
    About this Episode

    Erika reunites with Vince, and faces a difficult choice that leaves her scrambling for survival. Swenson expands his empire and Virgis investigates a robbery that leaves him with the ultimate ethical choice. 

    Recent Episodes from The Changing Earth Audiodrama

    3 - 12 Hiding in the Shadows

    3 - 12 Hiding in the Shadows

    The Moore's arrive in Minnesota and learn about their new life expectations on the farm. TJ ties up loose ends at home before heading north to collect Erika. Virgis calls on an old friend to help Hall so he can focus on protecting Erika.

    Get your Changing Earth Novels and Gear: https://www.authorsarafhathaway.com/shop

    Music attributes: https://www.authorsarafhathaway.com/soundtrack

    Vocal attributes: https://www.authorsarafhathaway.com/season-3