
    S9 Ep 332 Usual Drivel: Listing Comedians again (G to J)

    enDecember 19, 2023
    How do greetings affect relationships in daily interactions?
    What impact does clear communication have on connections?
    Why is a supportive environment crucial for comedians?
    What were the speaker's interactions with Mark like?
    How did Jake Campbell's experience at the awards affect him?

    Podcast Summary

    • Mindful Interactions: The Power of Communication and ContextClear communication and acknowledging each other's presence can strengthen relationships, while a lack of it can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of disconnection.

      Communication and context play a significant role in our daily interactions, even in seemingly mundane situations like leaving for work or running errands. The way we say goodbye or acknowledge each other's presence can impact the relationship between individuals. For instance, a simple "see you later" or "have a good day" can make a difference in how connected we feel to those around us. In the conversation, the speakers discussed their habits of saying goodbye to their colleagues or loved ones and how it felt when they didn't follow their usual routine. They also shared experiences of feeling disconnected or misunderstood due to a lack of clear communication. The discussion also touched upon the idea of approachability and the importance of being open to conversation, especially in a shared workspace like a podcast studio. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being mindful of our interactions and the impact they can have on our relationships with others.

    • Exploring the vast world of comedians through a unique podcast conceptDiscovering new comedians and discussing comedy with like-minded individuals brings joy and excitement. Staying committed to projects and goals, even in the face of challenges, is important.

      The discussion revolves around the idea of exploring the vast world of comedians, both past and present, through a unique and engaging podcast concept. The hosts, Chris and Dave, plan to read out the names of comedians from a website called Shorter, and respond with a simple "yes" or "no" to indicate whether they are familiar with each name. This simple format has the potential to spark interesting conversations and discoveries about the comedy world. The conversation also touches upon the memories of attending comedy clubs and forums, and the impact those experiences had on their appreciation for comedy. They reflect on the joy of discovering new comedians and the excitement of discussing comedy with like-minded individuals. Additionally, the hosts acknowledge the importance of persistence and dedication in completing projects, even when faced with challenges or distractions. They share stories of their own experiences with not finishing things and the potential consequences of procrastination. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of exploring the comedy world, both past and present, and the importance of staying committed to projects and goals.

    • Appreciating the simple pleasures of life through meaningful conversations and comedyThe speaker cherishes brief interactions with Mark on their train commute, admires various comedians, and expresses love for Harry, highlighting the importance of finding joy in everyday moments and connections.

      The speaker cherished his brief interactions with Mark on their train commute, where they would chat for a few minutes before falling back asleep. These moments were perfect for them, providing just enough connection before returning to the comfort of sleep. The speaker also expressed admiration for various comedians, some of whom they had personal connections with, and others they simply found hilarious. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing their love for Harry, a comedian they had met at an award show. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's appreciation for the simple pleasures in life, like meaningful conversations and the art of comedy.

    • The speaker discusses their interactions with various comediansThe speaker admires some comedians for their influence and inspiring impact on their career, and appreciates their ability to connect with audiences without relying heavily on memorizing lines.

      The speaker has had interactions with various individuals in the comedy industry, some of whom they have met in person and others they have only heard of. These names include Heidi Regan, Helen Keeler, Henningvane, Andre Gansberg, Howard Marks, and Ian Fox, among others. The speaker expresses admiration for some of these individuals, particularly those who have influenced or inspired them in their comedy career. The speaker also mentions having received an email from Henry Winnetka recently. The conversation also touches upon the relaxed attitude of some comedians towards line learning and the speaker's admiration for their ability to connect with audiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's connections and experiences within the comedy industry.

    • Feeling out of place during comedy eventsComedian Joe Wilkinson shares feelings of underappreciation during comedy events and the impact of strong stage presence on audience reactions

      Joe Wilkinson, a comedian, shared an experience of feeling out of place and underappreciated during a comedy event where he was the last performer left in a room with only a few audience members. He recalled this experience, which involved a fellow comedian named Ian Moore, and how he felt overshadowed by the audience's reaction to another performer. Wilkinson also shared a memorable moment of watching a comedian named Izzy Satti do a dinosaur impression that left a lasting impression on him. The conversation then shifted to discussing the importance of having a strong stage presence and the impact it can have on an audience. Wilkinson also shared a past experience of feeling unappreciated after a performance and the embarrassment that came with it. The conversation did not lead to any resolution or follow-up.

    • The impact of constructive criticism in comedyCriticism, even if harsh, can motivate growth and improvement in comedy. Successful comedians have a responsibility to support and mentor new talent.

      Constructive criticism, even if it's delivered harshly, can have a significant impact on a person's performance and growth, especially in the competitive world of comedy. The speaker shared an experience from 25 years ago when a famous comedian criticized his act, leaving him feeling embarrassed and uncertain. However, the speaker learned from the experience and used it as motivation to improve. The power dynamics in the comedy scene were also discussed, with the speaker acknowledging that successful comedians have a responsibility to support and mentor up-and-coming talent. The conversation also touched on the importance of staying resilient and not taking criticism personally. The speaker concluded by reflecting on the holiday season and the importance of supporting and uplifting each other, just as successful comedians should do for those starting out.

    • Unsupportive environment in comedy industryThe entertainment industry, particularly comedy, can be unsupportive towards young talents. A supportive environment is crucial for their growth and success.

      The entertainment industry, specifically comedy, can be an unsupportive environment, particularly for young talents. This was evident in Jake Campbell's experience at the British Comedy Awards where he was met with indifference and lack of encouragement from the audience. Despite this, some comedians like James Alderson and Jake Lambert have made it big and continue to inspire and support new talents. The importance of a supportive environment cannot be overstated, especially in the early days of a comedian's career. Additionally, the industry can sometimes be filled with names that may not ring a bell immediately but have a significant impact on the careers of established comedians. Overall, the journey of a comedian involves perseverance, support, and a bit of luck.

    • A Chat About Comedians: James Farmer to Jasper CarrotThe speaker shared stories and expressed recognition or confusion towards various comedians' names, including James Farmer, Jamie Dimitri, Jan Ravens, Jane Bostock, Janine Harouni, Jason Cook, Jason Manford, and Jasper Carrot. They also discussed the potential simplification of names and the speaker's use of social media to connect with comedians.

      The discussion revolved around the names of various comedians, with the speaker expressing recognition or confusion towards each name. The names included James Farmer, Jamie Dimitri, Jan Ravens, Jane Bostock, Janine Harouni, Jason Cook, Jason Manford, Jasper Carrot, and many others. The speaker shared anecdotes about some comedians, such as Jason Burn and Jasper Carrot, and expressed amusement at the names and their potential meanings. The conversation also touched upon the idea of simplifying names by removing the 'g' letter, and the speaker's use of social media to connect with some of these comedians. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's extensive knowledge and appreciation for the comedy scene and the various comedians that make up a part of it.

    • Speaker's Experiences with ComediansThe speaker shared stories about meeting and working with comedians like Jenny Claire, Jim Gaffigan, and Jim Smallman, expressing both positive and negative experiences in the comedy industry.

      The speaker shared a list of comedians' names, some of whom they had personal experiences or connections with. One particular experience involved Jenny Claire, who warmed up the audience before the speaker went on, only for the night to end poorly. The speaker expressed frustration towards a comedy club organizer who didn't book them after they didn't recognize Jerry Seinfeld's name. The conversation also touched upon various other comedians, including Jim Gaffigan and Jim Smallman, whom the speaker had met. Overall, the conversation revolved around the speaker's experiences in the comedy world and the names of notable comedians.

    • Recalling Favorite ComediansThe speaker expresses admiration for various comedians they've met or worked with, including Jimmy McGee, Jay Crawford, and John Bishop.

      The speaker in this conversation is recalling names of comedians, some of whom they have met or worked with, and expressing their admiration for them. The list includes names like Jimmy McGee, Jay Crawford, John Bishop, and many others. The speaker seems to be enjoying the process of remembering these names and sharing their positive feelings towards these comedians. It's clear that the speaker has a deep appreciation for the comedy scene and the performers in it. Despite some difficulties in remembering all the names, the speaker manages to recall a significant number of them and expresses their admiration for each one. The conversation is a testament to the speaker's knowledge and love for the comedy world.

    • Discussing a long list of comedian namesDespite the challenge of remembering many comedian names, the speakers encouraged listeners to finish the list and even joked about inviting a previously criticized comedian.

      During a conversation, the speakers were discussing a list of comedian names from a channel website. They went through several names, some of which were repeated, and they joked about the difficulty of remembering all the names. They also talked about how some people might not enjoy the app or the presenter's style, but they encouraged listeners to keep going and finish the list. They also mentioned that they had reached the letter "J" and discussed which letters might be the most challenging due to the abundance of names starting with those letters. They also joked about the presenter's apparent boredom and even suggested inviting a comedian they had previously criticized to appear on the show. Overall, the conversation was lighthearted and humorous, with the speakers poking fun at the tediousness of going through a long list.

    • Feeling unproductive in the last 10 minutesAssess the value of time and energy in conversations, if not productive, consider moving on.

      The speaker found the last 10 minutes of the discussion unproductive and unfulfilling. They felt they weren't gaining anything from the conversation and expressed a desire to end it. This is evident from their repeated use of the word "no" and their attempts to bid farewell. It's important to recognize that not every conversation will yield significant results, and it's essential to assess the value of our time and energy invested in them. If a discussion isn't providing the desired outcomes, it may be worth considering moving on to other priorities.

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