
    Shocking New Details About The Biden Crime Family (Ep 1866)

    enOctober 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden family's dealings with China and the FBIThe FBI's interaction with Tony Bob Alinsky, a Biden family business partner, raises questions about potential bias and the Biden family's connections to China and its Communist Party. Protect your online privacy with a VPN.

      During a recent interview on Tucker Carlson's show, Tony Bob Alinsky, a business partner of the Biden family, revealed deeply disturbing information about the Biden administration's dealings with China and the FBI. Alinsky spoke about his interaction with the FBI after discussing Biden's corruption prior to the election. The FBI agent assigned to his case was Timothy Tebow, who had publicly criticized former President Trump on social media. This raises questions about potential bias within the FBI and highlights the Biden family's connections to China and its Communist Party. Another important takeaway is the need for online privacy protection. With companies controlling a significant portion of online retail and internet searches, personal data is being exploited. Using a VPN like ExpressVPN can help protect your privacy by hiding your IP address and encrypting your internet data.

    • Allegations of FBI bias during 2020 election investigationsThe FBI's handling of investigations into alleged Biden family corruption and Facebook's suppression of a related story raised concerns about political targeting and bias, leading to calls for the agency's disbandment.

      During the 2020 presidential election, an individual named Tony Bob Alinsky claimed that the FBI, while investigating alleged Biden family corruption involving international payoffs, assigned an anti-Trump agent to the case. This agent, Tim Tebow, reportedly had important intel from whistleblowers but allegedly did not follow up or pursue the investigation further. Alinsky's lawyers had multiple communications with Tebow, but no further action was taken. Meanwhile, the FBI raided a pro-life activist's home for a dismissed charge. The FBI's handling of the investigation raised concerns about political targeting and bias, leading some to call for the agency's disbandment. The situation worsened when it was reported that Facebook suppressed a story about Joe Biden and Hunter Biden's alleged involvement with a Chinese Communist Party-connected company. These incidents fueled criticisms that the FBI was prioritizing political opponents over legitimate investigations.

    • Facebook and Twitter suppressed distribution of NY Post article on Biden allegationsTech companies' power to influence elections raises concerns with lack of verification and transparency

      During the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Facebook and Twitter suppressed the distribution of a New York Post article regarding allegations of corruption involving then-candidate Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The article contained emails that were claimed to be authentic, but neither Facebook nor Twitter reached out to the email's sender, Tony Bob Olinsky, for verification. Olinsky alleged that Joe Biden was the "chairman" of the Biden family's business ventures and had met with him multiple times. If similar allegations had involved a member of the opposing party, there would likely have been significant consequences. This incident highlights the power and influence these tech companies hold and their potential impact on elections. The lack of due diligence and transparency raises concerns about the impartiality and accountability of these platforms.

    • Speaker's Criticism Towards Fact-Checking OrganizationsThe speaker believes fact-checking organizations are biased, incompetent, and have significant consequences on important issues.

      The speaker expresses strong criticism towards fact-checking organizations, labeling them as "douche canoes," "political bouncers and operatives," and "disgraced human beings." They believe these organizations are biased towards the left and fail to fact-check important statements, such as Joe Biden's denial of his son's business dealings with a Chinese Communist Party-connected company. The speaker also criticizes a specific fact-checker, Jakob Reyes, for being "dumb" and "misled," and accuses him of fact-checking Ron DeSantis' statement about Lee County's evacuation status inaccurately. The speaker also criticizes PolitiFact for fact-checking DeSantis' statement as "mostly false," while ignoring similar comments made by the FEMA administrator under the Biden administration. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that fact-checking organizations are incompetent and biased, and their actions have significant consequences on important issues.

    • Media bias against Ron DeSantisSpeaker criticizes media for focusing on controversies of political figures like Ron DeSantis, while ignoring their leadership skills. Encourages listeners to consider protecting savings with gold through Birch Gold.

      The speaker expresses frustration with the media's fact-checking of political figures and their perceived bias against certain politicians like Ron DeSantis. He believes that DeSantis has shown strong leadership, particularly in Florida during a difficult situation, but the media focuses on his alleged controversies instead. The speaker also expresses concern over the economic impact of inflation and encourages listeners to protect their savings with gold through Birch Gold. Additionally, he criticizes the New York Times for perceived biases and mistakes in their reporting.

    • Caution and fact-checking in information consumptionAlways be cautious and fact-check information, especially on controversial topics or sources. Don't make assumptions or judgments without solid evidence.

      It's important to be cautious and fact-check information, especially when it comes to controversial topics or sources. The speaker expressed gratitude for Birch Gold, a company that has been in business for nearly 20 years and has positive customer reviews. They recommend Henry Repeating Arms for rifle and shotgun purchases due to their quality, craftsmanship, and variety. However, the conversation took a turn towards a New York Times article and the speaker's commentary on it. They accused the New York Times of hiding their own reporting from 2012 and dismissed a recent article as a "clown show" due to its allegations against a small American election software company, Conek, for having secret ties to the Chinese Communist Party. The speaker labeled the article as a conspiracy theory and mocked the author. The next day, an election software executive and his firm, Conect, were arrested on suspicion of theft, and data stored in China was found, which violated their contract with the county. The speaker's accusations against the New York Times and Conek seemed to be premature and without solid evidence. It's crucial to be informed but also to verify information from reliable sources before making assumptions or judgments.

    • Segregation and Exclusion under Liberal PoliciesLiberal policies and ideologies can inadvertently lead to practices akin to segregation and exclusion, causing harm and division rather than unity and inclusion.

      Liberal policies and ideologies, as described by the speaker, can lead to practices akin to segregation and exclusion, which the speaker argues is a harmful and negative thing. The speaker uses examples from various sources, including bumper stickers, university events, and news articles, to illustrate this point. He argues that these practices, which he sees as a return of segregation, can cause harm and division rather than unity and inclusion. The speaker expresses his concern about this trend and encourages listeners to consider the potential negative consequences of such policies and ideologies.

    • Speaker identifies rich white liberals as most racist in USSpeaker believes rich white liberals' racist attitudes contribute to Democratic Party losing voter groups, promotes RockAuto.com, and expresses concern over proposed credit card bill's potential data security risks

      Rich white liberals, as described by the speaker, have been identified as the most racist people in the United States according to personal observations. The speaker expresses astonishment over the loss of certain voter groups, including Hispanics and independents, by the Democratic Party, and attributes it to the racist attitudes of rich white liberals. The speaker also promotes RockAuto.com as a reliable source for auto parts and encourages listeners to support the business. Additionally, the speaker expresses concern over a proposed credit card bill in Congress, arguing that it could put consumer data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks.

    • Political Landscape and Upcoming ElectionsThe political climate is divisive, and the outcome of upcoming elections could significantly impact the direction of the country. Voting is essential to make a difference and stay informed.

      The political landscape is complex and filled with nuance, as evidenced by the ongoing debate surrounding the competence and effectiveness of the current administration. While some view figures like Karine Jean-Pierre as incompetent and dishonest, others see her as a skilled communicator. Regardless of personal opinions, it's clear that the political climate is divisive, and the outcome of the upcoming elections could significantly impact the direction of the country. The stakes are high, as control of the Senate could mean the difference between having a voice in shaping legislation or being relegated to the sidelines. The importance of voting cannot be overstated, as it is one of the most effective ways to make a difference in a fallible world. Additionally, the current political climate has left some senators considering retirement due to the prospect of serving in the minority, which could further complicate matters. Ultimately, it's essential to stay informed and engaged in the political process, as the outcome of elections can have far-reaching consequences.

    • Democrats' urban concentration may give Republicans an edge in House racesDespite a closer lead in House polling, Democrats' urban voter base and Republican even distribution could lead to GOP House control

      The Democrats' lead in the generic congressional ballot, despite being closer to even on the House side due to polling bias, gives Republicans an advantage because Democrats tend to congregate in cities and waste votes in areas where they already have a stronghold, while Republicans are more evenly spread out. This means that Republicans have a higher likelihood of winning the necessary 51 seats to take control of the House. Additionally, the ongoing studies about the vaccine, which the speaker expresses concern about due to his own negative experience, could have significant implications for public health and policy.

    • New studies question COVID-19 vaccine effectivenessTwo studies suggest vaccines may not prevent COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations, or deaths, challenging the belief in their effectiveness

      Two new studies have raised concerns about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, with one suggesting negative efficacy, meaning individuals who have been vaccinated may be more likely to contract the virus than those who have not. Another study indicates that the vaccines may not protect against death or critical illness, as data shows the overwhelming number of COVID-related deaths are among the vaccinated population. These findings challenge the common belief that vaccines are an effective tool to prevent COVID-19 and its complications. It's crucial to stay informed about evolving science and data, despite efforts to silence alternative perspectives.

    • The 2008 financial crisis: Risky mortgages and unregulated swapsThe 2008 financial crisis was caused by risky mortgages and unregulated credit default swaps, leading to a domino effect of negative events and the collapse of major financial institutions.

      The 2008 financial crisis was primarily caused by risky mortgage loans given to people who couldn't pay them back. These loans were then packaged into various debt instruments and protected by credit default swaps. When the housing market began to falter, the cost of these swaps increased, indicating that something was amiss. This led to a domino effect of negative events, including the collapse of companies like Lehman Brothers and Credit Suisse, and the housing market crisis of 2009. The unregulated credit default swaps market played a significant role in exacerbating the crisis. Today, we are seeing warning signs of potential housing market and economic instability, including rising credit default swaps and increasing home prices, which could lead to another crisis. It's important to remember the lessons of the past and be mindful of the risks associated with complex financial instruments and unregulated markets.

    • Rent control's failed attempt to address housing issuesRent control discourages new housing development, leading to a housing shortage and increased prices.

      Rent control, as a price control measure implemented by the government, has consistently failed to produce the intended results. The discussion highlighted the experience of St. Paul, which attempted rent control and subsequently saw a significant decrease in residential building permits. Developers were discouraged from building apartments due to the lack of financial incentives, leading to a housing shortage. This phenomenon is not new and has been observed numerous times throughout history. Despite the well-known consequences, some policymakers continue to advocate for price controls as a solution to housing affordability issues. However, the economic reality consistently demonstrates that such measures are ineffective and often result in decreased supply and increased demand, ultimately harming the very population they aim to help.

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