
    Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, Hand Size Season And Guys On Chicks

    en-usFebruary 26, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Hand size measurement at NFL combine can indicate grip strength for QBsThe NFL combine hand size measurement for QBs can indicate grip strength, contributing to throwing accuracy and power.

      While the NFL combine and its focus on measurables like hand size can be mocked, it still provides valuable data for the evaluation of NFL prospects. The hand size of a quarterback, specifically, might be an indicator of grip strength, which is important for throwing accuracy and power. The measurement should focus on the distance between the thumb and index finger, rather than the pinky, as grip strength comes from that area. The combine should not be dismissed entirely, as it contributes to the overall assessment of a player's potential in the league.

    • Football player measurements and their impact on performanceWhile hand size and height can provide advantages, they are only one factor in evaluating a player's potential. Athleticism, skill, and decision-making also play crucial roles.

      While the specific measurements of a football player, such as hand size and height, may seem insignificant, they can still play a role in their performance on the field. The discussion touched upon how a larger hand can provide better grip in adverse conditions, and how height can give an advantage in seeing over the offensive line. However, there are exceptions, like smaller quarterbacks who have succeeded despite their stature. Ultimately, these measurements are just one factor in evaluating a player's potential, and other aspects like athleticism, skill, and decision-making should also be considered. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of intention and commitment from players, as shown by Joe Burrow's recent declaration to play for the Cincinnati Bengals, despite initial reservations.

    • The importance of a strong defense in footballStrong defenses can lead to championships, but having a transcendental offense is usually preferred due to the complexity of building a championship-winning defense. Recent Super Bowl winners like the Ravens and Buccaneers have shown that a strong defensive focus can still lead to success.

      While offense is important in football, defense plays a crucial role in winning championships. A GM was discussing the importance of having a strong defense, comparing it to the legendary defenses of the past like the 85 Bears and the early 2000 Ravens. He also mentioned that having a transcendental offense is usually better than having a very good defense due to the difficulty of putting together all the pieces on defense to make it championship-winning. However, having a strong defensive focus can still lead to success, as evidenced by recent Super Bowl winners like the Ravens and Buccaneers. Another interesting point made was that some coaches, like Joe Judge of the New York Giants, may prioritize pleasing their predecessors or emulating successful coaches in order to get hired, rather than having their own unique approach.

    • Hand size controversy for Jake FrommDespite impressive college career, Jake Fromm's draft position uncertain due to hand size controversy. He might be undervalued and could slip in draft unless he pays signing bonus to critics. Projected late 1st round/early 2nd.

      Jake Fromm, a quarterback prospect from Georgia, has been a subject of debate due to his small hand size. Despite his impressive college football career, his draft position has been uncertain due to this perceived weakness. However, some experts believe he might be undervalued and could slip in the draft unless he pays a signing bonus to his critics. Fromm reportedly responded to their comments with a dismissive attitude, adding fuel to the controversy. The exact draft position for Fromm remains uncertain, but he is projected to go late in the first round or early in the second. Some teams, like the Chicago Bears and Patriots, have been linked to him. Ultimately, the hand size controversy could impact Fromm's draft position, but it may not be the only factor in his NFL career.

    • Unexpected heroes in hockeyHeroes come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes emerging as unexpected reserves like David Ayers, the Zamboni driver turned NHL goalie. Their stories bring attention, appreciation, and emotion.

      Unexpected heroes can emerge in unexpected ways, even in professional sports. The story of David Ayers, the Zamboni driver turned emergency NHL goalie, is a great example of this. This phenomenon is unique to hockey, where an extra goalie is always kept in reserve and ready to step in if needed. The attention often shifts from the player to his wife or family member who becomes a social media sensation. These stories remind us that heroes come in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes they're right under our noses, just waiting for their moment to shine. Additionally, the discussion touched on the appreciation for emergency goalies and their unique stories, as well as the humor and emotion that came out of the Kobe Bryant tribute.

    • Discussing Kobe Bryant, Biden controversy, soccer chants, and OlympicsThe group discussed Kobe Bryant's speech, Biden's false claim, soccer chants ban, Olympics' potential cancellation, and made jokes about Dick Pound's name.

      During a recent conversation, the topic of Kobe Bryant's speech at the NBA awards and Shaq's reaction to it was discussed. The group also touched on the controversy surrounding Joe Biden's false claim about being arrested in South Africa and the ban on chants in a Japanese soccer club's stadium due to coronavirus concerns. Another topic was the impressive feat of the San Diego State University Jackrabbits women's basketball team, where all five starters made half-court shots in practice. However, the group's conversation took a serious turn when discussing the potential cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics due to the coronavirus outbreak. IOC member Dick Pound stated that organizers have until late May to get the virus under control or face a possible cancellation. The group also poked fun at the situation by making jokes about Dick Pound's name. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from sports to politics, with a mix of serious and humorous moments.

    • Unique names and athletic prowessPeople's attention is drawn to unique names and impressive athletic abilities. Starting the new year with a Peloton bike can help individuals improve their fitness regardless of their current level.

      People's attention is often drawn to names that stand out, and in the case of Dick Pound, his unique name has become a topic of discussion. This phenomenon was also seen when Magic Johnson revealed his HIV diagnosis, which brought more attention to the issue. Zion Williamson, on the other hand, has impressed many with his impressive athleticism, and if the rumors of his weight being over £300 are true, he could be considered the most impressive athlete of all time. Regarding fitness, starting the new year with a Peloton bike can be an effective way to get back into shape, regardless of one's fitness level. The bike offers thousands of classes and can help individuals reach their fitness goals.

    • Emphasizing Financial Health in BusinessMr. Wonderful prioritizes financial health and discipline, preferring to wait for strong cash flow and transparency before investing.

      Kevin O'Leary, also known as "Mr. Wonderful" from Shark Tank, emphasizes the importance of cash flow and financial health in business. He shared his experience of arriving early to a media day and being kept waiting, but instead of holding it against the hosts, he chose to air their interview in full the next day. O'Leary also criticized companies like WeWork for their cash flow issues and warned of potential disaster, stating that he only invests in businesses that have a strong financial foundation. He also mentioned his preference for receiving a physical check every month to keep track of the health of his investments. Overall, O'Leary's message highlights the significance of financial discipline and transparency in business success.

    • Assessing Sales Performance with Mr. WonderfulMeeting the head of sales before the CEO is a strategy to evaluate a company's sales performance and identify potential issues. Honesty, cash flow, and sales consistency are vital for business success.

      In the business world, there's no room for sugarcoating or false promises. Investors like Kevin O'Leary, also known as "Mr. Wonderful," prioritize honesty and transparency over feelings. He emphasizes the importance of generating cash flow and being consistent in sales. The most successful salespeople are those who deliver on their targets consistently, providing valuable insights into the business. O'Leary has a strategy of meeting the head of sales before the CEO to assess the company's sales performance and identify any potential issues. He believes that salespeople are essential to American business, and their consistency is crucial for business success. In essence, honesty, cash flow, and sales consistency are the keys to thriving in business.

    • Identifying Strong Leaders and Good OpportunitiesInvesting in good businesses and strong leaders, sensing potential through appearance and demeanor, and navigating economic ups and downs are crucial for successful investing and business.

      Successful investing and business involve identifying strong leaders and good opportunities. The speaker, a North American investor, emphasizes the importance of investing in good businesses and riding the economy's ups and downs. He shares his experiences of dealing with various governments and leaders, expressing his belief that weak leadership, like that of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, can negatively impact a country's economy. He also discusses his ability to sense a person's aura of success or failure within seconds of meeting them. In the context of the Shark Tank show, he explains how a pitcher's appearance and demeanor can indicate their potential for success. Overall, the speaker's insights highlight the significance of strong leadership and a winning mindset in achieving business success.

    • The importance of perseverance and an intriguing historical fact about nightcapsPersevere through setbacks and embrace historical facts, but be aware that some ideas may not be practical in modern times.

      The speaker values perseverance and believes that people should keep trying despite setbacks. He also shared an interesting historical fact about nightcaps and their origins in old England when people used them to keep warm in coal-fired bedrooms. However, he pointed out that the idea of nightcaps as a product is not practical or popular in modern times due to advancements in heating systems. The speaker also mentioned his ability to sense the strength or weakness of an idea based on the intensity of the presenter, a skill he has developed over the years. He shared a humorous example of how he once encountered someone in the street who had pitched him before appearing on Shark Tank, which he couldn't invest in due to game show laws. Overall, the speaker's conversation touched on themes of determination, history, and the quirks of entrepreneurship.

    • Making tough decisions for business growthSuccessful business leaders make difficult decisions, including hiring and firing employees, and invest resources to secure deals and maintain a competitive edge.

      Being a successful business leader requires tough decisions, even if they involve letting go of loved ones who aren't contributing to the company's growth. Hiring and firing employees is a crucial part of building a strong business culture and ensuring everyone shares the same vision. Additionally, being a successful businessperson often involves spending significant resources, such as money on business meals or investments in underperforming companies, to secure deals and maintain a competitive edge. Ultimately, being willing to make difficult decisions and invest in the success of the business is essential for long-term growth.

    • Acquiring customers through Shark Tank's massive viewershipBuilding genuine relationships with investors like Mark Cuban leads to long-term partnerships and business success.

      Acquiring customers at a cost lower than their lifetime value is crucial for business success, but difficult for most companies. Shark Tank provides a platform for businesses to acquire customers through its massive viewership, making it an attractive option for entrepreneurs. However, it's essential for entrepreneurs to build genuine relationships with investors like Mark Cuban, who can bring value beyond just financial investment. Cuban emphasizes the importance of due diligence and transparency, allowing potential partners to speak with his previous investees to build trust and confidence. Ultimately, the Shark Tank experience can lead to long-term partnerships and success for both the entrepreneur and the investor.

    • Unpredictability in Business and LifeSuccess requires adaptability and taking calculated risks, even in unpredictable business environments. Popular business locations like Delaware offer legal and tax advantages.

      The business world, like Shark Tank, can be unpredictable. Some seemingly great ideas may not succeed, while unexpected ones may surprise with their success. For instance, a potato with a face on it might seem ridiculous, but it could potentially make millions. Furthermore, the choice of incorporating a business in Delaware is driven by legal and tax considerations, making it a popular choice despite the business being based elsewhere. The business landscape is constantly evolving, with companies moving to states with favorable tax policies and lower costs of living. Even in the world of sports, allegiances can be fluid, with fans often cheering for the opposing team if they're from that area. Ultimately, success in business and life requires adaptability and a willingness to take calculated risks.

    • The Power of Self-Improvement and Male EnhancementPeople can enhance their lives and appearance through various means, including male enhancement products like 'Rounder Bum'. Self-improvement is about embracing equality and personal growth, even if it involves deception or augmentation.

      People have the power to make improvements in their lives and appearance through various means, even if it involves using augmentation or deception. The speaker shares an example of a missed opportunity in football and how it led him to consider the concept of male enhancement, specifically a product called "Rounder Bum." He discusses the unexpected popularity of the product among both straight and gay consumers and how it has become a successful business. The speaker also touches upon the idea of using props or accessories to enhance one's image, such as wearing a Harvard Business School ring without having attended the institution. He argues that this is not fraudulent as long as one does not claim to have the actual degree. The speaker's overall message is about embracing the desire for self-improvement and equality in the realm of physical appearance.

    • Creating Scarcity and Exclusivity for DesireSales techniques often involve scarcity and exclusivity to generate customer desire. Peloton uses challenging workouts and community, while Kevin O'Leary sold a unique tie and watch.

      Persuasive sales techniques often involve creating a sense of scarcity and exclusivity to make customers feel they need a product. Kevin O'Leary, in the interview, demonstrated this by selling a tie as the only one in the world and creating a desire for a unique watch. Similarly, Peloton uses challenging workouts and a sense of community to push users to improve and stay engaged. In the Bachelor discussion, Madison's desire for exclusivity led to tension during Fantasy Suite Week, highlighting the power of creating a sense of scarcity in various contexts.

    • Communication and honesty in relationships and sportsClear communication and honesty are crucial in any relationship or professional setting to avoid misunderstandings and potential consequences.

      Communication and honesty are key components in any relationship, even in the unconventional context of the Bachelor show. Contestant Hannah B made a bold move by declaring exclusivity without having slept together yet, but she failed to communicate her virginity to Pete, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, in the sports world, radio host Tony Grossi made a public gaffe about Cleveland Browns quarterback Baker Mayfield, resulting in backlash and potential consequences for his career. The incident highlights the importance of careful words and respectful communication in both personal and professional settings.

    • Preparation and focus are key to successSuccess requires preparation and focus, as demonstrated by Tyson Fury's victory over Deontay Wilder and the importance of rest and conservation of energy, as seen in nature and in sports.

      Preparation and focus are key to success, whether it's in a boxing ring or in life. Tyson Fury exemplified this by putting in the necessary effort to defeat Deontay Wilder, while Wilder's lack of preparation and focus led to his defeat. The discussion also touched upon the importance of rest and conservation of energy, as exemplified by the grizzly bear's hibernation habits. In the realm of soccer, the coach of FCSB in Romania made headlines for urging his players to abstain from sex to improve their performance. Lastly, the conversation included some light-hearted advice for bridesmaids, including being a personal shopper, securing the bag, and filling the dance floor when it's empty. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being prepared, focused, and present in various aspects of life.

    • Discussing pressures and challenges in relationships and social situationsGroup shared creative solutions to hiding snacks from significant others and ended a long-standing debate about Campbell's Chunky soup moms

      Relationships and social situations can come with their own unique pressures and challenges. During a discussion about the experiences of being a bridesmaid and dealing with groomsmen, the topic shifted to hiding snacks from significant others. The group also debated on the best Campbell's Chunky soup mom, leading to a contentious argument. Despite the various issues and disagreements, the group remained lighthearted and found creative solutions to their problems. In the end, they all looked forward to the upcoming combine event. Regarding the bridesmaid's dilemma, she clarified that she had no intention of hooking up with any groomsmen. Another topic arose when discussing a boyfriend's habit of hiding snacks from his short girlfriend. The group suggested various ways to hide food from him, such as putting it in low places or inside books. The conversation then moved on to a long-standing argument between two listeners about which Campbell's Chunky soup mom, Missus McNabb or Missus Davis, was superior. Despite not having all the details, the group sided with Missus McNabb, and the debaters agreed to end their argument. The episode concluded with the group looking forward to the upcoming combine event in Indianapolis.

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

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    Greg Olsen, Celtics Take Game 2, SCF G1 And Vanny Woodhead Is Back

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/PardonMyTake

    Pardon My Take
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