • “You are not your thoughts”
    • “Take accountability for everything that is your experience”
    • “...large majority of the things that I think are completely garbage, they are irrelevant, a lot of them are untrue, they have nothing to do with the reality…”
    • “Meditation being a really core fundamental skill to enhance your own self awareness.”

    Listen to the full episode for so much more insights and ideas offered by my wonderful guest.

     About Jamelle Lindo:

    Jamelle Lindo is an emotional intelligence leadership coach, trainer, and speaker with over 11 years of diverse learning and development experience. He has worked with thousands of professionals across Canada to help them level-up through the practical application of emotional intelligence and mindfulness strategies. He is an official member of the Forbes Coaches Council, an invite-only organization for successful business coaches, and has published various thought leadership articles on Forbes.com. Jamelle is driven by his mission to empower leaders and professionals within organizations to realize their highest ideals, leading to healthy and diverse cultures, happy employees, and thriving businesses that make the world a better place.

    Connect with Jamelle Lindo here:

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