
    Smart Talks with IBM: AI & the Productivity Paradox

    enJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast seriesTwo podcast series, Midnight Chats and Smart Talks with IBM, offer unique insights into late-night music conversations and the transformative power of AI in business. Listen to Midnight Chats for personal stories from musicians and tune into Smart Talks with IBM for industry expert discussions on AI integration in businesses.

      There are two intriguing podcast series worth checking out: Midnight Chats and Smart Talks with IBM. Midnight Chats invites big musicians for late-night conversations about unconventional topics, while Smart Talks with IBM explores the integration of artificial intelligence into businesses with industry experts. In the new season of Smart Talks with IBM, Rob Thomas, IBM's Senior Vice President of Software and Chief Commercial Officer, discusses harnessing AI's productivity benefits ethically. Previously, Rob started his career at IBM as a consultant, knowing nothing and having to quickly learn about new companies to advise them. These podcasts offer unique insights into late-night music conversations and the transformative power of AI in business. Listen to Midnight Chats on iHeartRadio, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your favorite shows. Tune in to Smart Talks with IBM every other week on the same platforms and learn more at IBM.com/SmartTalks.

    • AI milestonesSignificant AI milestones include Kasparov losing to a computer in chess and Watson winning Jeopardy, showcasing its unexpected capabilities and potential for consumer applications.

      Even in unexpected situations, one can learn new skills rapidly and make a difference. The speaker shared an experience of learning Visio on the job and making it work for a project, despite the risks. Regarding AI, IBM has been working on it since its inception, with various advancements and evolutions. The speaker emphasized that the distinction between AI and other related fields can be blurry. The moments that stood out as significant in the development of AI include Kasparov losing to a computer in chess and Watson winning Jeopardy. These milestones showed that AI was capable of more than anticipated. While there have been consistent progress and innovations, large language models have recently gained attention due to their direct consumer applications, similar to how Netscape brought the internet to the masses. Overall, AI is an evolution rather than a revolution, with continuous advancements and breakthroughs.

    • IBM's approach to problem solvingIBM combines advanced technology with real-world applications and deep analysis to identify overlooked talent and provide valuable solutions to industries, revolutionizing talent assessment in sports and beyond

      IBM's work goes beyond just solving problems; it often involves making complex concepts tangible and providing valuable solutions to industries, as seen in their collaboration with the gaming industry and Sevilla football club. At IBM, they not only focus on quantitative data but also incorporate qualitative analysis to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the problem at hand. In the case of Sevilla, they aimed to revolutionize talent assessment in sports by combining vast amounts of data with qualitative insights, such as scouting reports and off-field factors like diet and behavior. By doing so, they were able to identify overlooked talent and give Sevilla a competitive edge. This approach of combining advanced technology with real-world applications and deep analysis is a key aspect of IBM's problem-solving capabilities.

    • Transparency in AI decisionsIn industries like sports and shipping, understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions is crucial to avoid the 'black box' problem and ensure reliable and robust performance.

      Transparency and understanding the reasoning behind AI decisions are crucial in various industries, including sports and shipping. AI systems like Watson X use a blend of quantitative and qualitative data, and it's essential to know which models were used, what data sets were fed into them, and how decisions are made. The shipping industry, for instance, faces significant challenges with paperwork and approvals, which can lead to substantial delays and financial losses. By using AI solutions like Orchestrate, repetitive tasks can be automated, reducing the time spent on paperwork and increasing efficiency. The industry's leaders might not realize the full potential of these collaborations, but the adoption of AI systems is widespread, and many are doing more than they think they are. The transparency and understanding of why AI makes certain decisions are vital to avoid the "black box" problem and ensure reliable and robust performance.

    • AI in Small BusinessesAI can transform small businesses, as shown by Sport Clips' use in automating recruitment, but the key is having the will to adopt the technology

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize businesses of all sizes, not just the Fortune 500 or 1000. The example given was a franchise of hair salons, Sport Clips, which might not seem like an industry that would benefit from AI. However, they are using AI to automate their recruitment process, showing that the opportunities for AI are truly unlimited. The challenge lies in the willingness of businesses to adopt the technology. In the case of education, universities may be hesitant due to fears of job loss or loss of control. It's crucial for there to be a will to change and adopt new technologies. When working with universities, IBM doesn't focus as much on where the will comes from, but in a business context, IBM provides advice on how to create the will for change. The potential impact of AI on reducing spoilage and improving recruitment processes demonstrates the vast possibilities for this technology.

    • AI yearsThe rate of change in AI technology is so fast that what was considered advanced in October 2022 could be obsolete by February 2023, requiring constant updates and adaptations for organizations to stay competitive

      Technology, specifically Artificial Intelligence (AI), is evolving at an unprecedented pace. This was highlighted through a discussion about a financial services client whose AI model, which had been in use since October, was rendered obsolete by February due to advancements made in just two months. The concept of "AI years" was introduced to describe this accelerated rate of change, where progress that used to take years now happens in a matter of weeks. This rapid advancement is due to constant training, fine-tuning, and data feeding that makes the models more effective. The future of this trend is uncertain, with some expecting it to slow down, while others believe it will continue at this pace. Regardless, it's essential for organizations to adapt quickly to stay competitive and make the most of their AI investments.

    • Openness in Tech IndustryOpen source technology fosters innovation, encourages collaboration, and protects against monopolization in the tech industry. Companies must adopt a culture of data-driven decision-making, delegation, and quick adaptation to stay competitive.

      In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, particularly in the field of AI, companies must be open, agile, and data-driven to stay competitive. The advantage of open source technology, which means freely available code for anyone to access and contribute to, is crucial to prevent a few dominant players from controlling the entire industry. This openness fosters innovation, encourages collaboration, and protects against the potential monopolization of technology. Companies, regardless of their size or industry, need to adopt a culture that values data-driven decision-making, delegation to the smartest individuals, and the ability to quickly adapt to new developments. This shift requires a different mindset and set of personality traits for decision-makers in tech compared to 25 years ago. The speed of technological change demands a more aggressive approach, and the potential consequences of not keeping up could be detrimental to the entire world.

    • AI and business growthOpen source AI's transparency and accessibility are crucial for business growth and human progress, but concerns about people skills, innovation, and risk-taking remain. AI might be the solution for continued economic growth due to the productivity paradox, even if it takes over some jobs.

      Open source AI is expected to win due to its transparency and accessibility, and it's crucial for both business growth and human progress. The speaker expressed concerns about people skills, innovation, and risk-taking as top business-related worries. He also discussed the productivity paradox, suggesting that AI might be the only solution for continued economic growth as population and debt growth are unlikely to provide significant contributions. Despite the fears of AI taking over jobs, it might actually be the savior of the economy. The speaker is currently writing a book on AI, aiming to create something timeless and useful despite the challenge of creating printed content in a rapidly changing field.

    • AI development and adoptionOpen-source models promote collaboration and transparency in AI development, but resistance to change, job security concerns, and organizational inertia hinder widespread adoption. AI has the potential to make the world a better place, and it's essential to stay adaptable and embrace its possibilities.

      Artificial intelligence (AI) is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and its impact on various industries is significant. Rob, a seasoned IBM executive, emphasized the importance of open-source models in AI development, which allows for collaboration and transparency. However, challenges such as resistance to change, job security concerns, and organizational inertia hinder the widespread adoption of AI. Rob believes that the paradox is not about fearing a world with AI, but rather a world without it, as AI has the potential to make the world a better place. He paints an optimistic future where AI technology continues to improve exponentially, freeing up workers to focus on creative tasks. Despite the challenges, it's essential to stay adaptable and embrace the possibilities that AI brings. Rob's insights offer a valuable perspective on the current AI landscape and its potential future.

    • Collaboration between teams and orgsCollaboration between diverse teams and organizations can lead to meaningful and innovative outcomes, as demonstrated by the 'Smart Talks with IBM' podcast.

      The importance of collaboration between different teams and organizations. We heard from the 8-Bar and IBM teams, as well as the Pushkin Marketing Team, about their collective efforts to create the "Smart Talks with IBM" podcast. This collaboration showcases how diverse groups can come together to produce something meaningful and innovative. IBM was a sponsor of this podcast, but it's important to note that the conversations on the show don't necessarily reflect IBM's official positions or opinions. This episode serves as a reminder that productive partnerships can lead to valuable outcomes. To listen to more thought-provoking discussions, tune in to "Smart Talks with IBM" on the iHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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    This is a paid advertisement from IBM. The conversations on this podcast don't necessarily represent IBM's positions, strategies or opinions.

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