
    SHOT Show Wrap - Talking with Guns and Gadgets Jared Yanis (006)

    enJanuary 28, 2022

    About this Episode

    The 2022 44th NSSF SHOT Show is now in the books. This was Rob's 25th SHOT Show. (It was cancelled in 2021). No surprise, there were some changes this year. 

    In this special episode of The Rob Pincus Podcast, Rob talks with Guns and Gadgets' Jared Yanis about the changes, updates and their overall impressions of this year's SHOT Show.

    Guns and Gadgets reports on threats to the 2nd Amendment. No matter what part of the United States you live in, Guns & Gadgets is your PREMIER source for 2nd Amendment news.

    You can follow Guns and Gadgets on the following outlets:

    Listen as Rob talks to these industry professionals and follow/subscribe to the Podcast today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Recent Episodes from The Rob Pincus Podcast

    Preventing Unauthorized Firearm Access and the Pending NRA Elections (013)

    Preventing Unauthorized Firearm Access and the Pending NRA Elections (013)

    In today’s Training Segment, Rob discusses what he feels is a gun owner’s most important responsibility: Preventing unauthorized access to your firearm. Is that what you thought he was going to say? Then in the Politics & Gun Rights Segment, Rob discusses the upcoming election of officers at the annual NRA conference Memorial Day weekend.

    Which individuals does Rob’s believe should be prevented from unauthorized access to your firearms? Listen for the complete details behind these considerations:  

    1. Individuals who do not know how to safely operate a firearm
    2. Individuals with malicious intent
    3. Individuals without the mental capacity to understand the possible negative outcomes of firearms use
    4. Individuals who are physically incapable of operating a firearm
    5. Individuals with impaired judgement or perception. 

    Memorial Day weekend, the NRA meets in Houston to elect a new board members and EVP. Wayne LaPierre has been driving the organization for years and now a serious contender for the position. Allen West announced he will run to replace LaPierre  in order to “restore the honor, integrity and character” of the NRA after years of abuse, embarrassment, financial struggles and suits. The failings and mismanagement of the NRA for personal gain by the LaPierre reign were detailed in the second season of the Gangster Capitalism podcast.

    Rob talked with Allen West and discusses that conversation and what he feels about West’s run to replace LaPierre. In addition, Rob outlines the Second Amendment Organization’s Top Five Reform Goals to improve the National Rifle Association.

    If you liked what you heard today, share it with a friend and subscribe/follow today!

    Thank you for listening!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast Training Segment is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives.

    The Politics segment is brought to you by the Second Amendment Organization. 2AO is a nonprofit, non-political, grassroots organization with a focus on engaging, educating, and equipping all shooters, firearms owners and pro-Second Amendment businesses in order to protect and preserve the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and to connect pro-Second Amendment businesses with like-minded consumers. 2AO’s very large support base of businesses and individuals from both sides of the political aisle, highlight its diverse community of responsible gun owners in America. Check them out today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Thoughts on the New ATF Rules (012)

    Thoughts on the New ATF Rules (012)

    On April 26, the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) released new rules to remove and replace the regulatory definitions of ‘‘firearm frame or receiver’’ and ‘‘frame or receiver’’ because the current regulations fail to capture the full meaning of those terms. The ATF’s is also refining definitions of ‘‘firearm’’ and ‘‘gunsmith’’ to clarify the meaning of those terms, plus other terms in order to keep up with current advances in gun-making.

    You can find the full text of the new ruling here: https://www.atf.gov/rules-and-regulations/rulemaking

    In today's extended Politics Segment of episode, Rob provides his thoughts and insights after reviewing all 364 pages of the document. (Just a note... not ALL 364 pages are new rules.) Rob breaks down the rules, removing hype and sensationalism. Should you be concerned? 

    In today's Education Segment, Rob talks about the realities of using a kit gun as your primary self defensive weapon. Is it a good idea? What should you be concerned about? Are there added liability concerns?

    Big topics today required an episode twice as long as normal!

    If you liked what you heard today, share it with a friend and subscribe/follow today!

    Thank you for listening!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast Training Segment is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives.

    The Politics segment is brought to you by the Second Amendment Organization. 2AO is a nonprofit, non-political, grassroots organization with a focus on engaging, educating, and equipping all shooters, firearms owners and pro-Second Amendment businesses in order to protect and preserve the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and to connect pro-Second Amendment businesses with like-minded consumers. 2AO’s very large support base of businesses and individuals from both sides of the political aisle, highlight its diverse community of responsible gun owners in America. Check them out today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Armed Home Defense and Defending Property (011)

    Armed Home Defense and Defending Property (011)

    In this week's episode, Rob talks about Armed Home Defense in the Training Segment and Defending Property in the Politics Segment.

    Armed Home Defense is build upon basic defensive skills with attention to specific actions focused on protecting your life and the lives of your loved one. Preparation includes knowing how to use your weapon in your home, where there are bedrooms, or even the living spaces where your loved ones may be located. In other words, know your home. How long are the hallways. Where is there cover and not just concealment? Where do you have defensive equipment stored? Where is a safe location to evade?

    Next are the tactics for Armed Home Defense. How do these differ from those used on the street or other public locations? Rob reviews the five tactics of Evade, Barricade, Arm, Communicate and Respond

    Knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones in a known location (not always in your home) is an important skill with specialized tactics. You can learn more by reviewing the information at Personal Defense Network, including the DVD set, "Home Security and Defense".

    You can learn more about the Three C's of Communication Rob refers to here: https://www.personaldefensenetwork.com/video/three-cs-coordinated-defense-013026/

    The Politics Segment on Property Defense is closely aligned with defending your home, but they are not interchangeable terms nor do they have interchangeable meanings. Defending property (such as your house, car, truck or even laptop) is typically not something States see as warranting an armed response. Rob discusses the challenges and considerations  you must make when faced with this situation. It is most likely not what you think.

    If you liked what you heard today, share it with a friend and subscribe/follow today!

    Thank you for listening!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast Training Segment is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives.

    The Politics segment is brought to you by the Second Amendment Organization. 2AO is a nonprofit, non-political, grassroots organization with a focus on engaging, educating, and equipping all shooters, firearms owners and pro-Second Amendment businesses in order to protect and preserve the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and to connect pro-Second Amendment businesses with like-minded consumers. 2AO’s very large support base of businesses and individuals from both sides of the political aisle, highlight its diverse community of responsible gun owners in America. Check them out today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Optics for Self Defense and Randy Miyan on Liberal Gun Owners Org (010)

    Optics for Self Defense and Randy Miyan on Liberal Gun Owners Org (010)

    In today's Training Segment, Rob discusses the recent surge of 'red dot optics' appearing on factory pistols. Is this good? Is it bad? It's cool, but is it right for self defensive, carry pistols? Are they all made the same or are there features to look for or to avoid? 

    Next in the Politics Segment, Rob talks with Randy Miyan, CEO of Liberal Gun Owners. LGO was created to address the general belief that all gun owners are violence obsessed, deviants who can only be understood through "criminal and epidemiological studies of gun violence". And that all Liberals are far left, Democrats and pacifists. Randy discusses with Rob LGO's work and commitment to gun rights and public safety.

    LGO's has a regular blog and resource site, called LGO Lens as well as a podcast. Check them out today!

    If you liked what you heard today, share it with a friend and subscribe/follow today!

    Thank you for listening!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Training v. Practice and Gun Makers Match (009)

    Training v. Practice and Gun Makers Match (009)

    What's the difference between practice and training? In this week's Training Segment, Rob explores the difference and why both are important, but why the terms are not interchangeable. 

    Next in the Politics Segment, Rob talks with Edgar Antillon about Guns For Everyone and Guns for Everyone National. Edgar runs free CCW training in Colorado and is actively involved in the National GFE organization. As you can expected, free training runs against the belief of some trainers, but Edgar believes training should be available for anyone who wants to know how to safely handle firearms. The local sheriff has attempted to block the training, but has backed down facing the prospect of losing the legal challenge. Listen to this discussion on free training!

    Edgar AntillonFinally, Rob recently participated in a Colorado Gun Makers meeting and match. In today's extended episode, Rob talks with three different builders while they assemble their 80% kits about why they were there, what they think about building their own weapons and why they find it important.

    Listen as Rob talks to these builders and follow/subscribe to the Podcast today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Universal Background Checks and Handloading Ammunition (008)

    Universal Background Checks and Handloading Ammunition (008)

    In today's Politics Segment, Rob discusses the issue of Universal Background Checks.  Why are 'Universal Background Checks' a bad idea? Is it an infringement to our 2nd Amendment rights? Could it lead to the end of private firearms sales? To government confiscation of your arms? These are important points to consider. You can find more on the topic of Background Checks, Universal Background Checks and Private Transfers at GunRights.info

    Next in the Training Segment, Rob invites podcast producer, Jeff Ott, back to the show. This week Jeff asks Rob about the use of hand-loaded ammunition. Is this good or bad? In can ultimately pay for itself in savings over 'off the shelf' manufactured ammunition. Are there any downsides and if so, what are they? 


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    SHOT Show Interview with Mike "Ox" Ochsner (007)

    SHOT Show Interview with Mike "Ox" Ochsner (007)

    In today's episode, Rob kicks off immediately following the conclusion of the 2022 SHOT Show.  Rob sums up some of his observations. Next, in today's Politics and Gun Rights segment - brought to you by the 2nd Amendment Organization, Rob takes a what some may think as a controversial position on in the Mandated Gun Training. Is this good or bad? You'd think a leading defensive arms trainer would welcome State mandated training to own a firearm. Listen to Rob's position and consider your own. Your voice is needed in this discussion.

    Then in the Training segment of the podcast and from the floor of SHOT SHOW, Rob talks with Mike "Ox" Ochsner, about 'neurological-based training' and his newly released book, Real World Gunflight Training. Mike's approach takes traditional training and drills one step further and incorporates how the brain learns (vision, balance, and hand-eye coordination) to accelerate training adaptation. 

    Listen as Rob talks to Ox and follow/subscribe to the Podcast today!

    You can find Ox's book wherever you buy books or directly from his website: https://realworldgunfighttraining.com


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    SHOT Show Wrap - Talking with Guns and Gadgets Jared Yanis (006)

    SHOT Show Wrap - Talking with Guns and Gadgets Jared Yanis (006)

    The 2022 44th NSSF SHOT Show is now in the books. This was Rob's 25th SHOT Show. (It was cancelled in 2021). No surprise, there were some changes this year. 

    In this special episode of The Rob Pincus Podcast, Rob talks with Guns and Gadgets' Jared Yanis about the changes, updates and their overall impressions of this year's SHOT Show.

    Guns and Gadgets reports on threats to the 2nd Amendment. No matter what part of the United States you live in, Guns & Gadgets is your PREMIER source for 2nd Amendment news.

    You can follow Guns and Gadgets on the following outlets:

    Listen as Rob talks to these industry professionals and follow/subscribe to the Podcast today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    SHOT Show 2022 (005)

    SHOT Show 2022 (005)

    The 2022 44th NSSF SHOT Show kicked off Tuesday, January 18 and runs through Friday, the 21st. Rob has attended the show 25 years in a row (not including the cancelled 2021 show due to Covid). There are some changes this year.

    In this episode, Rob talks to three fellow attendees, PDN Contributor - Barret Kendrick, Rafael del Valle, and Roger from Kaos Concealment  about their impressions before the start of Day 1 and then again, later in the day. All three have attended SHOT show more than once and their perceptions differ slightly on that they've experienced.

    The SHOT Show is the once-a-year gathering place for the shooting, hunting and outdoor industry—manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, publishers and non-profit organizations. It’s where a passion for firearms, ammunition and outdoor equipment, plus the industry’s unified support for the Second Amendment, are on display. In fact, there are more than 2,000 exhibitors displays on the 13.9 miles of aisle!

    Listen as Rob talks to these industry professionals and follow/subscribe to the Podcast today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC

    Startle Response, Holster Preferences and Advocacy at the Personal Level (004)

    Startle Response, Holster Preferences and Advocacy at the Personal Level (004)

    In today's episode, we kick off what will become a semi-regular feature on the podcast, questions on training tactics, politics and other areas of personal defense. Today, podcast producer, Jeff Ott steps out from behind the soundboard to ask Rob questions on:

    • The importance of the 'Startle Response' Rob introduces in all his training. Why is it important, how it is used and what the student gains from adding this to their training routine
    • Holster preferences. There are many different types and makes of holsters available. What is good and what isn't for the person interested in carrying a pistol.
    • Personal one-on-one discussions on the right to carry can be difficult. What is the best approach in engaging others who may not understand or are perhaps, frightened of guns.

    These are topics every gun owner needs to consider. Jeff will be back on future episodes to ask Rob question including yours. Submit your questions from the Rob Pincus Podcast website.

    Listen and follow/subscribe today!


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is brought to you by The Personal Defense Network. PDN is the leading destination of high-quality, personal defense video content online and a no-nonsense gathering place for those serious about arming themselves for defense in every aspect of their lives


    The Rob Pincus Podcast is produced and edited for you by Growing Planet Media, LLC. 

    Music: I'm Not Running Away by Max Brodie (PremiumBeat)

    Copyright © 2022 by Growing Planet Media, LLC