
    Podcast Summary

    • Navajo Legend of Skinwalkers: Transformative BeingsNavajo Skinwalkers are mythical beings said to transform into animals, intriguing many with their origins and significance in Native American culture, unrelated to Skinwalker Ranch.

      Skinwalkers, as per Navajo legend, are beings believed to have the ability to transform into animals. This Native American mythology or urban legend has gained widespread popularity due to its intriguing nature. The speakers on this podcast express their fascination with the topic, sharing their personal experiences and knowledge. They clarify that their discussion is not related to Skinwalker Ranch, which shares the same name but is a different phenomenon. They also apologize for any technical issues experienced by listeners during the previous episode on Kelpies. Overall, the speakers aim to provide an introduction to Skinwalkers, exploring their origins and significance in Native American culture.

    • Navajo Belief in Skinwalkers: Evil TransformersThe Navajo believe in shape-shifting Skinwalkers, who gain power from harm and taboo, transforming into animals for terror and control.

      The Navajo culture regards skinwalkers as powerful and evil beings who gain strength from exposure and discussion. Skinwalkers are believed to have the ability to transform into animals, often through taboo rituals involving harm to loved ones or incest. This belief is deeply rooted in Navajo spirituality, with medicine men using witchcraft for good and healing, while skinwalkers use it for terror and imposing their will on others. It's important to respect Navajo culture and avoid discussing or engaging with skinwalker mythology to prevent unintended consequences. The Navajo term for a skinwalker translates to "he goes on all fours," suggesting that this person has taken on the characteristics of an animal in its most primitive form. Overall, the belief in skinwalkers serves as a reminder of the complexities and depth of indigenous spiritual beliefs and the importance of respecting cultural sensitivities.

    • Shape-shifting beings with animal transformations and manipulative powersSkinwalkers are feared for their ability to transform into animals, their speed, and their manipulative powers like voice mimicry and hypnosis.

      Skinwalkers are shape-shifting beings known for their ability to transform into various animals, often choosing those that suit their purposes, such as flying animals for travel or stalking animals for hunting. They are also incredibly fast and exhibit other supernatural powers like voice mimicry and hypnosis. The latter allows them to lure people or put them into a trance. Their strength is also heightened due to their unusual physique. Perhaps most terrifying is their ability to mimic voices, which can be used to deceive and manipulate victims. These creatures are known to chase cars, making them seemingly unavoidable. Overall, Skinwalkers are feared for their ability to transform, their speed, and their manipulative and deceptive powers.

    • Shape-shifting Entities in Native American FolkloreNative American folklore tells of Skinwalkers, shape-shifting entities that can transform into animals, exhibiting unnatural behavior and glowing eyes in human form. Caution is advised when encountering them as they possess supernatural powers and can cause harm.

      Skinwalkers, as described in Native American folklore, are believed to be shape-shifting entities that can assume the form of animals, often appearing as healthy and perfect versions of them. However, their behavior is said to be unnatural and stiff, giving away their true identity. If encountered, people are advised to be cautious, as skinwalkers have supernatural powers and can cause harm. Some believe that any damage inflicted on a skinwalker in its animal form will carry over to its human form. Additionally, skinwalkers' eyes are said to glow in human form, making them identifiable. It is important to note that these beliefs are rooted in folklore and not based on factual evidence.

    • Belief in revealing a supernatural being's true name for powerFolklore suggests that knowing a supernatural being's true name grants power over them, but methods and consequences vary widely

      In various folklore and myths, there exists a belief that revealing the true name of a supernatural being, such as a skinwalker, can lead to their demise. This belief is similar to the concept in children's stories where revealing a witch's name can result in her death. However, the specifics of how to reveal the name and the consequences vary. For instance, some believe it must be done loudly or with the intention of outing them, while others suggest drawing it on a tree and putting a nail in its heart. As a teacher, one individual even had her students turn these stories into screenplays. The concept of knowing a supernatural being's true name as a source of power is a common theme across various mythologies and can be found in works like "Lord of the Rings." While the idea may seem fantastical, it highlights the human desire to understand and control the unknown.

    • Humanoid creatures in the woodsThe woods surrounding their grandmother's house were home to terrifying humanoid creatures, leaving the family traumatized and questioning reality.

      The woods surrounding their grandmother's house held unexplained and terrifying occurrences. In the first encounter, the author and their cousins experienced a humanoid dog creature in the woods, which left them traumatized and their grandmother's dogs dead. Later that night, the author was visited by an entity at their window. The second story was a secondhand account of Patrick's encounter with a coyote that transformed into a humanoid figure. Both stories share a common theme of humanoid creatures lurking in the woods, instilling fear and unease. Despite the lackluster storytelling in the first account, the vivid imagery and shared experiences create an unsettling atmosphere, leaving the listener questioning the reality of these encounters.

    • Navajo Legend of Skinwalkers: Shape-shifting Entities in the SouthwestThe Navajo legend of Skinwalkers warns of dangerous shape-shifting entities that inhabit the southwestern United States and can provoke intruders with terrifying screams and disorienting experiences, leaving a lasting impact.

      The Navajo legend of Skinwalkers involves encounters with shape-shifting entities that can be dangerous and disorienting. These creatures are said to inhabit the southwestern United States and can be provoked by intruders, such as those who venture into old ruins at night. The legend describes encounters with Skinwalkers that involve terrifying screams, disorienting experiences, and the assumption of human form with red hair and cat eyes. These entities can leave a lasting impact on those who encounter them, causing fear and confusion. The legend serves as a cautionary tale to respect the land and its traditions, and to be aware of the potential dangers that exist in the unknown.

    • Navajo Skinwalker mythology: Encounters with shapeshifting entitiesNavajo mythology includes tales of Skinwalkers, shapeshifting entities that can assume human or animal form. These creatures are believed to be unable to enter homes without an invitation, and stories of encounters with them challenge our desire for clear definitions and classifications.

      Skinwalker mythology, as shared in Navajo culture, involves encounters with shapeshifting entities that can assume the form of animals or humans. One popular story recounts a family encountering these creatures on a desert road late at night. Despite the family's attempts to protect themselves, the creatures were unable to enter their property. This story, like others, has elements of werewolf and vampire lore, with some believing that these entities can only enter a home if invited. The Skinwalker legend is considered taboo and is met with mixed feelings due to its potential to offend the Navajo culture. Despite this, many find the stories fascinating due to their ambiguous nature and the gray area they present, challenging our desire for clear-cut definitions and classifications. Ultimately, the Skinwalker mythology serves as a reminder of the complexities and uncertainties that exist in the world around us.

    • Personal experiences and biases shape beliefs in paranormal phenomenaPeople's beliefs in paranormal phenomena are influenced by their personal experiences and biases, making it challenging to maintain objectivity.

      Our personal experiences and biases significantly influence our beliefs and perceptions of paranormal phenomena. The discussion revealed that some people, like the speaker, find the concept of skinwalkers more unsettling than other paranormal entities due to their inherent evil nature and the lack of a good outcome associated with encounters. Others, however, find it easier to believe in ghosts or aliens because they can wrap their minds around the idea of energy or the existence of other life forms in the universe. Despite trying to maintain objectivity, the speaker acknowledged that their personal experiences and biases make it difficult for them to fully suspend disbelief when it comes to the idea of a human transforming into an animal. This highlights the complex relationship between personal experiences, biases, and beliefs in the realm of the paranormal.

    • Believability of Myths and Legends: Personal Experiences and PerceptionCritically evaluate the evidence and consider alternative explanations for unexplained experiences in myths and legends. Personal bias and anecdotal evidence may influence belief, but it's essential to respect listeners' time and consider various perspectives.

      Believability in myths and legends, such as skinwalkers, depends on individual perception and personal experiences. While some may find the concept believable due to anecdotal evidence or personal bias, others may dismiss it as unbelievable. The discussion also touched upon the potential role of energy and interdimensional theories in such phenomena. Ultimately, it's essential to critically evaluate the evidence and consider alternative explanations for unexplained experiences. The podcast's hosts emphasized the importance of respecting the value of listeners' time and expressed gratitude for those who choose to spend it on their podcast.

    • Appreciating the listeners' timeThe hosts value their listeners' time and strive to deliver engaging content as a sign of appreciation

      The hosts of "Believing the Bizarre" podcast value the time of their listeners and put great effort into creating the best possible show as a sign of appreciation. They understand that there are countless other things one could be doing with their time, and it's a privilege for the podcast to be a part of that choice. The hosts believe that podcasts can even enhance work productivity, but they never want to take for granted that listeners are choosing to spend their free time with them. As a result, they strive to deliver the most entertaining and engaging content they can. So, to the listeners, thank you for tuning in, and the hosts will continue to work hard to make every episode worth your time.

    Recent Episodes from Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths

    Bizarre News and Bigfoot-like Cryptids Blind Rankings

    Bizarre News and Bigfoot-like Cryptids Blind Rankings
    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a variety of topics such as strange monoliths popping up, weird whale congregations, a psychic claiming we'll discover alien life soon, and more!

    Additionally, this month's Blind Ranking is Bigfoot-like cryptids. We all know Charlie is a super huge fan of Bigfoot... so ranking these was a lot of fun!

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    The Demonic Attachment Felix

    The Demonic Attachment Felix
    We have 3 listener submissions this week!

    Story 1-
    In 2010, Stephanie and her boyfriend's family moved into a spacious rental house that seemed perfect at first. Shortly after moving in, Stephanie experienced a frightening incident in the bathroom when an unseen presence tried to open the door while she was showering.
    Weeks later, she heard unexplained growling in the hallway, and her boyfriend's mother, Deborah, saw a shadowy figure in her bathroom and kitchen. Throughout their stay, the family encountered numerous unexplained occurrences, including constantly unlocked doors, an unusual accumulation of dead flies, and mysterious symbols etched inside cabinets that weren't there when they moved in.
    Despite the unsettling experiences, the family stayed in the house for a year before moving out. After leaving the property, Stephanie and her boyfriend's family stopped experiencing paranormal activity.

    Story 2-
    Throughout his childhood, Josh experienced several paranormal encounters in his family home, including seeing an elderly man in rags and shadowy figures roaming the halls. At age 5, Josh was so terrified by these nightly apparitions that he would sleep on his mother's bedroom floor, unaware that he was sleep-talking about "black robes" to her.
    Years later, as a teenager, Josh had a vivid sleep paralysis episode involving a burned figure and a woman instructing him to bleed the radiators, which he seemingly did in reality while asleep.
    After this incident, Josh developed an unexplained scar on his right shoulder that resembled a burn mark, adding a physical dimension to his supernatural experiences.

    Story 3-
    Sophia (anonymous) lived with her brother John and a roommate named Melissa, who claimed to have a demon attachment and practiced occult activities in their shared house. One night, while home alone, Sophia experienced an inexplicable incident where furniture was rearranged and kitchen cabinets were opened without any apparent explanation.
    A subsequent paranormal investigation revealed the presence of multiple entities in the house, including a potentially malevolent spirit.
    Following this event, Sophia experienced ongoing paranormal activity, including shadow figures, strange noises, and physical sensations, until she moved out of the house in March 2020, after which the haunting phenomena ceased.

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    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity

    The Warped Faces and Shadow Entity
    It's listener submission time and we have two creepy tales for you today! In the first story, Chris and his friend Mike were interested in the paranormal and started using a Ouija board. Initially, nothing unusual happened, but then they connected with a spirit named Adam Greene. They asked for signs of his presence, and the planchette spun rapidly and flew off the board. Another time, they heard slow, pounding footsteps behind a sheet hung in the doorway, followed by a flash of light. 
    Over time, Adam's messages turned darker and insulting, and he seemed to shift to an evil persona named "Fuzzy". Paranormal events intensified. Chris had an out-of-body dream where he flew over Mike and his parents. Mike revealed they had all seen a shadow fly over them in real life. Chris believes the entity may have been the demon Zozo based on the double Z in the name, the evil energy, and the bad luck they experienced, including Mike's uncle passing away. Eventually, they stopped using the board as too many disturbing things were happening.
    Story #2 involves Robin.
    When Robin was six, his friend Jason's father took them to a cemetery in the woods at 2-3am after giving them beer. They opened a grave, saw a skeleton, then heard loud footsteps and shrieking. Soon after, Robin began seeing terrifying faces peeking into his room at night that would vanish when he looked directly at them. It caused him great fear, keeping him up at night. One time, he woke to see a face at the foot of his bed staring at him, then his covers flew off by themselves. He ran out of the house in terror. At age 16, Robin returned to the cemetery with friends and was chased off by the angry landowner. That night, they all had the same nightmare of a ghostly female figure screaming at them from the disturbed grave. Now at 21, Robin still sees the scary faces and also hears disembodied sounds. Most frighteningly, he sees a tall, pitch-black figure darker than the surrounding darkness appearing in doorways and on the stairs. It sometimes charges at him on all fours before vanishing. Photos never capture this haunting presence. Robin doesn't believe enough in God to get an exorcism, so he is trying to cope with the ongoing supernatural torment.

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    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview

    Mike Ricksecker | Paranormal Researcher and Author - Interview
    We are excited to continue our monthly interviews with Mike Ricksecker.
    Mike is the author of the best-selling books A Walk In The Shadows, and Alaska's Mysterious Triangle, as well as several historic paranormal books. His latest best-selling book is Travels Through Time: Inside the Fourth Dimension, Time Travel, and Stacked Time Theory, published in 2023. He has appeared on multiple television shows and programs, including History Channel's Ancient Aliens and The UnXplained, Travel Channel’s The Alaska Triangle, Discovery+’s Fright Club, Animal Planet’s The Haunted, multiple series on Gaia TV, and more. Mike is the producer and director of the docu-series, The Shadow Dimension, available on several streaming platforms, and produces additional full-length content on ancient wisdom, lost civilizations, and the supernatural on his extensive YouTube channel.

    For more than six years he has hosted The Edge of the Rabbit Hole livestream show and also hosts the Connecting the Universe interactive class. He operates his own book publishing and video production company, Haunted Road Media, representing a number of authors, and winning the award for Excellent Media in The Paranormal Field at the 2019 Shockfest Film Festival.Mike’s historic paranormal articles have been published in The Baltimore Sun, Paranormal Underground Magazine, and he previously wrote an Oklahoma City paranormal column for Examiner.com (2010 – 2014). His work has also been featured in The Oklahoman, The Frederick News-Post, Marshall University’s The Parthenon, and Louisiana State University’s Civil War Book Review. He now hosts many of these articles along with informational videos and learning courses on the Connected Universe Portal website.

    In this interview, Mike Ricksecker discusses his personal experiences with shadow entities and other supernatural phenomena that set him on his current path. He explains his "stacked time" theory, proposing that time is not linear but that past, present and future exist concurrently. Ricksecker suggests some ghostly encounters may actually be "time slips" where two moments resonate at the same frequency. He also shares insights on the unique energy and phenomena of the Alaska Triangle, the possible link between aliens and shadow people, and his view that while some shadow entities may be demonic, interdimensional, or extraterrestrial, we shouldn't overgeneralize them as all being evil. Finally, Ricksecker discusses astral projection and his belief that the key to time travel lies in achieving specific meditative states, something challenging for busy modern lifestyles. His ideas provide an open-ended, thought-provoking perspective on the paranormal.

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    The Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction

    The Kelly Cahill Alien Abduction
    In August 1993, Kelly Cahill, a 27-year-old mother of three from Victoria, Australia, experienced a life-changing UFO encounter. While driving home from a party with her husband, Andrew, they witnessed a mysterious craft with orange lights in a nearby field.
    Later that night, they encountered the same object hovering above the road, and as they approached it, they saw figures inside before it disappeared.
    Suddenly, a bright light engulfed their car, and they experienced a mysterious blackout, losing an hour of time. In the following weeks, Kelly and her husband suffered from various inexplicable symptoms, including headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Kelly discovered a strange triangular mark and a scar on her body. As her memories of the encounter began to resurface, she recalled being approached by tall, thin, black figures with luminous red eyes.
    Despite the entities' telepathic reassurances, Kelly felt an overwhelming sense of evil and terror. Kelly reached out to Bill Chalker, a renowned UFO researcher, who investigated the incident and discovered additional witnesses who had similar experiences that night.
    The investigation uncovered physical evidence at the site, including chemical and magnetic anomalies, unusual radiation readings, and inexplicable marks in the field. As Kelly's story gained media attention, she became a prominent figure in the UFO research community. She appeared on television shows, participated in conferences, and authored a book titled "Encounter:
    The True Story." Despite the incredible nature of her account, Kelly Cahill has been consistently regarded as a credible witness, with no history of mental illness or apparent motive for deception. Her experience remains one of the most compelling and well-documented cases in UFO history.

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    Finland's Myths and Monsters

    Finland's Myths and Monsters
    Finland, a land of breathtaking landscapes and rich history, is home to a captivating array of mythical creatures and tales.
    From the depths of the sea to the heart of the forest, these legends have been woven into the fabric of Finnish culture for centuries. The malevolent Iku-Turso, known as the "ox of death" and "father of diseases," lurks in the ocean's depths, while the mischievous Menninkäinen, reminiscent of hobbits and gnomes, dance in the woods and delight in riddles and shiny treasures. 
    In the vast forests, one may encounter the shape-shifting Peikko, giant trolls feared as bogeymen who kidnap and torture children.
    The enchanting Keiju, delicate fairy-like beings, grace the skies and woodlands in three distinct forms: Luonnotar, Ilmatar, and Metsänneito. The enigmatic Hiisi, towering humanoid creatures, dwell in the mountains and forests, marking sacred sites and challenging those who dare to enter their domain.
    These powerful spirits can be both malevolent and beneficial, causing harm or offering aid when summoned by skilled shamans. The Näkki, a seaweed-clad immortal water demon, haunts the depths of ponds and rivers, luring unsuspecting children to their watery graves. Only through the utterance of magical incantations can one hope to escape its grasp.
    Lastly, the majestic Otso, the king of the forest and bear spirit, is revered as a friend, brother, or even a transformed human, symbolizing the deep connection between the Finnish people and the natural world.
    These mythical beings, each with their unique characteristics and stories, continue to capture the imagination and inspire awe in those who explore the fascinating realm of Finnish mythology.

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    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1

    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Vol 1
    Sleep Paralysis Stories: Volume 1

    Over the years we have had tons of listeners submit potential sleep paralysis stories, so we decided to combine a handful of them into a new, unique listener submission collection - sleep paralysis stories!
    Sleep paralysis is a terrifying experience where individuals find themselves conscious but unable to move, often accompanied by hallucinations of shadow figures, entities, and the infamous "old hag."
    Theories range from supernatural encounters to a dream-like state caused by the brain's inability to control the body during sleep. People from various locations have shared their unsettling experiences, highlighting the fear and helplessness felt during these episodes.
    Some individuals, like Madison, have had sleep paralysis for years, with recurring visions of a woman in a 1920s dress and the mysterious "Hat Man." Despite the initial terror, Madison eventually found comfort in these encounters, particularly during a difficult period in her life when a shadow figure appeared to offer support. Alex, on the other hand, had a particularly vivid experience involving a menacing dog and a shadowy figure, leaving him questioning the line between reality and dreams.
    Zacharia, a 15-year-old living in an old San Francisco house, has been sensitive to the paranormal for years. He has seen balls of light, experienced unexplained occurrences, and even encountered an apparition he calls "George."
    Recently, Zacharia has been experiencing nightly episodes of sleep paralysis, accompanied by strange noises and a feeling of being weighed down, leading him to believe that a poltergeist may be responsible.
    Kieren, who has had various paranormal encounters, including UFO sightings and experiences with spirits, learned about sleep paralysis through his studies as a biology major.
    While his first experience was relatively tame, a subsequent episode involved a shadow person appearing in the corner of his eye. By reminding himself that it was a trick of the mind and focusing on relaxing his muscles, Kieren was able to make the shadow disappear and regain control of his body.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking

    Bizarre News and Alien Abduction Blind Ranking
    It's time for a new monthly segment! On the fourth Friday of every month, you can expect Bizarre News and Blind Rankings.

    This month in Bizarre News, we discuss a wide variety of topics. From a puzzling earthquake in Turkey followed by a dazzling display of UFOs, to a mysterious neon blue cloud hovering over Quincy, Massachusetts, we explore the strange and the supernatural.
    But that's not all! We also delve into the fascinating world of paranormal curiosity, as we reveal which U.S. state tops the charts for ghostly searches. West Virginia, with its rich history and eerie landscapes, takes the crown as the epicenter of the otherworldly.
    Next, we venture into the cosmos, where scientists may have stumbled upon evidence of hyper-intelligent civilizations living in theoretical Dyson spheres. Could these advanced beings be harnessing the power of stars and black holes?
    We'll explore the tantalizing possibilities. Finally, we'll take you on a journey into the heart of the Angeles National Forest, where a hiker's recent encounter with a set of mysterious tracks has sparked a frenzy among Bigfoot enthusiasts. 
    Also, we finally have Producer Ben on the main feed and are playing Blind Rankings.
    This month, Ben has chosen 8 Alien Abduction stories that must rank, but the catch is, we don't know the list of abductions when we start ranking them.
    We hope you enjoy these new segments!

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    The Contorting Entity Hugo
    The Contorting Entity Hugo

    It's listener submission time again! The listener has requested to stay anonymous, so as always, we got a Sophia story!

    From a young age, Sophia possessed an innate sensitivity to the paranormal, able to sense the emotions and energy of those around her, including spirits. Despite her belief in ghosts, she had never directly encountered a shadow person until she was 12 or 13 years old. 
    In her bedroom, she began to feel a presence watching her, which she eventually named "Hugo." Initially, the presence seemed benign, but after a series of unsettling events, including a lotion bottle mysteriously moving and recurring dreams of Hugo clinging to her wall with large, black eyes, Sophia's fear grew, forcing her to seek refuge in her sister's room. 
    Sophia's family home in Georgia, shared by her parents, sister, and grandparents, held its own secrets. She always felt nervous in her grandparents' house, hearing strange noises at night that were dismissed as the settling of an old house.
    As a young adult, while living in a nearby mother-in-law suite with her fiancé, Sophia experienced intense feelings of panic and unease when alone in the main house, particularly while using the bathroom. These feelings eventually subsided, only to be replaced by scratching sounds and other unexplained occurrences.
    One morning, while Sophia's grandfather was confined to a hospital bed in the living room, she heard knocking and footsteps while showering. The footsteps ran down the hallway towards the spare rooms, but the door, known for its loud creak, never opened. When Sophia emerged from the bathroom, she found the door still shut and her grandfather claiming to have heard nothing.
    Shaken, she quickly left the house, marking the end of her personal encounters in the family home. Despite the passing of her grandfather, Sophia's grandmother (Nanny) continues to reside in the house, claiming to have friendly encounters with ghosts.
    Both Sophia and her Nanny have experienced moments that felt like the presence of her late grandfather, leaving them to wonder about the reality of their experiences. Though the fear was genuine at the time, Sophia now reflects on these events with a sense of curiosity and wonder, forever changed by her journey through the paranormal.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters

    Madeleine Arnoux, Marius DeWilde, and Maurice Masse Alien Encounters
    This week on Believing the Bizarre we have three incredibly alien encounters that took place in France.

    Our first story takes place in the summer of 1944, when 13-year-old Madeleine Arnoux was on a bicycle ride to pick up food from a nearby farm. 
    During a brief rest in a meadow, she stumbled upon a strange, metallic craft and tiny humanoid creatures dressed in brown one-piece suits. Frozen in fear, Madeleine eventually fled the scene, keeping her encounter a secret for nearly 30 years before finally sharing her story with the world.
    Fast forward to 1954, when railway worker Marius Dewilde experienced a chilling encounter near his home in Nord, France. One night, his dog's incessant barking led him to discover a strange object and two small humanoid figures near the railroad tracks.
    Paralyzed by a beam of light from the object, Marius helplessly watched as the beings boarded their craft and ascended into the night sky. In the aftermath of the incident, investigators discovered physical evidence supporting Marius's account, solidifying his place in UFO history.
    Our final story takes us to the picturesque region of Valensole, France, where farmer Maurice Masse had a close encounter of the third kind in July 1965. While taking a cigarette break, Masse noticed an oval-shaped object landing in a nearby lavender field, accompanied by two humanoid figures.
    When one of the figures raised a cylindrical device, Masse was struck by a beam that left him paralyzed on the ground. As the figures boarded their craft and flew away, they left behind physical evidence that would later support Masse's incredible story.
    These three extraordinary French alien encounters serve as a testament to the enduring mystery and allure of UFOs in France and beyond.

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    Want to discuss the episode on the day it drops with Tyler and Charlie? Follow on Twitch and check out the extended Twitch streams every Tuesday.

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    Related Episodes

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Skin-Walker

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Skin-Walker

    They said "lets go camping", they said it would be fun, they said we would make s'mores. But they forgot to mention the freaking skin-walkers. Imagine seeing a 6ft tall wolf or seeing a man/animal run 60 miles an hour. Well we talk about all of that and more this week. Make sure that next time you go to the woods, you are not alone and hope you run faster then your friend. 

    Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 9: Three Terrifying Dog Stories

    Creepypasta and Scary Stories Episode 9: Three Terrifying Dog Stories
    These three creepypasta stories about creepy dogs and kids will keep you wondering if you really want to venture out into the unknown world!

    Visit my website at http://www.scarystorytime.com to find out more about the stories that I write at my podcast Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time. The townspeople of Sandcastle, California will haunt your dreams at night! Subscribe to both!

    The stories in this podcast can be found here:

    About Spooky Boo

    Spooky Boo Rhodes is both an author and a podcaster. She has two podcasts available: Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where she writes her own stories and tells them on the podcast and Creepypasta and Scary Stories where she tells the creepy stories of the internet written by other authors.

    Website: https://www.scarystorytime.com
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/spookyboorhodes
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spookybooscarystorytime
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spookybooscarystorytime

    Scary Story Time is the world of horror written by Spooky Boo Rhodes. Here you will find scary stories of ghosts, haunted houses, vampires, werewolves, paranormal events, monsters, demons, cryptids, aliens, witches, and the unknown. The mystical entities in Sandcastle have been fighting the world of good vs. evil since time began. Today, crime hides within the realm of evil and very few can tell the difference.

    For more information on these stories and the original creepypasta links, visit my website at https://www.creepypastascarystories.com

    For true scary stories visit https://www.creepytruescarystories.com

    If you're interested in the stories I write, seek out Spooky Boo's Scary Story Time where you will find original horror fiction at www.scarystorytime.com.

    Don't like commercials? Check out my Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/spookybooscarystorytime where you will get a commercial-free version of all 3 of my podcasts and other sweet spooky treats.

    Spooky Boo enjoys bringing you stories of the macabre from her own fiction horror stories and creepypastas from internet writers to the true scary stories of everyday people. These stories may include ghosts, zombies, haunted houses, witches, demons, cults, the paranormal, the unknown, government x-files, aliens, black-eyed kids, and other creepy stories from all over the world. For more details on the podcasts visit the website at https://www.scarystorytime.com.

    Follow Spooky Boo on Social Media at
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spookybooscarystorytime
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/scarystoriesandcreepypasta
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/spookyboorhodes
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spookybooscarystorytime

    Visit Spooky Boo's favorite punk band at https://www.officialstayout.com

    158: Bigfoot Sightings with Kristen Doute

    158: Bigfoot Sightings with Kristen Doute

    Kristen & Luke are hanging at the ranch this week and Rachael sits them down to ask the big question: Is Bigfoot real?

    The crew analyzes some of the best clips Rachael has found and debates the existence of the cryptid. They talk about "Sex, Love & What Else Matters" Kristen and Luke's new podcast, Bigfoot, Skin-walkers and the unbelievable taxidermy in Mike Hunter's living room.

    Go to our IG to see the clips and pics!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Utah Road Trip Of Horror Episode 23

    Utah Road Trip Of Horror Episode 23

    In Episode 23, Andy and Dakota talk about Utah and the many strange things that go on in the state. From grave robbers to Skinwalker Ranch, you won't want to miss the creepy urban legends and other weirdness Utah has to offer!

    On Horror Amino and Facebook.

    On Twitter: @blackcatpodcast

    Email us the creepy stories from your state! blackcatpodcast@gmail.com

    Website: https://www.blackcatsshadow.com