
    Season 5 Time Capsule (Part 2)

    en-usJanuary 03, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Gravity's Role in the UniverseGravity, a fundamental force, shapes the universe by causing matter and energy to curve space-time. We're all moving through various gravitational fields, from solar systems to galaxy collisions.

      Gravity is a fundamental force that can be described as the curvature of space and time, and objects move in response to this curvature. Gravity is not a substance, but rather a property of the universe that causes matter and energy to curve the fabric of space-time. The Great Attractor is a name given to a region of the universe where there is an excess of matter causing a gravitational pull on nearby galaxies. It doesn't directly affect us, but we are all moving through various gravitational fields within the universe, from the solar system's orbit around the sun to the eventual collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Understanding gravity and its effects on the universe helps us appreciate our place in the cosmos as a small but significant part of a much larger universe.

    • Different laws of physics govern subatomic particles and larger organismsScaling up or down organisms or objects doesn't guarantee success due to varying laws of physics at different scales. Giant insects and room-temperature superconductors face unique challenges.

      The laws of physics that govern the behavior of particles at a subatomic level are vastly different from those that apply to larger objects and organisms, including humans. Gravity, for instance, plays a negligible role in the world of particle physics, while surface tension and electromagnetic forces dominate in the insect world. This means that scaling up or down the size of organisms or objects does not guarantee their continued success or functionality. For example, giant insects, as depicted in sci-fi movies, are unlikely to exist due to the different ways the laws of physics manifest at different scales. Additionally, there is ongoing research into high-temperature and even room-temperature superconductors, which could potentially revolutionize industries through advanced materials and manufacturing techniques like 3D printing. However, achieving this requires overcoming significant challenges and is still a work in progress.

    • Exploring the Intersection of Science and ArtScience fiction depicts warping space, but in reality, people might not notice. The sun could one day become a black hole. Mathematics, like the golden ratio, influences aesthetics.

      Science and art intersect in various ways, as explored in the cosmic queries podcast with comedian co-host Chuck Nysse. During their discussion, they touched upon topics such as the potential effects of warping space on people, the size of the sun, and the role of mathematics in aesthetics. Regarding space warps, it was mused that people in between might not notice anything unusual, much like in science fiction shows. The size of the sun was also discussed, revealing that it could become a black hole once it surpasses a certain size. Furthermore, the golden ratio was brought up as an example of mathematical proportions that can influence what feels aesthetically pleasing to the eye. This ratio, which is 1 plus the square root of 5 over 2, can be applied to various forms of art, including paintings and even pornography, according to Chuck's suggestion. Overall, the conversation highlighted the fascinating interplay between scientific theories and artistic expression.

    • Math and Science's Interconnection and Emotional DepthMath and science are interconnected but math lacks emotional depth, art influences design and architecture, instances of intersection like Giotto's painting, and time travel's possibility emphasizes their unique qualities

      While math and science are interconnected, math lacks the emotional depth and richness found in art. The speaker, Neil deGrasse Tyson, discussed the idea that there might not be a mathematically pure concept that is also emotionally satisfying. He also noted that art does not influence science, but rather design and architecture. However, there have been instances in history where art and science intersected, such as Giotto's painting of the birth of Jesus featuring a comet, which was likely Halley's comet at the time. Additionally, the speaker touched on the topic of time travel and the possibility that if time travel existed, it would have been discovered by now. Overall, the conversation emphasized the unique qualities of both art and science and their distinct roles in our world.

    • Time travel to the past is not possible based on current understanding of physicsTime travel to the past is a popular concept in science fiction, but our current understanding of physics doesn't allow for it. Future time travel and warping space-time for faster travel are theoretical concepts.

      Time travel to the past, as depicted in shows like "Back to the Future" and "Star Trek," is not scientifically possible based on our current understanding of physics. Time travel into the future, on the other hand, doesn't present the same paradoxes. The discussion also touched upon the concept of folding two points of space-time together, but it was clarified that they wouldn't actually be in the same place even if they appeared close in a higher dimension. The idea of warping space-time to travel faster, like in Star Trek, is a theoretical concept, but it would require vastly more powerful gravity than the sun or two black holes in orbit around each other. Additionally, a guest host on Startalk, astrophysicist Dr. Amy Meinzer, explained that while comets could have contributed to the water on Earth, time travel as a means of depositing water is not scientifically plausible.

    • Comets bring water to Earth from the outer solar systemComets, originating from the Oort cloud, bring water and volatiles to Earth when they melt near the sun

      Comets, which originate from distant sources in our solar system, likely bring water and other volatiles to Earth. These comets come from the outer reaches of our solar system, some possibly even halfway to the nearest star, and are extremely old. They are believed to originate from the Oort cloud, a surrounding icy body, and when they get close to the sun, they melt and form long tails. Some of these tails contain enough ice to potentially create oceans if they were to collide with Earth. The solar system's early history is thought to have involved heavy bombardment by asteroids and comets, which could have contributed to the Earth's water. While there are favorite asteroids and comets among scientists, the discovery of Earth Trojans, asteroids that are gravitationally bound to Earth, is particularly intriguing. As for the 1979 Atari game, Asteroids, it may not be scientifically accurate in every detail, but it isn't too far off.

    • Plasma physics impacts comets and space travelComets are composed of ice and dust in a plasma envelope, astronauts adjust trajectory by expelling mass, and planets can be destroyed by exceeding their gravitational binding energy

      Plasma physics plays a significant role in the behavior of comets, as they are primarily made up of ice and dust particles surrounded by a plasma envelope. Regarding space travel, an astronaut tumbling through space cannot change their trajectory without losing mass or coming into contact with another object. A temporary solution for adjusting trajectory is to expel mass from the spacesuit, but this requires knowledge of angular momentum physics. Spacecraft make adjustments by expelling fuel, losing mass, and changing direction through rocket nozzles. To blow up a planet, one must calculate and surpass its gravitational binding energy, which is the energy required to overcome the gravity holding it together. This energy must be absorbed by the planet rather than expelled outwards to cause destruction.

    • Length of a planet's day and distance from its starA slower planetary rotation could allow a star to heat a planet, enabling potential habitability beyond the habitable zone. Astronauts age slower in space, and Earth's size may change, impacting its future habitability.

      The length of a planet's day and its distance from its star could potentially allow it to sustain life at similar temperatures as Earth, even if it's farther away from the habitable zone. This is because a slower axis rotation could allow the star to heat the planet over a longer period. Additionally, the Earth's day used to be 18 hours long, and if conditions are right, a planet turning slowly could potentially harbor life. Astronauts in space experience slight ageing due to being in orbit, and future astronauts going beyond the Carmen limit will also age slightly more slowly. Furthermore, gravitational attraction exists between two masses, and the Earth's size may change over its lifetime, with geologists pondering the question of whether the Earth will cool off before the sun expands and heats it up.

    • Internal Heat vs Sun's Heat: Earth's Temperature RegulationThe Earth's internal heat and the sun's heat have opposing effects on the planet's temperature, with internal heat keeping it warm and the sun's potential future heat a concern. Venus' intense greenhouse effect serves as a cautionary tale of the impact of rising temperatures.

      The Earth's internal heat and the sun's potential future heat are two opposing factors in the planet's temperature regulation. The Earth's internal heat, generated by nuclear fission, keeps the planet warm, while the sun's increasing heat could potentially cook the Earth before it cools off. Venus, with its intense greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide, serves as a cautionary tale of what could happen if Earth's temperature continues to rise. The discovery of the greenhouse effect on Venus played a crucial role in understanding the impact of carbon dioxide on Earth's climate. Meanwhile, the debate over selective breeding and evolution raises ethical questions about manipulating nature and creating intelligent beings. Chimpanzees, unlike dogs, have not domesticated themselves and prefer to stay away from humans. The difference between buying and making a cake can be applied to the debate on selective breeding, where humans can influence the traits of other species, but not turn them into something entirely different.

    • Human Evolution's Slow ProgressDespite minimal biological evolution, cultural advancements continue, space travel speculation remains, and genetic manipulation is a theoretical possibility, but unlikely to drastically change humans soon.

      Due to the lack of significant selection pressure and widespread interbreeding among human populations, biological evolution may not be progressing at a noticeable rate. However, this doesn't mean that human evolution has come to a complete standstill, as there are still cultural advancements to consider. The idea that humans could speciate through space travel to other planets, such as Mars, is an intriguing concept, but the practical implications are uncertain. We share a vast amount of DNA with other life forms, including bananas, but this doesn't make us any less human or delicious. Theoretically, it might be possible to modify our genes to give us desirable traits, but the logistical challenges are immense. In essence, while there are fascinating possibilities for genetic manipulation, the reality is that humans are here on Earth and are unlikely to evolve into something drastically different in the near future.

    • Bound by Evolution's LawsWe can manipulate nature but must consider consequences and risks, remembering our responsibility to use knowledge thoughtfully

      Despite our technological advancements, we are still bound by the natural laws of evolution. Newts, for instance, can repair and insert genes, but they cannot evolve into a separate population without isolation. This discussion also touched upon the ethical implications of manipulating nature to create new species, such as flying bananas. It's important to remember that while we have the capability to make incredible advancements, we must consider the consequences and potential risks involved. In essence, we must continue to use our knowledge responsibly and thoughtfully. As Neil deGrasse Tyson reminded us, "You've been listening to StarTalk Radio, brought to you in part by a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, compelling you as always until next time to keep looking up."

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