
    About this Episode

    How is the month of September feeling for you? Hether shares the energetic themes that were channeled from the Akashic Records for the month of September. 

    Steady, Commitment, Flow, & Growth.

    Tune In and Turn Inward.

    Book an Akashic Record Reading or Healing Energy Session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic

    Recent Episodes from The Inward Guide

    New Year, New Energy. Holiday Reflections and What My 2024 Expression Will Be.

    New Year, New Energy. Holiday Reflections and What My 2024 Expression Will Be.

    Welcome 2024! Hether reflects on some big lessons she learned over the holidays, what her expression is for the year, and why it's so important to feel good in our bodies.

    Tune In and Turn Inward.

    Connect and book a session with Hether

    Akashic Record Readings w/Color Therapy

    1:1 Clarity Sessions

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide



    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic


    December 2023: Energetic Themes and Year End Reflections

    December 2023: Energetic Themes and Year End Reflections

    Hether shares the December Energy themes as channeled through the Akashic field.

    Preparation, Insight, Timing, and Launch.

    She shares her enthusiasm for a new water tool called the Analemma, reflects on the happenings from the past year, the word that she chose to embody for the year 2023 and how that all shook out. 

    Tune In and Turn Inward and let's prepare for 2024!

    Connect & Book a Session with Hether

    Akashic Record Readings w/ Color Prescription

    1:1 Clarity Sessions

    Purchase an Analemma Water Tool here use INWARDGUIDE10 code at checkout for 10% off

    Learn more about the Healy and purchase here 

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide



    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic


    A Conversation with Guy Blakeslee, Musician & Sound Healer of Third Eye Memories

    A Conversation with Guy Blakeslee, Musician & Sound Healer of Third Eye Memories

    Tune in as we sit in conversation with Guy Blakeslee, Musician & Sound Healer of Third Eye Memories.

    Guy shares his profound shift in 2020 as a result of an expected car accident, and waking up in a hospital as the world was entering a global pandemic! That moment would forever change his trajectory as a musician and send him along the path of solitude, introspection, and into the world of sound healing.

    He shares his in depth knowledge of sound, frequency, and working with energy to create Sonic Talismans and Electric Sound Baths. He recently hosted an Electric Sound Bath at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles and dives into what this entails. He shares his passion for materializing sound into cassette tapes and how this is such a beautiful way to bring spirit into matter.

    Guy breaks down binaural beats and how they work, the Pendulum effect, and his newly found love of coherent structured water! We discuss the use of psychedelic allies to support energetic shifts, why we no longer partake in substances, and how being calm and centered is the best way to help the collective.

    Listen in....Turn Inward.



    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonics

    Book a Session with Hether at The Inward Guide

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide

    November 2023: Energetic Themes

    November 2023: Energetic Themes

    Welcome November! Can you believe that 2023 is coming to a close? This month feels super potent as we are surrounded my magic numbers - 11/1, 11/11, 11/22 to carry us through this palpable energy. Take a dreep breath and settle in as Hether shares the 4 energetic themes for the month. 

    Surrender, Ease, Allow, & Integration.

    Tune In and Turn Inward.

    Hether also shares some new offerings & announcements at The Inward Guide.

    1:1 Clarity Sessions

    In Person Akashic Record Readings in Los Angeles. Saturday November 18th at Riverbank

    Grab a spot here. 

    Book an Akashic Record Reading or Healing Energy Session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic


    Why Healing Work is So Powerful, Working With Healing Tools, and Things I've Learned On My Healing Journey

    Why Healing Work is So Powerful, Working With Healing Tools, and Things I've Learned On My Healing Journey

    Healing work is the most important work that we can do. When we commit to healing ourselves, we connect to our Inward Guide and receive the guidance and support to move through any past trauma. Hether shares her insights on working with tools and energy healers and why they are excellent ways to support you along the journey. She also shares four main things that she has learned along her healing journey. When we heal ourselves we help to heal the collective.

    Tune In, Turn Inward, and share with others.

    Book an Akashic Record Reading or Healing Energy Session at theinwardguide.com

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic

    October 2023: Energetic Themes

    October 2023: Energetic Themes

    Hello October! We've officially started the 4th quarter of the year and the veil is thin. The spirit is world feels closer than usual, so what better time to feel connected to yourself and your Inward Guide. Hether shares the energetic themes for the month channeled from the Akashic Records. 

    Trust, Honor, Action, & Balance.

    Tune In and Turn Inward.

    Book an Akashic Record Reading or Healing Energy Session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic

    September 2023: Energetic Themes

    September 2023: Energetic Themes

    How is the month of September feeling for you? Hether shares the energetic themes that were channeled from the Akashic Records for the month of September. 

    Steady, Commitment, Flow, & Growth.

    Tune In and Turn Inward.

    Book an Akashic Record Reading or Healing Energy Session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before the Future - Lonesome Harmonic

    A Quick Story on Synchronicities, Messages, and Breaking Patterns While on a Weekend Getaway

    A Quick Story on Synchronicities, Messages, and Breaking Patterns While on a Weekend Getaway

    It's story time. Get comfortable while Hether shares what happened over a celebratory getaway with her partner.  So many synchronicities, messages, and downloads happened that she figured it was worth a share.

    Tune in and let's GO INWARD together.

    Book and Akashic Records Reading or Healing

    Energy session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on Instagram @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before The Future - Lonesome Harmonic

    A New Offering To Share at The Inward Guide

    A New Offering To Share at The Inward Guide

    Listen in as Hether shares what's been percolating in the past month and announces some exciting news over at The Inward Guide. Hether is offering Akashic Record Readings with Color Prescriptions, and Reiki Healing sessions. She tells us how this all transpired in the past month and how her inward journey and gifts have all shown up in divine timing.  Get inspired and book your energetic healing session!

    Tune in and let's GO INWARD together.

    Book a session at www.theinwardguide.com

    Follow on Instagram @theinwardguide


    Continuum - Jaime Jacobs

    Before The Future - Lonesome Harmonic


    Mothers Day Awareness and Why Womb Healing Is So Important

    Mothers Day Awareness and Why Womb Healing Is So Important

    Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers and Mother Figures out there.  In this episode Hether shares her story of a recent womb healing experience and why it's so important to heal our most sacred and creative container.

    Tune in...Turn Inward.

    Follow on IG @theinwardguide

    Connect with a healer at www.theinwardguide.com


    Koh Lantana - The Healing Process