
    Sara Dietschy's Creative Advice, Super Bowl Ads, & Google Glass 2

    enFebruary 07, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing peak smartphone usage and Viator's travel offeringsViator offers over 300,000 travel experiences, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support. Marques Brownlee and Andrew Manganelli shared their experiences and discussed peak smartphone usage.

      For an enhanced travel experience, consider using Viator to book guided tours and excursions alongside your flights and hotels. Viator offers over 300,000 travel experiences, free cancellation, and 24-7 customer support. While discussing various topics on their YouTube channel, Marques Brownlee and Andrew Manganelli shared their experiences, including receiving YouTube's diamond play button reward for reaching 10 million subscribers. They also touched upon the question of whether we've reached peak smartphone usage, concluding that the answer is both yes and no. The episode also featured a special guest, tech YouTuber and podcaster Sarah Deachy, who provided valuable advice.

    • Smartphones continue to evolve with folding designs and higher refresh ratesThe tech industry may have slowed down, but innovations like folding phones and higher refresh rates keep smartphones from becoming obsolete.

      Despite the fact that smartphones have stopped making drastic improvements from one generation to the next, there are still meaningful differences that set them apart. These differences include folding phones and higher refresh rates. The tech industry may have slowed down, but it hasn't come to a standstill. Another observation from the discussion was about the Super Bowl, which is often watched for the commercials. While some people might find this strange, it's a testament to the power of advertising during such a widely viewed event. The speakers shared memories of watching the Super Bowl specifically for the ads, and it remains an important platform for companies to showcase their products. In essence, even though smartphones might not be making headline-worthy improvements anymore, there are still significant advancements happening in the tech world. And the Super Bowl continues to be a significant event for advertisers looking to reach a massive audience.

    • The decline of Super Bowl commercial qualitySuper Bowl commercials have become chaotic and confusing, with celebrity appearances disconnected from products and predictable themes, despite high cost and decreasing viewership

      While the Super Bowl offers a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and missions to a massive audience, the quality of commercials has declined in recent years. Many Super Bowl commercials have become chaotic and confusing, with celebrity appearances that seem disconnected from the product being advertised. Some commercials have even been criticized for being predictable and unoriginal. Despite the high cost of advertising during the Super Bowl, with a 30-second spot costing around $5.6 million, the viewership has also decreased in recent years. This highlights the importance of creating a compelling and effective commercial that resonates with viewers and accurately represents the brand.

    • Comparing Super Bowl ads to targeted YouTube adsAdvertising during the Super Bowl can reach a large audience but is expensive. Targeted YouTube ads offer a more cost-effective and efficient way to reach specific demographics.

      Advertising during the Super Bowl may reach a massive audience of 90 million people, but the cost of $5.6 million for a 30-second spot makes it an expensive and potentially inefficient choice compared to targeted advertising on platforms like YouTube. The Super Bowl's broad demographic may not align perfectly with many advertisers' target markets. For instance, a luxury car brand like Porsche could potentially reach more likely buyers by investing $5.6 million in YouTube ads, targeting viewers interested in EV cars, tech, or a specific age and income demographic. This approach would likely result in a more effective and cost-efficient advertising campaign.

    • Targeted digital advertising vs traditional methodsCompanies can reach larger, more specific audiences and enjoy higher engagement with digital ads like Google AdWords and YouTube sponsored videos, compared to traditional methods like Super Bowl commercials or billboards.

      Traditional advertising methods like the Super Bowl commercial, while prestigious, may not be as effective or cost-efficient as targeted digital advertising. The discussion highlights how a company like Porsche could reach a larger and more specific audience through Google AdWords and YouTube sponsored videos, compared to the $5.6 million cost of a Super Bowl commercial. Targeted digital advertising allows for granular audience selection based on demographics, interests, and past purchases. Furthermore, YouTube sponsored videos offer a more engaged audience as viewers actively choose to watch the content. Traditional billboard advertising, on the other hand, is less targeted and may not provide the same level of engagement or return on investment. The shift towards digital advertising offers more opportunities for personalized and measurable marketing efforts.

    • Marketing comes in various forms and costs, from billboards to Super Bowl ads and housing market discussions.Effective marketing doesn't always require a large budget, and targeted methods like billboards in high-traffic areas or cost-effective platforms like Viator can yield high conversions.

      Effective marketing comes in various forms and costs, from billboards to social media ads and even Super Bowl commercials. While the most expensive options, like Super Bowl ads, can reach a massive audience, they may not necessarily have a higher conversion rate than more targeted and cost-effective methods. Billboards, for instance, can be highly effective in high-traffic areas. However, the most recent Super Bowl ads did not impress the speakers, with many relying on celebrity appearances rather than compelling content. On a different note, the housing market can pose challenges for young adults trying to move out and afford homes, leading to a standoff between buyers and sellers. The speakers also discussed the importance of planning a memorable vacation experience through platforms like Viator, which offers a wide range of guided tours, activities, and excursions to make travel unforgettable. Lastly, Sarah Deachy, a youtuber and podcaster, joined the conversation, and they discussed her podcast's focus on the creative process and how they both share similar interests.

    • Noticing gaps and providing unique valueIdentify missing content in a niche and create valuable, unique content to stand out on YouTube

      Noticing what is lacking in a particular space and sharing valuable insights can lead to a successful YouTube channel. This was the case for Waveform, which focused on sharing the creative processes of interesting people when that was not a common practice. Even if you share your secrets, applying them can be challenging. The fear of sharing has diminished, and now, people are more comfortable with transparency. While YouTube may seem saturated, there are still niches to explore, as shown by the rise of unexpected genres like slime making. Starting a YouTube channel involves noticing gaps and providing unique value to stand out.

    • Creating Positive Content in the Tech CommunitySuccessful tech content creators bring positivity and collaboration to the saturated tech community. Document, involve others, and keep things light and fun.

      Creating content in the tech community, or any community really, is most effective when it's positive and collaborative. As discussed, there were several influential figures in tech content creation, including Chris Perrillo, Austin Evans, Solzhenose Best, John Rettinger, and others. These individuals each had their unique angles, but they all shared a common theme of being nice and supportive to one another. The tech community is saturated, but what sets successful creators apart is their ability to bring something new and positive to the table. Even in the face of competition and saturation, the tech community remains a "beautiful bubble" where differences of opinion are the worst that can happen. Starting out, it's important to document and involve others, and to keep things light and fun. Niceness and collaboration are key to success in the tech community and beyond.

    • Being authentic and nice matters in building a successful careerAuthenticity and niceness can be just as valuable as high production quality in growing a YouTube channel or career. Focus on unique value and start with what you have.

      Being nice and authentic can be just as valuable as high production quality in building a successful YouTube channel or career in various industries. The speaker shares their experience in the tech industry, where competition for market share can make it seem necessary to be a certain way to succeed. However, they argue that the pie is growing in many fields, and new niches and opportunities are constantly emerging. They also discuss the example of a skateboard YouTuber who found success by focusing on the content and theme rather than the production quality. The speaker encourages new creators to start with what they have, such as an iPhone, and emphasizes the importance of focusing on the unique value they can bring to their audience.

    • Improve video aspects beyond qualityEngaging audio, lighting, and behind-the-scenes content can enhance video uniqueness. Balance authenticity with industry advice and experimentation leads to growth.

      While focusing on video quality is important, it's not the only factor that makes a video unique. Improving other aspects like audio and lighting can also make a significant difference. Additionally, engaging with viewers by sharing behind-the-scenes content can create a more personal connection. However, it's essential to find a balance that feels authentic and aligns with your brand. As for starting a channel, seeking advice from others in the industry can be helpful, but ultimately, it's essential to find your unique voice and style. Experimenting with different formats and topics can lead to new opportunities and growth. And don't be afraid to learn from others, but also trust your instincts and stay true to your vision.

    • Exploring Different Content FormatsExperimenting with video, clips, vlogging, and dedicated production spaces can help attract more viewers and enhance a podcast or YouTube channel.

      Creating engaging content and experimenting with different formats can significantly enhance a podcast or YouTube channel. The use of video, clips channels, and vlogging are examples of ways to diversify content and attract more viewers. Maintaining a dedicated space for production and investing in the right equipment can make a big difference. However, it's important to be adaptable and willing to adjust to new technologies and formats. The conversation also touched on the importance of creating content that stands out, whether it's through editing, thumbnail design, or unique perspectives. The transition from traditional broadcasting to digital platforms can be challenging, but the potential rewards are significant.

    • The Intimate Relationship Between Creators and YouTube AudienceYouTube offers creators a unique and fulfilling experience, with the power to collaborate with brands and have creative control over content.

      For content creators like YouTubers, YouTube is not just a stepping stone to other platforms or traditional media, but a destination. The relationship between creators and their audience on YouTube is intimate and unique, making it a fulfilling experience. With the rise of digital media and companies like NBC recognizing the importance of being present on YouTube, the future looks promising for content creators. Creators have the power to collaborate with brands and have creative control over their content, making it a rewarding and enjoyable process. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on what makes us happy and fulfilled in our creative pursuits, whether that's hosting a podcast, creating videos, or something else entirely. As Sarah Deechee, a successful content creator, puts it, "Do what makes your heart feel warm."

    • Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2: A Second Chance for Industrial UseThe Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 offers potential for industrial use, building on the intriguing features of the original product despite its bulky design.

      Google Glass Enterprise Edition version 2, a tech product that gained notoriety for its failed consumer release several years ago, is back with potential for industrial use. During a podcast discussion, the hosts reminisced about their experiences with the original Google Glass, sharing their initial impressions and eventual attempts to try it out years later. Despite the bulky and unappealing design, the hosts acknowledged the intriguing features, such as the prism display, swiping gestures, and bone conduction speaker. While the hosts didn't express strong personal interest in wearing the device daily, they acknowledged the potential benefits for industrial applications. The Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 represents a second chance for this technology to find success in a new market.

    • Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 now available for purchase as an add-on to safety glassesNew Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 has improved hardware, including a new processor and USB-C, and is designed primarily for workplaces. It's an add-on to existing safety glasses and comes with significant software advancements.

      Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is now available for purchase, and it's not being sold as a complete pair of glasses but rather as an add-on to existing safety glasses. This edition, which was released last year, is primarily used in workplaces and comes with improved hardware, including a new processor and USB-C. The original Google Glass, which predates this edition, had some useful built-in apps like Maps, which displayed an arrow pointing the user in the right direction, but users were curious if the functionality would be smoother and faster with the latest upgrades. Although Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 looks odd with its additional components, it's an improvement over the original design, which was criticized for being too big. The Google Glass first generation was released around the same time as Google's "Hot Word" voice command feature, and both technologies were early in their development. Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 is expected to have significant software advancements since the original release, making it a more appealing option for those interested in smart glasses.

    • Exploring advanced AR glasses and budget phone with impressive specsNew AR glasses enhance user experience with advanced software, while the Pocophone X2 offers a faster feel with its 120 Hz display, positioning itself as a budget competitor

      The new AR glasses, which have been available for a year but recently became more accessible, aim to enhance the user experience with advanced software. The speakers are excited to try it out and see if it significantly improves the AR experience or if it still feels gimmicky. Another topic discussed was the Pocophone X2, a budget phone with impressive specs, including a 120 Hertz display. This feature, even with a mid-range chip and non-stock Android, can make the device feel faster and more responsive. The Pocophone X2 is positioning itself as a competitor to Realme, targeting the hybrid market. Overall, both the new AR glasses and the Pocophone X2 represent advancements in their respective fields, offering unique features and improvements.

    • New Poco X2: Affordable with a High-Refresh-Rate DisplayThe Poco X2 offers a high-refresh-rate display and competitive pricing, but its performance may be compromised by the use of a mid-range processor.

      The new Xiaomi Poco X2, despite being an affordable phone, boasts a high refresh rate 120Hz LCD display, which is a feature usually found in more expensive phones. However, it uses the Snapdragon 730G processor, which performs worse than the Snapdragon 845 used in the two-year-old Razer phone. The phone's build quality might also be a potential compromise. Despite these concerns, the Poco X2 is generating buzz as a potential successor to the popular Pocophone F1, which was known for offering high-end specs at an affordable price. It remains to be seen if Poco will release a more premium F2 model with a higher-end display and better processor. The Poco X2's story echoes that of OnePlus, which also started by offering a high-spec, affordable phone and gradually increasing prices over time. The Poco X2's pricing and specifications position it as a competitor to the Realme X2, despite their similarities. Overall, the Poco X2 represents an intriguing blend of affordability and performance, with some potential compromises.

    • New device not Pocophone, Competitor to RealmeA new device is coming, not the Pocophone with high gaming specs, but a competitor to Realme in the same market segment.

      The new device, which is not the highly anticipated Pocophone with insanely high PC gaming specs at an affordable price, but rather a competitor to the Realme in the same market segment. The speaker is excited to try it out, but it doesn't seem to be the Pocophone fans have been eagerly waiting for. The upcoming month of February is expected to bring a lot of new content and technology releases, with the speaker having an unprecedented amount of footage and projects to edit and upload. SAS Viya, a more productive data and AI platform, can help produce answers quickly from vast amounts of data.

    Recent Episodes from Waveform: The MKBHD Podcast

    Tech We'd Like to See Improved!

    Tech We'd Like to See Improved!
    This week, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss a few quick news items including Instagram's "Made By AI" tag and a new app that makes the trash can on Mac a little more realistic. Then we bring back the "Wish List" segment by ranking the ones you all submitted to us! After that we wrap it all up with trivia. It's a fun one! Links:  Bananabin app: https://bit.ly/3zx5b56 Instagram Made with AI: https://bit.ly/45UomBU Pixel 9 Google AI Story: https://bit.ly/4eQoPJd Pixel Using iPhone Display: https://bit.ly/4cr7R2N Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!

    Smartphone Season is Coming Early This Year!
    This week, Marques is back to discuss all of the news he missed last week (and a bunch of new stuff too). With David out on vacation, Marques and Andrew do Headlines in a Hat and go over everything from the Surface phone that never was to icon theming in iOS 18. They also talk about all of the gadgets that are coming this summer including the Pixel 9 and the Galaxy Watch Ultra. Then we wrap it all up with some trivia questions provided by James Carter of the PodQuiz podcast! It's a fun one, enjoy! Links:  The hat: https://bit.ly/4cioPQR PodQuiz weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ New CMF Teaser: https://bit.ly/3VYsTQq iOS Icon Tinting: https://bit.ly/45GI4kz Surface Duo 3 Patent: https://bit.ly/3WbMVap New Motorola Phones: https://bit.ly/3W0nGY9 Pixel 9 Renders: https://bit.ly/4bnIAVy Volkswagen Group Invests in Rivian: https://cnb.cx/3zmRBRA Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra Rumors: https://bit.ly/4chnutt Galaxy Watch Renders: https://bit.ly/4bvUxcc Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz

    20 Years, 1000 Episodes: The Man Behind PodQuiz
    We have another bonus episode! In this one, Andrew sits down and talks with James Carter from PodQuiz who began his popular trivia podcast back in 2005. He just published his 1000th episode so Andrew took the opportunity to pick his brain on how he comes up with his questions and the current state of podcasting.  Links:  PodQuiz Weekly: https://www.podquiz.com/ James Carter: https://www.jfc.org.uk/ Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?

    Is YouTube Adding Community Notes to Videos?
    This week, Marques is out working on a big video project so he left Andrew and David in charge of going over the news of the week. First they give their quick impressions on the new Surface devices that showed up right before we sat down to record. Then they discuss the new Threads API before getting into a new Instagram competitor. After that, they discuss the DOJ suing Adobe and YouTube experimenting with community notes. Lastly, they talk about the CMF Phone 1 teaser before wrapping it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  Threads Launches API: https://bit.ly/3z4Cmwr YouTube Community Notes: http://tcrn.ch/3xsKEhi TikTok Launches Whee: https://bit.ly/4ca44qa DOJ Sues Adobe: https://bit.ly/3RBdFOG CMF Phone Teaser: https://bit.ly/3RBZt7X TLD Health Update Video: https://bit.ly/4eyxYGj Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Everything From WWDC 2024!

    Everything From WWDC 2024!
    This week was WWDC, and the podcast crew has some thoughts! Marques chats with Andrew and David about everything from Apple Intelligence to the new iPad calculator app. There's so much to get into so we hope you enjoy! Links:  MKBHD Recap video: https://bit.ly/3KOHc3r MKBHD vs Tim Cook: https://bit.ly/3x70kGZ Snazzy Labs Spatial Photos: https://bit.ly/4eeDPAq Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?

    How Much AI Will We WWDC?
    There was a lot to get into this week! First, Marques, Andrew, and David discuss Instagram testing unskippable ads before getting into some Microsoft Recall news. Then they go deep on what they expect to see from Apple's WWDC 2024 next week. Then we finish it up with a call to action: we want to add some sounds to our soundboard so make sure to leave a comment on YouTube with your favorite soundbite. We then of course round it out with some trivia. Links:  Instagram Unskippable Ads: https://tcrn.ch/4ecanuL Kevin Beaumont Micosoft Recall Security Issues: https://twitter.com/GossiTheDog MacRumors WWDC Predictions: https://bit.ly/4bLeX1y Thread radios in Mac: https://bit.ly/4aQGrSe Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!

    Don’t Ask Google's AI for Advice!
    A lot happened this week! Marques, Andrew, and David jump into a ton of different topics ranging from the special edition Nothing Phone 2a and the death of the Spotify Car Thing. Then they get into Google AI overview telling people to eat rocks and the Coffeezilla series about the Rabbit R1. Lastly, Miles comes on to talk about the new hybrid Porsche 911 with Marques and David. Links:  Thanksgiving Pea video: https://bit.ly/3VmLpkZ Marques Apple Testing: https://bit.ly/4aH2b2S Verge Spotify Car Thing: https://bit.ly/450vRqB Louis Rossmann Spotify Car Things video: https://bit.ly/4aKaPh8 Emma Roth Disable AI overview: https://bit.ly/3R79WIh Coffeezilla Rabbit R1 Part 1: https://bit.ly/3X3N7cl Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin Miles:https://www.youtube.com/@CarswithMiles TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!

    The Waveform Recommendations Gameshow!
    It's bonus episode time! What started as a small segment for Ellis to recommend something, turned into an entire dedicated episode where Marques, Andrew, and David suggest some of their favorite things! The topics range from some of their favorite YouTubers and YouTube videos, all the way to something that you can buy that has to come with a handle. It's a bit chaotic but a ton of fun! YouTube Videos Mentioned: Formula Addict - https://www.youtube.com/@formulaaddict/videos Internet Shaquille: https://www.youtube.com/@internetshaquille/videos Natasha Adams: https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasCars Mii's Daily: https://www.youtube.com/@IAmMiisDaily Roy Hibbert: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyHibbertYT Ben Jordan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DOd4RLNeT4 Digital Spaghetti w/Gaux: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDAqyQIaUPY Ken (Denky): Exploring tokyo's biggest tech store Time for Sushi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcXiwNjkhxU& Settled Swamppletics: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=runescape+settled+swampletics The Answer is Not a Hut in the Woods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2SMIOHYig Products Mentioned: Anker 2-in-1 USB-C Memory Card reader: https://geni.us/C5JdR Omnitype IRL edition: https://geni.us/bC2N Air Blower Dust Bulb: https://geni.us/iD8Ni2f Red XLR Cable: https://geni.us/ebrXo Ryobi One Cordless Drill: https://geni.us/HZLIZ Headlamp: https://geni.us/wVYT DXA Micro Pro: https://geni.us/DbZh Gaffer Tape: https://geni.us/Wafj Mousepad: https://geni.us/ovvUtUd Smallrig Tripod Fluid Head: https://geni.us/oqxgEc Logitech MX Master 3: https://geni.us/k0xNZh Pulsar X2: https://geni.us/HPGW2d8 Artisan Obscura: https://geni.us/p2fI EUFY Keyboard Deadbolt: https://geni.us/Hlbo2M Vacuum Pad Camera Opener: https://geni.us/0eyonvg Neewer Panoramic Pannic: https://geni.us/noblAn dbrand skin: https://geni.us/VA3M RTIC Cooler: https://geni.us/hCPC Ridge Commuter backpack: https://geni.us/szzU01z Brevite backpack: https://geni.us/NpQptdj Moment Everything Backpack: https://geni.us/ggxAylR Peak Design Everyday backpack: https://geni.us/VaMIhn Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?

    Microsoft’s MacBook Killer?
    This week, Marques jumps right into it with Andrew and David about the OpenAI vs Scarlett Johansson drama regarding one of the voices from ChatGPT 4o. Then they dig into the new Surface products from the Microsoft event and David explains why the move to ARM is such a big deal. To close it out they talk about a feature that Rivian is adding to its cars and a different feature Tesla is removing from its cars. Enjoy! Links:  Scarlett Johansson statement: https://bit.ly/4axIUkb Wired article David mentions: https://bit.ly/4c8UpjB Sci-Fi joke: https://bit.ly/3UTutkP MacObserver Circle to Search news: https://bit.ly/452CGrx Decoder interview with Sundar Pichai: https://bit.ly/44S63wF Dave2D Video: https://bit.ly/44YWhJk Rivian Adding YouTube and Cast: https://bit.ly/44XgmQ6 Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O

    Hey ChatGPT, Summarize Google I/O
    This was a week full of AI events! First, Marques gives a few thoughts on the new iPads since he missed last week and then Andrew and David bring him up to speed with all the weirdness that happened during Google I/O and the OpenAI event. Then we finish it all up with trivia. Enjoy! Links:  MKBHD iPad Impressions: https://bit.ly/3WzFFWk MacStories iPadOS: https://bit.ly/3V1G0Qq The Keyword: https://bit.ly/4blfFm5 OpenAI GPT-4o Announcements: https://bit.ly/3V3Sabv 9to5Google I/O 2024 Article: https://bit.ly/3V2rDLv Merch tweet: https://bit.ly/4bnhNcV Shop products mentioned: Apple iPad Air: https://geni.us/SsXTRLt Apple iPad Pro M4: https://geni.us/HXDlXo Shop the merch: https://shop.mkbhd.com Socials: Waveform: https://twitter.com/WVFRM Waveform: https://www.threads.net/@waveformpodcast Marques: https://www.threads.net/@mkbhd Andrew: https://www.threads.net/@andrew_manganelli David Imel: https://www.threads.net/@davidimel Adam: https://www.threads.net/@parmesanpapi17 Ellis: https://twitter.com/EllisRovin TikTok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@waveformpodcast Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/mkbhd Music by 20syl: https://bit.ly/2S53xlC Waveform is part of the Vox Media Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The Android Authority Podcast - discussing topics in Android every week.
