
    Simple Step: Conversations About Parenting

    en-usNovember 12, 2021

    About this Episode

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    Recent Episodes from Blended Family Breakthrough

    179. Conquer Fear and Embrace Your Blend with Confidence and Clarity

    179. Conquer Fear and Embrace Your Blend with Confidence and Clarity

    Fear is often driven by the unknown…

    …and it's no surprise that many couples struggle with all the unknown factors of blending.  Ambiguity is simply part of the blending journey.

    All the ambiguity can quickly lead to fear:

    • fear of what might happen if blending doesn't go well
    • fear of failing.  
    • fear of how the kids might react 
    • fear of the impact of an unsupportive Ex Spouse

    When it comes to blending a family, there's no shortage of realities that can create valid fear and real concerns.

    But blending can sometimes trigger fear that's somewhat irrational or anticipatory too.

    All of this can leave couples feeling overwhelmed, confused and stuck!  

    They want to move forward and build a life together, but they promptly pump the breaks on blending when ambiguity triggers debilitating fear.

    In this episode, we'll explore effective ways to work through ambiguity and fear, so that you can conquer it and embrace your blend with the clarity and confidence you need to move forward.

    You'll Discover:

    • The importance of exploring your valid fears and concerns before you blend
    • Some "yellow" and "red" flags to consider
    • How to separate valid fear from irrational, anticipatory fear
    • How to manage ambiguity for yourself and your kids

    Resources from this Episode:

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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    Simple Step: Technology Tips for Teens

    Simple Step:  Technology Tips for Teens


    Episode 178. Surviving the Turbulent Teen Years: Expert Insight and Strategies for Today's Parent - with Special Guest, Dr. Michael Bradley

    Book:  Crazy-Stressed by Dr. Michael J. Bradley

    Episode 70. 5 Simple Ingredients for Healthy Tech Habits with Your Kids — with Special Guest, Rob Hayes-St. Clair

    Episode 20:  4 Big Myths About Parenting When an Ex has Different Rules

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    We've made it easy.  Just click here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/share

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/free-call

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    178. Surviving the Turbulent Teen Years: Expert Insight and Strategies for Today's Parent [With Dr. Michael Bradley]

    178. Surviving the Turbulent Teen Years: Expert Insight and Strategies for Today's Parent [With Dr. Michael Bradley]

    Ever felt like your teen is completely crazy or maybe you feel like the crazy one — you're not alone!  

    Raising teens is not for the faint-hearted parent or stepparent.  But what if this "crazy" season doesn't have to be filled with fear or anger?  What if you could find practical ways to hold boundaries, stay connected, and experience a little peace even as you support your teen in their journey to adulthood?

    In this episode, we'll explore why teenagers behave in ways that are crazy and how you can equip yourself to better understand, support, and connect with them. 

    To help us not just survive the teen years, but discover ways to thrive, we've invited an expert to share his vast wisdom and personal parenting struggles with us!

    Dr. Michael Bradley is a clinical psychologist, a leading expert of adolescent behavior, and is the author of several bestselling books that focus on saving today's overwhelmed teens with love, laughter, and the science of resilience.  Dr. Mike has been working with teens and their parents for over 30 years as a clinical therapist. 

    If you've got an adolescent about to hit their teen years or you're already frustrated with a teen and wondering how you'll survive getting them to adulthood with everyone intact, this is episode is for you! 

    You'll Discover:

    • Why teenagers behave in ways that are crazy
    • How to love and support your teen, while holding appropriate boundaries
    • Strategies to manage your fear, stress, frustration, and anger in tough parenting moments

    Resources from this Episode:

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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    Simple Step: Meeting Our Partner's Deepest Need

    Simple Step:  Meeting Our Partner's Deepest Need


    Article:  How to Cherish Your Spouse - 10 Ways
    Book by Gary Chapman:  The 5 Love Languages  

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    We've made it easy.  Just click here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/share

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/free-call

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    177. Unleash the Power of Friendship This Valentines Day and Beyond

    177.  Unleash the Power of Friendship This Valentines Day and Beyond

    Do you remember that vibrant sense of friendship you had early on in your relationship — the strong connection that created an irresistible longing just to be with each other?

    Isn't it crazy how the packed schedules, complex relationships, and differences of perspective, take you from irresistible to irritated in no time flat!  It might leave you feeling more like business partners or roommates these days.  Or worse yet, battling foes rather than friends.

    When real life happens, it can rob you of the closeness you once experienced and leave you feeling disconnected or dissatisfied — especially when your deepest needs aren't being met.

    In this episode, we'll share some of our journey and what it took to revive our friendship and save our marriage — even when we didn't like each other very much.

    The truth is, we all need to experience genuine friendship with our partner — it's a vital aspect of any relationship.

    As Valentine's Day approaches, it's time to intentionally grow your friendship and then focus on rekindling genuine connection each and every day beyond…  

    You'll Discover:

    • Why friendship is so important in marriage
    • The deepest needs of men and women that create more passion, intimacy and emotional connection
    • The most common 'easy wrong turns' couples make that can dissolve their friendship 
    • Practical steps you can take to grow and maintain your friendship — or rekindle it

    Resources from this Episode:

    Ready for some extra support?

    You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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    176. Uncover Your Relationship Style and Gain Hopeful Insights From Our Journey

    176. Uncover Your Relationship Style and Gain Hopeful Insights From Our Journey

    Do you ever think about your romantic relationship now compared to what you'd really like to experience as a couple?

    If you ever wonder (or even feel hopeless) about how to make progress, you're in the right place today.

    Research reveals five different Relationship Styles based on a combination of things like communication habits, conflict resolution, parenting partnership, and finance management.  In addition, aspects of leisure time, sexuality, friends and family, role sharing, and spiritual beliefs all play a part. 

    The truth is that your romantic relationship has a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses across all of these aspects.

    Understanding your particular combination helps you discover where you are now and how to grow your relationship toward what you really want.

    As we look back over our journey, we've realized that different seasons of life have had a big impact on our marital experience and shifted our relationship style.

    In this episode, we'll unpack 5 Relationship Styles.  We'll also share a few surprising and hopeful pieces of our story that might help you navigate the season you're in right now to reach your ideal relationship style!

    You'll Discover:

    • Unique characteristics that reveal 5 different relationship styles
    • Strengths and weaknesses in your relationship and how to reach your ideal relationship style.
    • Hopeful (maybe surprising) insights about our relationship as we've navigated 23 years of blending. 

    Resources from this Episode:

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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    Are you subscribed or following the podcast yet?  If not, we want to encourage you do that today so you don't miss a single episode.  

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    Simple Step: Keeping Kids Out of the Middle

    Simple Step:  Keeping Kids Out of the Middle

    Resources for this Simple Step:

    Episode 175. 8 Tips to Protect Kids From Stress and Tension When Moving Between Homes
    Episode 7. Toxic Exes and Hurting Kids - 5 Steps That Help
    Episode 8. Toxic Exes and Defiant Kids - A Simple Strategy Against Lies and Slander
    Episode 33. How to Cope with a Difficult Ex and Protect Your Kids
    Episode 42. Our Challenging Story of Parental Alienation — and 6 Tips For You

    Suggest a Topic or Ask a Question  

    Would you like us to discuss something specific or answer your question on the show?  Let us know!

    We've made it easy.  Just click here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/share

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/free-call

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    175. 8 Tips to Protect Kids From Stress and Tension When Moving Between Homes

    175. 8 Tips to Protect Kids From Stress and Tension When Moving Between Homes

    Children moving between two homes WANT one thing — to be connected to the people they love.  And what they NEED most is to experience peace and freedom to simply enjoy time spent with each of their parents.

    This might seem simple, but many kids don't get what they want or need due to unhealthy co-parenting patterns.  Most often, that leads to unnecessary stress and tension for kids.

    Why do we say it's unnecessary?  

    Because parents and step-parents CAN make a difference and protect the kids.  When you do your part to follow the 8 tips we share in this episode, you'll be setting your kids up for the best possible outcomes as they move between their two homes. 

    You'll Discover:

    • 8 Practical tips to safeguard your kids from stress and tension as they move between homes
    • How to manage the challenging dynamics of co-parenting and set your kids up for the best possible outcomes

     Resources from this Episode:

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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    Are you subscribed or following the podcast yet?  If not, we want to encourage you to do that today so you don't miss a single episode.  

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    If you’re feeling extra helpful, we would be so grateful if you left us a review over on Apple Podcasts too. Your review will help others find our podcast — plus they’re fun for us to read too! :-)  Just click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and then select “Write a Review” — let us know what your favorite part of the podcast is.  Thank you, we really appreciate your feedback!

    Simple Step: Effective Dialog with Tweens & Teens

    Simple Step:  Effective Dialog with Tweens & Teens

    Resources for this episode

    Episode 174. How to Raise Confident Kids by Building a Solid Foundation for Success in Life [with Special Guest Nellie Harden]

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    Would you like us to discuss something specific or answer your question on the show?  Let us know!

    We've made it easy.  Just click here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/share

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://www.blendedfamilybreakthrough.com/free-call

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    Are you subscribed or following the podcast yet?  If not, we want to encourage you do that today so you don't miss a single episode.  

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    174. How to Raise Confident Kids by Building a Solid Foundation for Success in Life [with Special Guest Nellie Harden]

    174. How to Raise Confident Kids by Building a Solid Foundation for Success in Life [with Special Guest Nellie Harden]

    You want to raise kids who are equipped for success in life, right?  You want them to have confidence, a sense of esteem, and worth.  But this can feel like an unattainable goal in a world constantly sending mixed messages.  Maybe you've felt hopeless when you add in the wake of complex family dynamics and trauma that may have occurred in your family along the way.

    But the truth is, it's not hopeless and your parental voice matters — even in those moments when it doesn't feel that way.  

    Our expert guest in this episode, Nellie Harden, offers every parent real hope!  

    She'll share some of her personal journey growing up in a blended family as well as parenting four girls, who are all currently teenagers.  Her quest for healing and a desire to set her children up for success has brought her to where she is today — helping parents love and lead their teen/tween children in a way that teaches them to love and lead themselves while building a strong foundation of worth, esteem, and confidence.  All before they launch into adulthood!

    If your goal is to equip your kids and stepkids with the foundation they'll need for success in life, then don't miss Nellie's insight, wisdom, and encouragement in this episode.      

    You'll Discover:

    • How to love and lead kids in a way that teaches them to love and lead themselves 
    • Practical steps for building a strong foundation of worth, esteem, and confidence in our kids that sets them up for success in life
    • Insight and strategies for facing trauma and moving forward 

    Resources from this Episode:

    • Connect with Nellie Harden  - explore her resources and programs

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help.  You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home.  Schedule your free call here:  https://calendly.com/mikeandkimcoaching/freesession

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