
    Season 1 FINAL EPISODE: Reflecting on the Craziest Year of Our Lives

    enJuly 03, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration, Co-hostingEffective co-hosting leads to engaging and relatable podcast content, providing valuable insights and creating a successful podcast experience.

      The collaboration and conversation between co-hosts Laura and David significantly enhanced their podcast experience and provided valuable insights for their listeners. Despite the challenges of recording solo, they acknowledged the importance of each other's presence and the benefits of their discussions. Their shared experiences, from teaching to personal mishaps, created an engaging and relatable podcast. The highlights of their year included attending a conference in London and moving house, with the latter leading to an unexpected and humorous washing machine mishap. Overall, their partnership and open dialogue made their podcast a successful and enjoyable journey.

    • Personal and Professional GrowthAttending hockey game, career progression, participating in a course at Cirque, facing challenges, starting a podcast, and experiencing growth in social media following led to personal and professional growth.

      The speaker had a year filled with various experiences, both personally and professionally, some of which were stressful but overall enjoyable and growth-inducing. The speaker mentioned several highlights, such as attending a hockey game in Madison Square Garden, pushing themselves in their career, and participating in a course at Cirque. They also faced challenges, like a faulty jingle causing power outages at home, but managed to find humor in the situation. The speaker's career progression and the organization of events were also mentioned as highlights. Additionally, the speaker started a podcast and experienced significant growth in their social media following, which was an unexpected and exciting development. Despite the ups and downs, the speaker expressed that they had learned a lot and were looking forward to the next stage in their life.

    • Setting boundaries, self-reflectionSetting boundaries and reflecting on teaching methods can help prevent burnout and improve student learning, despite the unique challenges of teaching.

      Teaching requires constant adaptation and self-reflection. The speaker shares her experience of feeling overwhelmed in the past when she expected too much of her students and failed to consider their lack of prior knowledge. This year, she made a conscious decision to set boundaries and stick to a schedule, which has helped her feel more in control and less burnt out. Despite the challenges of the job, she emphasizes the importance of putting on a positive face for students and finding joy in teaching composite classes, where she can cater to a wider range of learning needs. The speaker also acknowledges the natural ebb and flow of self-doubt in teaching and encourages looking at the whole year rather than focusing on individual difficult days. Overall, her message is one of resilience and the importance of finding ways to thrive in the face of the unique challenges that teaching presents.

    • Transitioning to new rolePrior experience with person or grade level eases transition, but dedication, preparation, and self-care are essential for new roles, especially in first year

      Transitioning to work with a new colleague or moving to a new grade level requires adaptation and time, but having prior experience with the person or the grade level makes the process easier. The speaker reflects on her own experiences of moving classrooms and starting a new grade level, sharing tips on preparing for the upcoming year and the importance of enjoying the summer break for new teachers. The speaker emphasizes that while there is a need to be dedicated and prepared, it's important not to overwork oneself in the first year, as resources and experience build up over time. Overall, the conversation highlights the natural yet challenging nature of transitioning and the importance of preparation and self-care.

    • Summer preparation for new teachersNew teachers should prepare for the upcoming school year but also take time for relaxation and rejuvenation during summer. Understanding educational jargon and asking for clarification can boost confidence and effectiveness.

      While it's important for new teachers to put in extra effort during their first year, they should also make sure to enjoy their summer and not overwork themselves. Preparation is key, but it's important to find a balance. One effective strategy is to come in a few days before the start of the school year to get things set up, but also leave some time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Additionally, new teachers should not be intimidated by educational jargon and should not hesitate to ask for clarification. Pedagogy, for example, refers to the practice of teaching, especially in an academic subject or theoretical context. Understanding these concepts will help new teachers feel more confident and prepared in their role. Lastly, it's important to remember that everyone forgets things from time to time, and it's okay to brush up on the basics. Don't be afraid to ask for help or review fundamental concepts. And, as one speaker mentioned, don't be surprised if you're asked to take a test or prove your competency in certain areas – it's just part of the process.

    • Mistakes as opportunitiesMaking mistakes is a natural part of learning, and they can provide valuable opportunities for growth and improvement for both students and teachers.

      Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process for both students and teachers. The speaker shared personal experiences of feeling embarrassed by mistakes, such as misspelling words in front of students or being observed while teaching. However, they emphasized that these moments can serve as opportunities for growth and learning. The speaker also noted that it's common for teachers to develop certain phrases or habits, which can become a part of their teaching style. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of embracing mistakes and viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than sources of anxiety or embarrassment.

    • Self-care in teachingTeaching is physically and emotionally demanding, and first-year teachers may experience illness and exhaustion. Self-care, including taking time off, is crucial for maintaining well-being.

      Teaching can be both physically and emotionally demanding. The speaker shared her experience of never having to take significant time off work due to illness, but during her first year of teaching, she contracted Norovirus and was forced to take time off. She also mentioned that the first year of teaching can be exhausting, and teachers often look forward to the holidays as a time to relax and recharge. The speaker shared her enjoyment of having to do nothing during the holidays and being able to do simple things like going to Starbies or TK Max. She also mentioned the challenge of trying to keep the kids entertained during the podcast and received inappropriate stories from listeners. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of self-care and taking time off when needed in the demanding field of teaching.

    • School shows in Primary 7Creating a school show in Primary 7 leaves a lasting and proud memory for children and teachers, bringing a sense of accomplishment and joy. Teachers find excitement in new experiences, like school trips, and the memories and experiences gained make the effort worthwhile.

      Despite the challenges and intensity of producing a school show in Primary 7, the experience leaves a lasting and proud memory for both the children and the teacher involved. The process of creating the production from scratch and seeing the end result brings a sense of accomplishment and joy. Additionally, the teacher finds excitement in new experiences, such as school trips to places like the Science Center, where the opportunity to learn and explore as a student again brings about a sense of wonder and fun. Overall, the memories and experiences gained from these educational and creative endeavors make the effort and hard work worthwhile.

    • Outdoor learning experiencesOutdoor learning experiences foster curiosity, competition, and collaboration, creating memorable and enjoyable educational moments that broaden horizons and last a lifetime.

      The outdoor learning experiences, such as the trip discussed in the podcast, provide a unique and valuable learning environment that cannot be replicated in a classroom setting. These experiences foster curiosity, competition, and collaboration among students, leading to memorable and enjoyable educational moments. The end of such trips are often highlighted as the best part of the year by children and adults alike. These hands-on, exploratory learning opportunities are essential for broadening horizons and creating lasting memories. The podcast hosts expressed their gratitude to their listeners for supporting them throughout the year and shared their excitement for the future, promising new opportunities and content. They emphasized the importance of these experiences and the role they play in personal and educational growth.

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