
    SMACtalk Ep 60: Future of Work with Jon Perera of Adobe

    enOctober 21, 2016

    About this Episode

    What will the future look like? For businesses today this may be one of the most commonly asked and pressing questions. With the pace of change accelerating at breakneck pace, companies no longer have the luxury of depending on what is working today in order to sustain profits. As fast as companies rise today, they can fall. And for most companies, their product becomes obsolete the moment a better product, service or experience enters the market.
    At SMACtalk, we focus on talking about the biggest technology and people challenges that impact business, and on this episode of SMACTalk we bring the Future of Work from and center to the conversation. To kick off a four part series with our new partners Adobe Document Cloud, we had the opportunity to bring a special guest, Jon Perera. Jon is Vice President at Adobe and he is one of the future forward thinkers in the organization. In this episode we focus in on:
    1. Why future of work has become such an important topic?
    2. What can companies do to help people keep up with the changing workplace?
    3. How Remote and Flex Work is driving performance in the workplace? 
    4. What are the biggest trends that we will see in the workplace in the next one, three and five years?
    While there are no crystal balls for what the workplace of tomorrow will look like, what we do know is rapid change and technological shifts are going to continue to put pressure on business leaders to create highly agile environments that enable businesses to innovate in the most challenging of times. 
    Are you ready to take a look into the future of work? Join Brian, Daniel and our guest, Jon Perera in this weeks SMACTalk. 
    For more information on our Sponsor Adobe Document Cloud as well as our guest Jon Perera check out the following. 
    Jon Twitter:  @jon_perera
    Adobe Document Cloud Twitter: @AdobeDocCloud


    What is SMACtalk Live:

    For an audience looking for a business centric multi­media experience on the topics of Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud, they will have to look no further than to S.M.A.C.talk LIVE.

    Founded in 2014 as a weekly podcast, S.M.A.C.talk was featured as an iTunes “Top 10 New & Noteworthy” for Technology and Social Media. With hard hitting conversations on not only the technology but how it relates to business and the future of work, listeners can count on this podcast for a straightforward analysis that makes the future of technology more accessible and a whole lot more fun.

    Find out more about SMACtalk Live: http://www.SMACtalk.Live

    If you want to chat about having SMACtalk Live at your event or chat with our hosts please follow them and reach out to them on the following channels:







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    • FaceApp should it concern us or is the concern a positive sign
    • The Great Hack Netflix documentary covers Cambridge Analytica scandal what more can we learn
    • Where does security and privacy go from here?

    Also check out Daniel Newman's new book Human/Machine!

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    We would love to hear your thoughts on the topic.... post on twitter using hashtag #SMACtalk and @DanielNewmanUV or @iSocialFanz will jump in the conversation! 

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    Article Referenced in this episode: https://www.businessinsider.com/facebook-and-apple-argue-over-who-removed-facebook-research-app-2019-1

    enFebruary 03, 2019

    Marketers don’t get emerging technology or do they?

    Marketers don’t get emerging technology or do they?

    Marketers aren’t marketing in 2019 without technology but sadly most marketers don’t think of themselves at technologists but even more troubling aren’t doing the research to understand the emerging technologies that will massively disrupt the industry over the next 10 years. A recent Digiday survey found that 9% of marketers consider themselves fluent in blockchain…  This mindblowing stat was the inspiration for this episode of SMACtalk hosted by Daniel Newman & Brian Fanzo.

    On this episode they discuss:

    • Are you an analytical marketer?
    • Are you a marketer that loves change?
    • Why aren’t we linking data between PR, Marketing & Sales with AI?
    • Do marketers understand the impact of blockchain on the future?
    • How can marketing leaders stay up to date with emerging technology?
    • Why are marketers still measuring and reporting on data of the past.

    Blog posts referenced in this show:

    Digiday Research: Marketers lack understanding of emerging technologies

    Harvard Business Review: The Era of “Move Fast and Break Things” Is Over

    Hit up Daniel & Brian on Twitter and let them know your thoughts on this episode or simply tweet with the hashtag #SMACtalk

    @DanielNewmanUV:  www.twitter.com/danielnewmanUV

    @iSocialFanz: www.twitter.com/isocialfanz

    enJanuary 23, 2019

    Leadership in the Digital Transformation Age

    Leadership in the Digital Transformation Age

    On this episode hosts Brian Fanzo and Daniel Newman tackle a topic that they probably love talking even more than technology and that's digital leadership and more importantly what are some of the trends and changes that must be made by leadership and for leadership in this digital transformation age.  

    As you’ll hear both Brian and Daniel are extremely passionate about this topic as its the main theme that they speak about on stages around the world and on this episode they covered a wide range including:

    • How to manage with 4 generations in the workforce
    • What role does technology play in better understanding employees
    • Why big compies such as Apple, Uber, Google, Facebook, and others have a big problem thanks to their big ego.
    • Importance of TRUST when it comes to employees but also technology
    • Why we can’t throw technology at people problems
    • Is employee morale and work/life balance a leadership priority in 2019
    • Do collaboration tools increase productivity or do the data show it actually increases emails and disconnection

    These are just some of the areas covered on this episode and make sure you are following both Brian and Daniel on twitter as they share articles and content around these topics daily.  

    Also checkout Daniel Newmans Forbes Post: Breaking Down The Six Pillars Of Digital Transformation From The CEO's Perspective

    Interested in hiring Brian and Daniel to be a keynote speaker at your upcoming company event:

    Brian Fanzo Speaker Site: www.isocialfanz.com/speaker

    Daniel Newman Speaker Site: www.danielnewmanspeaks.com

    enJanuary 11, 2019

    CES 2019: What you need to know before, during and after the show!

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    It’s CES time of the year and Daniel Newman and Brian Fanzo are back again to talk about the trends they are excited about and what they expect to emerge from CES 2019 week in Las Vegas.  

    Daniel wrote a CES post for Forbes titled CES Predictions: 5 Key Themes For CES 2019 and on this episode they’ll cover the topics in this post and also debate some other trends.

    Some of the trends discussed in this episode:

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Smart Speakers
    • 5G (Real vs Fake)
    • Autonomous Vehicles and Things
    • Flexible devices
    • IoT
    • Future of Cloud computing
    • Automotive innovation
    • And much more...
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    2019 Social Media, Mobility, .Analytics and Cloud Predictions

    2019 Social Media, Mobility, .Analytics and Cloud Predictions

    Daniel Newman and Brian Fanzo are excited to be back for 2019 and have big plans for the upcoming year.  On this episode they add a new twist to the yearly prediction show by focusing on each letter of the show acroynm S.M.A.C providing some bold and also some not so bold predictions for social media, mobility, analytics and cloud computing.  

    What are Daniel and Brian’s predictions around:

    • Machine Learning
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Apple
    • 5G Real + Fake
    • Edge computing
    • Linkedin

    You’ll have to listen to this episode to find out!

    Cheers to a great start to 2019! Make sure you listen to the next episode which will be the yearly CES technology preview show!

    enJanuary 03, 2019

    How Automation Will Forever Change Customer Experience

    How Automation Will Forever Change Customer Experience

    In this episode of SMACTalk, Daniel Newman invites IBM Automation (Client) GM/VP Gene Chao to share his insights on how Customer Experience is being impacted by Automation. On the show, Gene is asked the following questions.

    • Do you have a story as a consumer to share about how automation optimized a recent customer experience for you? Or what the organization could've done better? (could be a blind reference)What are some of the pitfalls organizations must avoid when it comes to automation being part of the customer experience? What are good ways to overcome them?


    • What do you view as the key factors to automation successfully optimizing customer experiences?
    • What's the one thing you advise clients to pay attention to? To avoid complacency? To be prepared for?


    • When we think of customer experience and automation, people tend to think of chatbots - but are there other types of automation solutions we should consider?

    Packed with insights, Gene helps companies understand the ways that Automation is going to change the way people interact with companies. This isn't just customers, but employees too. But the positive thing is that automation isn't going to displace, but rather drive better experiences and a stronger movement toward upskilling the workforce to help companies transform as quickly as modern technology. 

    Don't miss this episode packed with insights for marketers, technologists and business leaders.