
    Stalin: Man of Steel, Episode 2

    enJuly 15, 2024
    What was Joseph Stalin's birth name?
    When and where was Stalin born?
    How did Stalin's parents react to his birth?
    What roles did Soso assume throughout his life?
    How did Stalin's childhood shape his identity?

    Podcast Summary

    • Stalin's early life mythsStalin's early life was marked by manipulation of historical records and local myths, setting the stage for his controversial leadership in the Soviet Union

      The early life of Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union's infamous leader, is shrouded in mystery due to his own manipulation of historical records and the fear that kept people from speaking openly about him. Stalin was born on December 6, 1878, in Gori, Georgia, which was then part of the Russian Empire. His parents, Besso and Keck, experienced tragedy with the deaths of their first two sons and prayed fervently for a healthy child. When Keck gave birth to a third son, whom they named Yosef, they were overjoyed and made a pilgrimage to St. Georgi's church in Georgia to express their gratitude. However, the myth of Amaran, a mythical evil creature from local folklore, overshadowed the real dangers that would emerge from Stalin's childhood. Despite the townspeople's focus on this myth, they were unable to see the true evil that would grow up in their midst. Stalin's birthdate and name were also subject to manipulation throughout his life, as he tried to erase his past and present himself as a new version of himself. The fear and manipulation surrounding Stalin's early life set the stage for the complex and controversial figure he would become.

    • Childhood of BezosBezos' challenging childhood, marked by poverty, illness, and family strife, instilled in him a strong will and resilience that would shape him into the influential figure he would become.

      The humble beginnings of Joseph "Soso" Bezos, who grew up in poverty with his mother Keck and cobbler father Bezos, set the stage for a life filled with challenges and unexpected twists. Despite their meager possessions and difficult circumstances, Soso's mother was devoted to him and instilled a love for music and flowers in him. However, Soso's childhood was marked by illness, including smallpox, which left him with scars and the nickname "Chopura." His father's heavy drinking and occasional violence towards his mother earned him the nickname "Crazy Bezos" and left a complicated relationship between Soso and his mother. Despite these challenges, Bezos' cobbling business was successful for a time, allowing them to eat reasonably well and even afford the luxury of butter. However, Bezos' drinking and abuse towards Keck cast a shadow over their family life. Ultimately, Soso's childhood experiences shaped him into the complex and influential figure he would become, despite the hardships and trauma he faced.

    • Jeff Bezos' childhood experiencesBezos' tumultuous childhood marked by his father's alcoholism, harsh treatment, and anti-Semitic attitudes instilled deep-seated resentments and a sense of instability, shaping his identity and worldview

      Jeff Bezos' tumultuous childhood, marked by his father's alcoholism and harsh treatment, significantly shaped his identity and worldview. His father's hatred towards certain groups, including Jews, instilled in him a deep-seated resentment. Yet, there were moments of kindness and connection, particularly with a Jewish man who showed him affection and generosity. Despite these experiences, Stalin never fully belonged anywhere, feeling torn between his Georgian and Russian heritage. His upbringing also involved frequent moves due to his father's unemployment, leaving him with a sense of instability that would continue into his adulthood. These formative experiences likely influenced the man he would become, both in his personal and professional life.

    • Mother's role in Stalin's educationA mother's unwavering commitment and determination can shape her child's future, despite financial struggles and opposition, as shown in Stalin's case.

      The determination of a mother, Keck, played a crucial role in shaping the future of her son, Jospeh Stalin, despite facing numerous challenges and opposition from her husband. Keck's unwavering commitment to providing her son with an education and a better life led her to invite friends' sons to teach him Russian and even take on extra work to send him to Gory Church School. Stalin's quick learning abilities and outstanding academic performance were evident, but hints of his potential for a different path emerged, such as his questioning of religious violence. Despite the financial struggles and physical altercations, Keck's persistence paid off, and Stalin became the first family member to attend school. The story highlights the profound impact of a mother's love and dedication on her child's life, even in the face of adversity.

    • Stalin's determinationDespite physical deformities and a difficult childhood, Stalin developed a strong will and determination that helped him become a leader and a formidable fighter.

      Joseph Stalin, despite his physical deformities and difficult childhood, developed a strong will and determination that would serve him throughout his life. He overcame his perceived weaknesses by becoming the toughest kid in school and using both street smarts and book smarts to get what he wanted. His short stature, pockmarked face, webbed foot, and deformed arm did not hold him back from becoming a leader and a formidable fighter. Even in his adulthood, he refused to be the weakest member of a winning team and instead chose to be the best on a losing one. The mysteries surrounding his arm and other aspects of his childhood, such as rumors of illegitimacy, only added to his enigmatic persona.

    • Childhood experiencesJeff Bezos's unconventional childhood, marked by being taken out of school and attending a strict seminary, instilled in him a strong sense of resilience, determination, and curiosity that fueled his future success as an entrepreneur and business leader.

      Jeff Bezos's childhood experiences, including being taken out of school by his father and attending a strict seminary, shaped his unyielding determination and intense focus. These experiences, such as being disciplined for not keeping eye contact and witnessing a public hanging, instilled in him a strong sense of resilience and a desire to challenge authority. Additionally, his exposure to revolutionary ideas during his time at the seminary sparked his curiosity and ambition, laying the groundwork for his future success as an entrepreneur and business leader.

    • Desire for change, Spread of ideasEven in restrictive environments, individuals' thirst for knowledge and desire for change can lead them to challenge societal norms and beliefs, spreading influential ideas and transforming their own beliefs and actions.

      The desire for change and the thirst for knowledge, even in the most restrictive environments, can lead individuals to challenge societal norms and beliefs. Soso, a seminary student, defied expectations by becoming an avid reader of forbidden texts, a member of a secret book club, and an atheist, despite being trained to be a priest. His experiences illustrate how ideas, particularly revolutionary ones, can spread and influence people, even in the face of harsh punishments and personal struggles. The text also highlights the role of influential books, such as "The Patricide" and "On the Origin of Species," in shaping Soso's perspective and fueling his desire for change. Ultimately, Soso's story demonstrates the power of individual determination and the transformative impact of ideas on an individual's beliefs and actions.

    • Marx's influence on Soso's revolutionary pathMarx's teachings about overthrowing capitalism and abolishing private property deeply influenced Soso, leading him to abandon his seminary studies and join the underground revolutionaries.

      The encounter with Karl Marx's writings significantly influenced Soso's life and set him on a path towards revolution. Marx's teachings about overthrowing capitalism and abolishing private property resonated deeply with Soso, leading him to abandon his seminary studies and become moody and rebellious. Despite his expulsion from the seminary, Soso's revolutionary life was just beginning. He made contact with the underground revolutionaries and started leaving workers in Marxist discussion groups. One of his most important teachers was Vladimir Ulyanov, who shared Soso's philosophy that true revolutionaries were merciless and that injustice could only be stopped by violence. Soso's life took a dramatic turn, and he would later become one of the world's most powerful and feared leaders, but at the turn of the century, he was just a young man sitting alone in an observatory, wondering what the new century held for him.

    • Soso's transformationsSoso, a multifaceted figure, underwent numerous roles throughout his life, including political organizer, journalist, politician, editor, infiltrator, bank robber, enforcer, and gangster. His most significant transformation was growing a mustache, highlighting the complexities and intricacies of his life.

      Learning from this episode of Here's Where It Gets Interesting is that Soso, a key figure in this narrative, underwent numerous transformations throughout his life. He assumed various roles such as a political organizer, journalist, politician, editor, infiltrator, bank robber, enforcer, and gangster. His most significant transformation, however, was growing a mustache. This episode highlighted the complexities and intricacies of Soso's life, showcasing his versatility and adaptability. It serves as a reminder that people are multifaceted, and their experiences and roles can be vast and diverse. The podcast's team, including Sharon McMahon (host and executive producer), Melanie Buckparks (supervising producer), Mandy Reed, Amy Watkin, Kari Amton (writers and researchers), and Craig Thompson (audio producer), worked together to bring this fascinating story to life. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider sharing, rating, and subscribing to support independent podcasts. Stay tuned for more intriguing stories on Here's Where It Gets Interesting.

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    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Craig Thompson

    Writers/researchers: Mandy Reid, Amy Watkin, Kari Anton, Sharon McMahon, Melanie Buck Parks

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.