
    SPOTIFY FIXED - 11/7/23: Attacks On US Troops Escalate, Israel To Occupy Gaza Indefinitely, CNN Admits Censorship, Fetterman Shouted Down By Protesters, Trump Melts Down Amid Trial, Obama Team Flips On Biden, Cramer Admits Defeat By UAW, And Key Elections Today!

    enNovember 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Affordable 5G Family Plans and Financial Control SolutionsStraight Talk Wireless provides affordable 5G plans for families, while Intuit offers tools for individuals to manage their finances effectively.

      Straight Talk Wireless offers reliable 5G network and unlimited data with affordable family plans starting from $25 per line per month. Meanwhile, Intuit helps individuals gain control over their finances through its products like TurboTax, Credit Karma, QuickBooks, and Mailchimp. In the Middle East, US troops in Iraq and Syria have been attacked by rockets and drones, resulting in injuries for at least 46 service members, according to unofficial reports. The situation in the region is of concern due to the potential for wider conflict involving the US. In the news, Trump testified in his civil fraud trial, and Democrats are expressing concerns over Biden's performance in swing states based on a recent New York Times poll. Jim Cramer has changed his tune regarding the United Auto Workers, and it's election day in several states.

    • Heightened tensions in the Middle East with potential US involvementCIA Director William Burns' diplomatic visit to Israel and the Middle East aims to de-escalate tensions, but previous efforts have failed and continued violence suggests a peaceful resolution may be difficult.

      Recent attacks in the Middle East, including those targeting US service members, are raising concerns of a broader conflict involving the US, Israel, and other regional powers. The presence of significant US military assets in the region, along with high-level diplomatic visits, indicate a heightened sense of tension and potential escalation. CIA Director William Burns' visit to Israel and the Middle East is an attempt to de-escalate the situation through diplomatic channels, given his extensive experience and personal relationships with regional leaders. However, the failure of previous diplomatic efforts and the continued violence suggest that finding a peaceful resolution may be challenging.

    • Intelligence sharing between CIA and Israel amid Gaza conflictDespite safety concerns, CIA shares intel with Israel about Hamas hostages during bombing campaign, aiming to cut off Hamas' command and control, but risk to hostages from tunnel destruction remains.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is leading to a significant diplomatic crisis, with intelligence being shared between the CIA and Israel about the location of American hostages, despite concerns for their safety during the Israeli bombing campaign. The situation on the ground is unclear due to limited access for journalists, Israeli control of communication networks, and the use of tunnels and underground bunkers by Hamas militants. Israel's military offensive in Gaza City aims to cut off Hamas' command and control infrastructure, but destroying the tunnel network could put hostages at risk. The operation has resulted in relatively few Israeli casualties, but the long-term goals and consequences of the conflict remain uncertain.

    • Israeli military faces tough decision on Gaza City's futureIsraeli officials consider extreme measures, including displacement and nuclear strikes, to empty Gaza City, raising international concerns

      The Israeli military is facing a difficult decision regarding the future of Gaza City. They could opt for a brutal, potentially nuclear, attack that would result in the erasure of the city and its inhabitants, or they could encircle it and try to evacuate as many people as possible before flattening the area. Either way, the consequences would be devastating. Israeli government officials have publicly suggested extreme measures, including the displacement of all Palestinians from Gaza and even the possibility of nuclear strikes. These comments, along with reports of pressure on Egypt to accept Palestinian refugees, fuel concerns that the Netanyahu administration is pursuing the goal of emptying Gaza City behind the scenes. This situation represents a significant turning point, and the world is watching to see how the Israeli military will proceed.

    • Israeli PM Netanyahu's comments on Gaza occupation raise concernsNetanyahu's proposed reoccupation of Gaza could lead to a prolonged military occupation, requiring significant resources and responsibility for civil services and infrastructure, potentially worsening security situation and radicalizing population.

      The future of Gaza remains uncertain, and the recent comments from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu suggesting a potential reoccupation of Gaza have raised concerns about the potential for a prolonged military occupation and the challenges that come with it. Netanyahu's comments came in response to President Biden's opposition to an Israeli occupation of Gaza. The speaker argues that Israel's past strategy of surrounding Gaza with fences and allowing Hamas to govern was tenable, but now that Israel is considering taking on security responsibility, it would mean a full-scale military occupation with the need for tens to hundreds of thousands of troops. This would not only require significant resources but also the responsibility for running civil services and infrastructure, which could lead to a worsening security situation and potential radicalization of the population. The speaker expresses skepticism about the feasibility of such an occupation and warns of the potential for a prolonged, low-grade war and the negative consequences that come with it.

    • Brutal Israeli Military Response in GazaThousands of civilian deaths, widespread destruction in Gaza, urgent attention needed for resolution

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, particularly the recent events in Gaza, has resulted in a significant loss of civilian lives and destruction. The Israeli military's response to the situation has been brutal, with reports suggesting thousands of deaths, mostly civilians, and the use of massive amounts of explosives. The situation remains uncertain, with questions about the leadership in Israel and the potential end of the Palestinian statehood. The situation is not a strategy for Palestinian dignity or Israeli safety and has led to widespread destruction in Gaza. The exact number of deaths and destruction is difficult to determine due to barriers and conflicting reports, but it is clear that the situation is catastrophic and requires urgent attention and resolution.

    • Israeli military's secrecy and high civilian casualties leading to loss of trustThe Israeli military's lack of transparency and high civilian casualties in recent strikes is eroding trust and political capital, recalling past military operations with significant backlash. Transparency and ethical targeting are crucial for rebuilding trust and long-term sustainability.

      The Israeli military's secrecy surrounding their targeting process and the high number of civilian casualties in their recent strikes are leading to a loss of trust and political capital, both in the US and internationally. The military's justification for their actions and lack of transparency is reminiscent of past military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which ultimately led to significant backlash. The continued advocacy for indiscriminate bombing and the justification of killing children is shocking and unsustainable. The US and international community are questioning the Israeli military's ultimate aims and the ethical implications of their actions. The military would benefit from being more transparent and forthcoming about their targeting process and the civilian casualties, in order to rebuild trust and maintain long-term sustainability.

    • Israeli attacks on UN aid workers and facilities during the conflict with HamasIsraeli forces have killed 88 UN aid workers, damaged over 47 UN buildings, and more than 100 health facilities, raising concerns about transparency and accountability. Some argue for supporting military actions against Hamas, while others believe the US should prioritize keeping its service members safe and avoiding further involvement.

      The current conflict between Israel and Hamas has led to a significant number of documented likely war crimes, with US reporting indicating that Israeli forces have killed 88 UN aid workers, more than any conflict in history, and damaged over 47 UN buildings and more than 100 health facilities through airstrikes. The thin justifications given by Israel for these attacks have raised concerns about transparency and accountability. While some argue for supporting Israel's military actions to destroy Hamas, others believe that the situation is being made worse and that the US should prioritize keeping its service members out of harm's way and avoiding further involvement in the conflict. The actions of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in particular, have been criticized for being tied to his personal ego and political future, potentially inflaming tensions against the United States.

    • Netanyahu's Self-Serving Approach to PowerNetanyahu prioritizes power over the best interests of Israel and its people, enabling controversial figures and extremist groups, distracting from political instability with conflict, and disregarding human rights and international norms

      The current political situation in Israel, led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, is driven more by his desire to maintain power than what's best for the Israeli people or the nation's international standing. This self-serving approach has allowed controversial figures and extremist groups to gain power, further inflaming tensions and damaging Israel's political capital. The ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza is not about eliminating the group but rather serves as a means for Netanyahu to distract from his political instability and restore his deterrence effect. This approach not only fails to address the underlying issues but also exposes Israel's lack of commitment to human rights and the international rules-based order. Ultimately, this situation has significant ramifications for Israel's future and its relationships with its allies.

    • Complexities of reporting on conflicts with restricted informationAccess to accurate and timely information is crucial for understanding complex conflicts, but restrictions on satellite imagery limit reporting and decision-making.

      The ongoing conflict in a particular region is complex and unpredictable, with potential political, military, and humanitarian implications. The speaker emphasizes that those involved in the conflict may not fully understand the responsibilities and challenges that come with taking control of a security situation. Additionally, the flow of information about the situation can be restricted, making it difficult for the public to make informed decisions. Regarding the satellite imagery, the restriction of such imagery from providers like Planet Labs for news organizations and researchers in the Gaza Strip is significant as it limits the ability to report on the situation accurately and effectively. This is particularly concerning as these companies have been instrumental in providing real-time footage of wars and disasters in the past. Overall, it's important to recognize the complexity of the situation and the potential consequences of actions taken, as well as the importance of access to accurate and timely information.

    • Satellite companies censoring high-resolution imagery of GazaSatellite companies are censoring high-resolution imagery of Gaza, limiting public and media understanding of the conflict, potentially due to ownership or government pressure.

      During the ongoing conflict in Gaza, several satellite companies have been censoring high-resolution imagery of the region, leaving the public and media with limited information about the situation on the ground. This phenomenon, which started after a New York Times report on Israeli tank movements, has raised questions about the motivations behind this censorship. It could be due to the companies' ownership or pressure from the Israeli or US governments. Regardless, the lack of satellite imagery has hindered the understanding of the extent of damage and the ability to verify reports. Furthermore, journalists face strict restrictions and censorship when reporting from Gaza, adding to the limited information available. This level of control over information is significant in modern warfare, as it shapes the public's perception of the conflict.

    • Israel's control over information and high risks for journalists in GazaIsrael's tight control over info in Gaza, high risks for journalists, 36 journalists killed, lack of intl protection leads to harrowing situations, transparency and protection crucial

      The situation in Gaza, particularly during times of conflict, is marked by Israel's tight control over information and communications, as well as the high risk faced by journalists reporting on the conflict. The discussion highlighted the extent of Israel's control over daily life in Gaza, even after Israel's withdrawal in 2000. The conversation also emphasized the danger faced by journalists, with at least 36 journalists killed during the bombing campaign in Gaza, and some families also targeted. The lack of international security and protection for journalists has led to harrowing situations, with journalists reporting on the loss of lives, including their own, on live television. The situation in Gaza, with its restricted access to information and high risks for journalists, underscores the critical importance of transparency and protection for journalists in conflict zones.

    • Politicians' Approach to Press Freedom Varies Depending on Who's in PowerSome politicians have criticized press freedom during certain administrations but remain silent on the issue now, highlighting the complex nature of press freedom in democratic societies and the importance of considering various perspectives and nuances.

      There's a noticeable discrepancy in how some politicians and figures respond to issues regarding press freedom and journalism, depending on who is in power. During the Trump administration, there were vocal criticisms and concerns over press freedom, but under the current administration, there seems to be a different approach when it comes to addressing the high number of journalists killed in conflict areas, such as in Palestine. The hypocrisy in this situation was highlighted during the discussion, as some figures who were once vocal about the importance of press freedom were now seemingly silent on the issue. Additionally, there's an ongoing debate about the role of protests in America, with some politicians facing protests themselves and responding differently. The internal dissent within the State Department, as shown in leaked memos, also adds to the complexity of the situation. Overall, it's clear that the issue of press freedom and the role of protests in democratic societies is a complex and nuanced one, with various perspectives and nuances that need to be considered.

    • Dissent within US State Department over Israel's actions against PalestiniansDiplomats advocate for public criticism of Israel's violation of intl norms amidst growing public pressure for a ceasefire and international protests. Human toll deeply affects Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and collapses polling support for Biden admin on this issue. Efforts to block arms shipments to Israel indicate intl response to crisis.

      There is growing dissent within the US State Department regarding Israel's actions against Palestinians, with diplomats advocating for public criticism of Israel's violation of international norms. This comes amidst increasing public pressure for a ceasefire and international protests, particularly among young people, Arab Americans, and Muslim Americans. The Biden administration may underestimate the intensity of these sentiments, but the human toll of the violence in Gaza has deeply affected these communities, leading to a collapse in polling support for the administration on this issue. Additionally, there have been efforts to block arms shipments to Israel, indicating an international response to the crisis. In the domestic arena, former President Trump testified in a civil fraud trial in New York. While not directly related to the Middle East crisis, it marks a significant event in US politics.

    • Trump's Contentious Behavior in Civil Fraud CaseTrump's behavior in his civil fraud case, marked by berating the judge and undercutting his defense team, suggests a political response and may lead to a substantial penalty.

      Former President Trump's testimony in his civil fraud case revealed his contentious behavior towards the judge and accusations of mishandled legal proceedings. Trump's actions, which included berating the judge and undercutting his team's defense, suggest a political response rather than a legal one. The former president's conduct is seen as significant, as it may lead to a substantial penalty for his involvement in the overvaluation of assets. The case, which was brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James, has been politicized, with both parties using it to gain support from their bases. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, Trump's actions are expected to impact his future decision-making and public image.

    • Legal Proceedings Against Trump: Personal Wealth and Political Future at StakeTrump's legal woes, particularly the civil case in New York, could result in penalties affecting his wealth and business operations, and potential conviction in criminal cases could impact his political future, according to a New York Times poll.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump, particularly the civil case in New York, could have significant consequences for his personal wealth and business operations. The potential penalties, including the suspension or forced sale of iconic properties like Trump Tower, could be a potential existential threat. However, it's important to note that this is a civil case and not a criminal one, and the public perception of Trump's potential conviction in the criminal cases, such as those related to January 6th and the Georgia election, could significantly impact the political landscape. According to a New York Times poll, Trump's lead over Biden in several swing states could flip if Trump is convicted, making this a wild card hanging over the 2024 election. Despite this, only 39% of voters in the poll believe Trump will be convicted, highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the situation. Overall, Trump's actions and conduct that have worked well in the political arena may not be effective in the legal arena, and the consequences could be significant for both his personal situation and his political future.

    • Impact of Trump's convictions on the electionThe outcome of the election depends on unpredictable factors, including the timing and extent of Trump's convictions, public perception, and the overall political climate. Predictions of a Biden blowout or Trump victory are uncertain.

      The conviction of Donald Trump on various charges could negatively impact his chances in the upcoming general election. However, the extent of this impact is uncertain due to several factors, including the timing of potential convictions and sentences, public perception of the justice system, and the overall political climate. The ongoing wars, economic concerns, and potential wildcards like RFK Junior's campaign add to the uncertainty. While some predict a Biden blowout, others see a Trump victory, and anything in between is also possible. Ultimately, the outcome depends on various unpredictable factors, making it essential to approach the election with humility. The poll showing Biden losing in five out of six states has led some to call for his withdrawal from the race, but the situation remains complex, with multiple variables at play.

    • Concerns about Biden's reelection and the Democratic partyDespite Biden's intent to run, concerns about his eligibility and impact on Dems' chances persist. Traditional nomination rules may not apply, but primary competitors and suppressed awareness of the process indicate potential for a contested nomination.

      Despite Joe Biden's firm resolve to run for reelection, there are legitimate concerns within the Democratic party about his eligibility and the potential impact on the party's chances in the upcoming election. David Axelrod, a prominent Democratic strategist, expressed his concern about the potential risks of Biden running again, citing unpredictable events in the coming year. However, some argue that as the sitting president, Biden is the de facto nominee of the party, regardless of his age or approval ratings. The traditional rules of party nominations may not apply in this case, given Biden's low intra-party approval ratings and the party's efforts to rig the primary process in his favor. The presence of primary competitors, including Marianne Williamson and Cenk Uygur, highlights the potential for a contested nomination, but the party's efforts to suppress awareness of the primary process suggest a desire to avoid this outcome. Ultimately, the decision rests with Biden, but the potential risks and implications for the party are significant.

    • Growing Concerns Over Biden's Re-election BidSome Democrats worry about Biden's re-election chances due to polling data showing a slip in his performance, while others like Bill Kristol have publicly urged him to step aside for the sake of the party.

      There are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's decision to run for re-election in 2024, with some prominent figures urging him to step aside for the sake of the Democratic Party. Symone Sanders, a Biden advisor, acknowledged that the President's ambition to stay in office is strong, but polling data shows that his performance has slipped, with even Vice President Kamala Harris outperforming him in some polls. Bill Kristol, a prominent Neo-Con and former Republican, has publicly called on Biden to announce that he will not run again. Pramila Jayapal, a Democratic Congresswoman, has expressed her worry about the party's chances in the 2024 election. Despite these concerns, it is widely expected that Biden will run again, and his team will likely dismiss any criticism of his abilities. Jim Cramer, a CNBC host who previously criticized the United Auto Workers Union during a strike, has since changed his tune, praising their strategic brilliance during the negotiations.

    • UAW Labor Negotiations: Potential for Disruption and Economic DevastationHistorical labor disputes and UAW's stance against capitalism spark fears of disruption and economic devastation, but a recent deal reached may be a victory for workers. Wider implications and uncertainty remain.

      The ongoing labor negotiations in the auto industry, particularly with the UAW, are causing significant concern due to the potential for a strike. The UAW leader's language and stance against capitalism have drawn comparisons to historical labor disputes and have sparked fears of economic devastation. However, a recent change of heart from the union leader, Sean Fain, has resulted in a deal being reached, which some see as a victory for workers. The impact of this labor dispute extends beyond the auto industry, with other unions considering aligning their contract end dates and Tesla facing union efforts. The parallels between the current situation and historical labor disputes highlight the potential for significant disruption to the economy and car prices. Despite the recent change in tone from the UAW leader, the outcome of these negotiations and their wider implications remain uncertain.

    • Close gubernatorial races in KY, MS, and OHPopular Democrats and Republicans are in a tight battle for governorships in Kentucky, Mississippi, and Ohio. Local issues like disaster relief, Medicaid expansion, and abortion rights are shaping the races.

      The gubernatorial races in Kentucky and Mississippi are expected to be close, despite the usual Republican lean of these states. In Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear, a popular Democrat, is facing a challenge from Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is trying to nationalize the race. Local issues, such as disaster relief and Medicaid expansion, are being emphasized by Beshear. In Mississippi, Governor Tate Reeves is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Brandon Presley, who is a distant relative of Elvis and has made Medicaid expansion a key issue. Reeves has been tied to scandals, including a welfare scandal involving Brett Favre. In Ohio, the reversal of Roe v Wade and the Dobbs decision have led to increased Democratic turnout, and there is an abortion issue on the ballot. These races, along with others in Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, are important to watch in the upcoming elections.

    • Ohio referendum on abortion rights: Dems expected to winDespite Roe v. Wade being overturned, Dems have won 8 referendums on abortion rights. Ohio is a battleground state, but high-income suburban areas and minority turnout will impact 2024 chances.

      The pro-abortion rights side is expected to win the upcoming referendum in Ohio, following a series of victories in eight previous referendums since Roe v. Wade was overturned last year. This trend holds true in states ranging from red to blue. While Ohio is expected to be a battleground state in the next presidential election, the performance of Democrats in high-income suburban areas, such as Virginia's Senate District 31, could be an indicator of their chances in 2024. However, improving minority turnout is a key area of focus for Democrats, particularly in competitive districts in states like Georgia and North Carolina. Overall, these trends may not occur in isolation, and their significance could depend on their impact in various states.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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    6/26/24: Hillary Says 'Impossible' To Debate Trump, Bowman Trounced By AIPAC, Kenya On Fire As Troops Occupy Haiti, Ryan Exposes Pro-Israel Group Lies, MIT Nuke Expert Dire Warning On Ukraine

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    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    6/25/24: AIPAC Spends $15 Million To Oust Bowman, Media Lies About Synagogue Protests, War Scholar Says Hamas Has Won

    Krystal and Saagar discuss AIPAC spends $15 million to defeat Bowman, media lies about synagogue protest, war scholar says Hamas has won.


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    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    6/25/24: Assange Freed, CNN Cuts Trump Spox Live, Debate Predictions, Ukraine Bombs Civilians In Crimea, Macron Brutal Defeat, CNN Blocks BP From Streaming Debate

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Assange strikes deal for freedom, CNN cuts Trump spox live, presidential debate predictions, Ukraine uses US bombs on civilians, Macron faces brutal defeat, and CNN blocks BP from streaming debate. 


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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    6/24/24: Trump Flips On Immigration, Trump VP Reveal, GenZ Rages At Boomer Economy, Corporate Greed Screws Americans

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump flips on immigration green cards, Trump to reveal VP at debate, GenZ rages at boomer economic nightmare, and corporate greed screws Americans. 


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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Nvidea surge exposes possible dotcom bust, Putin North Korea screw you to Biden, Zyn online sales shutdown. 


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    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    6/20/24: CNN Biden Age Cope, Hezbollah Threatens Massive War, Boeing Victim Goes Off On CEO, Biden Gaza Pier Crumbles

    Krystal and Saagar discuss CNN blames fake videos for Biden age concern, Hezbollah threatens massive war, Boeing victim mom goes off on CEO, Biden Gaza pier crumbles.


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