
    About this Episode

    Happy 2020! Paul records his second podcast in two days. One in one year and this one in the now. He talks about morning routines and getting sucked into Facebook arguments. Paul also discusses his upcoming projects and the year ahead. He hopes you enjoy.

    Recent Episodes from ScienPaulogy

    ScienPaulogy Episode 105

    ScienPaulogy Episode 105

    Paul records an audio only episode on his drive from Austin to Houston. Mostly confronting the issues he deals with as it relates to his inner work, but also the podcast and some random thoughts on global events. He hopes you enjoy the episode.

    Here is the link to his Linktree, where most of the important things to find him on can be accessed: https://linktr.ee/pauloddo?utm_source=linktree_profile_share

    ScienPaulogy 104

    ScienPaulogy 104

    ScienPaulogy Episode 104 is live! Paul touches base and shares his ramblings about a variety of things. The service industry, children, relationships, and chickens. Bit of a shorter episode, but it's more about consistency right now! Enjoy and please follow and support in the various ways available!

    Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/idrAdz

    Youtube: UCEBf_Pp48KOexLOVz1uVsUQ

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/eauxddeaux

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/pauloddo

    Website: www.pauloddo.com

    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/pauloddo

    ScienPaulogy 103

    ScienPaulogy 103

    At long last, here is ScienPaulogy Episode 103. This is the first episode to be recorded as both audio and video. Clips of the video will be available on YouTube (www.youtube.com/@eauxddeaux) and other social media. To access the full video version of the podcast join Paul's Patreon at www.patreon.com/pauloddo at any level. 

    In this episode Paul talks about what has happened in the last 300-ish days. Some discussion of AI and ChatGPT, some introspection and some rambling about how all this connects. Paul hopes that you enjoy this long overdue episode. 

    Shout out to these active Patreon members: Anders Mouridsen, Chad Peterson, Hugh B, Travis Sharkey, Sierra Fishman, Dana Gager, Patricia LaBarge, Paula Mosley, Jesse DeStasio


    ScienPaulogy Episode 102

    ScienPaulogy Episode 102

    Paul records from Indianapolis! Talking about comedy on the road and social media. Answers a couple questions and does his best. Enjoy!

    To ask a question email: pauloddopodcast@gmail.com

    To join the discord: https://discord.gg/DUv2AKkq

    To support on Patreon: www.patreon.com/ScienPaulogy

    To support by purchasing a print or original piece of artwork: www.PaulOddo.com

    enNovember 20, 2022

    ScienPaulogy Ep 101

    ScienPaulogy Ep 101

    Paul records from Calgary Canada! Brings you his personal reflections on his life/work balance, plus answers a couple questions.

    He wishes you well!


    Discord: https://discord.gg/JPj49aUG

    Patreon: www.patreon.com/ScienPaulogy 

    enNovember 13, 2022

    ScienPaulogy Episode 100

    ScienPaulogy Episode 100

    After a long hiatus, Paul returns to the helm of the good ship ScienPaulogy. Explanations, excuses and ramblings abound!


    Discord invite: https://discord.gg/SyhZTb5R

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ScienPaulogy

    enJune 14, 2022

    ScienPaulogy Episode 97

    ScienPaulogy Episode 97

    Episode 97! Paul obviously apologizes for the lateness of the episode. He talks about some social and political things. Also, random thoughts on reality. He is streaming on Reddit and Twitch 4 days a week now under the name Eauxddeaux 

    enJanuary 25, 2021