
    About this Episode

    Ask Dr Mike is a monthly show co-hosted by Dr Mike Spaulding and Jeff Dornik where questions submitted by listeners are asked live on the air. Here are the questions answered during this episode:

    I’ve seen The Gospel Coalition and other orgs say that Christians shouldn’t promote conspiracy theories, specifically with this 2020 election. Is it wrong for Christians to get into conspiracy theories?

    If the church isn’t the building we meet in, what’s wrong with obeying the government orders and gathering together in smaller groups or outside?

    Does the Bible command wives to obey their husbands? Or is there a different understanding of submission?

    To submit your questions for next month’s episode, please email gatekeepersonline@gmail.com.

    Recent Episodes from Ask Dr Mike

    Should Christians be Conspiracy Theorists?

    Should Christians be Conspiracy Theorists?
    Ask Dr Mike is a monthly show co-hosted by Dr Mike Spaulding and Jeff Dornik where questions submitted by listeners are asked live on the air. Here are the questions answered during this episode:

    I’ve seen The Gospel Coalition and other orgs say that Christians shouldn’t promote conspiracy theories, specifically with this 2020 election. Is it wrong for Christians to get into conspiracy theories?

    If the church isn’t the building we meet in, what’s wrong with obeying the government orders and gathering together in smaller groups or outside?

    Does the Bible command wives to obey their husbands? Or is there a different understanding of submission?

    To submit your questions for next month’s episode, please email gatekeepersonline@gmail.com.

    Voting Democrat, The Age of the Earth & Jesus the Healer

    Voting Democrat, The Age of the Earth & Jesus the Healer
    Ask Dr Mike is a monthly show where Jeff Dornik asks Dr Mike Spaulding questions submitted by listeners throughout the month. Here are the questions Dr Mike answered during this episode:

    1. Is it a sin to vote for Democrats? What if I can't bring myself to vote for Trump?

    2. Some say the earth is thousands of years old, others say billions. Does the Bible tell us how old the earth really is?

    3. In Matthew, the sick and even the healthy expect the Son of David to be a healer. It's not clear to me why the 1st century Jews would have expected the Son of David (which I interpret to be the Messiah/Anointed One/Rightful King) to be a healer from reading the OT.

    Covid-19 & Eschatology, the Doctrine of Separation and Criticizing Pastors

    Covid-19 & Eschatology, the Doctrine of Separation and Criticizing Pastors
    Ask Dr Mike is a monthly show where Jeff Dornik asks Dr Mike Spaulding questions submitted by the viewers over the course of the month. This is an opportunity for you to anonymously ask any Bible questions you might have. This month's questions deal with Covid-19 & Eschatology, the Doctrine of Separation and Criticizing Pastors.