
    Scott Van Pelt, Jon Rahm Wins The Masters, NBA Regular Season Ends + UFC

    en-usApril 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Jon Rahm's historic Masters win marks the end of golf seasonRahm's unique background, mental coach, and short swing contributed to his historic Masters win, making him a fan favorite despite challenges

      Jon Rahm made history by winning the Masters tournament, marking the end of the regular golf season. The sports weekend was filled with excitement as UFC and NBA saw their fair share of action, including fights. In a fun and light-hearted moment, our hosts made a promise to say the F-word if Rahm won, and true to their word, they delivered when he did. Rahm's mental coach, a former bomb disposal expert, played a significant role in helping him stay calm under pressure. Rahm's unique background, including being born with a disfigured foot, has influenced his short swing, which is the shortest on the PGA Tour. Despite his challenges, Rahm's cool demeanor and exceptional golf skills have made him a fan favorite.

    • Jon Rahm's Unique Journey to Golfing SuccessJon Rahm's victory at the Masters was a result of his talent, resilience, and unique influences like his brother and coach, Eminem's music, and college disciplinary measures.

      Jon Rahm's journey to golfing success was shaped by various influences, including his brother and coach Tim Mickelson, Eminem's music, and disciplinary measures during his college days. Rahm's performance during the Masters, particularly during his father's birthday and amidst challenging weather conditions, was exceptional. Brooks Koepka, a friend and fellow golfer, faced a tough Sunday, and Rahm's victory was seen as a divine intervention by some. The LIV Golf Tour also had a strong showing with notable performances from Phil Mickelson, Brooks, and Patrick Reed. A surprising revelation during the discussion was that one of the participants may have jinxed Rahm's win in the PMT group chat. The jinx, though unintentional, added an unexpected twist to the Masters narrative. Overall, Rahm's victory was a testament to his talent, resilience, and the unique factors that contributed to his journey in golf.

    • Impact of Text Message on Masters Golf TournamentA text message from Hank questioning Brooks' commitment to play on Sunday affected him, but the group acknowledged Hank's apology and small impact on the overall outcome.

      The discussion revolved around the impact of a text message on the outcome of the Masters golf tournament. Hank sent a text questioning if Brooks, who had a significant lead, would come back to play on Sunday or wait until Tuesday if the tournament was delayed. Brooks was upset by the text, feeling that Hank had jinxed him, and ultimately did not play well on Sunday, resulting in a loss. The group was planning merchandise for a potential Brooks win and had been discussing different shirt designs. Hank admitted to making a mistake and apologized. The group also speculated that the weather may have played a role in the suspension of play and potential impact on ratings for The Weather Channel. Overall, the text message was seen as having a small impact on the outcome, but Hank acknowledged his error and took responsibility for it.

    • Masters Tournament: Koepka's Inconsistency vs Rahm's Relentless PlayKoepka's inconsistent play and Rahm's quick pace were major factors in the Masters, with Koepka struggling with tee shots and Rahm dominating the competition.

      Brooks Koepka's performance at the Masters was inconsistent, with a strong showing before the weather delay but ultimately ending with a disappointing finish due to wayward tee shots and a wrong fairway selection on the first hole. Meanwhile, Jon Rahm's relentless play and quick pace proved to be a deciding factor in the tournament. Jordan Spieth had an impressive 21 birdies but struggled with consistency, while Phil Mickelson put on a strong showing with a 65 on Sunday. The tournament was marked by unexpected weather delays and long wait times, which added to the unpredictability of the event. Despite some controversies regarding slow play, the Masters still provided an exciting and unforgettable golfing experience.

    • Jon Rahm's Respect for the Game and Mental Fortitude Lead to Masters VictoryJon Rahm's respect for the game and mental strength led him to overcome challenges and secure a double eagle on the first hole, ultimately winning the Masters Tournament despite strong competition.

      Jon Rahm's impressive performance at the Masters Tournament was a testament to his mental strength and resilience. Rahm's respect for the birds led him to double eagle the first hole, a significant achievement that set the tone for his successful weekend. Conversely, a double bogey at the first hole can be devastating for amateur golfers, potentially leading to a downward spiral for the rest of the tournament. Rahm's ability to focus and overcome challenges, including Brooks Koepka's strong competition, showcased his determination and skill. Rahm's journey to the Masters, from his respect for the smallest Porsche to his country strong demeanor, added to his endearing and relatable persona. The commentary also highlighted the role of Jim Nantz's insightful commentary and the unpredictability of golf's greens and undulations. Overall, Rahm's victory at the Masters was a reminder of the importance of mental fortitude and the thrilling unpredictability of professional golf.

    • Twitter blue checkmarks and vacation tweets, then golf talk with Tiger Woods' Masters performanceDespite a deadline, 73 people still bought Twitter blue checkmarks. Golf talk ensued, focusing on Max Homa's Masters performance and Tiger Woods' controversial participation. Some felt he was ruining spots for others, while others defended his right to play. Tiger's intense dislike of bogeys and potential mental health concerns were also discussed.

      The significance of a Twitter blue checkmark and vacation tweets was discussed, with the revelation that even after the deadline, 73 people still bought it. The conversation then shifted to golf, specifically Max Homa's performance at the Masters and the controversy surrounding Tiger Woods' participation. Some felt he was ruining spots for other players, but others defended his right to play if he made the cut. Tiger's intense dislike of bogeys was also mentioned, and it was suggested that his withdrawal might have been mental rather than physical. Overall, the conversation showcased the intense passion and romanticization surrounding Tiger Woods in golf, with some expressing concern for his well-being while others defended his right to continue playing.

    • Tiger Woods' Unlikely Comebacks at the MastersDespite injuries and challenges, Tiger Woods' determination and experience make him a formidable competitor at the Masters, inspiring us with his unlikely comebacks.

      No matter how unlikely it may seem, never count out Tiger Woods from making a comeback. His history at the Masters has shown that even when people think it's the end of the line for him, he can still surprise us all. Despite the challenges he faces, including injuries and the demands of playing at Augusta, Tiger's determination and experience make him a formidable competitor. The legend of Freddie Couples, who consistently performs well at the Masters due to his extensive knowledge of the course, serves as an inspiration for the perseverance and dedication required to excel at this prestigious tournament.

    • The Masters holds power over its broadcast rightsThe Masters maintains control over its broadcast rights, setting terms for media partners while keeping TV rights fee at zero

      The Masters Tournament at Augusta National Golf Club holds significant power and control over its broadcast rights, allowing them to set the terms for their media partners while maintaining exclusive control over the event. The Masters has a long history of making its own rules and flexing its muscles, from controlling commercials to setting high standards for membership. Despite the massive revenue generated from the tournament, Augusta National has managed to keep the TV rights fee at zero, giving them full autonomy over the broadcast. The Masters is known for its tradition and exclusivity, and the club seems determined to uphold these values at all costs.

    • Peloton workouts and sports newsPeloton's workouts and dedicated instructors make it an effective and engaging fitness solution, while sports news features intense and competitive moments, such as the signing of Odell Beckham Jr. and Israel Adesanya's victory in UFC.

      Peloton's challenging workouts and dedicated instructors make it an effective and engaging fitness solution, encouraging users to push themselves and keep coming back for more. On the topic of sports news, the signing of Odell Beckham Jr. to the Baltimore Ravens was a surprising move, with opinions divided on whether it could be a successful fit or a costly mistake. In the world of UFC, Israel Adesanya's victory over Alex Pereira was notable for his taunting of Pereira's young son, a move that sparked controversy but was defended by Adesanya as a response to a past incident. Overall, these discussions highlight the intensity and competitiveness of various fields, from fitness to sports.

    • The unpredictability of sports and unique stories that unfoldFrom unexpected challenges to unconventional fighting styles, sports surprise us with their excitement and passion.

      The world of sports can surprise us with unexpected twists and turns, as seen in the discussions about Pereira's potential UFC son challenging Adesanya, Adesanya's unique fighting style, and the Mavericks' sudden decision to tank during the NBA season. Adesanya's unconventional moves and energy transfer techniques in the UFC remind us of a video game character, while his determination to win against Pereira after multiple losses fueled his desire to "defecate" his opponent. The Mavericks' unexpected decision to tank despite still being mathematically alive in the playoffs highlights the unpredictability of sports and the strategic decisions teams make to secure their future prospects. Overall, these discussions showcase the excitement, unpredictability, and passion that comes with following sports and the unique stories that unfold within them.

    • NBA team strategies: Winning vs. LosingCriticism and controversy surround NBA teams' decisions to win or lose, highlighting the fairness and effectiveness of the lottery system and potential solutions, while internal conflicts and missed opportunities add to the excitement of the playoffs.

      The recent NBA games showcased the complexities and controversies surrounding team strategies during the basketball season. The Mavericks' decision to win a crucial game to secure their playoff spot was met with criticism, while the Bulls' attempt to lose to improve their lottery odds was seen as foolish. These actions reflect the ongoing debate about the fairness and effectiveness of the NBA's lottery system and the potential solutions, such as a tournament for non-playoff teams. Additionally, the Timberwolves' internal conflict and the Celtics' missed opportunity added to the excitement and unpredictability of the NBA playoffs. Overall, these events underscore the importance of understanding the motivations and consequences of team decisions, as well as the ongoing need for discussion and potential reforms in the league.

    • NBA Playoffs: Discussing Injuries, Upsets, and BetsThe NBA playoffs bring excitement and anticipation, with injuries, upsets, and potential bets adding to the excitement. Jaylen Brown's hand injury is a concern for the Celtics, but the Sixers' surprising win against the Hawks has them looking strong. The MVP race continues to heat up, with Max and Peyton supporting their friends in the running.

      The NBA playoffs are underway, and the Sixers and Celtics are expected to face off in the second round. Max and Peyton discussed the recent injury to Jaylen Brown, which occurred when he accidentally cut his hand while picking up a vase. Max expressed skepticism about the injury due to its unusual nature, but Peyton assured him that it was legitimate. The Sixers had a surprising win against the Hawks, and Max was impressed by their performance. They also discussed potential bets for the upcoming Celtics-Sixers matchup, but decided to wait until a later date to make a decision. The conversation also touched on the MVP race, with both hosts expressing their support for their respective friends in the running. Overall, the discussion highlighted the excitement and anticipation surrounding the NBA playoffs and the upcoming matchups between their favorite teams.

    • Unexpected NBA Playoff Matchups and Underdog StoriesThe NBA Playoffs showcase unexpected matches and underdog teams, including the Celtics vs Sixers, Suns vs Clippers, and Warriors vs Kings. Chris Paul aims for a championship, while the Lakers and Nuggets fly under the radar. Rest and recharging are important for success.

      The NBA playoffs are full of unexpected matches and underdog teams. For instance, the Celtics and Sixers facing each other in the playoffs could potentially make CJ a contender for MVP. In the Western Conference, the Suns and Clippers' first-round matchup and the Warriors versus Kings are considered David versus Goliath matchups. Chris Paul's postseason is seen as his last chance to secure a championship. The Lakers, despite being in the play-in game, are expected to make a strong comeback. The Nuggets and Bucks are flying under the radar, while the Timberwolves are barely mentioned. The Warriors versus Kings matchup is compared to David versus Goliath, with the Warriors being the clear favorite. Despite the hate towards taking time off, some people, like Hank, value the importance of rest and recharging. Overall, the NBA playoffs are filled with surprises and underdog stories, making for an exciting postseason.

    • Friends reminisce about past and present Bruins momentsFriends cherish their bond despite missed opportunities and express excitement for the Bruins' potential Stanley Cup win

      Despite past mistakes and absences, the camaraderie and love shared among the group remains strong. The conversation between the friends revolved around missed opportunities, favorite moments, and the current success of the Boston Bruins. The group expressed their regret for not being present for each other and their excitement for the Bruins' potential Stanley Cup win. The friends also acknowledged the importance of historical context and the value of their ongoing banter and discussions. The tone of the conversation was light-hearted and nostalgic, showcasing the deep connection and enduring bond among the group.

    • Nostalgia and Reluctance to Engage with New AdaptationsSome individuals, despite the return of popular franchises like Harry Potter, express nostalgia for their past experiences and a reluctance to engage with new adaptations due to feeling too old or uninterested.

      Despite the return of Harry Potter in an 8-part series on HBO, some individuals, including the speakers in this conversation, have not read the books or watched the movies due to feeling too old for the series when it was initially popular. The speakers engage in a humorous exchange about their lack of interest or knowledge of Harry Potter, comparing it to other popular franchises like Star Wars and Jersey Shore. They also make lighthearted jokes about the series' content and characters, but ultimately express no intention of watching the new adaptation. Another topic that comes up is the resurgence of crack in New York City. The speakers express their disinterest and concern about this trend. Overall, the conversation reveals a sense of nostalgia for their past experiences with media and a reluctance to engage with new adaptations of familiar franchises.

    • Quinnipiac Wins Hockey Championship Again, Shaquille O'Neal Evades FTX Case, NYC vs Long Island Hockey GameQuinnipiac University wins back-to-back hockey titles, Shaquille O'Neal avoids FTX case hearing, NYC and Long Island first responders face off in annual hockey game

      Quinnipiac University in Connecticut made history by winning the national championship in hockey for the second year in a row, leaving Minnesota in sadness. Meanwhile, Shaquille O'Neal, a basketball legend, is reportedly evading service for a case involving FTX. Wisconsin, with more hockey titles than both schools combined, is another topic of discussion. The first responders of New York City and Long Island are set to clash in a much-anticipated annual hockey game, with fans eagerly awaiting the Battle of the Badge. Lastly, SVP was at the Masters all week.

    • Jon Rahm's Mental and Physical Strength Seals Masters VictoryJon Rahm's mental and physical strength helped him maintain the lead during challenging weather conditions, outperforming Brooks Koepka and securing his Masters victory through crucial birdies and a momentum shift on the 15th hole.

      Jon Rahm's strength and determination helped him maintain the lead during the Masters tournament, despite challenging weather conditions. Rahm's technical skills and ability to perform under pressure allowed him to outperform Brooks Koepka, who struggled to keep up after losing the lead. The course conditions were a factor, but it was Rahm's mental and physical strength that ultimately sealed his victory. Rahm's strong performance in the difficult weather conditions on Saturday was particularly noteworthy, as he was able to make crucial birdies when it mattered most. Additionally, the momentum shift after Rahm made a birdie on the 15th hole while Koepka missed a putt for par was significant. Overall, Rahm's dominance and Koepka's struggles highlight the importance of mental and physical toughness in golf, especially during major tournaments.

    • Jon Rahm's crucial shot on hole 14 and Brooks Koepka's strong showing at The MastersJon Rahm's shot on hole 14 was crucial for his win at The Masters, while Brooks Koepka returned to form with a strong performance. However, slow play by Patrick Cantlay and Viktor Hovland caused delays and frustration.

      The Masters tournament saw impressive performances from both Jon Rahm and Brooks Koepka, with Rahm ultimately taking the win. Rahm's shot on hole 14 was crucial, as it rolled exactly where he needed it to for a potential birdie, while Koepka came close to being on the green on hole 4 but was just slightly off. Rahm's dominance in the tournament was expected, but Koepka's strong showing marked his return to form after dealing with injuries. Another topic discussed was the slow play of Patrick Cantlay and Viktor Hovland during the tournament. Fans and players alike were frustrated by the lengthy delays caused by their frequent stops on the course. While there are rules against playing through, it's an interesting thought experiment to wonder what would have happened if Rahm and Koepka had simply gone ahead. Despite the occasional annoyances, the Masters tournament is known for celebrating the champion, making the other stories and noise fade into the background. Overall, it was a thrilling tournament with some unexpected twists and turns.

    • Inconsistent rule enforcement during the golf tournamentDespite inconsistent timekeeping rules and unexpected strong performances, the golf tournament was marked by significant weather disruptions and Tiger Woods' ongoing injury concerns.

      During the golf tournament, the enforcement of rules regarding timekeeping was inconsistent, with no clear indication of when players were on the clock or facing penalties. Meanwhile, Phil Mickelson, dressed in his iconic style, played an exceptional round, but no one had predicted his strong performance. The debate arose about Tiger Woods' potential to win another Masters, considering his past injuries and the strong competition. The weather caused significant disruptions, with trees falling and being quickly replaced, showcasing Augusta National's impressive resources.

    • Unpredictable Weather and Magical Moments at The MastersDespite unexpected weather and challenges, The Masters Tournament at Augusta National continues to deliver unforgettable moments, including impressive amateur performances and the dedication of the grounds crew.

      The Masters Tournament at Augusta National is known for its unpredictable weather and magical moments. The grounds crew plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and perfection of the course, despite the challenges they face. An unexpected storm during the tournament caused trees to fall, but thankfully, no one was harmed. A notable moment was Sam Bennett's impressive top 10 finish as an amateur, defying expectations and making history. Augusta National continues to surprise and captivate audiences with its unique atmosphere and unforgettable experiences.

    • Masters Traditions: More Than Just GolfFans cherish food traditions at the Masters, but golf remains the main attraction, despite missed opportunities and disappointments.

      Scott Van Pelt's experiences at the Masters Tournament go beyond just the golf. He shares his fondness for the chicken salad sandwich, a tradition for many veterans at Augusta National. However, this year, the brioche was replaced with honey wheat bread, causing a stir among fans. Scott also recounts a missed opportunity to try the famous Big Texas cinnamon roll due to someone else eating it before him. The Masters is known for its array of treats, but the Big Texas is notably absent, much to the disappointment of fans. Despite the excitement around various food items, golf remains the priority, with Scott expressing disappointment over Kevin Na's withdrawal and his inability to openly root against a colleague's favorite golfer without facing criticism. The Masters experience is filled with traditions, both on and off the course, making it a unique event for golf enthusiasts.

    • Misunderstandings in sports fandom can lead to conflictsClear communication and understanding are crucial in sports fandom to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts.

      Miscommunications and misunderstandings can lead to unnecessary conflicts and blame games, especially in the context of sports fandom. During a conversation about sports rivalries, it was revealed that some people took a joke about not discussing someone's children seriously, leading to accusations and assumptions. However, it was clarified that it was just a joke, and the person involved was known for making such jokes. Despite this, there were ongoing tensions and accusations, highlighting the importance of clear communication and understanding. Another topic discussed was the possibility of a former rival joining a team, causing uncertainty and speculation among fans. Overall, the conversation underscored the complexities and emotions involved in sports fandom and the importance of clear communication and perspective.

    • Nicolas Cage stars as Dracula in 'Renfield', a modern take on the classic vampire taleNicolas Cage portrays Dracula in a new monster movie, 'Renfield'. Renfield, Dracula's long-suffering assistant, fights for better conditions, directed by 'The Tomorrow War' team, written by 'The Walking Dead' creators.

      The upcoming movie "Renfield," starring Nicolas Cage as Dracula, promises to be a modern and entertaining monster movie with a unique twist on the classic vampire tale. The film's protagonist, Renfield (Nicholas Hoult), is Dracula's long-suffering assistant who's had enough of his boss's demands and lack of benefits. Despite the challenges of working for an undead boss, Renfield is determined to fight for a better situation. The film is directed by the team behind "The Tomorrow War" and "The Lego Batman Movie," and written by the creators of "The Walking Dead" and "Rick and Morty." With its dark humor and action, "Renfield" is sure to be a standout in theaters this April.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Derrick White, Adam Thielen, Hank Shaves His Head And Gets An Incredible Offer From A Special Call In

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Celtics Coach Joe Mazzulla Fresh Off The NBA Title, Oilers Force Game 6 And A Show Announcement

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    All Time US Open, Smylie Kaufman Calls In From Pinehurst, Mike Florio Talking Football + Celtics And Panthers Drop An Stinkers In Game 4's

    Incredible Sunday finish to the US Open as Bryson DeChambeau wins and Rory chokes. We talk about Rory leaving Pinehurst before doing media and Bryson's complete 180 (00:00:00-00:27:21). Celtics get smoked in Game 4 and we check in on Hank's mentals before Game 5 (00:27:21-00:37:23). The Panthers laid an egg in Edmonton and that series is going back to Florida (00:37:23-00:46:01). Who's back of the week including Bill Belichick's new girlfriend and Jimmy Carter sleeping through full days (00:46:01-01:08:39). Smylie Kaufman joins us from Pinehurst after an incredible US Open and gives us a breakdown of what he witnessed following the last 2 groups on Sunday, Rory's putts, and more (01:08:39-01:45:00). Mike Florio joins the show to talk some football with the guys before teams break for the summer (01:45:00-02:35:50). We finish with Max's minute (02:35:50-02:47:10)

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Matt Barnes And Stephen Jackson, Celtics Up 3-0, Hank Recaps His Night With Tom Brady + US Open And Fyre Fest

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 14, 2024

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    Joey Chestnut Is Out Of The Hot Dog Competition, US Open With Caddie Michael Collins, NBA Finals With Kevin Love, Kristaps Hurt And Pardon Your Take

    Emergency beginning of the show had to be retaped after we get news that Joey Chestnut is out of the 4th of July Hot Dog Eating Competition after taking money from a vegan hot dog brand and our whole world has been shattered (00:00:00-00:17:49). Kristaps is hurt and Hank had a rough day (00:17:49-00:28:39). Pug might be a coward (00:28:39-00:35:58). Danny Hurley is staying at Uconn and SCF Game 2 (00:35:58-00:56:38). Hot Seat/Cool Throne and Buster Olney has been hacked and Kevin Durant is back on twitter (00:56:38-01:19:31). Caddie Michael Collins joins us to talk about the US Open, hardest part about being a caddie, his crazy career jump from comedian to caddy to ESPN golf personality and more (01:19:31-01:52:21). We then are joined by recurring guest and good friend Kevin Love to talk about the NBA Finals, what does Kyrie need to do to find it, his top 5, and how sick it was playing on the Olympics (01:52:21-02:23:44). We finish with listener submitted Pardon Your Takes (02:23:44-02:42:02).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

    The Celtics take a commanding series lead after winning Game 2. Jrue Holiday dominates and Kyrie is letting the Mavs down (00:00:00-00:27:09). Caitlin Clark left off the Olympics team and people are big mad (00:27:09-00:39:52). Who’s back of the week including Scottie Scheffler, James Harden and College Baseball (00:39:52-00:56:31). Greg Olsen joins the show to talk about upcoming TEU, winning an Emmy, being the second FOX game this year, what NIL would’ve looked like for him and more (00:56:31-01:45:27). We finish the show talking about the triumphant return of Vanny Woodhead (01:45:27-01:57:31).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 10, 2024

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    Celtics Win Game 1, SCF Preview With Paul Bissonnette, Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane And Fyre Fest Of The Week

    The Celtics absolutely smashed the Mavs in Game 1 and Cocky Hank is feeling himself while Mavs Max is down real bad. Porzingis looked healthy and Lebron tried to steal Game 1 headlines yet again (00:00:00-00:17:47). Dan Hurley possibly to the Lakers and how Coach K is behind all of this (00:17:47-00:39:52). Paul Bissonnette joins the show to break down the Stanley Cup Final, who has the advantage, will Canada be rooting for the Oilers and his official invitation to Dingers Only (00:39:52-01:06:17). Edmonton Oilers Evander Kane joins the show to talk about the SCF, coming back from an insane injury, his first fight in the league, how the team feels before Saturday night and more (01:06:17-01:42:49). We finish the show with Fyre Fest of the week and PFT's big new purchase (01:42:49-02:07:53).

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
    en-usJune 07, 2024

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