
    Podcast Summary

    • New media landscape changing politicsDan Bongino discusses importance of new media, upcoming appearances, local politics, Daniel Perry case, waiting for complete understanding, and protecting personal data with ExpressVPN.

      The new media landscape, including podcasts, digital space, and live streaming, is powerful and changing the game in politics. Dan Bongino emphasized this point, sharing his upcoming media appearances and expressing his focus on new media. He also touched on local politics being crucial and the potential impact of the Daniel Perry case on a national level. Bongino cautioned against making assumptions based on limited information and encouraged listeners to wait for a complete understanding of the situation. Additionally, he highlighted the importance of protecting personal data online using ExpressVPN.

    • Political climate and local issues with national implicationsThe left's response to a local incident can have national implications, with groups using fear and chaos to promote their ideologies and push for collectivist solutions.

      The current political climate, as exemplified by the case of Daniel Penny in New York, demonstrates how local issues can have national implications. The left's response to Penny's actions on the subway, which involved defending himself against a threatening individual, has sparked a larger debate about crime, safety, and self-defense. The Soros machine and liberal groups are using this incident to promote their ideologies and stoke fear, with the ultimate goal of pushing people towards collectivist solutions. This strategy, known as the "Walking Dead Theory," relies on instilling fear and chaos to encourage individuals to relinquish their freedoms and support leftist policies. The Washington Post's recent article attacking Penny as a hero is a prime example of this intentional plan to manipulate public opinion.

    • A divisive case in ongoing cultural and political debatesThe Daniel Penny case, representing self-defense vs. vigilante violence, has become a flashpoint for political factions to advance their agendas, with criticisms of hypocrisy and identity politics, and accusations of defunding the police leading to heated debates.

      The discourse surrounding the Daniel Penny case has become emblematic of a long-standing "us versus them" narrative, with various political factions using it to advance their agendas. Some argue that Penny's actions were justified self-defense, while others see it as an example of vigilante violence. The left is being criticized for their perceived hypocrisy in defending Jordan Nealey, a man with a criminal record, while condemning Daniel Penny. The right is accusing the left of promoting identity politics and defunding the police, leading to chaos on the streets. Regardless of one's political stance, it's clear that this case has become a flashpoint in the ongoing cultural and political debates in the US.

    • Use of carotid restraint not deadly forceThe carotid restraint, a common Brazilian Jiu Jitsu technique, is designed for temporary unconsciousness, not death. Its use does not equate to deadly force.

      The use of a carotid restraint by Daniel Penny against Elias Nealy does not equate to deadly force. This technique, which is commonly used in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, is designed to cause temporary unconsciousness and not death. The fact that Penny is a former Marine and was taught this restraint in the Marines does not make it deadly force. The claim that it is deadly force is a misunderstanding of the law and the technique itself. Furthermore, if every Brazilian Jiu Jitsu school in the United States were to be shut down due to deadly force being used, they would all be closed by now. The incident may involve other factors that are not yet known, but the use of this restraint alone does not constitute deadly force.

    • Use of Force in Self-DefenseA person can use deadly force in self-defense or defense of others if they have a reasonable belief that it's necessary, regardless of the outcome. Intentionality is crucial.

      According to the law discussed, a person can use physical force to defend themselves or others, even if that force results in death, without it being considered deadly force. The intentionality behind the use of force is key. An example given was if someone attempts to kidnap a child, and the person defending uses force that results in the attacker's death, they have not used deadly force. The conversation also touched upon the topic of self-defense, criminal defense, and the intentionality behind the use of force. The speaker also shared their opinion on New York City Mayor Eric Adams, expressing their belief that he is a fraud. Additionally, there was a sponsor message about Helix mattresses, emphasizing their comfort and ease of setup.

    • New York Mayor Eric Adams' Handling of Daniel Penny Case Faces CriticismMayor Eric Adams' handling of the Daniel Penny case has raised concerns about his prioritization of political correctness over doing the right thing, as well as his ability to make unbiased decisions due to potential influence from liberal donors and Marxist ideology.

      New York Mayor Eric Adams, who was once a police officer, is facing criticism for his handling of the Daniel Penny case. Some believe he is prioritizing political correctness over doing the right thing, as he initially called for the arrest of Penny, but later changed his stance. Adams' past actions and statements, such as being more interested in being on TV than supporting law enforcement, have raised doubts about his character and ability to make unbiased decisions. The liberal donor class' influence on Adams' decisions is also a concern, as they push for a race-based narrative, which can hinder the country's potential for overcoming liberalism and its essentialism. The use of race as a replacement for class warfare in Marxist ideology is also discussed, highlighting the challenges in addressing social issues in a fair and effective manner.

    • Liberal Narrative of Race Essentialism and VictimhoodLiberal focus on race and victimhood hinders potential prosperity, exaggerates white supremacy threat, and promotes division. Support alternative voices and businesses, challenge the narrative, and promote unity and individual empowerment.

      Liberalism, as represented by figures like Joe Biden and Eric Adams, is perpetuating a divisive and harmful narrative of race essentialism and victimhood, which is hindering the potential prosperity of the country. This narrative is being used to exaggerate the threat of white supremacy and justify a crackdown on certain groups. It's important to be aware of this manipulative tactic and to support alternative voices and businesses that align with conservative values. The constant focus on race and victimhood is not only unproductive but also dangerous, as it can lead to further division and unrest in society. It's crucial to challenge this narrative and promote unity and individual empowerment instead.

    • Coffee and Conservative ValuesSupport companies and causes that align with your values, while staying informed and questioning the narrative.

      Blackout Coffee is a company that values both their commitment to quality coffee and conservative principles. The speaker, a coffee drinker and supporter of conservative values, highly recommends Blackout Coffee due to its excellent taste and dedication to conservative ideals. The discussion also touched upon the perceived threat of white supremacy being labeled as the major domestic terror threat in the US, with the speaker questioning the focus on this issue and the attention given to certain groups. The speaker encourages listeners to question the narrative and not be swayed by preconceived notions about groups like the Patriot Front. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of supporting companies and causes that align with one's values while remaining critical and questioning the information presented.

    • Avoid ideological traps, focus on actionsCritically evaluate arguments, condemn actions, not groups, avoid exaggerating problems, stay informed, and prepare for emergencies.

      It's important to critically evaluate arguments and not be swayed by ideological traps. In the discussion, the speaker warns against falling into the trap of labeling certain groups as one's own ideologically, even if they are abhorrent, and instead, condemn them for their actions. The speaker also highlights the potential exaggeration of problems to cause racial division and political power. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being informed and not being distracted by chaos, as seen at the border situation. Lastly, the speaker encourages preparedness for potential emergencies, such as food shortages.

    • Peace of mind during disasters and elections with emergency food kits and constitutional lawyersDuring disasters, having an emergency food kit provides peace of mind. Amidst contentious elections, constitutional lawyers like Jonathan Turley express concerns about missing whistleblowers and the FBI's inability to locate them, while Republicans plan to clean house if they win.

      The three-month emergency food kit ensures peace of mind during disasters and comes with bonus survival gear. Meanwhile, the upcoming elections are expected to be contentious, and there are concerns about missing whistleblowers in the Biden case. Constitutional lawyer Jonathan Turley noted the media's early involvement in the Russian Hunter Biden laptop story as a strategic move. Republican Congressman James Comer mentioned that many individuals with knowledge of Biden's influence peddling schemes are either in jail, in court, or missing. The FBI's apparent inability to locate these individuals and the media's intimidation tactics are of great concern. If Republicans win the elections, they plan to clean house and ensure that only those who have sworn an oath to the Constitution remain in power.

    • Biden Team Dismissed Hunter Laptop Story as Russian Disinfo, Trump Could Win GOP NominationThe Biden team successfully downplayed the Hunter Biden laptop story as Russian disinformation, while Trump's strong base and historical data give him a good chance of winning the GOP nomination. The January 6th bomber case has taken a surprising turn with questions about the devices' functionality.

      The Biden team effectively turned the Hunter Biden laptop story into Russian disinformation early on, making it unlikely for media outlets to report on it further. Trump, despite early polling numbers suggesting otherwise, also has a strong chance of winning the Republican nomination based on historical data. Additionally, the January 6th bomber case has taken a strange turn, with a former FBI agent suggesting that the devices were not functional bombs, but rather inert devices designed to look like bombs. This raises questions about the official story and the identity of the bomber. The Republican primary system, which favors early leaders due to winner-take-all primaries, could make it difficult for underdog candidates to catch up. Trump's strong base and talent could still give him an edge in the race.

    • New Lead in D.C. Metro Bombings, Potential False Flag OperationAuthorities identified a suspect in the D.C. Metro bombings using surveillance footage and a traced license plate. The individual could be an 'anti-Trump plant' attempting a false flag operation, potentially causing major consequences for Democrats.

      Law enforcement has made significant progress in identifying the person responsible for the metro bombings in the Washington D.C. area. Surveillance footage showed the suspect entering a car with a visible license plate after exiting a metro stop. Authorities were able to trace the license plate back to a retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant who had recently purchased the car. If this individual turns out to be an "anti-Trump plant" trying to create a false flag operation against the Trump team, it could lead to major consequences for the Democrats. Furthermore, the speaker discussed the cannibalistic nature of liberalism and how it eventually eats itself alive due to a lack of new targets. This was exemplified by Governor Gavin Newsom in California backing away from a reparations plan due to a lack of people to tax, and New York City and New Jersey's disagreement over a commuter tax. The speaker also expressed his concern over the left's attempts to institute the "walking dead theory" in the United States, and his commitment to preventing it. He encouraged his audience to join him every day on Rumble.com for more discussions on self-defense and current events.

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    “I never advocate leaving your gang. It's the community's job to replace the gangs. It is the family’s job to make it hard for gangs to recruit. Gangs are an alternative to feeling unloved, feeling abandoned, feeling rejected.

    “When I walk out of my door as an American Black man, my number one threat and my greatest threat in America is another n*gga killing me.”



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    Learn more and work with Tony “The Closer” Robinson at tonythecloser.com

    Text Tony yourself and join his VIP list for tips and updates at (919) 822-8525

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    Before we go, let's stay connected on social media. You can find me on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter by searching for Tony The Closer or following the links in the show notes. Your support and feedback mean the world to me, so please feel free to reach out, engage, and let me know your thoughts on the show.

    Until next time, remember to keep pushing forward, embrace the grind, and Get Yo Ass Up!

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