
    Self-Care: Can You Hack Your Mood?

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the science behind cold plunges and gratitude journaling as self care trendsCold plunges and gratitude journaling have potential benefits, but it's important to approach them with a critical and scientifically informed mindset. The real benefits come from the act of self care, not any magical properties of the practices themselves.

      While self care practices like cold plunges and gratitude journaling can have real benefits, it's important to approach them with a critical and scientifically informed mindset. During this episode of Science Versus, Wendy Zuckerman explored the science behind two popular self care trends: cold plunges and gratitude journaling. Cold plunges, which involve immersing oneself in cold water, have gained popularity due to claims that they can improve mood and even cure depression. However, Heather Massey, a cold water swimmer and researcher at the University of Portsmouth, explained that while cold water exposure can have benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving circulation, the claims about its ability to cure depression are exaggerated. Gratitude journaling, on the other hand, has been shown to have a positive effect on mental health by increasing positive emotions and reducing stress. Wendy tried it out for herself and found that she felt better after writing in her journal. However, it's important to remember that the benefits of self care practices come from the act itself, rather than any magical properties of the practices themselves. In other words, the science is in the self, not the care. So next time you're considering trying out a new self care trend, approach it with a critical and scientifically informed mindset, and remember that the real benefits come from the act of taking care of yourself.

    • Cold water immersion triggers mood enhancement through cold shock responseRegular cold water immersion may improve mood and well-being by increasing dopamine and noradrenaline levels, altering brain blood flow, and boosting immune system activity.

      Cold water immersion, such as ice swimming, triggers a response in the body that can lead to mood enhancement. This response, known as the cold shock response, initiates a hormonal cocktail including increased dopamine and noradrenaline levels, which are associated with feelings of happiness and focus. Additionally, changes in brain blood flow and immune system activity may contribute to these mood-altering effects. While more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits of cold water immersion for mental health, studies on cold water swimming suggest that regular exposure may improve mood and well-being.

    • Exploring the Potential Benefits of Cold Water Swimming for Mood and Well-beingCold water swimming may boost mood and improve well-being, but more research is needed to confirm these findings for everyone

      Participating in cold water swimming activities can lead to mood boosts and improved well-being, as shown in various studies. However, it's important to note that these findings might not necessarily apply to everyone, especially those who are not voluntarily signing up for such activities. Anecdotal evidence suggests that cold water swimming can help reduce symptoms of depression, but more rigorous scientific research, such as randomized controlled trials, is needed to confirm these observations. Heather, a researcher in this field, is currently conducting a randomized controlled trial to investigate the potential benefits of cold water swimming for individuals with depression symptoms. While the initial results are promising, it's crucial to remember that the science is still developing, and cold water swimming may not be effective for everyone due to physiological reasons.

    • Understanding the risks of ice bathsIce baths can cause nerve or blood vessel damage and should be approached with caution, especially for those with heart conditions or sensitive to cold.

      While some people may find pleasure in taking ice baths for self-care, it's important to be aware of the potential risks involved. For some individuals, the cold can cause significant discomfort and even lead to nerve or blood vessel damage known as non-freezing cold injury. The temperature and duration that could result in this injury can vary greatly from person to person. Additionally, individuals with heart conditions should avoid jumping into cold water due to the potential for rapid heart rate changes. The science behind the benefits of ice baths for mental health is not yet established, and more research is needed. So, while some may find ice baths enjoyable, it's crucial to approach this practice with caution and consider individual risk factors.

    • Practicing Gratitude Journaling Boosts HappinessFocusing on what we're grateful for and identifying the sources can enhance overall well-being, shown to improve mental health and happiness temporarily.

      Practicing gratitude journaling can lead to increased happiness. This type of journaling involves focusing on the things we're grateful for and identifying the sources of that goodness. According to psychologist Joel Wong, this practice involves three key elements: awareness, appreciation, and attribution. By being aware of the good things in our lives, deepening our appreciation for them, and attributing them to specific sources, we can enhance our overall well-being. Research supports this claim, with studies showing that writing gratitude letters to people we've thanked improperly can lead to improved mental health, even several months after the intervention. The effects may not last forever, but the evidence suggests that this practice can provide a temporary boost to happiness. So, instead of just writing about the soggy muffins and cute dogs in our lives, try taking a moment to reflect on the people and experiences that bring us joy and expressing gratitude for them.

    • Practicing gratitude through writing can make us less negative and more empathetic towards others.Writing a gratitude letter for 20 minutes can improve mood, decrease negativity, and inspire good deeds.

      Focusing on gratitude and expressing it through writing may not necessarily increase the use of positive words, but rather decrease the use of negative words. This shift in attention towards the positive can lead to being less negative and more empathetic towards others. In a study, people who practiced gratitude journaling were found to be less "jerkish" at work as reported by their coworkers. Gratitude also extends beyond the original benefactor and can inspire one to do good for others. Writing a gratitude letter, which takes around 20 minutes, can be an effective way to practice gratitude and improve mood, making daily stressors seem less significant.

    • Combating Loneliness through Social ConnectionEngaging in conversations with strangers can improve mental health and reduce feelings of loneliness

      Self-care isn't just about solitude and personal relaxation, but also about social connection. Loneliness is a growing issue in the US, with around a third of adults reporting feelings of loneliness almost all the time. This isn't just detrimental to mental health, but also to physical health, as shown in a 2015 meta-analysis. To combat this, scientists suggest interacting with strangers as a form of social care. In a study conducted by Juliana Schroeder, people were encouraged to strike up conversations with strangers on trains. The results showed that longer conversations led to better mental health. So, next time you're feeling lonely, don't hesitate to reach out to a stranger and start a conversation. It could make a big difference for both of you.

    • Connecting with strangers boosts happinessTalking to strangers for as little as 14 minutes can improve mood and reduce sadness, making simple acts of human connection valuable for mental wellbeing.

      Engaging in simple acts of human connection, such as talking to strangers or practicing gratitude, can have a positive impact on our mental wellbeing. The studies conducted by social psychologist Juliana Schroeder found that people who talked to strangers on trains had an average conversation length of 14 minutes and reported feeling happier and less sad. This effect, while not a blockbuster drug, is consistent across various studies and settings, including buses, coffee shops, and waiting rooms. Juliana herself started practicing this behavior more often after conducting the research. These findings, along with the science behind cold showers and gratitude journals, suggest that incorporating small acts of self-care into our daily lives can provide a valuable mental boost. I, for one, will be jumping into cold water more often and being more mindful of opportunities to connect with strangers. For those interested, you can find the transcripts of this podcast episode, complete with links to all the studies mentioned, in our show notes.

    • The Significance of Self-CarePrioritizing self-care leads to positive outcomes. Megan Azad shares her personal experiences and the importance is emphasized through fact checking, music, and sound design.

      The importance of self-care and the various ways it can be practiced. We heard from Megan Azad, a professor who shared her personal experiences with self-care and its impact on her life. The episode was brought to life through fact checking by Carmen Drahl, mix and sound design by Bumi Hidaka, music by Bobby Lord, Bumi Hidaka, Emma Munger, Peter Leonard, and Soe Wiley. We also expressed our gratitude to the Zuckerman family and Joseph LaBelle Wilson for their contributions to the episode. Overall, this episode emphasizes the significance of prioritizing self-care and how it can lead to positive outcomes.

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