
    S3 E13: Lurata Lyon: How I survived human trafficking

    enJanuary 10, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • A survivor's journey of healing and hopeDespite enduring horrific experiences of human trafficking twice, Lirata found the strength to heal and move forward, inspiring hope for a better future.

      No matter how difficult or traumatic one's experiences may be, it's possible to overcome them and find the strength to heal and move forward. Lirata Lion's story, as shared on the Big Fish podcast, is a testament to this. Lirata, a survivor of human trafficking, endured horrific abuse and kidnapping twice in her young life. The first time was during the war in Kosovo when she was just 18. Despite these unimaginable experiences, she managed to escape and reunite with her parents. However, her journey was far from over. She was kidnapped again, this time by Serbia's illegitimate army, and held captive for six months. Her father eventually rescued her and sent her to the UK to find safety and claim asylum. Lirata's story is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future. Her resilience and strength are truly inspiring.

    • Surviving a Massacre During WartimeThe uncertainty and fear of death during wartime can leave a profound impact on individuals, shaping their lives with a heightened sense of awareness and determination to survive.

      The experience of surviving a massacre during wartime leaves a profound impact on individuals. The speaker, who was a young girl during the Bosnian conflict, shares her story of being taken up a hill with her family, expecting to be murdered. However, her uncle's bravery saved them, and they were able to escape. The fear and uncertainty of impending death left her feeling empty and focused on the moment. Later, they were forced to flee again as soldiers returned to rape the women. The speaker's father sent her across the mountain to safety, and she eventually found help from the Red Cross. This traumatic experience shaped her life, leaving her with a deep sense of gratitude and resilience. The uncertainty and fear of death during wartime can change people in profound ways, leaving them with a heightened sense of awareness and a determination to survive.

    • A woman's experience of kindness and betrayal during a conflictDuring uncertain times, the kindness of strangers can be life-changing, but safety remains crucial to avoid potential harm.

      During a time of chaos and uncertainty, the kindness and protection of strangers can make all the difference. The speaker, a woman from Serbia, found herself lost and in danger during a conflict. She was taken in by two American police officers, who provided her with shelter and friendship despite the risks involved. However, her trust was broken when she was kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. This experience underscores the importance of safety and the potential dangers that exist even in the midst of seemingly helpful relationships. Ultimately, the woman's story highlights the power of human connection and the importance of looking out for one another during times of crisis.

    • Human Trafficking and Organ Harvesting: The Horrific RealityLoretta's story reveals the terror of being held captive in the sex trade and the added fear of organ harvesting. Despite facing unimaginable horrors, she chose to resist and hold onto her dignity, emphasizing the importance of awareness, resources, and law enforcement to combat these heinous crimes.

      Human trafficking and organ harvesting are heinous crimes that involve exploiting and dehumanizing victims. Loretta's experience highlights the horrific reality of being held captive by such gangs, where she was forced to witness and experience sexual violence and the disposal of bodies. The threat of organ harvesting added another layer of terror, as she was told that once she had no value in the sex trade, her organs would be taken. Despite being offered a twisted form of freedom by her captor, Loretta refused to give in to his demands, choosing instead to resist and hold onto her dignity. The prevalence of these crimes, particularly in post-conflict regions like Europe, underscores the urgent need for increased awareness, resources, and law enforcement efforts to combat human trafficking and organ harvesting.

    • A woman's will to survive against all oddsIn the face of danger and despair, never give up hope and keep fighting for survival, as a woman in this story did by using her quick thinking, determination, and faith.

      Even in the most dire and hopeless situations, there's always a chance for survival and redemption. The woman in this story was held captive and faced the threat of rape and execution, but she found a way to escape through a series of unexpected events. She used her quick thinking and determination to take advantage of the situation and find the keys to freedom. Despite her fear and desperation, she held onto her faith and found solace in prayer. The experience left her with a deep appreciation for the importance of family and the desire to live and tell her story. Ultimately, her will to survive and her belief in a higher power allowed her to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.

    • Personal account of human traffickingHuman trafficking is a global issue generating billions, victims face horrors, awareness, resources, and action needed

      Human trafficking is a global issue of immense proportions, with victims facing unimaginable horrors at the hands of their captors. The speaker's personal experience involved being held captive for several weeks and nearly being killed before being rescued by Italian police. The shocking realization of the sheer volume of people involved in this heinous trade, both perpetrators and buyers, was a sobering revelation. Human trafficking generates billions of dollars annually, making it one of the most profitable criminal enterprises in the world. The speaker's harrowing journey underscores the urgent need for increased awareness, resources, and action to combat this devastating issue.

    • Exploitation of Vulnerable IndividualsHuman trafficking is a global issue where vulnerable individuals, including children, are exploited for labor or sexual purposes under false pretenses, leaving them with lifelong physical and emotional scars.

      Human trafficking is a pervasive issue where vulnerable individuals, including children, are exploited and subjected to unimaginable atrocities. These individuals are often lured into situations under false pretenses, and their exploitation can take many forms, from forced labor to sexual exploitation. The business side of human trafficking is lucrative, and it preys on the most vulnerable members of society. The consequences for the victims can be devastating, leaving them with physical and emotional scars that last a lifetime. Even those who manage to escape face challenges upon returning home, as their families may not believe or understand the extent of their ordeal. It is crucial to raise awareness and support efforts to combat human trafficking and provide resources for survivors.

    • Surviving the Unimaginable: The Power of the MindEven in the darkest of situations, focusing the mind on positive thoughts can help survivors endure and thrive

      Resilience and the power of the mind can help survivors endure even the most unimaginable circumstances. The speaker shared her harrowing experience of being falsely accused, interrogated, branded, and imprisoned, where she was subjected to daily rape and abuse. Despite her initial desire to give up and die, she found solace in her thoughts of loved ones, inspirational figures, and memories of her mom's food. By focusing her mind on these positive thoughts, she was able to detach herself from the physical pain and endure her ordeal. Her story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of situations, the human spirit can find a way to survive and thrive.

    • Forgiveness helped Jasmina survive during the Kosovo warForgiveness allowed Jasmina to detach from pain and focus on survival during the Kosovo war, and understanding its importance came from her experiences on Everest.

      Forgiveness played a crucial role in helping Jasmina survive her harrowing experiences during the Kosovo war. Despite being subjected to unimaginable cruelty, she chose to see her captors as children in need of forgiveness rather than adults deserving of judgment. This perspective allowed her to detach herself from the pain and focus on her own survival. Jasmina's quick acceptance of forgiveness was surprising, but she believed that holding resentment only caused more pain. Her experiences on Everest, where she forgave those responsible for her brother's death, helped her understand this concept. During her captivity, she had no way out and was eventually rescued by her father's intervention. The importance of forgiveness in overcoming adversity is a valuable lesson that Jasmina learned from her experiences.

    • A father's love and determination secure a daughter's release during wartimeDuring conflict, families go to great lengths to protect loved ones, even negotiating with enemies. Love and determination aid in their eventual escape and recovery.

      During a time of conflict, families will go to great lengths to protect their loved ones, even if it means bribing the enemy. The speaker's father risked his life and negotiated with the enemy to secure his daughter's release after she had been held captive for six months. The experience left the speaker in a fragile state, both physically and emotionally, but her parents' love and determination played a crucial role in her eventual escape to safety in the UK. Despite the end of her immediate ordeal, the speaker's recovery was a long and difficult process, requiring ongoing support. The story serves as a reminder that the consequences of war extend far beyond the battlefield and that the resilience and resourcefulness of families can be a powerful force in helping their loved ones heal and rebuild their lives.

    • The importance of self-love and forgiveness in healing from traumaTrauma survivors can find solace in activities like therapy, self-love, forgiveness, and spending time with loved ones to help them heal and improve their quality of life.

      Self-love and forgiveness are crucial parts of the healing process from trauma. The speaker, who experienced PTSD after escaping war, felt immense guilt and struggled to adjust to life in a new country. She isolated herself and didn't see a reason to continue living until her uncle encouraged her to learn the language and attend school. Exercise became a turning point for her, making her feel good and helping her start the process of forgiving herself. Learning to prioritize self-love and forgiveness allowed her to make positive changes in her life and ultimately led to a better quality of life. Although the recovery process was long and challenging, she found solace in activities like therapy, motorbike rides, and spending time with loved ones.

    • Healing through relationshipsThrough painful experiences and relationships, we can learn to be survivors instead of victims, confront our issues, and grow into stronger individuals.

      Our experiences, even the painful ones, can shape us into stronger individuals. The speaker shared her story of dating an alcoholic survivor of the 9/11 attacks, who helped her heal from her past trauma and become more self-aware. Later, she met her current husband, who accepted her for who she was and helped her confront her sleepwalking issue. Through these relationships, she learned the importance of being a survivor rather than a victim, and the power of silencing the primitive mind to live a happier, healthier life. Her experiences taught her that everyone has a story, and it's essential to trust and communicate openly with our partners. Ultimately, the speaker's journey shows that healing and growth are possible, even after facing significant challenges.

    • Discovering potential through mentorshipDespite challenges, choose to write and share stories for personal growth and inspiration; mentors can help us see our potential and make positive impacts on ourselves and others.

      Mentors can help us see our potential and inspire us to step out of our comfort zones. Loukas, despite facing challenges like paralysis and language barriers, was encouraged by his mentor Gilles Agony to write a book and share his story. Loukas's experience shows that even in difficult times, we have the power to make choices that can positively impact ourselves and others. Writing down experiences can be therapeutic and help us process our thoughts. Loukas's decision to self-publish on his birthday was a testament to his belief in the transformative power of sharing our stories. Ultimately, Loukas wants readers to take away the message that they have the ability to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others.

    • The power of following through with your decisionsMaking a decision is just the beginning, follow through and hold yourself accountable to make it a reality. If needed, don't hesitate to change your path.

      Making a decision is just the beginning. Once you've made a choice, it's essential to hold yourself accountable and follow through. It doesn't happen overnight, and there may be obstacles along the way. But remember, there's always a choice. You can change your path if needed. Virotta's story is a powerful reminder of this. It took her years to make the decision to leave her corporate job and pursue her passion for music. But she didn't give up, even when faced with challenges. She held herself accountable and kept moving forward. This is a valuable lesson for us all. So, when you make a decision, no matter what it is, make sure you're following through. And if you need to change course, remember that you always have the power to do so. Thank you, Virotta, for sharing your inspiring story. You can listen to her journey on the Big Fish podcast, available on Global Player or their website.

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    George Stahnke is the founder and director of Renewal Ministries of Colorado Springs and has been in Ministry for over 30 years, serving 14 of those years as a senior pastor. He has also traveled to Europe and Asia to ministering to Missionaries and Native pastors, as well as teaching and preaching the Word of God.  George also provides counseling on a variety of individual and family related topics such as:

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    Church relations

    Internet Pornography



    And more

    For more information about George Stahnke and renewal ministries, simply log onto www.renewalcs.org