
    S3 E2: Somatic Unwinding for Rupture and Repair

    enJuly 13, 2022

    About this Episode

    This brief episode is a follow up for episode one. In it, Aisha shares a poem inspire by an encounter with a hummingbird and offers a somatic practice for working with the activation of rupture.


    ELC Patreon Page


    1. Aisha Edwards


    Kaila June



    Recent Episodes from Emergent Liberation Collective

    S3 E5: Forgiveness as a Breathing & Somatic Self-Pleasure with Lady J

    S3 E5: Forgiveness as a Breathing & Somatic Self-Pleasure with Lady J

    Join T. Aisha Edwards and Kaila June Keliikuli in this special release and the closing episode of Season 3.  Season 3 is a year long exploration with the experience and force of forgiveness. In this conversation, we talk about rhythm changes, fractals of the Mother Wound, what it means to be a good ancestor, forgiveness over lifetimes and how ELC slow podcasting is becoming a breathing space. The episode includes a listener contribution from Lady J who is an autistic, queer, non-binary artist, activist and parent. They offer a story, poem and somatic practice collectively called: A Journey & Arrival to Sharing Somatic Self-Pleasure.

    Episode Links:

    ELC Patreon Page

    T. Aisha Edwards

    Kaila June Keliikuli

    Dare Carasquillo and Death Practice Group

    Amy Richards and the SquarePeg Podcast

    Marcel the Shell with Shoes On

    Lady Justice Love


    Lady J’s links:

    Sex Positive Event

    Tricia Hersey (aka the Nap Bishop) Rest is Resistance

    Tara Brach, Learning to Respond Not React

    Vedim Zeland's Transurfing

    Late-diagnosed Autism community

    The Emerald podcast, The Revolution Will Not Be Psychologized

    Clarissa Pinkola Estés & Caroline Myss, Intuition and the Mystical Life

    Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Crone Series: Seeing in the Dark 

    bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress

    Audre Lorde, The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House 

    Stephanie Foo, What My Bones Know

    S3 E4: Expanding Autism

    S3 E4: Expanding Autism

    Aisha and Kaila expand on the discussion about neurodivergence begun in episode 3. We discuss neurodivergent diagnosis, affirmation, trauma healing, disability justice and cultural inclusion. Aisha also intimately explores the impact of autism in xer own family.



    • Kaila and Aisha give a life update


    • Aisha gives more information about the DSM diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and how it differs for AFAB, gender variant and BIPOC folks 


    • Aisha gives information about the Spectrum Circle as a affirming diagnostic tool


    • What is masking? How does it relate to belonging and trauma?


    • Why it is important to differentiate between trauma and neurodivergence


    • Interaction of perfectionism, social justice and neurodivergence and non-inclusion in movement spaces


    • Aisha and Kaila discuss the article Neurodivergence is Dead, Now What? They explore lack of inclusion on the neurodiversity movement


    • Aisha talks about the ADDRESSING model to explore intersectional identity and exploring marginal vs privileged identities 


    • Aisha talks about xer brother’s battle with autism


    • Aisha shares references for people questioning if they are on the spectrum


    ELC Patreon Page



    1. Aisha Edwards



    Kaila June



    Amy Richards and the SquarePeg Podcast 



    Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders






    Twilah Hiari Article - Neurodiversity is Dead, Now What?






    Aisha’s Emergence Community Coaching Space



    Autastic Online Community for later in life diagnosed folks on the Spectrum



    Dr. Nick Walker - Neurodivergent Somatic Experiencing Provider


    S3 E3: A Spectrum of Rupture and Repair

    S3 E3: A Spectrum of Rupture and Repair

    In this special episode, ELC partners with the SquarePeg Podcast, hosted by Amy Richards. Square Peg gives autistic adults the opportunity to hear the lives and stories of other autistic adults. In her conversations, she explores life, love, work, health and relationships with later in life diagnosed folks identifying as femme, trans or nonbinary. Aisha and Amy explore Aisha’s own story of being diagnosed autistic and exploring how this has shaped xer own experiences of rupture and repair.



    Aisha talks about the process of xer diagnostic experience

    The moving of grief post diagnosis

    Masking, meltdowns, OCD and aloneness

    Double Empathy Problem

    Neurodivergent masking friendships

    The embodiment of neurodivergence

    Intergenerational neurodivergence and childhood trauma

    Healing as an autist

    Energy management over time management - melt downs at work

    Self employment and authenticity

    Self care practices for energy management

    Rupture and repair in friendships 

    Trauma embodiment in neurodivergent identity trauma

    Unmasking and authenticity in relationships

    The unmet needs of the undiagnosed

    The invitation of messy - unwinding OCD



    Squarepeg podcast: https://squarepeg.community/podcast/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squarepeg.community/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/squarepegautism

    Coaching and Design Business site: https://amyrichards.wales/

    Amy Richards -Creating the Foundations  Workshop Series!!

    This is my live workshop series - 6 weeks of group Zoom workshops for late diagnosed autistic adults. Come with me on a journey of self discovery around work, fulfillment and figuring out what you want, what you actually need as an autistic adult, and where to start.


    ELC Patreon Page


    Aisha Edwards


    Kaila June


    S3 E1: Introducing Forgiveness

    S3 E1: Introducing Forgiveness

    Kaila and Aisha return for another season of ELC, sharing ELC’s changes over the hiatus. introduce the seasonal theme for 2022 Forgiveness. Together the two somatic educators explore the anatomy of forgiveness, foreshadowing the topics addressed throughout Season three. 


    • Return after a long hiatus and continuing slow podcast
    • Goodbye to Chris
    • Introduction of the theme of forgiveness and why
    • Presence in the multiplicity of right now
    • Surprise! Aisha is autistic!! What does that mean?
    • Kaila’s architecture shift
    • Anatomy of forgiveness - Rupture and repair, process, belonging, resistance or withdrawal
    • Tracking the energetic field
    • Of course, forgiveness is an emergence
    • Questions for the community

    www.autastic.com - affirming resources for folks who are diagnosed with or suspected of being on the spectrum later in life; QT/BIPOC resources available

    ELC Patreon Page


    Aisha Edwards


    Kaila June


    S2 Ep6: Healing Traditions - Part Two

    S2 Ep6: Healing Traditions - Part Two

    In part two of Healing Traditions Devan Williams, a proud indigenous woman of the Squamish Nation, shares cultural and traditional history and the impact of residential school for the indigenous people of Canada. She asks us to learn the true history of Canada as a first step to creating positive change for the next generations. You are doing just that by listening to ELC's episodes Healing Traditions parts one and two. Thank you.  

    If you are so inspired, please take yet another step, by sharing these episodes with others and/or by learning more. You’ll find links for learning and resources in our show notes below and on the ELC Patreon supporters page.

    More from Devan:

    Ha7lh Skwayel (Good day)
    Devan Williams kwi en snas (My name is Devan Williams)
    Tina7 chen tl’a Skwxwu7mesh uxwumixw (I am from the Squamish village)
    Skwxwu7mesh-ulh (Squamish Nation)
    An wenaxws en skwawlen (I am proud of who I am [where I come from) 

    I was told to always remember who I am, where I come from; to be a steward of the land and protect Mother Earth.  

    I am honoured to have the opportunity to use my voice and share our Indigenous culture, history and stories.  I love giving back to my community and I am always looking for new ways to help create positive change for the next generations.

    My previous leadership initiatives that I was a part of as a Indigenous Ambassador include working and volunteering with the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Bid, the Vancouver 2010 Olympics Opening Ceremonies and Reconciliation Canada. As well, I also volunteered on the Squamish Nation Budget and Finance Committee as the Deputy Chair, the Cutting Barriers to Employment and Training Association (CBETA) as a Board Directory, SPIP Suicide Prevention Intervention Post-intervention Committee Member, and the Native Indian Football Association Board Member and Alumni. One of my other passions that I have been involved in is with Minerva BC Learning to Lead where I volunteer as a Den Mother, Mentor and Coach for young girls helping them build and tap into their leadership skills.

    I7xw ten sekwitl’ (All my relations)
    Chen kwen men tumiyap (Thank you all)


    • Calling on cultural traditions for healing and peace for the lost children and residential school survivors.
    • Today’s youth
    • Residential schools in Canada
    • The Indian Act
    • Saving and sharing cultural traditions
    • Hope for the future


    “Icy water swims a cool trip for many in Squamish” Squamish Chief Article by Jennifer Thuncher 

    Nature Entwined Film

    Truth and Reconciliations Calls to Action

    Indigenous Canada Online Course

    ELC Patreon Page

    Aisha Edwards

    Kaila June

    Chris Morita Clancy

    S2 Ep5: Healing Traditions

    S2 Ep5: Healing Traditions

    In part one of this two part episode Devan Williams, a proud indigenous woman of the Squamish Nation, talks with Chris about her family’s resistence & resilience in post confederaion Canada. She tells of the healing and hope that they bring in keeping cultural traditions of the Squamish nation alive. Next full doula and body based trauma treatment specialist, Amy Hoare Nassare joins the ELC murmations as our first contributer. Amy shares lessons from flowers about impermance, resilience and the container that allows fruition.


    This episode was  was recorded just weeks before before the first discovery of the  umarked graves at former residential schools in Canada.  Be sure to join us for episode 6 and “Healing Traditions: Part Two” as Devan speaks about how traditional practices have come to the fore as people of the Squamish and other indigenous nations face these recent events.



    Interview with Devan Williams

    • Shukw’um, spiritual bathing  and traditions of the Squamish Nation and how they were passed on in Devan’s family
    • Residential school
    • Canoe pulling
    • The continuum of desire
    • Desire and the femme body
    • Scarcity, belonging and safety
    • Reclaiming desire from a sexuality-only construct
    • Reconnecting after COVID
    • Desire practices


    Amy Hoare Nassar, Contributor

    • Lessons from Flowers



    Amy Hoare Nassar 



    ELC Patreon Page


    Aisha Edwards


    Kaila June


    Chris Morita Clancy


    “Icy water swims a cool trip for many in Squamish” Squamish Chief Article by Jennifer Thuncher 



    She Summits







    Truth and Reconciliations calls to action


    Indigenous Canada MOOC


    S2 Ep 4: Fractals of Desire w/ YaliniDream and Adaku Utah

    S2 Ep 4: Fractals of Desire w/ YaliniDream and Adaku Utah

    In this conversation, Aisha explores following embodied pleasure as the rhythm that agitates for wider social change with YaliniDream and Adaku Utah, two brown queer justice-focused, body-centered transformers of community. 


    • Defining desire from the body - its connotations, dualities and realms of existence
    • How we become separated from embodied desire and the returning to body intimacy
    • Desire in a queer body, brown body, first generation body
    • Discerning desire from compulsion
    • Moratorium on the damage narrative: Complexity of desire at a community level - balancing accountability for harm with safety, resilience and the abundance of belonging
    • Unwinding generations of colonial harm from the body to discover pleasure
    • Practices of cultivating pleasure, play and desire


    ELC Patreon Page https://www.patreon.com/emergentliberationcollective

    Aisha Edwards                       https://campsite.bio/full_flight_wellness

    Kaila June


    Chris Morita Clancy                https://www.embodiedbiotensegrity.ca


    Adaku Utah                                                  http://www.adakuutah.com                                                                           IG: @solarbliss

    YaliniDream                                                http://www.yalinidream.com                                                                        
    IG: @yalinidream

    Rae Johnson



    UN Climate Report



    Eve Tuck



    Tamil Sovereignty



    Allison Schieler - Contortionist






    adrienne maree brown - Pleasure Activism https://www.akpress.org/pleasure-activism.html 


    S2 Ep3: Orgasmic Yes

    S2 Ep3: Orgasmic Yes

    Aisha reads from xer blog essay, The Orgasmic Organismic Yes. The essay explores the nuances of a blended YES-NO, the state when our sense of embodied pleasure becomes disorganized by obligation and pain. Xe explores how to cultivate unblending the two, supporting the possibility of embodied pleasure again. After the reading, Kaila guides a somatic practice to discover the felt-sense of pleasure and embodied yes.



    • Gestalt Therapy Theory
    • Trauma physiology and the disembodiment of embodied YES
    • Safety as the baseline for a clear YES and a clear NO
    • Blended YES-NO patterns
    • Follow the sparkles
    • The value of “I Don’t Know”
    • Explore your embodied yes



    S2 Ep2: Generative Creation

    S2 Ep2: Generative Creation

    Summer 2021 theme on ELC is Desire. We weave this somatic concept throughout each conversation, practice and exploration for this season. In this conversation, Aisha, Kaila and Chris attempt to reclaim desire as a concept associated with hedonism and mindless sexuality as western culture defines it. Together, we create a new working somatic definition for desire with range and nuance that invites the plurality of its light and shadow aspects. 



    How cultural norms shape how we understand desire

    Desire as generative creation

    The continuum of desire

    Desire and the femme body

    Scarcity, belonging and safety

    Reclaiming desire from a sexuality-only construct

    Reconnecting after COVID

    Desire practices


    ELC Patreon Page


    Aisha Edwards


    Kaila June


    Chris Morita Clancy



    Jaak Panksepp
