
    Saas Companies that Anyone Can Start with Rob Walling

    enJanuary 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Creating a unique in-person community for a niche market provides a competitive advantageDeveloping a community for a specific niche market, such as aviation enthusiasts, can offer unique benefits, including the ability to keep planes on site and easily fly in and out, fostering connections and shared experiences among like-minded individuals.

      Having a well-run in-person community, especially in niche markets, can provide a significant competitive advantage. This was discussed in relation to online communities and the example of a friend turning 5,000 acres of land into an aviation-themed development with a runway, hangars, and homes. This community is not just for the incredibly wealthy, but for those with the means to afford a private plane and a $200,000 investment. The development represents a unique lifestyle for aviation enthusiasts, allowing them to keep their planes on site and fly in and out as desired. While some may see this as an extravagance, for others it's an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and enjoy their shared passion. This discussion also touched on the idea that not everyone's lifestyle goals align, and some prefer to travel to vacation homes, while others, like the friend in this example, are creating a place to stay so they can easily fly.

    • Marketing Trends for 2024: Social Media Optimization, Engagement, and EthicsStay updated on social media optimization, boost engagement, prioritize ethical business practices, and adapt to new trends to thrive in marketing.

      Staying informed about marketing trends is crucial for businesses to thrive in the ever-changing tech world. HubSpot's 2024 State of Marketing report, based on data from over 1400 marketing professionals, provides valuable insights on effective marketing strategies, including optimizing for social media, boosting engagement, and balancing privacy with personalization. Additionally, as people have more freedom to live and work remotely, there's an opportunity for communities to form around shared interests and hobbies. On a different note, the recent conviction of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of Theranos, serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical business practices and the potential consequences of hype and public perception. It's essential to learn from past mistakes and adapt to new trends to succeed in the business world.

    • Questioning assumptions and introspectionFirst impressions can be misleading, always question assumptions. Regular self-reflection is essential for personal growth.

      First impressions and assumptions can be deceiving. The speaker initially defended a controversial figure based on her association with a well-respected investor. However, he later admitted being wrong about her after discovering her deceitful actions. In a separate topic, the speaker shared a new family tradition they started, where each family member presents their reflections and goals for the year at a "family board meeting." Despite the speaker jokingly presenting it as a formal and serious event, it served as a meaningful opportunity for self-reflection. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of questioning assumptions and the value of introspection.

    • Exploring the complexities of modern relationshipsWomen may track various life details and men may aim to out-earn their partners, highlighting the unique roles and responsibilities in relationships. Open communication and understanding are crucial for navigating these complexities.

      Being in a relationship involves multiple roles and responsibilities, some of which may not be traditionally associated with gender. In the conversation, it was shared that a woman tracks various details in her life, including the number of times her child reads a book and personal anniversaries. Her husband acknowledged her compulsive nature and jokingly referred to her as a "lactating Rain Man." Despite her earning more than him in the past, the husband expressed his goal to out-earn her and saw it as a sign of his success. The conversation also touched upon the financial implications of marriage and the importance of a prenup, particularly when it comes to business assets. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of modern relationships and the importance of open communication and understanding between partners.

    • Support and partnership in personal and professional lifeEven when one partner doesn't meet financial milestones, genuine happiness and support can still be shown. Building rapport and familiarity in podcast interviews can lead to enjoyable and successful conversations. Importance of support, partnership, authenticity, and preparation in personal and professional life.

      Even in the face of personal financial milestones not being met by one partner, the other can still be genuinely happy and supportive. The speaker shared his experience of his wife becoming a millionaire before him, and instead of feeling bad, he was thrilled for her. He emphasized that they share all their finances and viewed her achievement as his own. Additionally, the speaker discussed the importance of building rapport and familiarity in podcast interviews, which can make for more enjoyable and successful conversations. He also touched upon the topic of changing a podcast name, expressing his reservations but acknowledging the potential benefits. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of support and partnership in personal and professional life, as well as the value of authenticity and preparation in media.

    • The Complexity of Choosing a Company NameThoughtful and well-researched company names are crucial for effective branding. Cultural implications and potential controversies should be considered.

      Choosing a company name can be a complex and nuanced process, with potential cultural implications and the need for thorough research. The example of a company named "My First Million" illustrates this, as it faced backlash for perceived cultural appropriation and ultimately changed its name. Naming is a crucial aspect of branding, and while some may argue that a bad name can still be effective, the importance of a thoughtful and well-researched name cannot be overstated. Companies like ConvertKit, which changed their name to avoid controversy, demonstrate this. Additionally, the process of naming can be challenging, and seeking the help of naming firms or experts can be beneficial. Rob, a software developer turned entrepreneur and blogger, provides insight into his experiences with naming and growing various software companies, including Drip, which he sold for millions before it grew to tens of millions in revenue. Regardless of the size or stage of a company, careful consideration of its name is essential.

    • Motivations for selling a business: Financial security and freedomSelling a business for financial security and freedom is a common motivation, but some regret not loving the company enough to continue growing it. Early funding and financial security can help alleviate stress and allow for continued growth.

      Financial security and freedom were the primary motivators for selling a successful business for one speaker, but he regrets not loving the company enough to continue growing it. He believes that having enough money to live comfortably without having to work again is an achievable goal, but the specific amount required varies greatly depending on individual circumstances. He also mentioned that he wished he had raised funding earlier to alleviate the stress of running the business alone. Ultimately, he sold the business to secure his financial future and start a new venture, but he wishes he could have continued growing the first business if he had the financial security to do so.

    • Struggling with cash despite significant revenueRevenue growth doesn't guarantee cash flow or profitability, entrepreneurs must manage their finances carefully.

      Growing a business, even one with significant recurring revenue, can consume cash at an alarming rate. Despite appearances, a company may not have the financial resources to support its growth, leading the founder to make tough decisions such as seeking outside investment or selling the business. The case of Drip, which was acquired by Leadpages and is now a multibillion-dollar opportunity, illustrates this phenomenon. The founder, Rob Walling, faced this dilemma when the company was understaffed and underfunded, despite generating $3,000,000 in monthly recurring revenue. The experience of letting go of Drip, which he co-founded, was not an easy one, but he has come to terms with it and continues to use the tool. Additionally, Walling's side project, MicroConf, which he started as a hobby, has grown into a successful business. The lesson here is that while revenue growth is essential, it does not necessarily equate to cash flow or profitability, and entrepreneurs must be mindful of this reality.

    • MicroConf: A community-focused business in the tabletop games and events industryOwner prioritizes community growth over maximizing profits, offering unique experiences that can't be replicated online, and starting a business in an unfamiliar industry can be rewarding with confidence and acceptance.

      MicroConf, a business focused on tabletop games and events for independent startups, is a viable enterprise despite having thin profit margins and requiring significant resources. The owner, who initially saw the business as a hobby, has since grown it into a community service, running events at breakeven or loss to expand their reach and promote the mission of increasing the number of independent startups. While the business could potentially generate higher profits, the owner has chosen to prioritize the growth of the community over maximizing revenue. The events business, which includes selling tickets and sponsorships, can be unpredictable with revenue coming in a year in advance, but it offers a unique experience that cannot be replicated online. Starting a business in an unfamiliar industry, such as events, can initially seem daunting, but with confidence and acceptance of what the business truly offers, it can become a rewarding endeavor.

    • In-person events foster strong communities and unique opportunities in micro-business worldIn-person events help build strong communities, leading to high retention rates and effective identification of unique software solutions. Niche solutions, like Builder Prime, can address industry-specific communication challenges and offer greater control and potential higher valuation by creating your own ecosystem.

      In-person events play a crucial role in building strong and engaged communities, especially in the micro-business world. These events lead to high retention rates, fostering familiarity and collaboration among attendees. As a result, identifying unique opportunities for software solutions becomes more effective due to the tight-knit community and the chance to meet like-minded individuals. For instance, the founder of TinySeed, an accelerator, has seen numerous surprising SaaS companies, such as Builder Prime, which focuses on CRM for home improvement contractors. This niche solution addresses the communication challenges faced in the industry, making it a strongly-typed version tailored to the specific needs of the market. Moreover, building a software solution on an existing platform like Salesforce or HubSpot comes with risks, such as platform fees and potential acquisition. Creating your own ecosystem allows for greater control and potentially higher valuation when selling a company. Throughout the conversation, the importance of identifying unique opportunities and building strong communities was emphasized, with in-person events playing a significant role in fostering these connections and driving innovation.

    • Impact of platform choice on business growthPlatform choice can lead to impressive growth, but selling a business on a specific platform may pose challenges. Bootstrapping offers profit retention and control, while venture capital means constant fundraising. Tiny Seed offers an alternative for funding and profit sharing.

      The choice of platform for a business can significantly impact its growth and valuation. The discussion highlighted examples of companies that started on specific platforms like Heroku, Shopify, and even built tools for web scraping. These companies saw impressive growth, with some reaching millions in revenue. However, there's a risk involved, especially when it comes to selling the business. Having a larger team could increase the company's worth. Another interesting point raised was the comparison between bootstrapping and raising funds. While bootstrapping allows businesses to keep profits and control, taking venture capital means being on the "venture track," where constant fundraising is required. Tiny Seed, mentioned in the conversation, offers an alternative by funding LLCs and buying a percentage of equity, allowing businesses to take profits while still retaining a stake. The discussion also touched upon the potential for high returns with lower downside risk through early-stage investments at low valuations.

    • Opportunity for bundling tools in podcast production industryA potential market exists for a HubSpot-like solution in podcast production, offering bundled services for podcast apps, hosting, and editing.

      There's a potential opportunity for bundling tools and services in the podcast production industry. The speaker, who is a B2B SaaS founder, mentioned his frustration with using disparate tools for various podcast-related tasks and expressed his belief that a HubSpot-like solution could be successful. He identified a few areas in the podcast stack, such as podcast apps, podcast hosting, and podcast editing, where such a bundled solution could provide value. However, he also acknowledged that the podcasting software and tools market might not be an easy business due to the low number of successful podcasts and the financial constraints of most podcasters. Despite these challenges, he pointed to the success of companies like SquadCast and the existence of larger media organizations with the resources to invest in proprietary technology as potential indicators of market potential.

    • Dual or split funnel strategy for business successBusinesses can cater to both low-paying and high-paying customers for stability and revenue, offering additional features or services to high-payers to justify higher prices.

      A successful business model can be built around a dual or split funnel strategy, where a company caters to both a large number of low-paying customers and a smaller number of high-paying customers. This approach allows businesses to build a brand, generate revenue from a large customer base, and also secure significant revenue from high-value clients. The podcasting industry is an excellent example of this model, where free or low-cost users coexist with high-paying enterprise clients. This strategy provides a more stable business and helps companies avoid the grind of enterprise sales with massive deals. It's essential to price based on value rather than cost, and offering additional features or services to high-paying customers justifies the higher price. This model can be applied to various industries, and the success of a business doesn't necessarily depend on having significantly better features or software for high-paying customers. Instead, it's about the ability to handle the complexities and headaches that come with larger clients, which justifies the higher price.

    • Expanding Examine.com's Business ModelExamine.com could increase earnings by providing recommended products/services, targeting doctors, and exploring injury/medical fields, while maintaining trust through careful partner selection and transparency.

      Examine.com, a trusted nutrition information website, could potentially expand its business model to cover crypto and NFT, or web 3.0 information, by implementing affiliate partnerships and targeting doctors. The site, which currently generates a relatively small revenue and relies on a dedicated team to curate research, could significantly increase its earnings by providing recommended products or services, similar to how Wirecutter operates. Additionally, exploring opportunities in the injury and medical field could also be a profitable avenue, as people seeking definitive answers to health concerns are often willing to pay for reliable information. To achieve this growth, Examine.com could maintain its trusted brand by carefully selecting partners and ensuring transparency, much like how some popular YouTube influencers build trust with their audiences through affiliate marketing.

    • Establish credibility and trust in crypto businessStart a podcast, attend crypto events, build a network, examine successful businesses, and hire writers to establish credibility and trust in crypto business, potentially lasting over a century and generating significant revenue.

      Building a successful business in the crypto niche requires credibility and trust. To achieve this, starting a podcast, attending crypto events, and building a network are essential steps. Additionally, examining successful businesses in the field and hiring writers can help establish a strong brand. This business model, if executed effectively, could last for over a century and generate significant revenue. The comparison to Consumer Reports, a long-standing review site, highlights the potential longevity of such a venture. While the crypto niche may be filled with fervor and strong opinions, focusing on building credibility and trust will set your business apart from the competition.

    • Factors for building a successful software companyMarket size matters, but a well-rounded team and offerings with low churn are crucial for significant revenue.

      Building a successful software company requires careful consideration of various factors, including market size, business metrics, and the roles of the founding team. Market size is important, but it's not the only factor. Businesses with low-priced offerings and high churn rates may struggle to reach significant revenue levels. On the other hand, businesses with high-priced offerings and low churn rates can potentially reach large revenue numbers even in smaller markets. Additionally, having a well-rounded founding team with expertise in sales, marketing, product development, or subject matter is crucial. For non-technical founders, options include hiring a team, acquiring an existing product, or using tools like Zapier and Notion to build a minimum viable product. The path to building a software company without technical expertise or a co-founder is possible, but it requires creativity, determination, and sometimes a combination of approaches.

    • Exploring options for building an MVP for a SaaS appConsider referrals, WordPress plugins, HubSpot add-ons, or raising funding to build an MVP for a SaaS app. Costs can range from $10k to $30k, but technical expertise or financial resources are needed for maintenance.

      When it comes to building an MVP for a SaaS app, especially for non-technical individuals, it's essential to consider various options and resources to ensure quality and affordability. Referrals and referral services aggregators, such as Trust Shoring and CloudDevs, can be valuable sources for finding reliable development agencies. Alternatively, starting small with a less complex project, like a WordPress plugin or HubSpot add-on, can provide valuable experience and revenue before scaling up to a SaaS app. The cost for creating an MVP for a SaaS app can range from $10 to $30k, but maintaining it requires technical expertise or financial resources. If you're non-technical and lack the budget or experience, consider raising funding or pre-selling the product to generate revenue. Overall, the key is to explore different strategies, learn from your experiences, and build a strong foundation before diving into the complex world of SaaS app development. Follow Rob Walling on Twitter (@RobWalling) for more insights on SaaS and startups, and listen to his podcast, Startups for the Rest of Us.

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    My First Million
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    My First Million
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    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable

    $100M Founder Reveals The Secret To Making Data Profitable
    Episode 595: Anand Sanwal ( https://x.com/asanwal ) joins Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) to reveal his playbook for building an insanely profitable data business.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Anand’s data arbitrage playbook (9:51) Starting weird as Chubby Brain (12:03) Don't run 100mph in the wrong direction (14:53) Edge, Collection, and Opportunity (19:24) IDEA: High-end Glassdoor (27:00) IDEA: C-Suite Head Hunting Service (28:57) IDEA: HomeOptions for Founder Exits (32:17) Anand's School of Entrepreneuring (36:03) Learn how to think, not what to think (38:18) The Die-At-Your-Desk Life Philosophy (39:26) Competency-based curriculum (42:47) IDEA: Slime Museums (46:40) IDEA: Autonomous HOA Convenience Stores (51:32) IDEA: Online Addiction Centers (58:51) Leadership lessons from legendary coaches — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • CB Insights - https://www.cbinsights.com/ • Bloomberg article - https://tinyurl.com/32ns9beu • Blackbaud - https://www.blackbaud.com/solutions/total-fundraising-solutions • HomeOptions - https://www.homeoptions.com/ • IMG Academy - https://www.imgacademy.com/ • American Addiction Centers - https://americanaddictioncenters.org/ • Weapons of Mass Instruction - https://tinyurl.com/49s6xhpk • Chasing Perfection - https://tinyurl.com/46hc5zxj • The Score Takes Care of Itself - https://tinyurl.com/4v6k72h3 • The Talent Code - https://tinyurl.com/4h2z9yer • The Learner Lab - https://thelearnerlab.com/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 11, 2024

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)

    The GameStop Guy Has Returned… (And Has A New $210M Bet)
    Episode 594:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Shaan Puri ( https://twitter.com/ShaanVP ) explain what’s happening with GameStop AGAIN and how Keith Gill turned $56k into $210M with memes.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Roaring Kitty's $200M GameStop holding (8:41) Is Keith Gill the most genius creator behind a brand? (14:53) Where did the $65M come from? (17:44) The 7 Stages of GameStop FOMO (20:00) Ryan Cohen's activist investments in GameStop, Bed Bath and Beyond  (26:34) Shaan's honest take on paternity leave (31:53) Painting the windows black (35:42) Zach Pogrob's The Year of Obsession (37:03) What's the deal with run clubs right now? (39:19) Sexy faces and sexy paces (42:04) Endurance event businesses (45:06) Opportunity: The suburban Iron Man (51:19) Scott Harrison gives Shaan unsolicited feedback — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • wallstreetbets - https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/ • Unusual Whales - https://unusualwhales.com/ • WSJ on Ryan Cohen - https://tinyurl.com/4zue9xps • Wander - https://www.wander.com/ • The Lehman Trilogy - https://thelehmantrilogy.com/ • The Year of Obsession - https://tinyurl.com/4nsrh689 • Nick Bare - https://www.instagram.com/nickbarefitness • RAWDAWG - https://www.instagram.com/rawdawgrunclub • River - https://www.getriver.io/ • 29029 Everesting - https://29029everesting.com/ • Rock n Roll Running - https://www.runrocknroll.com/ • thespeedproject - https://www.instagram.com/thespeedproject • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Enter to win a free trip at https://www.wander.com/mfm and use code MFM300 at checkout for $300 off your booking. — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 07, 2024

    25 Years Of Founder WISDOM In 55 Minutes (ft. Jason Fried)

    25 Years Of Founder WISDOM In 55 Minutes (ft. Jason Fried)
    Episode 593:  Sam Parr ( https://twitter.com/theSamParr ) and Jason Fried ( https://x.com/jasonfried ) open up about personal finances, raising kids around wealth and dealing with risk.  — Show Notes: (0:00) Sam and Jason play Would You Rather... (5:15) Loosening the grip on the stick (12:35) The pale blue dot (14:03) Why does the businessworld deserve our best lessons? (18:30) Early days vs. vs. middle days vs later days (24:47) "A founder's job is to inject risk" (29:36) “Cool wears off but useful never does” (31:07) Striking balance with a business partner (34:14) The value of talking about money (37:28) Navigating luxury with kids (40:08) Midwestern values on blast (43:39) The truth about luck (46:55) Staying up vs. staying off (49:45) New insights from old biographies — Links: • [Steal This] Get our proven writing frameworks that have made us millions https://clickhubspot.com/copy • The Most Important Thing - https://tinyurl.com/9ym3xw5b • Peter Lynch books - https://tinyurl.com/2nf87pzb • The Pale Blue Dot - https://www.planetary.org/worlds/pale-blue-dot • The Messy Middle = https://tinyurl.com/2paw5jmk • Sam’s List - http://samslist.co/ • Newspapers.com - http://newpapers.com/ • Pessimists Archive - https://pessimistsarchive.org/ • Grab HubSpot's free AI-Powered Customer Platform and watch your business grow https://clickhubspot.com/fmf — Check Out Sam's Stuff: • Hampton - https://www.joinhampton.com/ • Ideation Bootcamp - https://www.ideationbootcamp.co/ • Copy That - https://copythat.com • Hampton Wealth Survey - https://joinhampton.com/wealth — Check Out Shaan's Stuff: Need to hire? You should use the same service Shaan uses to hire developers, designers, & Virtual Assistants → it’s called Shepherd (tell ‘em Shaan sent you): https://bit.ly/SupportShepherd My First Million is a HubSpot Original Podcast // Brought to you by The HubSpot Podcast Network // Production by Arie Desormeaux // Editing by Ezra Bakker Trupiano
    My First Million
    enJune 05, 2024

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    - “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”
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    - SAFETEEN: www.safeteen.ca - "Safeteen is an internationally recognized violence prevention strategy that cultivates a radical transformation from a youth culture of fear and survival to one of empathy, safety and empowerment."

    - "A Hoops Journey": Hosted by Aaron Mitchell and Corbin Castres https://linktr.ee/ahoopsjourney

    - "A Hoops Journey": Episode 2 featuring Bal Dhillon = https://open.spotify.com/episode/5LwLzZPzs2AgiK4bZGkg1g?si=KeF-k8pkQTifgWoZkc5k4Q

    - "A Hoops Journey": Episode 18 featuring Jeff Gourley = https://open.spotify.com/episode/5qOQvPgrcpSrBurwdRFBAT?si=y7onKNrdSaSS8OQDn3NFRg

    Caffeine Cast: The Journey of my Growth Since 2005 (Radio Edit) [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]

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    How do you grow from zero to the biggest property training company in the UK? How do you get started in your property business? What can you learn from the Progressive Property journey? Rob responds to a question from the Disruptive Entrepreneur community on how they grew Progressive properties. Rob talks through how social media can be your biggest asset, something that wasn’t around a few years ago, and how always been adaptive has helped to overcome challenges. If you’re looking to grow or start your property business this is the podcast for you.


    Key Takeaways

    How do you grow in the early years? How long did it take to feel like it clicked with your business? In the early years, there wasn’t really VA’s and social media so we went to a lot of networking events. We bought 20 properties in the first year and grew from there. We weren’t very elegant because we saw hundreds of properties and only bought 20 but it worked. We went to business and property networking events, locally and around the country which helped us build our brands. We were young and were different from the usual type of person at the event which made us memorable.

    A few months a switch flicked.
    I figured that the speaker has the most leverage at a networking event, not the people attending it. So, I went to a speaker course, because I was really nervous at first. But now I’ve done thousands of speaking events and feel much more confident. People would give you feedback that you should do some courses, and write a book.


    Once enough people said it, I thought I’d write a book. I wrote a book called Property Secrets. Mark had a lot more knowledge about property, so I interviewed him. In that year we created our first property meet up at a nice hotel in London and had 70 people attend. We didn’t have social media, so we had to work hard to get people to that first event.


    The book sold pretty well. A couple of partners promoted the book for us, which helped a lot. When we launched the book we gave a free ticket to the event as well. At the end of that first event, I sold a two-day property masterclass. People paid £2,000 there and then to get onto the course after I pitched it.


    Google Adwords became really big. We went from 800 contacts to thousands of contacts. We didn’t think we could afford staff so we were hacking it ourselves. YouTube started, and I started doing a lot of videos, and we were getting a lot of hits through that medium, thousands in fact.


    Would you buy deals for other people? When enough people asked us to buy deals for them we thought this was a good use of leverage. Initially, we would put a deposit down and then flip the property. You couldn’t go to the high street and do this but because of the contacts that we had made, it was easier. We wound down the business eventually to move onto other bigger projects but it was a good business for us for a good few years.


    The modern way to grow is to definitely make the most of social media. Look to LinkedIn as a way of developing your online presence. After email marketing, social media became really prevalent, and then content marketing has become a really big thing. It’s a decentralised media landscape now. There are more platforms which can feel overwhelming but they are all free.. I launched my podcast most recently and that has grown my reach globally. We are now creating events globally and created a networking event Franchise across the country. I’ve written a lot more books as well along the process.


    When did it start to kick in and feel more secure? 6-9 months in there was a bit more traction, and after the first year, we knew there was something happening. We are not good at looking back at our achievements, we are always looking forward. Two years in we had a big foothold, and the recession helped us. Then by default, we became a big player in property because a lot of the big players folded.


    We became the biggest Property Training Company in terms of turnover around 5 or 6 years in. Then we branched out into a personal development, and business training. We have a lot of companies now all under the Progressive umbrella, including a letting agency, media agency and public speaking course. You have to be adaptive in business, and we’ve done lots of different things along our journey, not just our initial Buy-To-let property business.


    Best Moments

    ‘When we first started, VA’s and social events weren’t really a thing.’

    ‘We would always follow up with people.’

    ‘I figured that the speaker at any event is the person with the most leverage at an event.’

    ‘We had to work hard to get the 70 people to come to our first event.’

    ‘We sold 25 places on our first course at £2,000 each at out first event.’

    ‘Many very successful properties business owners went to our first courses.’

    ‘We agreed to not draw too much from the company and reinvest a lot into the property.’

    ‘Google Ads, went from 800 to thousands of contacts.’

    ‘Setting up a training business allowed us to grow.’

    ‘Content marketing used to be one blog post a week, now it's on all sorts of platforms.’

    ‘It’s a decentralised media landscape now.’

    ‘We are always thinking about going forward.’

    ‘The recession helped us in some respects.’

    ‘We were prepared to be a bit disruptive, and noisy in our marketing.’

    ‘Everyone looked the same at our networks events.’

    ‘It takes time to build a brand but it doesn’t take a lifetime.’

    ‘You do get back what you put in.’

    ‘You need to be adaptive in business.’

    ‘We have a passion for business.’

    ‘You can turn your passion into a business.’

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    EP10: Talking to my bestie about all things confidence, business & friendship growth

    EP10: Talking to my bestie about all things confidence, business & friendship growth

    If you have listened to my other episodes, you would have heard me talking about my best friend Georgia. So, I thought I'd better get her on the podcast too! Georgia is not only my best friend, but a full time employee of mine and she somehow manages to fit in her own super busy business @masterbusinessuk too.

    In this podcast we talk about how we juggle our friendship and working relationship, how Georgia juggles her job and her business and how we have both grown in confidence over a short space of time.