
    Shocking New Allegations About FBI Corruption (Ep 2045)

    enJuly 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Avoiding Physical Confrontations and Supporting ValuesApologize in misunderstandings, back companies with values, and protect privacy with ExpressVPN

      It's important to avoid physical confrontations and instead, apologize and move on. Dan Bongino shared a story about a man who nearly got into a fight with a UFC fighter due to a misunderstanding, emphasizing the potential danger of such situations. Additionally, Bongino encouraged listeners to support companies that align with their values, like Blackout Coffee, and take a stand against tech giants tracking and selling personal data by using ExpressVPN. The show also featured discussions on current events, including testimony from Chris Wray, head of the FBI, and incidents involving Marjorie Taylor Greene.

    • Awareness of potential dangers and challenging discriminatory viewsRecognize the existence of individuals and groups who can cause harm, and challenge discriminatory views towards certain communities, particularly towards Black Americans, to promote equality and progress.

      There are individuals and groups who can pose serious physical harm, and it's essential to be aware of potential dangers. Additionally, there's a growing concern about open racism and paternalistic attitudes towards certain communities, particularly towards Black Americans, being openly expressed by some on the political left. They allegedly believe that Black Americans cannot do certain things for themselves, such as getting into college, choosing schools for their children, or figuring out how to vote. These attitudes are concerning, as they perpetuate stereotypes and hinder equality and progress. It's crucial to challenge and speak out against such divisive and discriminatory views.

    • Political Figures' Disparaging Remarks Towards Black AmericansPolitical figures' comments towards black Americans are being criticized as racist and discriminatory, with the debate focusing on school choice, entrepreneurship, and voter ID laws. Critics argue these policies are meant to suppress and marginalize, while some deny the accusations and stress the need for greater understanding and inclusion.

      Certain political figures and commentators have made disparaging remarks towards specific communities, particularly black Americans, implying they are incapable of making informed decisions or achieving success without external help. These comments, made by Democrats, are being criticized as racist and discriminatory. The ongoing debate revolves around issues like school choice, entrepreneurship, and voter ID laws. Critics argue that these policies are not intended to benefit the communities in question, but rather to suppress and marginalize them. The accusations of racism are being denied by some, while others acknowledge the need for greater understanding and inclusion. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and nuanced nature of race relations in modern society and the importance of fostering open dialogue and mutual respect.

    • Success is unique and multifaceted, not based on race or ethnicity alonePersonal determination, hard work, and support are essential for success, regardless of race or ethnicity. Avoid assumptions and recognize the importance of providing resources to those who need it.

      There's a persistent narrative from certain political figures that affirmative action is the only reason certain individuals, particularly those of color, have achieved success. However, as some individuals in this discussion have shared, they were able to overcome adversity and succeed despite the challenges they faced, not because of affirmative action. Instead, they emphasized the importance of personal determination, hard work, and the support of resources when needed. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey to success is unique and multifaceted, and it's crucial to avoid making assumptions based on race or ethnicity. Additionally, it's important to recognize the importance of providing resources and support to those who need it to overcome barriers and succeed, rather than stigmatizing them based on their race or ethnicity.

    • Perception vs. Reality: Addressing Misconceptions about Access to Services and TechnologyPeople face challenges in accessing essential services and technology not because of their race or background, but often due to lack of resources or knowledge. Welfare programs can perpetuate issues instead of solving them, and addressing root causes is crucial for meaningful progress.

      The perception of certain communities facing challenges in accessing essential services and technology is misguided. The speaker emphasized that people, regardless of race or background, can navigate their way to the DMV and use the internet. However, they may lack the necessary resources or knowledge to do so effectively. The welfare system was also criticized for creating problems and then attempting to solve them through government intervention, rather than addressing the root causes. Thomas Sowell's debate with Helen O'Banyan was highlighted as an example of starting the story in the middle and ignoring the role of welfare programs in perpetuating issues. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that there are complex solutions to societal issues and that starting from a place of understanding and addressing the root causes is essential for meaningful progress.

    • Hearing at Capitol Hill: Marjorie Taylor Greene accuses COVID scientist of potential cover-upEvidence suggests potential cover-up of lab leak origin of COVID-19 at Wuhan Institute of Virology, raising concerns about Chinese government's role in pandemic spread.

      During a recent hearing at Capitol Hill, Marjorie Taylor Greene accused a COVID scientist of potentially covering up the lab leak origin of the virus. The scientist, Christian Anderson, seemed unaware of the evidence presented by Greene, which included the fact that several researchers at the lab in Wuhan, China fell ill before the first reported cases of COVID-19, and that the lab had been conducting dangerous gain-of-function research since at least 2016. Despite this evidence, the US government and global health authorities were prevented from accessing the lab and interviewing the sick researchers by the Chinese government. The lab in question, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, had a close relationship to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and had published records of gain-of-function research, funded in part by US grants. The lack of transparency and the potential cover-up of the lab leak origin raises serious concerns about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of the Chinese government in the spread of the virus. The hearing comes as the US government continues to face criticism for its handling of the pandemic and its response to misinformation. The good news is that this information is being exposed daily, and people are growing tired of the misinformation and the lack of transparency.

    • Lab Origin of COVID-19: Debate ContinuesThe debate over whether COVID-19 originated naturally or in a lab continues, with some evidence suggesting a possible lab origin but no definitive answers

      Despite evidence suggesting a possible lab origin of COVID-19 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, some continue to push the theory of a natural origin. This includes allegations of secret military activity and collaboration with the Chinese military, as well as instances of researchers at the lab falling ill with COVID-19 symptoms before the outbreak. However, skeptics argue that these incidents could have alternative explanations. The IC has assessed that the available information does not definitively support or refute either hypothesis. Regardless, the name of the lab and the disease being identical raises suspicions, as does the fact that researchers at the lab were unable or unwilling to provide clear answers about how they may have contracted the virus. The debate continues, with some pointing to the lab as the likely source and others dismissing these concerns as mere coincidence.

    • Criticism towards modern liberals and tyrantsThe speaker criticized certain individuals for their beliefs, labeling them as modern liberals and tyrants. The discussion also touched on the issue of disinformation and the importance of taking control of children's education and investing in high-quality pillows for better sleep.

      During the discussion, the speaker expressed strong criticism towards certain individuals and their beliefs, specifically labeling them as modern liberals and tyrants. The speaker also highlighted the issue of disinformation and its promotion by certain individuals, using the example of Barb McQuaid. The speaker also took the opportunity to promote educational programs and pillows during the broadcast. The tone of the discussion was critical and humorous, with the speaker making light of the situations and individuals mentioned. The speaker also encouraged listeners to take control of their children's education and invest in high-quality pillows for better sleep. Overall, the discussion touched on various topics, but the underlying theme was the criticism of certain beliefs and the promotion of alternative solutions.

    • FBI's censorship operation at Ukrainian spy agency's requestThe FBI's involvement in silencing Americans through censorship at the request of a foreign government raises concerns about our constitutional rights and democratic values.

      The FBI's involvement in pressuring social media giants to censor Americans engaged in constitutionally protected speech, at the request of the Ukrainian spy agency, raises serious concerns about the constitutionality and integrity of our government. This latest revelation adds to the growing body of evidence that the upper management of the FBI poses a clear and present danger to the United States. The fact that our tax dollars are being used to fund this censorship operation, while American voices are being silenced, only adds to the outrage. It's essential to remember that we are a constitutional republic, and a politicized law enforcement agency with the power to censor and infringe on our freedoms is not compatible with a free society. The FBI's actions, in collusion with a foreign government, undermine the very foundation of our democracy.

    • FBI's collaboration with foreign governments against Americans raises concernsThe FBI's involvement in foreign governments' actions against Americans infringes on civil liberties and American sovereignty, and highlights the need for transparency and accountability in government actions.

      The FBI's involvement in foreign governments' actions against Americans raises serious concerns about civil liberties and the rule of law. During the discussion, it was revealed that the FBI had demanded Twitter to take down certain accounts, and the FBI was working with foreign governments in the context of the Ukraine situation. This collaboration between the FBI and foreign governments against Americans is concerning, as it infringes on the First Amendment and the principle of American sovereignty. Furthermore, there are ongoing debates about the wisdom of admitting Ukraine into NATO, with some arguing that it could lead to a more significant U.S. involvement in the war in Ukraine. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of transparency and accountability in government actions and the potential risks of blurring the lines between domestic and foreign policy.

    • FBI's questionable actions raise concerns of bias and suppressionThe FBI's handling of cases raises concerns of potential bias, collusion, and suppression of information, with inconsistent treatment of individuals under investigation and apparent disregard for American freedoms.

      The FBI's actions raise serious concerns about potential bias, collusion, and suppression of information. The discussion highlights instances where the FBI has been accused of censoring American accounts, suppressing COVID-related information, and protecting individuals under investigation, while seemingly turning a blind eye to potential wrongdoing by the Biden family. The inconsistency in how the FBI handles cases, such as the treatment of Gal Luff compared to Hunter Biden, further adds to these concerns. The FBI's actions call into question its commitment to upholding the Constitution and protecting American freedoms. The fact that the FBI is obtaining information from individuals who may be considered "bad guys" underscores the importance of considering all available information, regardless of the source.

    • FBI's handling of potential whistleblower raises concernsThe speaker expresses skepticism towards the FBI's investigation of a potential whistleblower and calls for transparency, while urging the FBI to verify information before making decisions on credibility.

      The speaker expresses skepticism towards the Biden administration's handling of a potential whistleblower and raises concerns about the credibility of the FBI's investigation. He argues that the way the information was released last week has sparked interest from Congress and the public, potentially allowing the whistleblower to come forward and testify. The speaker also shares his experience in law enforcement and explains that the FBI has the option to verify the information before making a decision on its credibility. He criticizes the FBI for not doing so and accuses them of making a mockery of the system. The speaker also expresses his frustration with the FBI director and calls for his resignation. He encourages his audience to stay informed and to follow him on various platforms for updates on the situation.

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    If you like the podcast, please share with a friend, family member and most important, a person of a different race.