
    Smart Talks with IBM: How open source can democratize AI

    enAugust 28, 2024
    What is the significance of collaboration in AI projects like Instruct Lab?
    How did Mo Duffy's teenage experiences influence her career choices?
    What are the primary advantages of open-source software?
    How does the multi-phase tuning process benefit model training?
    What makes the Instruct Lab approach unique in machine learning?

    Podcast Summary

    • Collaboration and Openness in AICollaboration and openness in AI through projects like Instruct Lab lead to significant advancements and democratization of technology, offering benefits such as a shared knowledge base, continuous development, and a more inclusive and accessible future.

      Collaboration and openness, as demonstrated in the world of artificial intelligence through projects like Instruct Lab by Red Hat and IBM, can lead to significant advancements and democratization of technology. This approach allows for continuous development, community contributions, and a more inclusive and accessible future for AI. Mo Duffy's journey into the world of open-source software began in her teenage years, as she discovered the potential of customization and collaboration in Linux. This sense of community and empowerment has stayed with her, leading her to study computer science and human-computer interaction to improve the user experience of open-source software. Her passion for this collaborative approach ultimately led her to Red Hat, where she continues to make an impact. The open-source software community offers benefits such as a shared knowledge base, a cycle of development that extends beyond individual lifetimes, and a sense of power and agency for individuals. Despite the reputation for less-than-ideal user interfaces, the potential for collaboration and innovation is too significant to ignore. The future of technology lies in the hands of those who believe in the power of openness and the potential for collective progress.

    • Open source software and AIOpen source software and AI promote community, knowledge sharing, democratization, and innovation through the ability to share, modify, and distribute code, often using open standards, and empower individuals and businesses to control and affect change.

      Open source software offers several advantages over proprietary software, particularly in terms of community, knowledge sharing, democratization, and innovation. Open source software allows users to share, modify, and distribute the code, often using open standards for file formats. This not only creates a strong community around the software but also ensures that the knowledge and tools can last longer than any single company. Moreover, open source software empowers individuals and businesses by giving them control and the ability to affect change, making it an "insurance policy" for innovation. In the context of AI, projects like Instruct Lab are democratizing the technology by making it accessible to a broader audience, enabling more people to contribute and modify AI models. This not only leads to a more diverse range of perspectives but also fosters innovation and continuous improvement. In summary, open source software and AI are powerful tools that can democratize knowledge, foster innovation, and bring communities together.

    • AI model training democratizationIBM and Red Hat's Instruct Lab platform enables anyone to contribute to the training of an AI model, regardless of resources or expertise, using a base model provided by IBM and tooling from Instruct Lab. Potential contributors could be numerous, and the platform can run models on less powerful hardware.

      IBM and Red Hat are collaborating to democratize the training of AI systems through a platform called Instruct Lab. This platform allows anyone to contribute to the training of an AI model, even without extensive resources or expertise. IBM has provided a base model, and users can fine-tune it using Instruct Lab's tooling. This collaboration between IBM and Red Hat is not the first, as they have also worked together on OpenShift AI. The potential community of contributors could be vast, with thousands of people expected to join. The level of expertise necessary to contribute is low, as the platform can build and run models for users with less powerful hardware. A business might use Instruct Lab to train a small AI model with their proprietary data on their own hardware, keeping sensitive information within their premises. This is separate from the upstream community track, where anyone can contribute to the model in a collaborative way.

    • Community-driven AICommunity-driven AI, like Instruct Lab's Open Model, allows businesses to train AI on their own data, creating a model that is uniquely helpful to them, contrasting with externally hosted AI services. Potential applications include contract review, claims processing, and data format conversion.

      The community-driven approach to AI, as exemplified by Instruct Lab's Open Model, is a game-changer for making AI solutions more accessible and tailored to individual business needs. This contrasts with externally hosted AI services, which may not fully understand a company's unique context and history. The use of the Open Model allows businesses to train the AI on their own data, creating a model that is uniquely helpful to them. For instance, a law firm could use it to review contracts and ensure they're not missing key components or exposing the firm to liability. Similarly, an insurance company could use it to make more efficient claims processing, suggesting repairs based on the company's background and past claims data. The potential applications are vast, and the ability to train the model on specific skills, like converting data formats, adds even more value. The technology is advancing rapidly, and it's only a matter of a few months before it becomes accessible to individuals and businesses outside of tech giants. The story of Instruct Lab's origin further underscores the power of open source innovation and the potential for rapid progress in AI technology.

    • Synthetic data generation and multi-phase tuningCreating cost-effective and efficient machine learning models using synthetic data and multi-phase tuning. Generating synthetic data with an AI model and fine-tuning on small, cheap-to-run models. Accessible approach, no need for months of fine-tuning on high-end hardware.

      The team behind this invention aimed to create a cost-effective and efficient way to build and train machine learning models using a novel approach involving synthetic data generation and multi-phase tuning. The process begins with being intentional and deliberate in building and training the model, then generating synthetic data using an AI model to create questions and answers based on existing data. This synthetic data is then baked into the model through a multi-phase tuning technique. The team's philosophy behind this approach includes using a system called Granite and small, cheap-to-run models that can be tuned on laptop hardware. The potential of this idea was recognized during a meeting between IBM Research and Red Hat, leading to collaboration and the eventual open-source release of the project. The team was initially convinced of the value of this idea in February, and the project involved weeks of hackfests and late-night sessions. The unique selling point of this approach is its accessibility, as it doesn't require months to fine-tune on high-end hardware and can be done on a laptop. The team is currently working towards a product release that will enable the use of GPUs for full fine-tuning once available. This approach is not yet being replicated by others, and the focus has primarily been on the pre-training phase. The team's innovation lies in the fine-tuning process, which is more accessible and doesn't require months to complete.

    • AI development processThe AI development process involves hypothesizing, testing, and optimizing, and the goal is to create a vibrant community around the use and innovation of these models, focusing on refining the contributor experience and enabling more private usage, particularly in limited-access fields. Simplicity is a key factor in the appeal of AI models.

      The development of AI models, such as those in the Struck Lab project, involves a process of hypothesizing, testing, and optimizing, which can take varying amounts of time depending on the resources available. The goal for the future is to create a vibrant community around the use and innovation of these models, with a focus on refining the contributor experience and enabling more private usage, particularly in fields where access to advanced technology is limited. The simplicity of the model is a key factor in its appeal, as it allows for wider accessibility and usage. It's important to remember that AI is not sentient and is just a tool made up of numbers and algorithms. If one could go back in time, learning Python thoroughly would be advised to better prepare for the current AI landscape. The integration of AI into daily life is expected to become so normal that it will be "boring," and the next big business application is predicted to be the use of private, fine-tuned models for exclusive company use.

    • Open Source AI PlatformsOpen source AI platforms like Instruct Lab promote collaboration, accessibility, and innovation by allowing users to fine-tune models for specific purposes, enhancing everyday experiences and paving the way for a more open and human-centered future in AI.

      Instruct Lab, an open source community platform, is revolutionizing industries by making AI more accessible and impactful through collaboration and openness. The platform, which uses machine learning for translation and summarization, is breaking down barriers to AI innovation by allowing people from diverse backgrounds to fine-tune models for specific purposes. This approach not only enhances everyday experiences in various industries, such as healthcare and insurance, but also paves the way for a more open and human-centered future in AI. The definition of openness in this context is about sharing knowledge, being vulnerable, and collaborating with others. To learn more about Instruct Lab and get involved, visit instructlab.ai or github.com/instructlab.

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