
    SC EP:36 Bigfoot in my backyard

    enJune 23, 2014
    What are some common descriptions of Bigfoot sightings?
    How did personal experiences influence belief in Bigfoot?
    What evidence exists for the existence of Bigfoot?
    What was the nature of the interviewee's close encounter?
    How did the witness's dog's behavior change after moving?

    • Mysterious Creatures: Bigfoot and Skunk ApesVideos of large, mysterious creatures like Bigfoot and Skunk Apes continue to surface, sparking debate and intrigue, with some believing they're evidence of their existence, while others remain skeptical.

      There are numerous reports and videos of large, mysterious creatures, such as Bigfoot or Skunk Apes, that have been captured on camera in various parts of the world. These creatures are often described as having evil or sinister eyes and can reportedly reach heights of up to 6 feet 9 inches. Some of these sightings have been documented in videos, including one posted by a listener named Steven Martin, which shows a figure standing in the tree line as the headlights hit it. Another video, from Grant Douglas, shows the backside of a large ape in the Florida swampland. These videos have sparked debate and intrigue, with some believing they are evidence of the existence of these creatures, while others remain skeptical. Additionally, a listener named Richard Raymond reported a firefighter who went missing near Fillmore, California, which could potentially be related to these sightings. Overall, these stories serve as a reminder of the ongoing fascination and intrigue surrounding the possibility of undiscovered or unknown creatures in the natural world.

    • Discussion of unusual Sasquatch sightings, including a missing firefighter and atypical encountersUnusual Sasquatch sightings, such as a missing firefighter and atypical encounters, are important to investigate for potential evidence and new insights.

      During a discussion about unusual Sasquatch sightings, it was mentioned that a firefighter had disappeared and dogs were unable to track him. This is an unusual occurrence, and the group decided to look into it further. Additionally, it was noted that some sightings are classified as atypical, meaning they don't occur near roads like most reports. A guest named Raymond was mentioned as having an interesting atypical account. Another guest, Michael, was also invited to share his accounts, though it was unclear what they entailed. The speaker shared his own atypical encounter from 2004, which occurred near a soccer field in Orting, Washington. He saw a black figure that he initially thought was a bear, but upon closer inspection, realized it was something else. The group continued to discuss various aspects of Sasquatch sightings and the importance of investigating unusual occurrences.

    • Man's Encounter with Bear and Deer BehaviorA man's encounter with a bear near a kindergarten led to unusual deer behavior in his backyard, suggesting a possible connection between the two incidents

      A man had an encounter with a bear while on the phone with the police, who were being called due to the presence of the animal near a kindergarten bus stop. The bear moved surprisingly quickly, covering the distance of a soccer field before the man could finish making the call. Later, the man noticed unusual behavior from a herd of deer in his backyard, which included the mother deer appearing panicked and unable to enter the yard. The man couldn't explain the deer's behavior, but it seemed significant. The man had grown accustomed to feeding the deer every night and had even taken pictures with them. However, on one occasion, the mother deer and her fawns entered the backyard and stayed close to the fence, behaving uneasily. The man observed this behavior for some time before going inside, but the deer did not leave. The man couldn't explain the connection between the bear encounter and the deer's behavior, but it seemed possible that the two incidents were related.

    • Encounter with a mysterious creature in the backyardSpeaker had an uneasy encounter with a large, possibly bear or deer, creature in his backyard, leaving him feeling curious and wondering what it was.

      The speaker had an encounter with a creature in his backyard that left him feeling uneasy and curious. The encounter occurred around the time they first moved into their new house, and the speaker believes the creature may have been a large, reddish-brown animal, possibly a bear or a large deer. He describes seeing it looking directly at him from the tree line, which was around 20-30 yards away. The speaker shares that he had felt there was something on the other side of the fence since they first moved in, and he had even found what he believed to be a large footprint. He shared his story with a friend, who laughed it off, but the speaker notes that many people in the area have reported similar sightings. The encounter occurred around the fall season, and the speaker grew up in the area and had his first sighting when he was young. The speaker describes the encounter as leaving him feeling uneasy and wondering what the creature was.

    • Witness Describes Encounter with Large, Humanoid CreatureA witness under hypnosis described a large, humanoid creature with distinctive features, emphasizing its size and leaving a lasting impression.

      The witness described a large, humanoid creature with auburn brown hair, a football player-like build, and a face with thick eyebrows and huge eyes. The witness emphasized the size of the creature, estimating it to be around 8-9 feet tall, with a deep and thick body. The creature had minimal hair on its face and a little longer hair on the left side of its head. The witness recounted the encounter under hypnosis to ensure accuracy, and the experience left a lasting impression on him. The human-like features of the creature, despite its size, suggest a possible psychological response to encountering something unfamiliar. The witness underwent a medical treatment for alcohol addiction during which he recounted the encounter under sodium pentothal, a truth-inducing drug. The detailed description of the creature underscores the importance of taking witness statements seriously and investigating potential sightings thoroughly.

    • Personal experiences fuel belief in BigfootWitness's camping experiences near Alder Lake and their dog's behavior change after moving away led them to believe in Bigfoot's existence

      The witness's personal experiences and beliefs have played a significant role in their belief in the existence of Bigfoot. They shared multiple instances of finding large logs across roads and hearing strange noises while camping near Alder Lake, which they now suspect could have been related to Bigfoot activity. These experiences, combined with the area's known history of sightings and reports, have strengthened their belief in the creature's existence. The witness also shared how their dog's behavior changed after they moved away from the area, further adding to their suspicions. Overall, their personal experiences have contributed to their unwavering belief in Bigfoot.

    • Encounters with Bigfoot-like creatures leave a lasting impactSharing stories of unexplained phenomena can build a community and remind us that there may be more to the world than what meets the eye.

      Encounters with mysterious creatures, such as Bigfoot, can leave a lasting impact on people's lives. The speaker shared his experience of seeing a Bigfoot-like creature near his old house in Oregon and how it resonated with his daughter's friend who had also lived in the area. They both described similar experiences, and the speaker wished more people from the area would come forward with their stories. The speaker emphasized that these creatures are wild animals, not friendly forest giants, and that encounters can be aggressive. Despite the potential danger, the speaker's appreciation for the Bigfoot phenomenon led him to become a dedicated listener of Bigfoot-related shows and events. The speaker's experience serves as a reminder that there may be more to the world than what meets the eye, and that sharing stories and experiences can help build a community around unexplained phenomena.

    • The challenge of describing extraordinary experiencesSharing stories of extraordinary experiences requires effective communication and understanding. Despite the challenges, it's important to connect with others who have had similar encounters.

      Communication and understanding are essential when trying to describe extraordinary experiences. The speaker in this conversation expressed the difficulty of putting into words the size and emotions of an encounter with a large creature. He acknowledged the importance of people like the listener, Mike, who help share these stories and make them relatable to others. The speaker also shared his own experiences of feeling small and struggling to describe the enormity of what he had seen. Despite the challenges, the speaker appreciated the opportunity to share his stories and connect with others who have had similar experiences. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the commonality of encounters happening near roads or bodies of water. The next guest, Raymond, will share his own unique encounters.

    • Two childhood encounters with unidentified creatures in East TexasAs a child, the speaker had two encounters with large, unidentified creatures in East Texas, leaving lasting impressions.

      The speaker had two encounters with large, unidentified creatures in East Texas when they were young. The first encounter happened when they were around 6 or 7 years old, and they heard a noise near their playhouse that turned out to be a giant creature. They described it as being much larger than their stepfather, with no head and a body shape resembling a big hairy heart. The creature didn't harm the speaker but moved away quickly. The second encounter occurred when they were fishing with friends behind Texas Eastman, and they saw a large creature walking towards them in the middle of the road. Both encounters left a lasting impression on the speaker and are still remembered vividly.

    • Two Unexplained Encounters with a Large CreatureThe speaker had two encounters with an unknown creature, described as large, brown, and hairy. The first encounter occurred while in a car with others, causing them to leave in a panic. The second encounter happened when the speaker was a child playing in a playhouse, leaving them feeling scared and unexplained.

      The speaker has had two encounters with what they believe to be Bigfoot or a large, unknown creature. In the first encounter, they were in a car with Hollis and Lance when they encountered the creature, which was described as huge, brown, and hairy. The creature caused them to leave in a hurry and disappeared into the woods. In the second encounter, the speaker was a child and saw the creature while playing in a playhouse. They were unable to describe it beyond saying they saw a monster. The speaker also mentioned hearing stories of Bigfoot taking children and leaving them with signs of the creature's presence. The encounters left the speaker feeling scared and unexplained phenomena.

    • Childhood Encounter with the UnknownChildhood experiences, no matter how strange or unexplained, can shape our fears and beliefs throughout life.

      Childhood experiences, no matter how strange or unexplained, can leave a lasting impact on our lives. The speaker shared a story about encountering an unknown creature as a child, which left him feeling scared and uncertain. He described the experience as surreal, comparing it to a "loop loop" sound and the expansion of a Nerf ball. This encounter stayed with him, influencing his fear of scary movies and even potentially contributing to the disappearance of his family's pigs years later. Despite his mother's skepticism, the speaker remained convinced of what he saw, highlighting the power of personal belief and the importance of acknowledging unexplained phenomena. Many people may prefer to explain away such experiences as mundane or even dismiss them altogether, but the speaker's story underscores the profound impact that the unknown can have on our lives.

    • Childhood Encounter with a Possible Bigfoot in East TexasA man named Ray recounted his childhood experience of encountering a large, non-aggressive creature in East Texas, possibly Bigfoot. He also shared the importance of carrying snacks when traveling due to unexplained occurrences in the area.

      The witness, Ray, shared an encounter he had as a child involving a possible Bigfoot sighting in East Texas. He described the creature's large size and its interaction with him, which was non-aggressive. Ray mentioned that there have been many other unexplained occurrences in East Texas that are often overlooked in discussions about Bigfoot sightings. He also shared that he carries snacks with him as a precaution when traveling, a habit he picked up from his experience. The conversation also touched on the idea that Bigfoot's behavior towards humans may vary, and that encounters can be unpredictable. The discussion ended with the hosts expressing their appreciation for Ray's story and their belief in the existence of Bigfoot.

    • Childhood Encounter with Sasquatch Shapes Speaker's PerspectiveSpeaker believes Sasquatch are not aggressive, hopes to communicate, no harm or hunting, support group, nervous but appreciated non-judgmental interview, lasting impression

      Even though the speaker had a close encounter with a Sasquatch as a child, he doesn't believe they are aggressive creatures. He expressed his curiosity about how his perspective might have changed as an adult and shared his hope that one day they can communicate with them. The speaker also emphasized that they should not harm or hunt these creatures and that they are more of a support group for those who have had similar experiences. The speaker admitted being nervous before the interview but appreciated the non-judgmental and supportive nature of the group. He also shared his personal opinion to be cautious around Sasquatch as they are wild animals. The encounter left a lasting impression on him and he will always remember it.

    • Exploring Wildlife Encounters in East TexasListeners can look forward to interviews with law enforcement officials sharing their wild animal encounters in East Texas, while Wagering Week remains a trusted source for sports betting information and analysis.

      Learning from this episode of Wagering Week is the excitement surrounding encounters with wild animals in East Texas and the upcoming interviews with law enforcement officials who have had such experiences. Ray, a previous guest, shared an intriguing story about wild animals and their unpredictable behavior. Tom Martin, the host, mentioned looking forward to interviewing more law enforcement officials who have had similar encounters. In addition, Tom emphasized the importance of Wagering Week as a reliable source for sports betting information and analysis, distinguishing it from other podcasts that may offer tired sports talk. The episode ended with Tom expressing gratitude to listeners and promising more interesting content in the upcoming episodes. The tone of the podcast is conversational and engaging, making it an enjoyable listen for sports enthusiasts and those interested in wildlife encounters.

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    Recent Episodes from Sasquatch Chronicles

    SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us

    SC EP:1089 They Were All Around Us

    Lacey writes "Hey Wes! I started listening to your show after my encounter that happened in the fall of 2020 in Willow Creek, CA. Since then I have tried to make sense of what happened and your show has given me insight and validation, but has also left me with more questions than answers.

    Takes a lot for me to do this but here it goes..
    During the fall of 2020 I was trimming for a medical marijuana farm and staying with friends in willow creek, ca. I currently live in my home state in the Midwest but lived in Humboldt County for 7 years during my twenties. So when the pandemic started, I lost my job as a massage therapist. Being that is was an awkward time to do my job anyway, I figured why not see my friends and make some money while in waiting to see what would become of my career.

    By the time my encounter happened it was October and I had been working out west since July. Autumn in that area is typically busy with travelers, so I thought it would be cool to meet a guy on a dating site while visiting to help pass the time. Right away I hit it off with a fellow farm worker who happened to be right down the road. We went out for dinner and decided to continue the night by laying under the stars at a local campground called camp Kimtu right outside of Willow Creek on the trinity river. The campsites were further down the road but we decided to pull of on the beach by the water. Since I had been living do on the road, my car was full of camping gear. We took my sleeping bag with blankets down a path to the water not far from my vehicle. For the record we did have a 12 pack of steelhead ale(my fav local beer) but each of us had only had two beers. One at the restaurant and one on the river bank. It wasn’t long after laying there that it started to rain so we ended up getting into my car to wait out the rain. The rain lasted about an hour(which to my knowledge it was the first rain of the season) and during that time we stayed inside until it stopped. Eventually we made it back out but decided to just sleep there and continue hanging out. I have a rav4 so we put the back seats down and made a bed. While doing so I took out my camping tote which had some really valuable gear inside as well as his backpack and guitar (This is a key part of the story bc it just doesn’t make sense that if it was a hoax then why didn’t “they” steal our stuff?).

    At this point it around 11:45. The bed was made so we sat in the back of the car with the hatch door open(which was facing the river) to smoke a joint. I was wrapped in a blanket and he in his boxers snuggled up to me. A few mins into conversation we started hearing a low guttural growl coming from the rocky beach down towards the water. Take in mind it was super foggy out and there was no street lights around. So we never actually saw what was making the sound but oh did we hear them.

    The sound went on for about 30 secs or so. It almost sounded like a didgeridoo at first but you could tell it was a voice. Kind of like a growl/gargling sound. It radiated around us in a way I have never heard before. What was also really weird, we both immediately became emotional and struck with fear. It was like my body became immediately paralyzed. Tears started streaming down my cheeks as we grabbed each other and I said “that’s not human” it was like my nervous system instantly knew something was off. He then yelled really loud “Hey, what are you doing down there!?” (This is when it gets absolutely terrifying and I mean seriously the most afraid I have ever been in my life. I still to this day have ptsd from this experience. It’s gotten easier to tell this story but it continues to haunt me. I dream about it and think about it constantly.) The sound abruptly stopped when he did that but only for a second and then proceeded to SCREAM the most ungodly, otherworldly sound I never in a million years would imagine to hear. We instinctively shut the back door and laid down shaking. At this point it was pure terror and somewhat surreal. Almost as if time stood still but it all happened pretty fast. As we lay there trembling and not knowing what to do next, the sounds began to get louder and more intense. It started to sound like multiple high and low pitched voices that were howling, yelling and at some points it sounded like they were laughing. Almost like a gorilla/hyena hybrid. That sound will forever be burned into my mind. We both became hysterical. He also started to cry and kept asking me what do we do?? I told him to lay still and be quiet. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Then, they surrounded my car. It literally sounded like they were all around us. It truly felt like they were taunting us but in the most horrible way and trust me it worked. The cackling and howling with talking btw, they seriously have a language. We could hear them bantering back and forth. It was like nothing I’ve ever heard, until someone played for me the Sierra sounds. It’s absolutely unnerving how similar that recording is to what we experienced. Also at some point during this they began making really loud thud noises but not sure how. This went on for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only 15 mins or so until one of them was so close to my back passenger window that we both screamed uncontrollably and the guy told me to drive! I frantically found my keys in the mess of blankets and jumped in the driver seat. I just remember shaking so bad I could barely push my foot on the peddle. The lights turned on but we never saw a thing. All I could do was put my car in drive and get tf out of there. Looking back on it I really wish one of us would’ve had our phones out to record but it all happened so fast, that honestly was the last thing on mind.

    We ended up parked outside of my friends house and laid there in shock until the sun came up. We went over the whole thing numerous times. Did they want to hurt us? If so, why didn’t they? Was it a prank? At times it felt like trickery but the sound was so out of this world that if it was they must’ve had some kind of equipment. Plus these beings had a presence, a very strong one at that. He even thought we should call the police and report it, we were that scared.

    Once morning with no sleep and completely hung over from the adrenaline we drove back to get our things. Truly thinking everything would be gone, to our surprise nothing had been touched. Not the beer, nor the cooler with some food, or our valuables. We walked around and looked for tracks but didn’t see a thing. I still don’t know what to think of it and didn’t begin the Bigfoot rabbit hole until after that night. As cliche as it is, that area is highly known for encounters so we just assumed if it wasn’t people or an animal then it must be real after all. Him and I don’t really talk but the occasional text to remind each other that we survived some truly crazy stuff together. Maybe someday I’ll get him to go on a podcast with me or something. I’m just glad to have had a witness bc it truly is unbelievable until it happens to you. And I’m grateful for my vehicle bc I’m not sure if I’d be here to tell the tale if we would’ve been in my tent. I don’t really know if they would have hurt us, nor do I ever want to chance that again. Let’s just say the woods will never be the same."

    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enSeptember 15, 2024

    SC EP:1087 The Creature Waved At Me

    SC EP:1087 The Creature Waved At Me

    Sean writes "Originally I wrote this a few years back when I first started listening to your show after my brother introduced it to me. Though I decided what I encountered at the time wasn’t big foot cause it didn’t really match my understanding of Bigfoot was, so I chalked it up to a weird encounter.

    More recently I’ve come across episodes talking about Sasquatch throwing rocks and mimicking people speaking that made me reconsider. My strange encounter was brief but memorable, I was working on a campsite in a valley back behind my moms house, this is a suburb next to a protected forest but like the very tip of it.

    I spent a week down there building a proper fire pit, occasionally I’d see the odd hiker come by and I’d wave hello or they would be on there way. Well this time I saw someone walk out the path I’d usually see the hikers come out and I noticed they were fairly tall, and wearing a fur coat and then a puff jacket around their waist. My first thought was “well someone doesn’t get out to the woods much” since they were wearing a black fur dress coat.

    They stopped in the middle of the path waved at me and said “hello” Expect they sounded tone def when they said “hello”.

    I stood up and waved and said hello, when I first stood up they slightly ducked as if I startled them which I thought was strange. They said hello again and continued to wave which at this point I was thinking they weren’t all there. They smiled and it honestly creeped me out. They had an extremely wide smile.

    I watched them curiously as I kneeled back down to make it looked like I was working and grabbed my hammer. They then ducked behind a tree and kept popping there head out as if they were playing peakaboo with me. At this point I thought they were a druggy because of the behaviour. They walked behind some fallen trees and brush and it looked like they climbed up into a tree and continued this peekaboo game. I no longer saw them then later a rock hit the other side of the valley, my first thought was some kids threw it down from above I looked and saw nothing.

    Then I saw another one and saw where it came from it was from this brush about 70-80 yards away. Where I saw the person walk off.

    This second rock was about 10 feet short of me which freaked me out then I saw this person those the rock and this time it landed right next to me. I bolted and run up the valley through someone’s backyard straight home.

    When I went back a week later with my partner at the time we checked out that area I saw the person and there was nothing to stand on I pointed out where there head would have been and it had be close to 8-9ft.

    Using me as a reference I’m 6ft flat and I put my arms up and it still didn’t reach where I saw their head. I’m thinking maybe I did see a teenager Sasquatch and it was screwing with me. I’m not really looking to be on an episode I’ll leave that up to you but I’d like to hear what you think."

    Then we will wrap up with Myles from New Mexico. He had a encounter in New Mexico while camping with friends. A lot of strange things happened during this trip but the following night terrified the group and they left immediately when the sun came up. 


    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enSeptember 07, 2024

    SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch

    SC EP:1085 Boy Scouts And Sasquatch

    Tonight we will be speaking to John. Over 41 years ago John had an encounter in Indiana while he was in the Boy Scouts. In 2018 John was driving when he noticed a large Orangutan like creature 40 feet from him. As John and I spoke he had a lot of strange things happen to him and has agreed to discuss events in his life.

    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enAugust 31, 2024

    SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead

    SC EP:1084 I Thought I Was Dead

    I will be speaking to David and Scott tonight. Scott writes "I just recently listened to episode 916 ( butter street monster) due to me living down the road from that area since I was 13 years old. Now I’m 36 and I live in Germantown right off butter street, I take that road everyday to and from work.

    I transferred schools to Carlisle Ohio, in the 7th grade and lived off of Martz Paulin at the time of my sighting on morning star road. I bring up my story because butter street and morning star are extremely close together and are surrounded by the same wooded areas and metro parks. Around 2008 I was driving down this road called Morning Star road in the middle of the night and witnessed what I can only imagine is Bigfoot related, or a guy in a very expensive Halloween costume. Background history of Morningstar road. Local town stories of people being killed at a camp site on the road in the 70’s, never really found any evidence about that part but there are some spooky spots on the road and some areas even now I would avoid at dark. Other stories from the road are an old house burnt down in the woods where the wife was running out in the middle of the road and was hit, or fell down the stairs and broke her neck(which ever side of the story is true I have no idea) ,which me and my friends were able to locate and find burnt remains of the forgotten house. Then the notorious Bigfoot sightings through out the years of this entire area. My stepmom was raised her whole life in Carlisle and recalls stories growing up of Bigfoot sightings along Morningstar road and twin creek(which bumps right up along the side of the road).

    I recall my old English teacher who told me a story of her returning home from the store one night and seeming a creature which she claimed was easily 7-8 feet tall walking across the street from one wooded part to the other. Anyways fast forward to my experience. It was dark out and winter time. There was snow on the ground which the moon light up and made it easier to see the wood line on the road. There’s a few S type turns on Morningstar road that you have to really slow down on to maneuver safely on the road. Trees over lap these areas and make it really dark out at night with only your headlights guiding the way as any back country road is. While slowly going through one of the turns, there it was. Standing in between a tree or trees connected that formed a Y shape. It stood way taller than a normal size person and was covered in brown hair from head to toe from the angle we were seeing this at. At this point we were going less than 5 miles per hour due to the roads being slick and the S turn. So the detail of what I seen was burnt into my memory. What ever it was squirted its eyes and covered its eyes with its hand to prevent from the lights blinding it I assume.

    First thing I noticed right away was when the light shine on its eyes, they were a yellowish color, almost as it had jaundice or something of the sort. The creature flash its teeth a little bit as it raises its freakishly big hand over its eyes blocking the light. The teeth didn’t seem to be in the best shape more browning yellow but bigger than normal human teeth. It turn its upper body and you can see the muscle definition in its back, tricep and lats before it turned the rest of its body and began walked down hill away from the vehicle. My friend began to freak out and scream while I began to yell just drive! My friend made it around the S type turn and floored it home. Which is only a min down the road. That image is forever remembered with clear detail.

    I tell this story all the time and everyone of my friends laugh at me lol, but it doesn’t bug me. Me being a avid hunter , I think about this thing every time I step in the woods in the morning to hunt deer. It didn’t show any signs of aggression but still a sighting that spooked me. I always try to debunk everything that happens out of the ordinary , but this one has stumped me. Like I stated earlier, it could of been some one in a costume, but it would of had of been a very expensive costume which I doubt that had 16 years ago. Would love to be on your podcast to tell my story. Huge fan! Thank you for taking the time to read this email."


    I will also be speaking to David who was driving in the foothills of the Allegheny National Forest and a large creature stepped out in front of him. He describes the creature as massive. He said "I came to a screeching stop as this creature stepped out in front of me.

    He put his hands on my hood and looked at me. I have never been so terrified, our eyes locked. The creature then stood up and looked behind me and that's when something hit the back of the car. I never saw what it was but my airbags went off. The creature then walked off into the forest. Everything happened so fast. Being a formal Marine this felt like ambush."

    After hearing his encounter I don't think it was an ambush. I asked him if it was a rock that hit the back of the car and witness said it was something much bigger then a rock. It bent the frame of the rear of the jeep. Looking at the pictures you can tell the door no longer lines up with the frame.



    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enAugust 25, 2024

    SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch

    SC EP:1080 Georgia Property And Sasquatch

    Dakota grew up on a large property in Georgia. Over the years strange things have happened on this property but it wasn't until Dakota and his friend from college saw one of the creatures that Dakota realized the strange things he experienced growing up on this property might have been these creatures. Ill let Dakota go into it tonight.

    Dakota writes "I grew up on a property in Georgia and I’m convinced a family lives there. I’m not sure if it could be a portal or not I’m still learning about that but I have had all types of encounters with them. I have seen several, multiple different colors and sizes from different distances. To go in chronological order from a young age I would hear rocks knocking together behind my dads shop (25’ wide 75’ long 20’ high)and my parents couldn’t explain it they said it was my imagination. I used to ride atv’s and dirt bikes all over this property and in the area they live in I would always find trees down across the road, sometimes in an X sometimes just going one direction being young id cut the trees down and keep going. I always felt watched outside no matter when it was and as I got older and would hunt alone I had my first for sure Sasquatch encounter. My dad dropped me off at my stand (I’m 10-12 at the time) and he went back home.

    After he left about dusk I hear what I think I someone trespassing behind me, 50 feet maybe. Id like to add that about 300 yard behind me is where they live now that I know that. I texted my dad asking if it was him saying he was to close I could hear him and who was he talking to. He said it’s not him and said I was hearing the wind, at this point something is walking around me in a circle until dark when my dad came to get me and when I saw his flashlight coming through the woods it was over. That day I never saw a squirrel or heard anything near me. A few years later my dad and I built a deer stand in a tree that was split into 3 so we built it into the actual tree because my dad thought it was a promising spot. Well he only hunted back there a few more times and when he stopped he told me never to go back there again and wouldn’t tell me why. This stand was at the end of the road with the X trees on it. Then I went to high school and didn’t get in the woods much because I was a 3 sport athlete. Then college. I brought a buddy home in fall of ‘17 to hunt during fall break and we are on opposite sides of the property he on one side of a valley and me and my now wife on the other, we hear this roar that he said shook his chest( he was in a blind about 50 yards from that tree stand my dad and I built)Then summer ‘21 I came home for summer and my best friend came with me to work construction with me.

    He believed in something being out there just not Bigfoot he wouldn’t name what it was. I told him I knew they roamed a valley on the property so we set out mid afternoon just kind of showing him the property kind of looking for signs of Bigfoot. I’m showing him my stands, my dads, we start walking this valley and cut up the property line fire break and as a joke my buddy wanted to ‘whoop’ and I knew it was a bad idea. He did it anyways and in front of us about 75 feet we hear two whoops back to us. He thought I was pranking him and I was in pure disbelief. We are standing there looking at each other shocked and over his shoulder up the hill 100 feet maybe I see a 5’ jet black upright thing step out from behind a tree and at that point I was scared because the whoops came from the opposite direction. I show him what I saw and we are at this point having to calm ourselves down because we are between what we think is momma and juvenile. We walk forward towards the whoops about 25’ and all the sudden we hear what we both described as “a silverback gorilla beating on a piece of sheet metal” from down in the valley on the other persons property and we are gun freaks so we get back to back and draw our weapons because we are threatened and scared truthfully. Then we hear laughing but I now know as the chatter but it was at super speed and the same chatter I heard as a kid hunting and I’ve heard connected to so many Bigfoot sightings. We were surrounded by at least 5 of them so we haul tail up that hill back to the house and as soon as we look up to go up the hill there was that deer stand my dad built, I knew why I couldn’t be back there. We were followed out back to the house by at least 3 we never saw them but for sure could hear grunting, huffing, growling, etc. that was our huge encounter. The rest of the summer we would have encounters of them in the woods watching us at least 10 times some standing out more than other, once we heard a loud knock from the valley and then saw an arm swing and one walk away from a think area and about 15 minutes later we saw one back in that spot.

    quI shined a flashlight in there a we could see it’s leg we think thigh and it was absolutely massive this was a big male, the leg made Patty look small. This was a man. Another time, we were redoing a camper I had to live in when we went back to college and we would spend all night out there working on it inside and out at my grandparents house which is on the same property but the opposite side of the valley. We had rocks thrown at the camper we heard bi-pedal walking several times and I even saw a few more watching us. Nothing scary but these ones were brown or red. That’s mostly all of them. I’d just like to talk to someone about this Tony, Wes, anyone really who can help me out because I’m scared to go back to my parents house. I’ve since got married and moved to town and I have seen one cloaked outside my house. I’ve had a few more weird unexplained encounters at my new house. Thank you all for what you do and I look forward to hearing from you!"

    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enAugust 10, 2024

    SC EP:1078 He Was Screaming At Me

    SC EP:1078 He Was Screaming At Me

    Tonight I will be speaking with Jeremy. Jeremy and his children were on a hike when a large creature charged them. Jeremy said “We tried to leave without being seen because there was more then one of them. As we tried to leave that’s when they saw us. I have never been so terrified in my life.”

    Jeremy writes “Hi wes, I’ll keep this as short as possible. Me and my two kids last year around July 4th went on vacation to Northern Wisconsin. We usually stay in a cabin on a lake for a week.

    We like to go to lake Superior in Michigan.. and we travel around the area looking at waterfalls.. we heard about this place called lake in the clouds I believe it’s one of the highest elevated lakes in the United States.. after we stayed and looked at the scenery at the top of this mountain we left and about a mile down the road there’s a river and this waterfall I believe it goes into lake in the clouds.. I’m not exactly sure but I believe it does or it might even go into lake Superior lake In The clouds is extremely close to lake Superior.. from the parking lot to the waterfall was about a 2 mile hike.. we decided to walk upstream and just do some hiking after about 1 hour of relaxing at the site with I guess you call them big boulders not just rocks.

    We had a very terrifying encounter with what you call a Sasquatch I guess I believe it was a family of Sasquatch.. it killed a deer it looked like it prayed over the deer after killing it noticed us and the leader or the dad/father / husband Sasquatch came charging at us.. it was horrifying after this encounter me and my kids were really never the same since that happened.. we have talked to a counselor/therapist which actually helped a lot talking about it and my daughter still goes to this day.. my friend told me about your channel I don’t know 6 months ago maybe longer.. and after a hearing some of other people’s encounters I talk to my kids about contacting you… Kids told me I should not give real names.. so I would like our names kept out of the story… I think it will help me talking to you.. I truly believe the therapist / counselor believes our story… I could care less if she did or not… I’m just rambling on so I apologize there’s only a couple people we told about this.. but if you would be so kind to get back to me I would appreciate it thank you and thank you for helping many other people.


    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enAugust 03, 2024

    SC EP:1076 The Unknown In The Ozarks

    SC EP:1076 The Unknown In The Ozarks

    Billy writes "I had an incident happen to me two years ago, in August 2022. This incident has affected my life in a serious way. I have stopped almost all of my outdoor activities, hunting, fishing, and hiking, which have been a big part of my life. Since the incident, I have been off and on in a state of depression, and I have gained about 35 pounds. I really need to talk to someone who has experience with these types of events and will take it seriously, and maybe help me move on from it.

    In summary, the incident involved being stalked on a daylight hike in the Ozark Mountains by something I could not see initially, which caused the entire forest to go silent and the air to seem to stop moving. The woods became so silent that I could hear myself breathing. I was videoing myself during this time and commenting about the lack of noise and that I could occasionally hear something off to my right following me, always just beyond my sight in the woods, maybe 30 meters. The woods are very thick in this area. At one point, I was taking a break and getting a drink when, looking back up the trail I came from, I saw a large black object on the side of the trail. My first thought was that it was a black bear. As I watched this thing about 300–400 meters away, it did not move. I ruled out the bear because it did not move and would have to have been sitting like a dog if it were a bear.

    I took out my iPhone 13 Pro and started to film. I zoomed into the thing, and it was black to a degree that could only be from something burnt. It had a sort of rectangle body, the head and neck was like a deer, with horns similar to those of a cow. The whole object was as black as anything I have ever seen, with no details. This sounds strange, but it is on film. I assumed it was a burned stump but wondered how I could walk past such a strange object and not notice it.

    On my return trip, I walked past where the object was but found nothing that even remotely looked like the object I filmed. However, the area just behind where the object was had been smashed flat, as if something large had walked or sat there recently; I filmed this as well. Near the end of the hike, I noticed a pile of animal scats in the middle of the trail. This was deer scat, but it was large for deer. I bent over to film it. I intended to show this to my brother, who has hunted this area a lot. While doing this, I heard a very large twig snap directly in front of me. I jerked my head up, still filming, looking into the woods. The woods were thinner here than on the rest of the trail. The twig snap was from a large twig; in order to break something that size it would take something large as well. I could see nothing in the direction of the twig snap.

    I felt a huge urge to run at this moment; it took everything I could muster to not to. I told myself it was daylight; I couldn't see anything, and if it were a mountain lion or something running, running could trigger an attack.

    I walked to my truck and was very nervous that it would not start or something and I would be stuck out there. My truck never had any problems, so that wasn't a normal feeling. I drove away and stopped for a few minutes down the road to think about what happened. I was pretty shook up.

    I stopped going into the woods after this incident. I would usually be fishing on a river near by, not near any roads and trails several times a week. Sometimes coming out after dark alone. I stopped scouting for turkey and deer seasons because I did this alone. I did not do any hunting the following year, even with others. About a year after the incident, I started to think about why I was so bothered by this incident.

    1. Whatever was following me could have been a predator of some type, I suppose. However, bears are not that stealthy, I have seen a few of them in the wild. There are no mountain lions in the area. Whatever it was, it made the forest go absolutely silent. I stopped walking when I noticed this, it was so silent that I snapped my fingers a couple of times to make sure I had not lost my hearing. The air stopped moving, like I was in a vacuum. I don't know any animal that causes that.
    2. The object I filmed. What was it, and why was it not there when I first walked by or on the return? I have zoomed and slowed the video I took of it, and it seems to have turned its head slightly at one point. I have not heard of anyone having an experience like that.
    3. The twig snaps at the end of the hike. Why could I not see what caused it? Something large enough to break a large twig by stepping on it should have been easily visible, but I saw nothing.

    I focused on the twig snap and my lack of seeing anything. I thought about how quiet it was previously following me along the trail, but it was so loud at that point. I realized it made a mistake at that point right then by stepping on the twig. Why would it do that right then? I then realized that at that moment I was bent over, head down. filming scat. I was completely vulnerable and unaware of my surroundings then. I concluded that whatever it was, it probably saw its opportunity and charged me. Like you see in videos from Africa when a gazelle bends down to drink the cheetah springs on them. This thought really bothered me.

    What would have happened if the twig had not snapped? Would it have gotten to me? Why did it stop when I lifted my head up? I could not see anything, it could have continued for me. I was unarmed."


    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enJuly 27, 2024

    SC EP:1075 I Ran As Fast As I Could

    SC EP:1075 I Ran As Fast As I Could

    Damon writes "Hello, I wanted to just share my encounter I had in Vancouver, Canada. I was on a hiking tour with my mom,aunt, and cousin through a redwood forest. I grew up in rural Louisiana. So me and my cousin had plenty of experience of exploring the woods.

    We were the kind of kids that were kinda rowdy and always getting into something at a young age. At the time I was around 16 years old when this happened. We were walking thru the forest getting bored of the hiking tour. So me and my cousin decided we were going to try to break off from this tour and walk through the forest ourselves, because we were passing up some really good areas that looked like they had some interesting things back off into the thickets. So we fell back to the back of the tour group, and saw a very heavily covered trail to our left and decided this is our chance. We ducked off through the bushes and made our way over some logs and branches. We walked through the winding forest for about 100-150 yards. Then we came up on a redwood tree that had fallen.

    This really amazed us. The size of the tree even laying down was more impressive. We walked along the tree, with it being on our left side. Rubbing our hands along it as we walked down the trunk of the tree, coming up towards the roots that was exposed. Once we got near the roots of the tree, we had to walk around them to our right to get pass the roots. I was leading the way. So once I came around the roots of this huge tree, what I saw had me in a total shock. I came around the roots and I was within 10ft of what I thought was a bear at first. I stopped. And froze. But my cousin was still walking up behind me, and he made a noise coming through the roots and brush. This thing had it's back to me and was in a squatting position. With shaggy reddish hair. It appeared to be about 5 feet in height at the shoulders.

    So that's why my first thought was "oh shoot, I just walked up behind a bear" I assume it heard my cousin, and it started to stand up and turn towards us. But it didn't stand like a bear. I saw arms come out from it's sides and stand up like a man. That's when I saw the legs and head and shoulders. I cant recall if I said any thing besides run to my cousin. And we ran through the way we came. I felt like this thing gave chase for a minute. But I was to afraid to turn around. We hit the tour trail and ran until we caught up with the group. We both were hyperventilating and couldn't talk. I tried to explain to the group what we just saw, but I couldn't say Sasquatch. I thought they will think I'm crazy. So I just said "Idk ,I saw something back there". We were both panicked.

    I always tried to deny what I saw because it wasn't the right color of big foot videos and pics I've seen on T.V. and books. So I told myself, it must have been a big orangutan the escaped or a red monkey. I've never told many people about this. Maybe 5 people my entire life. Just family members. Its was just to unbelievable even for me. Not until I heard a story on your show about a sasquatch the was a reddish color that I knew what I saw was exactly what it was."

    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enJuly 21, 2024

    SC EP:1072 Retired SWAT Officer

    SC EP:1072 Retired SWAT Officer

    Mark writes "I thought I would give you some bullet points to a Bigfoot Weekend I was blessed to have experiences. This started on Friday July 21st and ended on July 23.

    Just so you know how the weekend started I responded to our camp site and picked as spot to pitch my tent. After setting up my area m met some people from outside Houston who were there with their ten year old son, closest to my tent. The ten year old asked to go to a nearby creek and look for some rocks there. He left but returned after about 5 minutes.

    He had chosen a way that was at the bottom of where two hills met. Add into this that I knew it had rained the night before in this area as I followed the weather in order to pack right for the weekend. The kid stopped about 25 feet from my tent and behind his parent's tent. He said, "I found a foot print." We kind of blew it off and then Jesse Morgan came by to introduce himself. The boy told him what he had found and he went to check. Sure enough there was a larger and smaller print. I took some photos.

    I attached the smaller one first and the second is the track that was plastered. That is the fourth photo. I found another track about 30 yards away from the other two and it was 15 1/2 inches. The plater cast measures 17 1/2 inches. Part of the foot did not get plastered as it was on a slight slope. That is what was found in my first 20 minutes after setting up my tent.

    Here are the bullet points for the rest of the weekend, I believe in chronological order.

    1) Night hike with small tree breaks and a head seen by Alan Megargle through therm.
    2) After that heard some light chatter by a stream.
    3) One person in my group saw a shadow running bent over near the ridge.

    Second day:

    1) We did a recon a mountain we had to bushwhack up into. No trail. Found these quartz rock circles set up in the ground. Not sure who did that.
    2) We found many trees twisted and broken at about the six foot level.
    3) We found a 15 inch track almost near the top with a small one next to it.
    4) The mountain was completely quiet

    Second night:

    1) Went back to mountain and bushwhacked up at about 10 pm. except for our start by the road the woods were silent.
    2) We ascended (Myself and 6 other guys) to the top. Where I separated from the group. They eventually settled down and were quiet. I then heard something moving around my perimeter. It started around my 9 o'clock and stopped around my 2 o'clock. It stopped and it was dead silent. I then moved my position and it did roughly the same thing again. It stopped.

    3) It stayed silent for about 5 or so minutes and then we all heard the howl from down in the valley.
    4) It stayed quiet for some time and we decided to head down, getting lost in the process. This was around midnight.
    5) As we were walking 2 guys heard something pacing us.
    6) One guy saw green eye shine.
    7) We stopped to get our bearing and one guy pulled his thermal scope out and saw one. He handed them to me and I clearly saw a head.
    8) We started back down and I heard something, in what was like a conversational tone, right in front of me in a thicket, say something like,"HeeeeeeYou", which was just so close to me. It sounded like a twelve year old male.

    My wife and I did head back to the same mountain in late September and she found a small trackway. Like a bone head I did not photograph those..

    Well, that was it, but there are details to fill in."

    Sasquatch Chronicles
    enJuly 13, 2024

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    SC EP:973 The Wobbegong Monster

    Chase writes "I’m from Southern Indiana. Over the years I’ve had several strange encounters with some pretty exciting action! The bulk of my encounters occurred over a 5-6 month period in 2021, but have had occasional encounters prior to that, feel free to reach out if you’d like! Thank you for your time!"

    Spoke to Chase and growing up his neighbor would let him use his property for fishing and hunting. Chase and his friend found these large human like tracks. He asked the neighbor about it and Chase said "He was an older gentleman and his eyesight wasn't the best and he said that was his friend, if they stay after dark they might see him. Chase thought the guy was talking about a human and wondered why his friend ran around without shoes on.

    Chase will be discussing recent activity in the area including his sighting.

    SC EP:102 Very close encounter with a Sasquatch

    SC EP:102 Very close encounter with a Sasquatch

    My guest tonight is “MT” from Washington State. He was a school teacher for many years and always worked for the state wildlife services before he was fired for coming forward with his encounter. He says, “I made the mistake of telling some of my co-workers about my encounter, I was fired afterwards without any reason and was blackballed from the industry...”

    MT goes on to explain what he saw... “When I had my close up sighting of the bigfoot that was over 11 feet tall up near Mt. Rainier National Park, just west of Ashford, Washington, you could see the muscles bulging beneath the short fur covering as the creature reached up to move the branch from in front of its face as it walked into the woods… also, that the creature was truly of gigantic stature. If you saw the movie Prometheus with the gigantic humanoid aliens, my Bigfoot was about the same build. It was nothing but muscle and hair.

    I tell people that it resembled a silver back gorilla crossed with an Olympic athlete (summer track events), crossed with a giant. It looked like a tall person crossing the road… and the arms were not down almost to the knees like a lot of people say… it had the perfect human proportions a tall athletic man… except for the huge hump of muscles across the shoulders behind the head, and that the ear seemed to be in the wrong location on the side of the head for a human and looked more like where it would be on a big silver back gorilla.”


    If you have had an encounter and would like to be on the show, send me an email at wes@sasquatchchronicles.com.

    SC EP:685 Red Eyes At My Window

    SC EP:685 Red Eyes At My Window

    Tonight Wyatt who is 12 years old and he will be sharing his encounter along with his father Wes. Both have experienced strange things on their property in Oklahoma. Wyatt said "I something large looking in my window and it had red eyes, I was scared". A short time later Wyatt saw something else on the property. We has also experienced strange things while hunting near his property.

    We will also be speaking to Nathan and father Dan. While on the school bus in a rural area of Utah, Nathan saw a strange creature in a farm field. Dan and Nathan went back to investigate.

    We will wrap up with Dan who is from Oregon. He was driving on McKenzie Pass and had two separate encounters.


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