
    SnapChat Drug Overdoses & AP Course Change | 2.3.23

    enFebruary 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Families Sue Snapchat Over Drug Sales, AP African American Studies Curriculum Revised, Media Bias InvestigationFamilies have filed a class action lawsuit against Snapchat for facilitating drug sales leading to deaths of teenagers. AP African American Studies course was revised due to conservative criticism. Media outlets face scrutiny for potential bias in Russiagate reporting

      Families are taking legal action against Snapchat due to concerns that the social media platform has been used to facilitate drug sales leading to the deaths of their teenage children. Over 50 families have filed a class action lawsuit, alleging that dealers used Snapchat to communicate with their kids to sell fake prescription drugs, many of which were laced with Fentanyl. The FBI is also investigating Snapchat over similar concerns. The families are focusing on Snapchat because of its role in facilitating these illegal transactions. Meanwhile, the college board has revised the curriculum for a new AP African American Studies course following heavy criticism from conservatives. The controversy stemmed from certain aspects of the course, including the inclusion of topics like queer fury, which some perceived as pushing an agenda. Lastly, an investigation by the Columbia Journalism Review into media reporting on the Russiagate narrative has highlighted potential bias in legacy media. The report found that certain outlets may have given undue attention to unverified information and speculation. The New York Times, among others, is facing scrutiny for their coverage.

    • Snapchat linked to 75% of overdose deaths among teenagersSnapchat's disappearing messages and emoji codes facilitate illegal drug transactions among teenagers, resulting in numerous overdose deaths. Authorities and families are taking action, but the challenge lies in tracking and preventing such activities on the platform.

      Snapchat, due to its disappearing messages feature and the use of emoji and symbol codes by teenagers for drug deals, has been identified as a major platform for illegal drug transactions among teenagers, leading to numerous overdose deaths. According to a report by ABC News, Snapchat was implicated in 75% of overdose deaths among teens aged 13 to 18. The families of the victims, represented by attorney Matthew Bergman of the Social Media Victims Law Center, have lost children to fentanyl poisoning through counterfeit drugs obtained on Snapchat. The FBI and the justice department are also investigating Snapchat for this reason. Snapchat has responded by becoming more aggressive in shutting down drug dealers' accounts and making it harder for users to find the accounts of minors. However, the disappearing messages and emoji codes make it challenging to track and prevent such illegal activities on the platform.

    • Social Media and Drug Sales: Who's Responsible?The responsibility of social media platforms in regulating user-generated content, particularly drug sales and minors, is a complex issue, with debates centered around Section 230 immunity and accountability.

      The debate surrounding social media platforms like Snapchat and their responsibility in regulating user-generated content, particularly in relation to drug sales and minors, is a complex issue. While Snapchat maintains they block searches for drugs and redirect users to resources about the dangers, parents and critics argue that the company's immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act allows them to avoid accountability. The new AP African American studies curriculum, which has removed contentious subject matter criticized by conservatives, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, highlights the ongoing debate over what should be taught in schools and the influence of critical race theory. Ultimately, these issues underscore the need for ongoing dialogue and careful consideration of the impact of technology on our society.

    • Florida Education Policy Changes Spark ControversyFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis has made revisions to the K-12 curriculum, removing controversial topics while facing criticism for threatening academic freedom.

      The Florida Department of Education has made significant revisions to the K-12 curriculum due to criticisms from conservatives and Democrats alike, who deemed it ideological and lacking educational value. The controversial topics, such as Black Lives Matter and Black Conservatism, have been removed from the formal curriculum but remain as options for research projects. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has been actively involved in education policies in the state, publicly criticized the original curriculum and even staged a takeover of a struggling college's board. He also announced the defunding of diversity, equity, and inclusion bureaucracies and increased scrutiny on so-called "deadweight professors," who will face more frequent performance reviews. However, critics argue that these actions threaten academic freedom. The debate over education policies in Florida continues to be a contentious issue.

    • Media's handling of Trump-Russia collusion story criticizedThe Washington Post and The New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winners, faced criticism for relying on anonymous sources and ignoring contradictory evidence in their Trump-Russia collusion reporting.

      The Columbia Journalism Review, a highly respected journalism magazine associated with Columbia University, has released a damning report on the media's handling of the Trump-Russia collusion story. The investigation, led by veteran journalist Jeff Gerth, found significant flaws in reporting by The Washington Post and The New York Times, which had each earned Pulitzer Prizes for their coverage. Gerth's four-part series revealed that these news outlets frequently relied on anonymous sources without providing sufficient context and ignored evidence that should have raised doubts about their stories. For instance, they disregarded a publicly available FBI report that debunked allegations of Trump-Russia ties and continued to publish inaccurate stories based on politically motivated leaks. The implications of these findings are far-reaching, as they suggest a need for greater transparency and accountability in journalistic practices.

    • Media's reliance on unnamed sources under scrutinyJournalism needs transparency and accountability as media faces criticism for relying on unnamed sources and potential conflicts of interest, following errors in Russia investigation coverage.

      The relationship between the media and unnamed sources, particularly in the intelligence world, has come under scrutiny in the wake of a damning report by journalist Jeff Girth about errors in The New York Times' Russia investigation coverage. Girth's piece, which includes on-the-record statements from many of his sources, criticizes the media for relying too heavily on unnamed sources and for the potential for conflicts of interest. The Times has defended its reporting and its Pulitzer Prizes, but there is a noticeable silence from the media on the issue. The scale and length of the errors in question make a public apology or retraction a significant logistical challenge. The controversy highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in journalism.

    • US government didn't shoot down Chinese balloon, surpassed $31 trillion debt ceilingConcerns about US economy, consider diversifying retirement funds into gold, Birch Gold helps convert IRAs/401(k)s

      The US government chose not to shoot down the Chinese surveillance balloon due to potential harm to people on the ground, while the US has surpassed its $31 trillion debt ceiling and the White House continues to refuse spending reductions. This raises concerns about the future of the nation's economy, making it essential for individuals to consider diversifying their retirement funds into precious metals like gold. Birch Gold offers a simple solution by helping convert IRAs or 401(k)s into precious metals IRAs. To learn more, text "wire" to 989898 and receive a free info kit, as well as a consultation with a Birch Gold precious metals expert.

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