
    Side Effects of Radicalism (with Bree Newsome)

    enJuly 10, 2024
    What is the difference between activism and radicalism?
    Why does Amanda Seals emphasize the importance of radicalism?
    How has historical exploitation affected present-day inequalities?
    What personal experience radicalized the speaker during the Obama administration?
    What actions do they believe are necessary for social justice?

    Podcast Summary

    • Activism vs. RadicalismActivism and radicalism are distinct concepts, activism focuses on inspiring others, while radicalism disrupts the status quo to bring change.

      Activism and radicalism are two different concepts. Activism refers to the act of activating others through one's actions and messages, while radicalism involves thinking and acting outside the box to disrupt the status quo. Amanda Seals emphasizes the importance of radicalism in challenging the norm and being more effective in our humanity. She admires figures like Bree Newsome, who challenges the status quo and keeps people considering and considering. Seals also offers a free week of her Patreon as a birthday gift to encourage listeners to join and expand their love of her podcast.

    • Amplifying voices of radical activistsEveryone can contribute to the cause of radical change by amplifying the voices of radical activists and cutting through the noise of misinformation

      True radicalism goes beyond just thinking or talking about change, it requires action and commitment. However, not everyone is capable or called to be a radical activist. Instead, everyone can contribute to the cause by amplifying the voices of radical activists and cutting through the noise of misinformation. It's important to recognize that those who perpetuate harmful systems, such as white supremacy, are not radical but ignorant and weak. Activism is a struggle for our lives, and we all have a role to play in the fight for progressive issues. Artists, activists, and filmmakers are all part of the same movement, and it's crucial to remember that everything is at stake.

    • Radicalism and systemic changeUnderstanding interconnected issues and working towards systemic solutions is necessary for meaningful change, including addressing historical and ongoing injustices and recognizing the limitations of the current political landscape.

      Radicalism, as defined by getting to the root of issues and uprooting them, is necessary for meaningful change. Radicalism is not limited to caring about one specific thing, but rather understanding the interconnectedness of all issues and working towards systemic solutions. In the current landscape, this means addressing historical and ongoing injustices such as slavery, genocide, and systemic oppression. It also means recognizing that both major political parties may not offer fundamentally different solutions and that the status quo is not acceptable. The conversation around radicalism can be uncomfortable, but it is crucial for progress towards true liberation and equality.

    • Media complicity in authoritarian regimesGaining awareness of media's role in authoritarian regimes and the importance of expanding perspective to promote solutions as a black American

      In the last seven months, the speaker has gained a newfound awareness and intentionality in learning about social and political issues, particularly regarding Palestine and media complicity in authoritarian regimes. They were previously aware but didn't fully understand the depth of the issue and the symbiotic relationship between the media and power structures. The speaker feels a sense of complicity as an American and calls for collective action to demand change. They also challenge the notion that being oppressed excuses one from being a humanitarian and caring about global issues beyond one's own community. The speaker advocates for expanding one's perspective and taking a more international lens as a black American to understand interconnected issues and promote solutions.

    • Social Justice Issues InterconnectednessRecognizing the shared experiences and solidarity among marginalized communities is essential to dismantling systems of oppression, rather than perpetuating divisive narratives.

      The ongoing struggle for freedom and equality goes beyond racial and geographical boundaries. The interconnectedness of various social justice issues, such as poverty, colonialism, and racial discrimination, requires a shift in perspective. It's essential to recognize the shared experiences and solidarity among marginalized communities, rather than perpetuating divisive narratives. The pursuit of "Americanism" or "whiteness" as a means to upward mobility can be a dangerous distraction from the real goal of dismantling systems of oppression. Instead, we should focus on building coalitions and challenging the white supremacist hegemony that continues to perpetuate inequality. It's crucial to acknowledge the complexities of identity and the importance of inclusivity in creating a more just and equitable society for all.

    • Historical injustices, ReparationsHistorical exploitation and oppression of Black and Indigenous communities have never been adequately addressed, leading to ongoing systemic inequalities and violence. Radical action, such as land disputes and reparations, is necessary for true social justice and transformation.

      The historical exploitation and oppression of Black people and Indigenous communities, which provided the initial capital for the building and funding of Western societies, including the United States, has never been adequately addressed or compensated. This historical injustice continues to manifest in ongoing systemic inequalities and violence. The pursuit of wealth and success within the existing capitalist system, which is built on these foundations of exploitation, can actually perpetuate harm rather than bring liberation for marginalized communities. Radical action that addresses the root causes of these issues, including land disputes and reparations, is necessary for true social justice and transformation. We are currently in an early phase of understanding and addressing these complex and deep-rooted issues.

    • Perspective on SuccessInstead of focusing solely on individual success in a capitalist system, prioritize contributing to something larger than ourselves for a more humanizing experience.

      Our focus on individual success and attainment in a capitalist system can be dehumanizing, and it's radical to instead apply ourselves to something larger than ourselves, even if we may not see the final outcome. This shift in perspective was a liberating realization for the speaker when they changed their definition of success as an artist. We all have the capacity to reclaim our humanity by prioritizing our natural desires and purposes over capitalist values, and this is a clarifying moment for many as we question our roles in upholding oppressive systems. The speaker encourages everyone to examine their actions and consider how they can contribute to a more humanizing world, as this is a fundamental issue that transcends industries and affects us all. The systemic issues of sexual assault in industries like entertainment are just one example of the many ways in which the capitalist system can harm individuals and communities. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to make choices that prioritize humanity and challenge the status quo.

    • Personal motivations and valuesExamine personal motivations and values, which can often be distorted by a desire for external validation and the belief that material wealth grants superiority.

      The roots of harmful behaviors, from abuse to excess, are not new and cannot be solely attributed to external factors. Instead, it's essential to examine personal motivations and values, which can often be distorted by a desire for external validation and the belief that possession of material wealth grants superiority. The cycle of abuse and oppression must be broken, and true community and collaboration are crucial for making meaningful change. It's important to question individual aspirations and consider the potential consequences of our actions on others and ourselves. Instead of focusing on material possessions, we should strive for internal fulfillment and purpose.

    • Obama administration's impact on activismThe Obama administration's handling of the Trayvon Martin case and the speaker's experiences during that time radicalized them and made them realize the need for deeper understanding of the system and the role of powerful interests in shaping policy. They encourage everyone to acknowledge the lack of full democracy and human rights for all and to work towards achieving it.

      The speaker's experiences and observations during the Obama administration, particularly the Trayvon Martin case, radicalized them and led them to question the fairness and equity of the American system. They realized that no matter how hard they worked or how successful they became, they would always face discrimination as a black person. This realization prompted them to delve deeper into understanding the workings of the system and the role of powerful interests in shaping policy. They encourage everyone to accept that we don't yet have democracy and human rights for all and to be serious about working towards achieving it. The speaker can be found on Twitter and Blue Sky for further engagement on these topics.

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