
    Season 7 Time Capsule (Part 1)

    en-usJanuary 06, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Human Side of Space ExplorationBuzz Aldrin shared his historic tweet from space and revealed stories about Alan Shepard's unexpected use of the urine collection device during launch, highlighting the unique experiences of astronauts.

      StarTalk, hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, creates unique mash up episodes by compiling fan-voted favorite episodes and guests from the previous season. The seventh season of StarTalk saw the show's third season on National Geographic Channel and its second Emmy nomination. During this season, Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, revealed his space first: tweeting from space. Another memorable moment was when Aldrin shared the story of Alan Shepard, the first American in space, who had an unexpected issue during launch and became the first to use the urine collection device (UCD) in space. These stories showcase the human side of space exploration and the unique experiences of astronauts.

    • Discoveries in Space: From Frozen Urine to AI RisksSpace exploration brought surprises like frozen urine in space, while modern technology like AI holds immense potential and risks. Safety measures like Asilomar guidelines ensure benefits without harm.

      Space exploration in the past came with unexpected challenges, such as frozen urine traveling alongside spaceships due to microgravity. This intriguing discovery was made by astronaut Scott Carpenter during the Aurora 7 mission. The misalignment for retro fire led to an off-course landing, but the "fireflies" or frozen urine were a fascinating sight. Astronauts wore diapers during launch, entry, and spacewalks, and collected and dumped urine inside the spacecraft. The crystallized urine was beautiful to see in space. Moving on to modern times, artificial intelligence (AI) is a double-edged sword with immense potential and risks. While existential threats from AI or nanotechnology are not imminent, biotechnology poses an existential risk already. The Asilomar guidelines, established 30 years ago, have been successful in keeping biotechnology safe while reaping its benefits. The number of incidents causing harm from biotechnology is zero. It's crucial to continue using technology to address human suffering while implementing safety measures.

    • Balancing AI benefits and risks with ethical guidelines and regulationsAI's potential benefits, such as diagnosing diseases and reducing poverty, must be balanced with ethical guidelines and potential regulations to ensure safety. The pace of AI development might outstrip our ability to keep up, but caution is necessary as AI gains more power in our lives.

      While AI offers numerous benefits such as diagnosing diseases and reducing poverty, it also presents risks that require ethical guidelines and potential regulations to ensure safety. The comparison was drawn to the use of airplanes, which have regulations to make them as safe as possible despite the risk of crashes. However, the concern is that the pace of AI development might outstrip our ability to keep up with necessary regulations. The speaker expressed a more nuanced view than the "terminator" scenario often depicted in popular culture, but still emphasized the importance of being cautious as AI becomes more embedded in our lives and gains more power. The success of films like "The Martian," which depict scientifically accurate portrayals of space exploration, underscores the potential impact of technology on our future.

    • Exploring Mars takes time and precisionNASA's Curiosity rover took 4 years to travel over 8 miles on Mars, using a jetpack to land safely. The team is focused on learning about Mars' history and searching for signs of past life, not rushing to get somewhere.

      Exploring Mars is a slow and methodical process. NASA's Curiosity rover, which is the size of a car, took over 13 kilometers (or about 8 miles) in 4 years. They're not rushing to get somewhere but instead, they're taking their time to learn about Mars' history, ancient environment, and search for signs of past life. Unlike previous rovers that used airbags for landing, Curiosity used a skycrane, which is like a jetpack, to lower the rover safely to the surface. This process involves slowing down from 13,000 miles per hour in the atmosphere, deploying a parachute, jettisoning the heat shield, and then using rockets to land. The rover then descends while wearing its jetpack until Mars' gravity takes over. The team is not in a hurry and is focused on "sciencing the out of Mars" as they continue to explore.

    • The unique relationship between Ramanujan and HardyTwo brilliant minds formed a deep connection through their shared passion for mathematics, evolving from mentor and student to almost equal partners.

      The film "The Man Who Knew Infinity" highlights the unique and complex relationship between two brilliant minds, S. Ramanujan and G.H. Hardy. Ramanujan, a self-taught math genius from India, and Hardy, an English mathematics professor, formed a deep connection through their shared passion for mathematics. Their relationship evolved from mentor and student to almost equal partners, and their intellectual romance is what makes their story so intriguing. Jeremy Irons, who portrays Hardy in the film, prepared for the role by consulting with mathematician Ken Ono and immersing himself in the subject matter. The film beautifully captures the human element of their relationship and the challenges they faced during Ramanujan's transition from being a student to a respected mathematician. The world of comedy also values mentorship and collaboration, as comedians often help and support each other in their careers.

    • Bringing Authenticity to Mathematics in FilmMath consultants ensure film accuracy, actors focus on phrasing and intonation, and hours of rehearsals perfect the language and writing of equations.

      Accuracy and expertise are crucial in filmmaking, especially when dealing with complex subjects like mathematics. The speaker shared an experience working on a movie where they needed a math consultant to ensure authenticity. Ken, a mathematician, was quickly brought on board and flew from the US to England to review every piece of mathematical writing in the movie. This gave the team the confidence to present accurate information, knowing they had an expert's validation. The actors, Dev Patel and Jeremy Ironshire, did not learn any real mathematics from the speaker but focused on getting the phrasing and intonation right to make the math sound authentic. The process involved hours of rehearsals and reworking scenes to perfect the language and writing of equations. While this level of detail might go unnoticed by most viewers, mathematicians who have seen the film appreciate the effort put into making the math scenes accurate. The speaker also expressed newfound respect for the film industry, recognizing the challenges of producing and promoting a film.

    • Detecting Gravitational Waves with Laser InterferometryScientists use laser interferometry to detect gravitational waves caused by massive object collisions. They compare travel time of light between two arms of a detector to make tiny measurements, requiring highly sensitive equipment and precise measurements.

      Scientists have detected gravitational waves using advanced laser interferometry technology. These waves, caused by the collision of massive objects like black holes, cause tiny changes in the distance between two points. To make these incredibly small measurements, researchers use laser beams as references and compare the travel time of light between two arms of a detector, which are located thousands of kilometers apart. Having multiple detectors in different locations helps eliminate interference from other sources and increases the chances of detection. The signals are extremely weak, and detecting them requires highly sensitive equipment and precise measurements, on the order of 10 to the power of minus 18 meters. By comparing the data from multiple detectors, scientists can distinguish gravitational wave signals from other sources of noise. The first detection of gravitational waves in 2015 was a major milestone in the field of physics, opening up new avenues for understanding the universe.

    • Gravitational Waves Detected: A Groundbreaking DiscoveryScientists detected gravitational waves, ripples in space-time, through the alignment of two detectors, confirming their existence and expanding our understanding of the universe.

      The Gravitational Wave detection event discussed in this podcast provides crucial evidence for the existence of gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time. This detection occurred when the same gravitational wave signal was detected 7 milliseconds apart by detectors in Louisiana and Washington. The wave's origin was determined to be from the south, and the timing difference corresponds to the light travel time. This discovery has significant implications for our understanding of physics and the universe. Furthermore, the conversation between Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice, and David Grinspoon also touched upon the debate regarding Pluto's planetary status. Despite its demotion, Pluto remains an intriguing world, and its exploration through the New Horizons mission has expanded our knowledge of the solar system. Ultimately, the scientists' meticulous approach to analyzing the data and their commitment to maintaining the integrity of the scientific process led to the groundbreaking discovery of gravitational waves. The conversation highlights the importance of scientific rigor and the ongoing quest to expand our understanding of the universe.

    • The Controversial Reclassification of PlutoDespite misconceptions, Pluto was not stripped of its planetary status but rather classified as a dwarf planet, a change that was not influenced significantly by Mike Brown.

      The debate over Pluto's planetary status arose from a vote in 2006, where only a small percentage of experts in the field were involved. Mike Brown, the astronomer who led the campaign to reclassify Pluto, maintains that he didn't significantly influence the outcome. He also clarified that there was never an official list of planets, and Pluto was never declared not a planet but rather grouped with other small bodies. Brown is open to acknowledging dwarf planets as planets, but the misunderstanding lies in the belief that dwarf planets are no longer considered planets. The conversation also touched on time travel, with Mike expressing his fascination with the concept and sharing his personal journey towards accepting the present moment.

    • Time Travel and Free Will: A Quantum EnigmaQuantum physicists propose that if time travel exists, it could mean no free will, but uncertainty and parallel universes suggest otherwise, creating new universes with each decision.

      The concept of free will and time travel intersects in intriguing ways, as discussed by Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Kaku proposed that if there is time travel, it could mean there's no free will, but as a quantum physicist, he believes that uncertainty and the existence of parallel universes imply free will. Each decision creates a new universe, resolving time travel paradoxes. The internet and transistors also work based on parallel universes. Despite the complexities, they believe in unifying all physical laws, with quantum mechanics and string theory as the highest versions. Bill Nye, the science guy, joined the conversation, expressing his skepticism about time travel but acknowledging its appeal in science fiction. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the philosophical and scientific intrigue of time travel and its potential implications for free will.

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    VP-S014 ###抱歉今日麥克風有問題!!! #『RBG:不恐龍大法官』比恐龍壯 #AI處理廢棄物 #喝酒醉自然 #菊富士 #TTL清酒

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