
    About this Episode

    We are excited to share this special podcast episode featuring an amazing adoptive family who joined us to discuss their experiences of adopting through Act of Love Adoptions and the state. Sally and her husband, Darren, have adopted a child through Act of Love Adoptions and later, their nephew through the state. They share insights on the comparisons of both processes and emphasize the importance of educating oneself on multiracial adoptions.

    Sally speaks passionately about the significance of being there for the birth parents. Despite facing initial challenges with communication and many unanswered emails, she persisted, and in the end, the birth parents were eternally grateful for her support.

    Tune in to this enlightening podcast episode to learn about the differences between adopting through an agency and the state, the importance of education on multiracial adoptions, and the crucial role of supporting the birth parents.

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    Recent Episodes from Act Of Love Adoptions

    Jacobs - An Adoptee's Personal Experience

    Jacobs - An Adoptee's Personal Experience
    In this week's unique episode, Jacob gets to share his personal experiences surrounding adoption with his birth mother and host of A Act of Love Podcast, Jessica Griffith. They discuss their ever changing relationship and how Jacob continues to navigate his feelings and make space for both women in his life in this methodical conversation on understanding adoption.

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    Jessica Griffiths - A Birth Mom and Act of Love Adoptions Podcast Host

    Jessica Griffiths - A Birth Mom and Act of Love Adoptions Podcast Host
    Our guest today, Jessica, is Act of Love Adoptions new podcast host! She is truly one of a kind and we are so excited to have her on our team and a part of the Act of Love Adoptions family.

    Growing up as the youngest of five in Southern California, she had a joyful childhood but faced challenges upon graduating high school. Her life took an unexpected turn when, at 18, she discovered she was pregnant. Faced with a daunting situation and uncertain future, Jessica made a profound and heart-wrenching decision to place her baby for adoption.

    This decision, though incredibly difficult, marked a turning point in her life. It was not just an act of love and sacrifice but also a step towards personal growth and understanding. Jessica's journey didn't end there. She moved to Utah, where she found love and built a family with her husband and three sons.
    Jessica's connection with her birth son and his family is a testament to her enduring love and the strength of open adoption.

    Today, Jessica stands as a proud mother and a symbol of resilience. Her journey from a young, uncertain girl in California to a loving mother in Utah illustrates her courage and adaptability. Her story is a powerful reminder of the unpredictable paths life can take and how choices made during challenging times can lead to fulfilling and unexpected outcomes.

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    Elijah Thomas - The Journey of an Adoptee

    Elijah Thomas - The Journey of an Adoptee
    Meet Elijah Thomas. A storyteller whose life has been shaped by the extraordinary journey of self discovery as an adoptee. Growing up in the picturesque landscapes of Orem surrounded by the towering mountains and serene beauty of Utah, Elijah's story is one of resilience and the pursuit of identity. In sharing his story Elijah hopes to inspire others on similar journeys of self discovery and familial reconnection. The reclaiming of his own story has led to profound healing and understanding. Elijah continues to work on his journey but is also an advocate for adoptees and their unique experiences. He stands as a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit and the beauty that emerges when we find our way.

    Are you Pregnant? We can help:
    Text us at: 801-450-0094
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    Sarah Ward - An Adoptive Mom

    Sarah Ward - An Adoptive Mom
    This week's episode is about Sarah's journey to motherhood. It is a tale of resilience, hope, and profound love. Faced with the heartache of infertility, she endured the emotional and physical toll of multiple rounds of IVF, each time with the hope of becoming a mother. Despite the setbacks and disappointments, Sarah's desire to nurture and love a child remained undiminished.
    In the face of these challenges, Sarah turned to adoption, a decision that would change her life in the most beautiful way. She adopted a little boy, a moment that brought immense joy and fulfillment into her life. This beautiful boy, once a dream, became a beloved son, turning Sarah's long-held hopes into a heartwarming reality.

    Now, Sarah and her husband are ready to expand their circle of love. They are preparing to adopt again, a testament to their boundless capacity for love and their deep understanding of the profound impact adoption can have. Sarah's story is one of unwavering determination and the transformative power of love, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, hope can flourish and lead to beautiful beginnings.

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    Morgan and John - Adoptive Parents

    Morgan and John - Adoptive Parents
    When Morgan and John's paths crossed, they found in each other a shared vision and understanding. Adoption was a concept close to both their hearts, and together, they embarked on this journey with Act of Love Adoptions. Their approach to adoption is deeply rooted in the philosophy of open adoption, valuing transparency, respect, and ongoing relationships with the birth parents. Their family began to grow with the adoption of their first two children through Act of Love Adoptions. The process was not just about expanding their family but also about building relationships. They fostered strong, positive connections with the birth mothers, an aspect of open adoption that they cherished deeply. These relationships were built on mutual respect and gratitude, forming a unique bond that extended beyond the traditional family structure. Currently, Morgan and John are in the process of adopting their third child, again through Act of Love Adoptions. Their excitement and anticipation are palpable, as they prepare to welcome another member into their loving home. Their positive perspective on adoption, combined with their genuine care and respect for the birth mothers, makes their story not just inspiring but a testament to the beauty of creating families through love and choice. Morgan and John's journey reflects the essence of what adoption can be – a journey of love, understanding, and an unwavering commitment to creating a family that transcends biological boundaries. Their story is a beacon of hope and inspiration for many, showcasing how love, in its purest form, can build the most beautiful of families.

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    Allison Olsen - An Author, Adoptee and Adoptive Parent

    Allison Olsen - An Author, Adoptee and Adoptive Parent
    Allison Olson is a notable figure in the world of children's literature, particularly known for her authentic and heartfelt approach to adoption narratives. As both an adoptee and an adoptive parent, Allison brings a deeply personal and insightful perspective to her work. Her motivation to become a children's book author stemmed from a desire to challenge and transform the traditional narratives found in children’s books about adoption. Her goal is to shift the narrative from the notion of an adopted child being merely “lucky” to being deeply “loved.” This vision is beautifully encapsulated in her books, such as "Surrounded by Love: An Open Adoption Story," which has received accolades including the IBPA Benjamin Franklin Silver Award and recognition as a Mom’s Choice Awards® recipient. Her work is not only celebrated but critically acclaimed, with positive reviews from respected sources like Kirkus Review. Allison's books, including "Learning about My Friend's Adoption," are available on Amazon and are a testament to her commitment to presenting adoption in a more inclusive, realistic, and positive light. Her influence extends beyond her published works. She maintains an active online presence through her website, ouradoptionbooks.com, and social media channels including Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok under the handle @kidsbooksbyallisonolson. Her expertise and insights into the adoption experience are further shared through her participation in various podcasts such as "2 Adoptive Mamas", "Adoption The Long View", "Funding Love", "The Adoption Wait", and "The Thriving Adoptee". Additionally, Allison contributes to the dialogue around adoption through her blog posts on platforms like "Love What Matters" and "What Adoptees Wish Adoptive Parents Knew". Allison Olson's work stands out not just for its literary quality, but also for its profound impact in reshaping perceptions and discussions around adoption, making her a distinguished author and advocate in the field. www.ouradoptionbooks.com Kirkus Review Books: Surrounded by Love: An Open Adoption Story on Amazon Learning about My Friend's Adoption on Amazon Follow @kidsbooksbyallisonolson on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok Links to Podcast Recordings (2 Adoptive Mamas, Adoption The Long View, Funding Love, The Adoption Wait, The Thriving Adoptee) Links to Blog Posts (Love What Matters, What Adoptees Wish Adoptive Parents Knew)

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    Act of Love Adoptions | Mindy Morgan: An Adoptee and Adoptive Mom

    Act of Love Adoptions | Mindy Morgan: An Adoptee and Adoptive Mom
    On this special episode, we're privileged to converse with the inspiring Mindy, a woman whose roots in adoption are both personal and deeply familial. As the daughter of Kathy Kunkel and Dieter Kunkel, founders of 'Act of Love Adoptions', Mindy's life is a living testament to the transformative power of love and family.

    Originating from South Korea as an adoptee, Mindy's narrative beautifully marries diverse cultures, identities, and the boundless spectrum of love. She's not only a mother to two biological children and two domestically adopted children but also a beacon of hope and guidance for many, thanks to her hands-on involvement in her parents' agency.Mindy has been a cornerstone of 'Act of Love Adoptions', channeling her compassion, experience, and understanding to support birth moms navigating the adoption journey.

    Join us for this heartfelt episode as we listen to Mindy's remarkable life—from being the cherished daughter of Kathy and Dieter Kunkel to her own experiences as an adoptee and mother to her ongoing contributions to a cause so close to her family's heart. Whether you're intertwined with the adoption community or simply intrigued by its stories, this conversation promises a rich tapestry of emotions, insights, and the undeniable affirmation that love knows no bounds.

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    Isaac - An Adoptee Through Act Of Love Adoptions

    Isaac - An Adoptee Through Act Of Love Adoptions
    Isaac's story is not one you want to miss! Entrusted to the care of "Act of Love Adoptions," Isaac spent some time in transitional care, waiting for a family to call his own. With 12 children already, his adoptive mom had no intentions of expanding her family further. Yet, when she held Isaac, there was an unmistakable bond and a deep-rooted feeling that they were destined to be part of the same family. In the early days of Isaac's adoption, there was an open channel of communication between his adoptive mom and birth mom. They exchanged letters and photographs, preserving a link for Isaac to his biological roots. As the years passed and Isaac grew older, curiosity about his birth family grew stronger, especially about his birth mom and biological brother. Turning to the digital age's tools, Isaac began his search on social media. In a twist of fate, it wasn't long before his biological brother added him on Instagram. Isaac then sent him a message and patiently waited for his reply. This online connection soon transformed into a real-life reunion, allowing Isaac to finally meet and get to know his birth mother and brother. Now, as he embarks on a new chapter of his life, Isaac is following his dreams and passions. He is set to move to Arizona, where he aspires to become an ultrasound technician, dedicating himself to the world of healthcare. His journey, from the unexpected adoption into a loving family, through the trials of growing up and self-discovery, has shaped him into a resilient and determined individual, ready to make his mark on the world. Isaac's story is one of unwavering love, self-discovery, and the pursuit of dreams, a testament to the transformative power of family and determination.

    Aaron & Sarah - An Adoptive Couple's Story

    Aaron & Sarah - An Adoptive Couple's Story
    Step into the vibrant world of Aaron and Sarah Drussel, a couple whose journey through parenthood is as unique as it is heartwarming. As adoptive parents, they've opened their hearts and home through two domestic adoptions, while also being blessed with two biological children. Ever met a comedian turned mindset/business coach and real estate broker? That's Aaron for you. His jovial nature guarantees you won't walk away from this episode without a good chuckle. In fact, his favorite quip when asked about their child-free status was, "We are saving up for a boat!" But beneath the laughter lies a profound tale of love and resilience. The Drussels share candidly about their experiences with both adopted and biological children, emphasizing that love knows no boundaries. In their world, birth parents aren't distant figures but an integral part of their one big, happy family. Their journey hasn't been without challenges, having faced the heartbreak of a failed adoption. And after a few years of marriage, the revelation that they might not conceive naturally was a moment that tested their strength. Yet, Aaron and Sarah's story stands as a testament to the power of love, humor, and determination. Tune in to laugh, learn, and be inspired by a couple who truly understands that family is not defined by blood but by the bonds of love.

    Aaron Drussel: Instagram: @aarondrussel Youtube: @revupinrealestate

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    Paula - An Adoptive Mom to 3 Children, An Author and a Life Coach

    Paula - An Adoptive Mom to 3 Children, An Author and a Life Coach
    Welcome to this week's inspiring podcast episode! Join us as we sit down with Paula, a remarkable individual who wears many hats.

    Paula is a loving and nurturing mom to three incredible children, all of whom she has welcomed into her life through adoption. Her story is both heartwarming and compelling, as she has experienced the joys and challenges of two domestic infant adoptions as well as one international orphan adoption. Paula's story doesn't stop there. She's not only a devoted mother but also a certified life coach. Her passion for helping others navigate the intricate world of adoption is truly commendable. With her background in life coaching, Paula is on a mission to extend her knowledge and expertise to individuals involved in the adoption triangle—birth parents, adoptive parents, and adopted children alike.

    During our podcast episode, Paula shares her personal journey, filled with heartfelt anecdotes, and offers insights into her experiences with open adoption. Her wisdom and understanding of the complexities of adoption will surely resonate with our listeners, whether they are directly involved in adoption or simply curious to learn more about this beautiful process.

    Paula's dedication to supporting families and individuals touched by adoption is beautiful!

    We were delighted to have Paula as our guest on this week's podcast, where she opens her heart and shares her incredible journey. Join us as we explore her inspiring story, her insights into open adoption, and her mission to empower others in the adoption community. This episode is a testament to the strength of family, the beauty of adoption, and the power of giving back to others.

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