
    S8 EP40: Cush Jumbo

    enMay 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Rewatching childhood favorites as an adultParents should reconsider the appropriateness of childhood media as their children grow up to ensure they're not exposed to inappropriate content.

      The experiences of parenting can be full of surprises, some of which may not be apparent until much later. On their podcast "Parenting Hell," Rob Beckett and Josh Willingham discuss the challenges of modern-day parenthood and share stories from famous parents and listeners. During an episode, they spoke with Claire Doherty from Dundee, Scotland, about her memories of the film "Beethoven." As a child, she fondly recalled the story of a lovable slobbering dog. However, when she rewatched the film as an adult, she discovered that the antagonists were actually animal experimenters. This revelation led her to question the appropriateness of the film for children. The discussion sparked a larger conversation about the anxiety surrounding children's media consumption and the potential impact on future generations. Another story shared on the podcast involved a father allowing his young daughter to watch the horror film "Scream." These anecdotes highlight the importance of reevaluating childhood experiences and considering their potential implications for our children.

    • A debate on nappy disposal and unusual habitsDuring a conversation, topics ranged from horror films to nappy disposal and unusual habits, with differing opinions and personal experiences shared in a lighthearted manner.

      The discussion touched upon various topics including horror films, nappy etiquette, and unusual habits. A notable point was the debate over disposing nappies and their contents, with some suggesting emptying the poo into the toilet before disposing of the nappy. The conversation also included a humorous argument about brushing teeth in the shower, with differing opinions on what is considered normal. Rachel's father's disturbing behavior in a horror film left her traumatized, leading to a discussion about nappy disposal and other unusual topics. The overall tone was lighthearted and humorous, with the participants sharing personal experiences and opinions.

    • Unexpected challenges lead to deeper connectionsSharing experiences of coping mechanisms and discussing taboo topics openly can lead to deeper connections and new ways of understanding life's complexities

      Life's unexpected challenges can lead us to discover deeper connections and new ways of coping. The speaker shares his experience of using beer as a coping mechanism, which might seem trivial but reveals deeper issues. He also recounts an experience of having to explain pet death to young children and was surprised by their acceptance of the unconventional explanation. Khush Jumbo, the guest, joins the conversation and discusses her connection to Macbeth, a play that holds deep meaning for her. The conversation highlights the importance of being able to discuss real and often taboo topics openly and the power of storytelling in helping us make sense of life's complexities.

    • Superstitions surrounding 'Macbeth' and theatrical traditionsAvoiding Macbeth's name, responding to 'good luck' with 'break a leg', and clear communication are important in theatre and events to ensure success

      Superstitions surrounding the play "Macbeth" have led to it being referred to as "The Scottish Play" instead, and it's considered bad luck to mention Macbeth's name directly when working on it. The origins of this tradition are unclear, but it may have stemmed from a desire to keep the title discreet to attract audiences or to avoid confusion. Additionally, during conversations, if someone mentions they can't say "good luck," it's customary to respond with "break a leg" instead. This theatrical tradition is believed to have originated in the Victorian era. Furthermore, when using a Sky planner or similar media guide, shows are described in detail to help viewers understand their content. The speaker shared a personal story about planning a unique birthday party for her child involving a cinema and Nintendo Switch. She assumed that the cinema would provide the necessary equipment for the children to play the game, but she ended up having to orchestrate the party herself, turning what was supposed to be a low-effort event into a more involved one. This anecdote illustrates the importance of clear communication and understanding the specific requirements of an event or situation to ensure a successful outcome.

    • Finding support and relaxation with mom friendsConnecting with mom friends and finding moments of relief can make a significant difference in the challenges of parenting.

      Parenting can be overwhelming, and sometimes, small moments of relaxation, like having a drink with friends, can make a significant difference. The speaker shared her experience of being surrounded by her small circle of mom friends who understood the challenges of parenting and supported her in finding moments of relief. She also compared the energy of managing a large class of children to caring for multiple siblings, emphasizing the resilience and strength of those who have gone through similar experiences. The speaker's conversation with the listener revealed shared experiences and connections, including their connection to Nottingham and the Brit School. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of community, support, and finding moments of relaxation in the midst of the challenges of parenting.

    • Acting Careers: Perseverance and Artistic VisionActing careers require perseverance and dedication, with many auditions and rejections possible even for successful actors. Stay true to your artistic vision and hard work can lead to opportunities and success.

      Acting careers are not always straightforward and often involve many auditions and rejections, even for those who go on to achieve great success. The speaker shares her experiences of auditioning for commercials and roles as a child, some of which she didn't get despite coming close. She also discusses her OBE, which she earned for her services to international drama, and how she has worked hard to create opportunities for herself in the industry without having to audition in recent years. She expresses her belief that hard work and dedication can lead to success in acting, and she wishes she had had the chance to explore other interests as a child. Overall, her message is one of perseverance and the importance of staying true to one's artistic vision.

    • Supporting children's unique interestsAllow kids to explore passions, avoid pressuring them into specific paths, offer diverse experiences, and encourage individuality.

      Parents should allow their children to explore their unique interests and talents, rather than trying to mold them into a specific career path. The speaker shares her experience of wanting her son to follow in her acting footsteps, but recognizes that he has different passions and interests. She emphasizes the importance of supporting children in their individual pursuits and avoiding putting unnecessary pressure on them to conform to certain expectations. Additionally, the speaker acknowledges the importance of offering children a variety of experiences and opportunities to discover their talents, as she herself did not have many extracurricular activities growing up. The world is different now, and children need to be prepared for a diverse range of possibilities. Ultimately, parents should encourage their children to be their own unique persons and not feel pressured to live up to their parents' identities or expectations.

    • The importance of being a good person and building relationshipsCommunication, social skills, and original ideas are essential in a world where robots may do most tasks. Focus on personal interests and meaningful connections.

      While technical skills are important, being a good person and building strong relationships will be more valuable in the future as technology advances and automates many jobs. The discussion emphasized the importance of communication, social skills, and original ideas in a world where robots may do most tasks. It's essential to focus on personal interests and developing meaningful connections with others. Additionally, the conversation touched on the benefits of yoga and Mario yoga as a fun and engaging way to stay active and build a story-based practice. Ultimately, being a communicative, nice member of society will lead to a good life, regardless of academic achievements or technical skills.

    • Exploring new experiences with a kittenAdapting to the unpredictability of a kitten brings joy and helps us be more present, just like having children does.

      Having pets, especially a kitten, can bring new experiences and challenges similar to having children. The speaker, who is a chilled-out person, shares how her relationship with her kitten is more relaxed compared to her previous experiences with her older cat and her own upbringing. She also mentions how acting and being around kids can help her embody different versions of herself and be more present in the moment. The speaker's love for her pets and her ability to manage chaos make her a great parent figure, even when dealing with the mess and unpredictability that comes with having a kitten. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of adaptability, presence, and the joy of experiencing new things, whether it's through pets or children.

    • Balancing Parenting and Acting: A Unique ChallengeActing and parenting require patience, energy, and adaptability. Genuine connection and chemistry between actors are crucial, even if they don't get along personally. Thorough background checks and a 'no asshole' rule can help ensure a positive working environment.

      Being a parent and an actor require a unique blend of patience, energy, and adaptability. The speaker shared an anecdote about her own experience with her child manipulating her for a lap sit and farting incident, which she found amusing but also exhausting. She also praised a fellow actor, David Tennant, for his dedication as a father and his professionalism on set, despite having five children. She emphasized the importance of genuine connection and chemistry between actors, even if they don't get along personally. The speaker also mentioned the challenge of working with someone she didn't get along with, and the importance of thorough background checks and a "no asshole" rule to ensure a positive working environment. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and joys of balancing personal and professional life, especially in the demanding fields of parenting and acting.

    • Navigating uncomfortable situations in the entertainment industryFocus on positivity and mental techniques to shift perspective in challenging situations, while considering age and maturity when sharing industry experiences with children.

      In the entertainment industry, even when faced with uncomfortable situations or contracts, it's important to put on a convincing performance and find positivity in the experience. This could mean focusing on the aspects of the person or situation that you can appreciate, and using mental techniques to shift your mindset. As for sharing such experiences with children, it's a complex issue and parents must consider the age and maturity of their kids, as well as the nature of the content. Ultimately, it's a delicate balance between exposing them to the realities of the industry and protecting their innocence.

    • Balancing career and parenthood: A challenging logistical nightmare for actressesActresses Audra McDonald and Sarah Goldberg discussed the intense pressure to perform and the guilt felt when away from their kids while balancing careers and motherhood. They highlighted the lack of role models in similar situations, making it difficult to navigate the complexities.

      Balancing a successful career with parenthood can be a challenging logistical nightmare, especially when long hours and commitments clash with childcare needs. Actresses Audra McDonald and Sarah Goldberg shared their experiences of having children during their careers, revealing the intense pressure to perform and the guilt felt when away from their kids. McDonald filmed while pregnant and had her child right after wrapping, while Goldberg struggled with the guilt of being a semi-single parent and the long hours required for her work. Both women highlighted the lack of role models in similar situations, making it difficult to navigate the complexities of motherhood and a demanding career.

    • Juggling Career and Motherhood: An Actress's PerspectiveBalancing a career and family requires setting boundaries, recognizing the value of personal time, and understanding that sacrifices are necessary. Prioritize self-care and seek support from others to find joy in both aspects of life.

      Balancing a demanding career and family life can be challenging, but it's important to prioritize and make choices. The actress in this conversation shares her experience of juggling filming, breastfeeding, and motherhood, expressing the importance of setting boundaries and recognizing the value of personal time. She emphasizes that feeling guilty about time spent away from family or work doesn't serve anyone, and it's essential to understand that making sacrifices is part of the process. The conversation also touches on the importance of support systems, like nannies, and the importance of self-care. Ultimately, the actress reflects on the importance of finding joy in both aspects of her life, whether it's through her work or time spent with her family.

    • Balancing Family and Career in the ArtsEffectively communicate with family about work, involve them in your career, and ensure they see you as an individual with passions and goals to balance family life and a career in the arts.

      Effective communication and setting the right mindset are crucial when balancing family life and a career, especially in the arts. The speaker shares his experience of dealing with his children's emotions when leaving for work, and the importance of explaining the value and enjoyment of his job to them. He emphasizes the importance of not letting them see him as just a provider but as an individual with passions and goals. The speaker also mentions the need to prepare them for his absence and involve them in his work, creating a sense of shared excitement and anticipation for his return. Ultimately, it's about finding a way to balance the needs of the family with the demands of the career, and ensuring that both aspects of life are appreciated and valued.

    • Appreciating the little things and untold storiesThoughtful gestures and memories can bring comfort during absences, and exploring untold stories offers a deeper understanding of people's lives.

      Everyone, regardless of their abilities or accomplishments, can appreciate thoughtful gestures and memories left behind. Khush Jumbo shares anecdotes about leaving special notes or activities for his children when he's away, and how his kids respond with sadness but eventually accept his absence. Similarly, he reflects on the importance of understanding people's origins and the untold stories behind their lives. Khush Jumbo's new podcast, "Origins with Kush Jumbo," aims to explore these untold stories and delve deeper into the lives of celebrities and public figures, offering listeners a more complete understanding of who they truly are. The podcast's name, Cush Jumbo, itself is an intriguing origin story, stemming from his parents' unique backgrounds and naming choices. Overall, the discussion highlights the significance of connection, appreciation, and the importance of sharing and discovering the untold stories that shape our lives.

    • Exploring Friendships in Adulthood with Notable GuestsThrough interviews with women in science, music, art, entertainment, and politics, this podcast provides insights and advice on forming and maintaining friendships as adults.

      The hosts of "Making Friends with Chantal Nash" discuss the challenges of making and maintaining friendships as adults. They plan to invite women from various fields to share their experiences and offer advice. The show is set to feature interviews with notable figures from science, music, art, entertainment, and politics. The hosts also share personal stories, such as one about not having kissed with tongues until later in life. The show is currently in production and will be released later this year. The hosts express excitement about working with high-profile guests, like Peter Capaldi from Doctor Who. They also mention a gap in production due to a riotous strike, but filming is set to resume in the beginning of next year. Overall, the podcast aims to provide insight and advice on forming and nurturing friendships in adulthood.

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    Joining us this episode to discuss the highs and lows of parenting (and life) is the brilliant comedian and actor - Marcus Brigstocke. You can listen to his podcast 'How was it for you?' HERE And give them a follow / subscribe where you're there! Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available everywhere every Tuesday and Friday. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xxx If you want to get in touch with the show here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com NEW ALBUM OF THE SAME NAME IS OUT MAY 10TH - PRE-ORDER HERE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    More misadventures in parenting, life, and beyond... with Rob and Josh. Please leave a rating and review you filthy street dogs... xx If you want to get in touch with the show with any correspondence, kids intro audio clips, small business shout outs, and more.... here's how: EMAIL: Hello@lockdownparenting.co.uk INSTAGRAM: @parentinghell Parenting Hell is a Spotify Podcast, available free everywhere every Tuesday and Friday.  Join the mailing list to be first to hear about live show dates and tickets, Parenting Hell merch and any other exciting news... MAILING LIST: parentinghellpodcast.mailchimpsites.com  A 'Keep It Light Media' Production  Sales, advertising, and general enquiries: hello@keepitlightmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices