
    Shema AM - Yom Kippur Twin Goats Fulfilled in Messiah Part 1 (10/05/2011)

    en-usOctober 08, 2011

    About this Episode

    In this show on October 5th 2011, Maria taught about the instructions for Yom Kippur found in Leviticus 16 and how our Messiah Yahuwshuwa fulfilled the pattern of the Twin Goats for Yom Kippur. See Maria’s blog entitled: “The Twin Goats on Yom Kippur Fulfilled in Yahuwshuwa Messiah.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/twin-goats-on-yom-kippur-fulfilled-in_25.html

    Recent Episodes from Maria Merola's Podcasts

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    Faith Radio: Twelve Identifiers of the Beast (02/20/2013)
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    Maria Merola Interviewed on American Voice Radio (03/04/2012)
    On February 15th Pastor Dan Catlin interviewed Jim Staley about his teaching called “Identity Crisis” and Jim also spoke about the seed of Abraham and the “Two Houses of Yisra’el.” In Part 2 of this episode called “The Real Seed of Abraham,” Dan Catlin interviewed Maria Merola who has spent 31 years studying scripture and is called to be a watchman to the house of Yisra’el. Pastor Dan brought Maria back to “American Voice Radio” to also shed some light on this very same subject as a sequel to Jim Staley’s discussion. See Maria’s related blog entitled: “What is the Double Portion Inheritance?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/what-is-double-portion-inheritance_17.html Pastor Dan Catlin’s websites are below: http://www.prophecyhour.com http://www.wichitahomeless.com

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    Shema AM – Paleo Hebrew & Puwriym (02/22/2012)
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    On February 15th Dan Catlin interviewed Jim Staley about his teaching called “Identity Crisis” and Jim also spoke about the seed of Abraham and the “Two Houses of Yisra’el.” In Part 1 of this episode called “The Real Seed of Abraham,” Dan Catlin interviewed Maria Merola who has spent 31 years studying scripture and is called to be a watchman to the house of Yisra’el. Pastor Dan invited Maria back to American Voice Radio to also shed some light on this very same subject as a sequel to Jim Staley’s discussion. See Maria’s related blog entitled: “What is the Double Portion Inheritance?” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/05/what-is-double-portion-inheritance_17.html Pastor Dan Catlin’s websites are below: http://www.prophecyhour.com http://www.wichitahomeless.com

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    In this episode Maria did a teaching on how to approach the throne room in heaven by understanding that the furniture pieces in the Tabernacle are laid out in the shape of a cross. Each piece of furniture takes us into a deeper revelation of the Messiah YaHuWShuWA. Find out how to approach the king as we are seated in heavenly places with him. Also see Maria’s blog below entitled: “The Effectual Fervent Prayer of the Righteous Avails Much: A Pattern of Prayer in the Tabernacle Entrances.” http://doubleportioninheritance.blogspot.com/2011/01/effectual-fervent-prayer-of-righteous.html