
    Smologies #17: FLAGS with E. Tory Laitila

    en-usNovember 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The History and Significance of VexillologyVexillology, the study of flags, has a rich history and cultural significance, representing countries and their histories, conveying messages, and stirring emotions. Flags come in various designs, from simple to intricate, and their adoption can be complex, involving political considerations.

      Vexillology, the study of flags, has a rich history and cultural significance. Vexillology, derived from the Latin words for "little sail," was coined in 1959 by a flag enthusiast and scholar. Flags serve various purposes, from representing countries and their histories to conveying messages and even stirring emotions. Some flags are simple, like Japan's Hinomaru, while others feature intricate designs. The process of designing and adopting flags can be complex, often involving political considerations and debates. For example, Japan's Hinomaru flag, featuring a crimson dot on a white background, has been in use since the 1400s but wasn't officially adopted until 1990 due to political tensions. Overall, flags are an essential part of our visual culture, and understanding their history and symbolism can add depth to our appreciation of them.

    • Principles of Effective Flag DesignKeep it simple, use meaningful symbolism, limit colors, avoid lettering, and be distinctive or related to other flags.

      Good flag design follows certain principles for effectiveness and simplicity. These principles include keeping it simple enough for a child to draw, using meaningful symbolism, limiting the use of colors to two or three, avoiding lettering or seals, and being distinctive or related to other flags. The Mexican flag, with its complex eagle and serpent design, may be beautiful but was a challenge for those without artistic training. The Betsy Ross flag, with its stars arranged in a circle, is widely recognized as the first American flag, although there are other contenders from the time. The "Don't Tread on Me" flag, with its coiled rattlesnake, is another symbol of American patriotism. While the origins of the Betsy Ross flag story are debated, it is widely accepted that she did sew a flag for the Continental Army. Ultimately, the accepted national flag emerged from a combination of practicality, symbolism, and historical significance.

    • Flags and Calendars: Tools for Recording and Celebrating HistoryFlags represent historical and cultural significance with unique designs, while calendars help us keep track of important dates and events, from traditional paper to digital apps.

      Flags hold significant historical and cultural meaning, and their designs can vary greatly. Some flags, like Ohio's swallowtail pennant, stand out for their unique shapes and stories. The smallest flag ever recorded is only viewable under an electron microscope, highlighting the vast range of flag sizes. Calendars can also be a fun way to learn about historical events and significant dates. Some people prefer traditional written calendars, while others may use digital calendars or apps. Regardless of preference, calendars provide a practical way to keep track of important dates and events. The "Don't Tread on Me" flag is a modern-day symbol often used for parody, harkening back to an earlier era. Overall, flags and calendars serve as important tools for recording and celebrating history.

    • Canadian flag made using nanotechnology, Hawaiian flag's historyCanada's advanced technology creates a nanotech maple leaf flag, while the Hawaiian flag's rectangular design and Union Jack canton remain unchanged, reflecting history and significance

      The Canadian Institute For Quantum Computing in Waterloo, Ontario, created a UV-printed maple leaf flag using nanotechnology. This small yet mighty achievement showcases the advanced technology being developed in Canada. Meanwhile, the Hawaiian flag, with its rectangular design featuring eight stripes and a canton with a Union Jack, was created during the reign of King Kamehameha I to help identify Hawaiian ships abroad. Despite a complicated history, the Hawaiian flag remains unchanged, having flown under various forms of government. This continuity reflects the significance and enduring nature of these flags.

    • Flags: Symbols and Tools of CommunicationFlags have historical roots in ancient civilizations, signifying national identity, marking territory, and serving as communication tools. They can signal distress, represent different purposes, and remain a vital aspect of human culture.

      Flags have carried various meanings throughout history, serving both as symbols of national identity and as utilitarian tools for communication. Originating from ancient civilizations like Babylon and Rome, flags have been used for signaling, marking territory, and expressing different sentiments. When a flag is flown upside down, it often signifies distress or an SOS signal. However, some flags look the same right-side up and upside down, making it essential to understand the specific flag's meaning. Additionally, flags can serve various purposes beyond national symbols, such as in flag football or as surrender flags. The history and significance of flags go back thousands of years, making them an essential part of human culture and communication.

    • Flags as powerful symbols of identity and intent throughout historyThroughout history, flags have represented national identity, political intentions, and historical influences, with designs ranging from simple to complex symbols.

      Flags have played a significant role in rallying people politically and communicating intentions throughout history, from the League of Nations and the Olympics, to pirate ships. The Jolly Roger flag, often associated with piracy, actually had various meanings and designs, including the infamous skull and crossbones. Privateers, legal pirates, also used flags to signal their intentions. Regarding countries with similar flag patterns and colors, these older flags often reflect national colors and simple designs based on historical influences, such as Christianity. The Nordic cross motif is an example of this. Overall, flags have served as powerful symbols of identity and intent throughout history.

    • The Fascinating History of FlagsFrom simple symbols of nations to intricate designs, flags hold a rich history and continue to fascinate us.

      Flags, whether they resemble Neapolitan ice cream or not, hold a rich history. Originally, flags were simple, consisting of one or two colors, representing the past and serving as visible symbols of various nations. While technology may advance, the importance of preserving history and the fascination with flags remains. For more information, check out nava.org. And remember, don't be afraid to ask questions and explore the world around you, as there's always interesting trivia waiting to be discovered. As a vexillologist, I find joy in uncovering the stories behind these symbols. Who knows, maybe in the future, we'll revert to simpler flag designs as retro becomes popular once again. Until then, keep an eye out for beautiful leaves or flowers and press them for a unique, preserved keepsake.

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    A donation was made to CPAWS Newfoundland and Labrador

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    A donation went to TheScienceHaven.org

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Pedagogology (SCIENCE COMMUNICATION), Tiktokology (THE TIKTOK APP), Alieology (YOUR HOST), FIELD TRIP: How to Change Your Life via the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles, Attention-Deficit Neuropsychology (ADHD), Volitional Psychology (PROCRASTINATION), Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Fearology (FEAR), Victimology (CRIME VICTIMS)

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    Hosted by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions

    Editing by Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    A donation went to Malaria No More

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usJune 12, 2024

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    Follow Dr. Ware-Gilmore on Google Scholar and X

    A donation went to Malaria No More

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Dipterology (FLIES), Acaropathology (TICKS & LYME DISEASE), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Environmental Toxicology (POISONS)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    Visit Dr. Adrian Johns’ faculty bio at University of Chicago

    Shop Dr. Johns’ books including The Science of Reading: Information, Media, and Mind in Modern America (2023) and The Nature of the Book: Print and Knowledge in the Making (1998)

    A donation went to 826LA.org and Glioblastoma Research Organization

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    Follow Lohit on Instagram and iNaturalist

    A donation went to the World Wildlife Fund

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: Entomology (INSECTS), Spheksology (WASPS), Melittology (BEES), Native Melittology (INDIGENOUS BEES), Myrmecology (ANTS), Etymology (WORD ORIGINS), Mythology (STORYTELLING)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jacob Chaffee

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling Producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Ologies with Alie Ward
    en-usMay 16, 2024

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

    Genocidology (CRIMES OF ATROCITY) with Dirk Moses

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    Follow Dr. Dirk Moses on  X

    Read his book, “The Problems of Genocide: Permanent Security and the Language of Transgression

    A donation went to student tuition at City College of New York

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    Other episodes you may enjoy: 

    Agnotology (IGNORANCE), Genealogy (FAMILY TREES), Nomology (THE CONSTITUTION), Indigenous Fire Ecology (GOOD FIRE),  Indigenous Cuisinology (NATIVE FOODS), Indigenous Pedology (SOIL SCIENCE),  Ethnoecology (ETHNOBOTANY/NATIVE PLANTS),  Bryology (MOSS), Black American Magirology (FOOD, RACE & CULTURE), Bisonology (BISON)

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    Editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jacob Chaffee, and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

    Additional producing and research by Mercedes Maitland

    Managing Director: Susan Hale

    Scheduling producer: Noel Dilworth

    Transcripts by Aveline Malek 

    Website by Kelly R. Dwyer

    Theme song by Nick Thorburn

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    Smologies #43: CICADAS with Gene Kritsky

    They are numerous. They are patient. They are COMING for the United States in droves this spring: They are cicadas. *The* Cicada guy Dr. Gene Kritsky joins to chat all about the annual cicadas you may see every summer vs. the periodical ones that cycle through the states in broods of giant numbers. Learn how they survive underground for decades, what they are doing down there, all about their lifecycle, why some cozy up underground for 17 years while others get moving 4 years quicker, plus get inspired to take a cicada safari, download Cicada Safari, and appreciate their songs, which can be as loud as an ambulance. By the end, you’ll want to don a bug costume and take a road trip to one of the 18 states expecting a periodical emergence this spring!

    Dr. Gene Kritsky’s new cicada book A Tale of Two Broods: The 2024 Emergence of Periodical Cicada Broods XIII and XIX

    Download the Cicada Safari app at the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

    Check out Gene’s website

    Also see CicadaMania.com, and follow them on Instagram

    A donation was made to Mount Saint Joseph’s cicada research in the School of Behavioral and Natural Sciences

    Full-length (*not* G-rated) Cicadology episode + tons of science links

    More kid-friendly Smologies episodes!

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    Sound editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions, Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media and Steven Ray Morris

    Made possible by work from Noel Dilworth, Susan Hale, Kelly R. Dwyer, Emily White, & Erin Talbert

    Smologies theme song by Harold Malcolm

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