
    About this Episode

    Mental health was a big topic before Covid-19 yet it would be easy to push it aside as we try our best to cope with the pandemic. The reality though is that we can't. Whether we choose to consciously address it or not, our mental health is being impacted by this.

    As a business owner, an employer, an employee, a parent, no matter who we are or what our role in life is, we are all of us are impacted by the lockdown.

    To keep yourself and those around you healthy, you need to take conscious action to manage the visible and the not so visible impacts on each of us.

    Debra Levitt is joined by Geraldine Joaquim, Founder of Mind Your Business and Sam Gold, Founder of Gold HR to answer your questions on staying mentally healthy.

    We'll share some of our experiences, those that we're hearing about from clients and take your questions to help you manage.

    Contact Details

    Debra Levitt debra.levitt@bridgeroadconsultants.com

    5 Day Podcast Challenge - podcastconcierge.com/5-day-challenge

    Sam Gold sam@goldhr.co.uk

    Geraldine Joaquim geraldine@mind-yourbusiness.co.uk

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Recent Episodes from Bridging Gaps - The Business Podcast

    S6E64: An Introduction to Season 6

    S6E64: An Introduction to Season 6

    In this first episode of 2021, I talk about what you can expect from the rest of the season (season 6!).

    Finding your voice is increasingly important to me, the Tuesday 15:15's are restarting - the first one is Tuesday 19th January 2021 (sign up here: https://bit.ly/brc-resilience) and new guests, new angles and a mix of episode styles!

    Also, I'm launching Six Weeks to Podcast Power - it starts on 28th January 2021.  Find out more at https://podcastconcierge.com/how-to-podcast.

    If you have ideas on topics or guests, drop me a note at debra.levitt@bridgeroadconsultants.com!

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S5E63: Staying Mentally Healthy

    S5E63: Staying Mentally Healthy

    Mental health was a big topic before Covid-19 yet it would be easy to push it aside as we try our best to cope with the pandemic. The reality though is that we can't. Whether we choose to consciously address it or not, our mental health is being impacted by this.

    As a business owner, an employer, an employee, a parent, no matter who we are or what our role in life is, we are all of us are impacted by the lockdown.

    To keep yourself and those around you healthy, you need to take conscious action to manage the visible and the not so visible impacts on each of us.

    Debra Levitt is joined by Geraldine Joaquim, Founder of Mind Your Business and Sam Gold, Founder of Gold HR to answer your questions on staying mentally healthy.

    We'll share some of our experiences, those that we're hearing about from clients and take your questions to help you manage.

    Contact Details

    Debra Levitt debra.levitt@bridgeroadconsultants.com

    5 Day Podcast Challenge - podcastconcierge.com/5-day-challenge

    Sam Gold sam@goldhr.co.uk

    Geraldine Joaquim geraldine@mind-yourbusiness.co.uk

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S5E62: How Do You Continue to Trade and Grow Into the Future?

    S5E62: How Do You Continue to Trade and Grow Into the Future?

    This was recorded during the Coronovirus Global Pandemic in 2020.

    At the time of this webinar, the expectation was that we will not return to normal any time soon but we don't quite know what the future holds . 

    For that matter, will we ever return to the normal we previously knew?

    If not, what will our new normal look like medium and long term?

    With all these unknowns, how do you continue to trade and grow?

    Debra Levitt will be joined by Sam Gold, Gold HR and Rebecca Trudgett, Switchfoot Accounting to answer your questions on moving forward from an HR and Finance perspective.

    So what's on your mind?  Here are just a few of the questions that our experts have been fielding from their clients.

    • How to manage employees who are now working remotely and not able to do a full day due to family commitments?
    • Are there ways to reduce my costs for clients - e.g. could I de-register for VAT?
    • What if I need to make my employees redundant as the furlough period comes to an end?
    • What can I legitimately do?
    • Should I turn down work and furlough or make more employees redundant?
    • I am trying to use the portal to make a claim for my furloughed employees but really worried that I've done the calculations wrong, what should I do?

    Contact Details:

    Debra Levitt - debra.levitt@bridgeroadconsultants.com

    Sam Gold - sam@goldhr.co.uk

    Rebecca Trudgett - rebecca@switchfootaccounting.co.uk

    Sign Up for the 5 Day Podcast Challenge at podcastconcierge.com/5-day-podcast-challenge

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S5E61: Liana Fricker and Richard Woods - Ideas to Get Your Business Online

    S5E61: Liana Fricker and Richard Woods - Ideas to Get Your Business Online

    In this live recording of the Tuesday 15:15 Webinar, I am joined by Liana Fricker of the Inspiration Space and Richard Woods of LEADGEN as they take questions from the audience to generate ideas on how to get your business online.

    If you'd like to hear about upcoming Tuesday 15:15's and find out about podcasting courses and masterclasses, head on over to bridgeroadconsultants.com/events.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S5E60: Sam Gold & Rebecca Trudgett

    S5E60: Sam Gold & Rebecca Trudgett

    Sam Gold of Gold HR and Rebecca Trudgett of Switchfoot Accunting join for this live webinar held during the Covid-19 global pandemic. Addressing some of the HR and Finance concerns of businesses at a time when the world around us was changing rapidly and many were trying to understand their options amidst a wide range of support being offered by the government.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S5E58: Richard Woods & Robin Waite: Inspiration & Advice

    S5E58: Richard Woods & Robin Waite: Inspiration & Advice

    This episode, the first in the latest Season - is all about helping business owners find their feet and figure out how to get their business going or keep it going as we try to navigate the new and uncharted waters of the Covid-19 world!

    Richard Woods, Founder of LEADGEN and Robin Waite, the business coach answer questions and provide inspiration in this recording of our recent webinar.

    If you would like to attend a future webinar, email me at debra@podcastconcierge.com.

    To find out more about Richard Woods and his 30 Leads in 30 Days Challenge, please visit here.

    To find out more about Robin Waite and Confidently Charge More Facebook group, click here

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S4E57: Vanessa Ugatti: In Conversation

    S4E57: Vanessa Ugatti: In Conversation

    This week's conversation is with Vanessa Ugatti - the True Worth Expert.  Vanessa explains that certain personality types have difficulty in making sure they are getting their true worth when working with clients. She was one of them so knows first hand the challenges that they face.  

    Vanessa talks about recognising that she wanted to do something around training but being unclear on what exactly she wanted to do. Using her redundancy, she started figuring it out while working at various part time jobs that were leading her towards her future.

    A request to speak on Fear, led to her being introduced to people needing help with their wedding speeches which took her towards her next step.

    An unexpected setback at work led to her taking a break and then deciding not to return to that work.

    2008 brought a new round of challenges with the financial crisis and losing 3 people in her life in a very short period of time. It hit Vanessa hard and she became a hermit, squirreling herself away. With time, she started networking again and met a coach who she signed up with to help her get moving again. At this point, she started looking for business owners to coach and moved away from the public speaking workshops.

    This started her down the path of the True Worth Expert that she is today!

    Contact Vanessa

    Email: vanessa@thetrueworthexpert.com
    Tel: 01202 743961 or 07957 672335
    Web: www.thetrueworthexpert.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/trueworthexpert
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thetrueworthexpert
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanessaugattitrueworthexpert/
    Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/vanessaugatti
    True Worth Academy: https://www.trueworthacademy.com/get-access

    Contact Debra

    Tel: +44 1344 289985
    Email: debra@podcastconcierge.com
    Web: www.bridgeroadconsultants.com
    Events: bridgeroadconsultants.com/events
    LinkedIn: uk.linkedin.com/in/levittdebra


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S4E56: Janine Esbrand: In Conversation

    S4E56: Janine Esbrand: In Conversation

    In this episode, I'm in conversation with Janine Esbrand - career and executive coach and Founder of Lightbox Coaching. Janine qualified as a lawyer and shortly after qualifying went on a life changing trip to Africa. After this she began seeking something that would help her give back and discovered the coaching world and that she was and always had been a natural coach.

    An important part of her coaching is mindset and rethinking what's important to you now and your visions and your values as they may well have changed. Confidence also frequently takes a knock combined with not appreciating the scale of their previous achievements. Janine helps draw this out of them along with where they want to go in the future.

    Janine still works as a consulting lawyer fulfilling her love of law and her passion for coaching. She shares how she experienced imposter syndrome early in her coaching career, initially believing she could only coach people who were also lawyers.

    Coming from a law practice, it was a steep steep learning curve to start marketing herself and just come to grips with all the aspects involved in running your own business.

    We talk about the decision to leave the law firm when she couldn't get the balance she wanted between working and spending time with her son. The drive to ensure time is spent with her family continues and we learn about her calendar (and the white space!)

    Contact Janine (and find about her group coaching programme):

    Email: janine@lightboxcoaching.com
    Web: www.lightboxcoaching.com
    Twitter: @LightBoxCoach
    Instagram: @CareersBeyondMotherhood
    Facebook: facebook.com/groups/careersbeyondmotherhoodmovement/
    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/janineesbrand

    Contact Debra Levitt

    Tel: +44 1344 289985
    Email: debra@podcastconcierge.com
    Web: www.bridgeroadconsultants.com
    Events: bridgeroadconsultants.com/events

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    S4E55: Pete Wilkinson: In Conversation

    S4E55: Pete Wilkinson: In Conversation

    This week I'm in conversation with Pete Wilkinson.  Pete is the founder of Reclara - a tool that helps keep everyone from CEO down aligned to the same objectives and moving in the same direction.

    Pete and I speak about how he initially developed the 1-3-5 plan and uses it in his business life and when preparing to run the IronMan.

    Pete's journey has not been easy - after initial success in the corporate world followed by the ups and downs of running his own small retail business, he decided to move into mentoring and coaching. It reached a point where his wife gave him a deadline - make it pay by September 2013 or get a job.  

    Pete contacted Vistage - a company providing speakers to Chief Execs and this marked a huge shift. He started to get speaking engagements, was outperforming on the feedback and winning awards.  

    He talks about the move to create Reclaro to make it easier for those following his 1-3-5 plan.  He has a clear view of what his exit will look like and is working hard (with his wife's agreement!) to make that a reality.

    He makes a point of looking after himself physically and mentally by prioritising his fitness, making sure the year's holidays are booked and paid for by the end of January, so he can plan his work around those and knows that he will have time to relax and recharge in between each sprint.

    He and his wife take what they call sneaky days - when life slows down and they just enjoy their family and their life.

    Pete is also emphatic that we need to be more effective.  Most people are operating at about 65% effective.  You can check your level of effectiveness using their Effectiveness Checker (effectivenesschecker.com)

    We speak about a lot more - what success means to Pete, getting support and some great advice.

    Contact Pete

    Telephone: 0191 580 5808
    Email: hello@reclaro.com
    Twitter: @PeteWilkinson
    Web: reclaro.com

    In this episode, we mention:

    Jim Collins
    Matthew Walker - Why We Sleep
    Napoleon Hill - Think & Grow Rich (multiple versions available)
    Entrepreneurs Forum

    Contact Debra Levitt

    Tel: +44 1344 289985
    Email: debra@podcastconcierge.com
    Web: www.bridgeroadconsultants.com
    Events: bridgeroadconsultants.com/events
    LinkedIn: uk.linkedin.com/in/levittdebra


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.