
    Podcast Summary

    • Rob Expands Motivational Platform with YouTube and Group CoachingRob Dial is growing his motivational brand by adding YouTube content and group coaching sessions, offering listeners additional resources for personal growth and inspiration.

      Rob Dial, the host of the MWF Motivation Podcast, is expanding his motivational platform by increasing his YouTube content and offering group coaching. Rob aims to create one of the biggest motivational YouTube stations and invites listeners to subscribe to his YouTube channel for additional motivational content. He also announced the availability of group coaching sessions, where participants can hold each other accountable and push each other out of their comfort zones for personal growth. During today's episode, Rob discussed sensory deprivation tanks, also known as float tanks, which deprive users of all senses for a unique and beneficial experience. Although it may sound unusual, the benefits include reduced stress, enhanced creativity, and improved focus. Rob encouraged listeners to try sensory deprivation tanks for an unforgettable and potentially life-changing experience. To learn more about Rob's motivational offerings and sensory deprivation tanks, listeners can visit mwfmotivation.com.

    • Experience complete sensory isolation in a sensory deprivation tankImmerse in a pitch-black, soundproof environment filled with warm water and Epsom salt for stress reduction, focus improvement, and creativity enhancement.

      Sensory deprivation tanks offer a unique experience of complete sensory isolation, immersing users in pitch-black, soundproof environments filled with warm water and Epsom salt. The goal is to deprive the body of its five senses, allowing individuals to disconnect from the distractions of daily life and focus on inner relaxation. With our increasingly stimulating world, attention spans are shrinking, making the opportunity to disconnect and unwind in a sensory deprivation tank all the more valuable. However, for some, the idea of being alone with their thoughts for an extended period may be daunting. Regardless, the potential benefits of reduced stress, improved focus, and enhanced creativity make it worth considering.

    • Exploring the depths of the mind through sensory deprivationSensory deprivation tanks allow deep relaxation and introspection, but fear of the unknown can be a barrier. Potential rewards include personal growth and relaxation.

      Sensory deprivation tanks, such as float tanks, offer significant benefits for mental relaxation and introspection, yet many people are hesitant to try them due to fear of the unknown within their own minds. Our brains are constantly stimulated since birth, and the idea of sensory deprivation can be daunting. However, the benefits include allowing the brain to truly relax and focus inward, much like meditation but with added intensity due to the absence of external distractions. Despite the potential for hallucinations, our brains are so accustomed to stimuli that some people may experience them. Ultimately, the fear of what we might discover about ourselves is a common barrier to trying new practices like meditation or float tank sessions, but the potential rewards for personal growth and relaxation make it worth considering.

    • Experience deep relaxation and creativity in a sensory deprivation tankFloating in a sensory deprivation tank promotes deep meditation, hallucinations, access to subconscious for innovative ideas, reduces cortisol, lowers heart rate and blood pressure, normalized breathing, improved digestive functions, relaxes muscles, and alleviates soreness through magnesium absorption.

      Floating in a sensory deprivation tank offers numerous benefits for both relaxation and creativity. During a float session, individuals can experience deep meditation, hallucinations, and access their subconscious for innovative ideas. Floating also provides physiological benefits such as reduced cortisol levels, lower heart rate and blood pressure, normalized breathing, and improved digestive functions. Additionally, the high concentration of Epsom salt in the tank helps to relax muscles and alleviate soreness by providing magnesium to the body. My personal experience includes initial adjustment during the first session, but subsequent floats resulted in unique and profound experiences, including a complete loss of feeling in my limbs and a surge of creativity leading to valuable business ideas.

    • Experience of sensory deprivation in a tankFloating in a sensory deprivation tank intensifies everyday experiences and creates a profound feeling of euphoria

      Floating in sensory deprivation tanks provides a unique and intense sensory experience. The speaker described feeling like a dissolving sugar cube, only able to feel the water on her face and the beat of her heart. This experience was so intense that it was compared to the effects of taking drugs, with heightened senses and a profound feeling of euphoria. Even simple actions, like taking a shower or driving home, felt more intense due to the deprivation of sensory input. Overall, the speaker was sold on the experience and found it to be the best shower and most intense sensory experience of her life.

    • Exploring the Benefits of Float TanksFloat tanks offer relaxation, meditation, and idea generation by creating sensory deprivation, allowing deeper access to the subconscious brain and potential innovative ideas.

      A float tank, also known as a sensory deprivation tank, can be a valuable tool for relaxation, meditation, and idea generation. The tank creates an environment of sensory deprivation, allowing the mind to enter a deeper state of relaxation and access the subconscious brain. This state can lead to innovative ideas and solutions, as the mind is free from the distractions of daily life. The speaker personally uses float tanks for planning sessions and has experienced some of his best ideas coming from these sessions. To try out a float tank, one can search for sensory deprivation tanks in their area and give it a try, starting with an introductory offer if available. The experience may take some getting used to, but the potential benefits make it worth exploring.

    • Overcoming Fear to Try New ExperiencesDon't let fear hold you back from trying new experiences like meditation or sensory deprivation tanks. The potential benefits are worth the effort, so give it a try and share your experience with us.

      Fear is often the barrier preventing us from trying new experiences, such as meditation or using a sensory deprivation tank. People may think they cannot do these things, but in reality, they may lack the willpower to commit to the practice. The speaker encourages everyone to give it a try and share their experiences. Fear of the unknown can hold us back, but the potential benefits are worth the effort. Don't let fear prevent you from exploring new ways to improve your mental and emotional well-being. If you're curious about meditation or sensory deprivation tanks, give them a chance and let the speaker know about your experience. Remember, it's our mission to help as many people as possible, so share this episode with someone you care about. Stay connected by following us on Instagram and Facebook at mwfmotivation. Go out and make your dreams a reality.

    Recent Episodes from The Mindset Mentor

    What Are You Addicted To?

    What Are You Addicted To?

    In today's episode, I'm taking a deep dive into how we can reclaim our brains from addictive living and stop numbing those tough emotions and past traumas. We’ll explore the fascinating world of our nervous system, understanding the difference between the stressed-out sympathetic state and the restful parasympathetic state. I'll share my personal journey with addiction, the common ways we numb ourselves (hello, workaholics and Netflix binge-watchers!), and how to develop better self-regulation and coping strategies. Let’s increase our self-awareness and start healing from the inside out, so we can truly create the life we want.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

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    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 28, 2024

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Your Perception Is Not Reality: Cognitive Distortions

    Today, we're exploring how our thoughts can sometimes trick us into seeing the world in a negative light. We're uncovering cognitive distortions—those sneaky ways our minds twist reality based on past experiences and beliefs.

    Join me as we uncover common distortions like All or Nothing thinking, Overgeneralization, Negative Mental Filters, Labeling, and Catastrophizing—ways of thinking that can keep us stuck in negativity without us even realizing it. Together, we'll learn how to spot these patterns, challenge them, and ultimately reframe our thoughts to lead more positive, fulfilling lives. If you're ready to take control of your mindset and break free from these mental traps, hit play and let's explore together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 27, 2024

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

    Today, I'm exploring how our early experiences and surroundings shape who we become—and more importantly—how we can rewrite those scripts to create the life we truly want. Think of our minds like super-complex computers; they run on programs we pick up from childhood onward. These programs influence everything from our behaviors to how we think about ourselves and the world.

    From the moment we're born, we're soaking up information like sponges. It's fascinating to see how much of what we learn comes from observing those around us, especially during those crucial early years. I'll be sharing insights on how to uncover these subconscious programs, challenge them, and ultimately, rewrite them to align with your goals and dreams. If you're ready to take charge of your programming and steer your life in a new direction, this episode is for you!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    The Mindset To More Peace & Happiness

    In today's episode, I'm sharing how you can find more peace and happiness right now, without needing to achieve more or buy the latest thing. I'll talk about breaking free from the societal push for constant achievement, the pitfalls of materialism, and the power of gratitude. Plus, I'll explain why focusing on what truly matters and finding intrinsic motivation can lead to a more fulfilling life. Join me as we explore how to prioritize joy and peace in our everyday lives!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 24, 2024

    Why You Get Triggered

    Why You Get Triggered

    In today’s episode, we're taking a closer look at why just reading books, going to conferences, or hiring a coach isn't enough for real personal growth. I'm here to show you that every moment in your life is a classroom, offering lessons for you to learn and grow. We'll talk about how to turn everyday triggers into opportunities for self-improvement and why it’s crucial to actively engage with life’s lessons. So, join me as we explore how to become more self-aware, curious, and ultimately free from the mental prisons we’ve built over time. Let's get started on this journey together!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 21, 2024

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    The 7 Step Process To Hit Your Goals

    With half the year behind us, it's the perfect time to revisit those New Year's resolutions. How are they coming along? Whether you're making great progress or need a boost, these seven steps will keep you on track. Be crystal clear with your goals, identify what you'll sacrifice, set a deadline, create a detailed plan, write a clear statement, use daily affirmations, and find ways to make it easier on yourself. I hope you find these tips helpful! 

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 20, 2024

    Releasing Your Judgement And Anger

    Releasing Your Judgement And Anger

    In today’s episode, I’ll show you how to overcome any anger, judgment, or criticism towards others so you can heal yourself and create the life you want. We’ll explore how unconscious patterns shape our reactions and how unmet needs, as suggested by Marshall Rosenberg, manifest as negative emotions. Plus, we’ll look at how childhood experiences influence our adult behaviors and learn ways to transform negative emotions and build empathy. It’s all about healing and growing into your best self. Don’t miss it! 

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    Bonus: The Game Changer You’ve Been Waiting For

    Bonus: The Game Changer You’ve Been Waiting For

    In today’s bonus episode, I’m excited to introduce Mindset Mentor+! For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor+. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you. Visit www.mindsetmentor.com to join us today with a special founding member discount. I can’t wait to see you there!

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com


    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Anxiety Relief: 4 Things To Check In On

    Anxiety Relief: 4 Things To Check In On

    In today's episode I'm sharing four simple questions that can help you figure out what's up with your anxiety and stress, and get you feeling better in no time. Introducing HALT: check if you're Hungry, as low blood sugar can mess with your mood; Angry, because holding onto anger triggers stress hormones; Lonely 👫, since social connections boost mental health; and Tired, as lack of sleep affects your mood. When I felt blah recently, HALT helped me realize I was hungry and tired, making me feel better instantly.

    Remember, it's all about being kind to yourself and understanding what's going on in your mind and body.


    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    Join the waitlist to be the first to learn about it here 👉 http://mindsetwaitlist.com/

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 17, 2024

    How To Overcome Your Victim Mindset

    How To Overcome Your Victim Mindset

    Today, we're exploring how to break free from the confines of a victim mentality. Join me as I open up about my own journey and share valuable insights into understanding and overcoming this mindset that might be holding you back. I'll be offering practical tips and actionable strategies to help you reclaim your power and start living life on your own terms.

    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    Join the waitlist to be the first to learn about it here 👉 http://mindsetwaitlist.com/

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

    Here are some useful links for you… 

    If you want access to a multitude of life advice, self development tips, and exclusive content daily that will help you improve your life, then you can follow me around the web at these links here:





    The Mindset Mentor
    en-usJune 14, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Episode 126: The Real Meaning of Enlightenment with Biet Simkin

    Episode 126: The Real Meaning of Enlightenment with Biet Simkin

    What if through becoming alcohol-free, we can experience everlasting enlightenment, creativity, and humility?

    Karolina is honored to be joined by renowned meditation guru and bestselling author Biet Simkin, who beautifully weaves the worlds of pop-culture and spirituality together. She invites us into the struggles of her upbringing, including a near death experience and her journey to sobriety from drugs and alcohol. 

    Biet is both wise and humble with the most soothing voice, and you’ll easily take tons of notes as she shares her inspiring definition of enlightenment (including one of the most delicious aspects of it), plus her favorite practices from her book and how they can help us in the midst of our struggles.


    Learn more about Biet Simkin through her website. Also be sure to check out her Breathwork and Meditation Course and her book: Don’t Just Sit There!

    Karolina’s July Dry Bootcamp is just around the corner! Consider this a mini coaching program, working with Karolina and an incredible group of women for 22 days. You not only take a break from alcohol, but rediscover how to care for your emotional needs in a luxurious, beautiful, and healthy way. This program lasts for 22 days, from July 5 to July 26, and includes 5 coaching calls with Karolina, a group hangout, and a closing celebration on the last day of the program.

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review. 

    Follow @euphoric.af on Instagram

    And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

    EP85 | 共鳴 Resonate

    EP85 | 共鳴 Resonate
    今天這集從大學宿舍聊到了對身分認同的共鳴~ In today's episode we talk about dormitory in the university and then to the resonance of identity. 除了幫助大家學習中文 In addition to help you learn Mandarin 希望我們的節目也常常為你帶來共鳴喔! Hope our content also resonates with you often! . . . 🔸Transcript: https://linktr.ee/ttmctw 🔸Support our work: https://ko-fi.com/ttmctw 🔸Instagram: @ttmctw ✉️ talktalkmandarinchinese@gmail.com

    S2E6 Demystifying Meditation

    S2E6 Demystifying Meditation

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed or intimidated by the idea of meditation? What aspects of it are challenging to you? Do you think meditation is only for those with a specific mindset or spiritual practice? 

    Ginny and Amanda discuss the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of meditation, address common misconceptions which hold people back from meditating, and guide you through various types of meditation in this inspirational and informative show!

    They talk about:

    • An amazing study by the David Lynch Foundation conducted in inner city schools that proved meditation works to lower rates of violence, increase attendance rates, and raise GPA's. Link below. 
    • Physical benefits of meditation including lowering levels of stress, inflammation, and blood pressure as well as enhancing concentration. 
    • Different practices such as transcendental, contemplative, and Metta meditation.
    • The mantra Amanda uses (and millions of other people) during Metta meditation that puts her in a state of oneness with herself and every living thing on Earth.
    • Meditation as a tool to tap into your higher consciousness and find your purpose.
    • Amanda's personal meditation practice including a grounding technique, an original prayer (patched together from various sources), cord cutting, and chakra clearing. 
    • The importance of breathwork and the science of engaging the vagus nerve to bring a sense of calm. 
    • An inner child meditation to bring you to a state of self-love and self-worth.
    • And much more!

    CORRECTION: The neurotransmitter that activates the calm response when engaging the vagus nerve is acetylcholine...not acetylcholide.

    Links mentioned in show:

    The David Lynch Foundation study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWTF1SA7OVU

    Amanda's website to receive her monthly newsletter soon to include meditations, as well as to receive her free guide, "5 Principles to Be All In" https://www.amandamckoyflanagan.com/

    *Email your thoughts about this show or if you have an idea for another show to solrisingpodcast@gmail.com.

    *If you like this show, please subscribe, share, and leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review.

    Sol Rising is now also on YouTube. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/@thesolrisingpodcast

    Follow Sol Rising at https://www.instagram.com/solrisingpodcast/

    Follow Amanda at https://www.instagram.com/amandamckoyflanagan/ 

    Follow Ginny at https://www.instagram.com/theflippinphoenix/ 

    Ginny's furniture rehab website: https://theflippinphoenix.com/

    Get Amanda's book, Trust Yourself to Be All In at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C4M137BJ or https://www.amandamckoyflanagan.com/ 

    Music credit: "Surfer James" by Tom Deis. Source: Premiumbeats.com.


    Ticks: Lobsterbird Solo on Sacred Ground

    Ticks: Lobsterbird Solo on Sacred Ground

    In her first solo walk with us in months, Lobsterbird travels along a magical path lined with multi-colored mushrooms, catching us up on her adventures through the many realms of spirituality, entrepreneurship, pilgrimage, the quantum field and more. Join us on the border of the forest of the New Jersey Pine Barrens, where the New Jersey Devil is in fact said to live, as Lobsterbird faces parasitic hunters in order to return home with the healing elixir she discovered along her hero's journey.

    Leave us a Rating & Review!


    Your Creative Sparks:

    • COLLABORATE with FEAR. Think of it as a fun art project.
    • We are going through a real DEATH PERIOD right now, in which we will be REBIRTHED.
    • We are being asked to RAMP IT UP in our ability to deal with LETTING GO, SURRENDER AND FAITH.
    • POLARITY is like a FALSE MATRIX of thinking.

    Your Travelogue

    • It was about a year ago that I had a dark night of the soul that lasted like an entire year. Like it's just finished. There are many times throughout the course of the past year where I actually thought it was over, and then it just kept going. [1:49]
    • This is the magic spot, and when I was little, it was in this spot that I knew that I was crossing over the threshold into another realm, much like the bridge to Terabithia. [5:42]
    • Ticks. People are super scared of them because apparently they're hunters. [7:56]
    • I came home to birth some kind of energy baby. [9:19]
    • “I'm walking through the spiderwebs, leave a message and I'll call you back.” The way to collaborate with fear and make it an artistic project is to allow it to be there and make really creative choices with it. [15:55]
    • We are in this time right now where people are really being asked to step up and express their truth.  [25:31]
    • I am going to expose my own darkness and that's what this past year has been about. [30:04]
    • A thirty second walking meditation for crossing out of the weird donut hole. [41:49]
    • When the Buddhists were talking about duality and seeing through the illusion, I thought I knew what that meant. But the multiverse had to create this amazing obstacle course to really teach me what the Buddhists meant by duality. [43:45]
    • We are here, on the path in the woods to liberation. [46:54]
    • Because of our conscious awareness, we have an equal role in helping to sustain the planet, much as the planet does. What do you have to say to that, magic forest? [52:43]
    • There's a different way to do this y'all, and that's what we have to get to. And we'll only get there if we are investigating really deeply what our own energies are that are running under the surface. And then we must learn how to clear it and how to transmute it and how to turn it into something which then does give us power. [57:03]
    • I am convinced that we need new leaders to emerge in this world right now. [59:57]
    • It is possible to be in a state of beingness. And it actually doesn't matter if you're walking through a magical forest of your childhood or you're walking around on the streets in New York City amongst all the chaos. [1:02:52]
    • IRL Pilgrimages: Let's get enlightened. Purify our Karma. Heal our hearts and save some lives and build some elephant enclosures. It's going to be epic. [1:15:11]

    Links and resources:

    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, founder of Performance Podcasting, and presently practicing Earth Medicine in Vero Beach, Florida.

    For Free Energy Alignments from Sophia and to learn more about upcoming Hero’s Way Pilgrimages, visit: lobsterbird.com.



    The Co-Creation Project is our brand new jam! and we are inviting a small group of like-spirited beings to join.

    what the world needs right now are Light Warriors who are willing to go deep—to co-create from the quantum field of all potential and fully embody that energy here on earth. it’s not enough to say we’re spiritual, to spout off wisdom and/or meditate in a void. this world needs us to bring all this energy into a state of complete beingness, compassion, and interconnectedness with life, and see what new earth emerges from that kind of collaboration.

    we gotta walk our talk. it takes community willing to do the work together to learn to be together in new ways. we must become attuned to the earth and larger ecosystem—physically, intuitively, emotionally, and analytically—to train and develop this kind of intelligence. 

    this is full-on integration and birthing new ways of being. in The Co-Creation Project, we'll come together as a community, to unleash our creative power and tap into a new realm of collective inspired action. the result will be a social action art project that will add fire to all your other endeavors and ignite possibilities for your life that you’ve dreamt of.

    this next journey is going to be wild. it will be deeply healing and transformative. it will be the most rewarding work we can do.

    want to Co-Create together? we can do it from anywhere on the planet and all you need is an open heart. if you feel those spirit tingles, inquire: magic@lobsterbird.com

    we’ll see what it really means to BE together. from there, a new earth will arise.

    +++/or: want Lobsterbird to be your personal healer in 2020? what can't we heal together? (hint: nothing.) there’s one 1:1 spot open and it includes a personalized pilgrimage. woot! email for deetz:



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